#!/usr/bin/env python3 import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse import base64 import json import argparse import sys import ssl from urllib.error import HTTPError from urllib.error import URLError plugin_description = \ """ Check HTTP JSON Nagios Plugin Generic Nagios plugin which checks json values from a given endpoint against argument specified rules and determines the status and performance data for that service. """ OK_CODE = 0 WARNING_CODE = 1 CRITICAL_CODE = 2 UNKNOWN_CODE = 3 __version__ = '2.2.0' __version_date__ = '2024-05-14' class NagiosHelper: """ Help with Nagios specific status string formatting. """ message_prefixes = {OK_CODE: 'OK', WARNING_CODE: 'WARNING', CRITICAL_CODE: 'CRITICAL', UNKNOWN_CODE: 'UNKNOWN'} performance_data = '' warning_message = '' critical_message = '' unknown_message = '' def getMessage(self, message=''): """ Build a status-prefixed message with optional performance data generated externally """ message += self.warning_message message += self.critical_message message += self.unknown_message code = self.message_prefixes[self.getCode()] output = "{code}: Status {code}. {message}".format(code=code, message=message.strip()) if self.performance_data: output = "{code}: {perf_data} Status {code}. {message}|{perf_data}".format( code=code, message=message.strip(), perf_data=self.performance_data) return output.strip() def getCode(self): code = OK_CODE if (self.warning_message != ''): code = WARNING_CODE if (self.critical_message != ''): code = CRITICAL_CODE if (self.unknown_message != ''): code = UNKNOWN_CODE return code def append_message(self, code, msg): if code > 2 or code < 0: self.unknown_message += msg if code == 1: self.warning_message += msg if code == 2: self.critical_message += msg def append_metrics(self, metrics): (performance_data, warning_message, critical_message) = metrics self.performance_data += performance_data self.append_message(WARNING_CODE, warning_message) self.append_message(CRITICAL_CODE, critical_message) class JsonHelper: """ Perform simple comparison operations against values in a given JSON dict """ def __init__(self, json_data, separator, value_separator): self.data = json_data self.separator = separator self.value_separator = value_separator self.arrayOpener = '(' self.arrayCloser = ')' def getSubElement(self, key, data): separatorIndex = key.find(self.separator) partialKey = key[:separatorIndex] remainingKey = key[separatorIndex + 1:] if partialKey in data: return self.get(remainingKey, data[partialKey]) return (None, 'not_found') def getSubArrayElement(self, key, data): subElemKey = key[:key.find(self.arrayOpener)] index = int(key[key.find(self.arrayOpener) + 1:key.find(self.arrayCloser)]) remainingKey = key[key.find(self.arrayCloser + self.separator) + 2:] if key.find(self.arrayCloser + self.separator) == -1: remainingKey = key[key.find(self.arrayCloser) + 1:] if subElemKey in data: if index < len(data[subElemKey]): return self.get(remainingKey, data[subElemKey][index]) else: return (None, 'not_found') if index >= len(data): return (None, 'not_found') else: if not subElemKey: return self.get(remainingKey, data[index]) else: return (None, 'not_found') def equals(self, key, value): return self.exists(key) and \ str(self.get(key)) in value.split(self.value_separator) def lte(self, key, value): return self.exists(key) and float(self.get(key)) <= float(value) def lt(self, key, value): return self.exists(key) and float(self.get(key)) < float(value) def gte(self, key, value): return self.exists(key) and float(self.get(key)) >= float(value) def gt(self, key, value): return self.exists(key) and float(self.get(key)) > float(value) def exists(self, key): return (self.get(key) != (None, 'not_found')) def get(self, key, temp_data=''): """ Can navigate nested json keys with a dot format (Element.Key.NestedKey). Returns (None, 'not_found') if not found """ if temp_data != '': data = temp_data else: data = self.data if len(key) <= 0: return data if key.find(self.separator) != -1 and \ key.find(self.arrayOpener) != -1: if key.find(self.separator) < key.find(self.arrayOpener): return self.getSubElement(key, data) else: return self.getSubArrayElement(key, data) else: if key.find(self.separator) != -1: return self.getSubElement(key, data) else: if key.find(self.arrayOpener) != -1: return self.getSubArrayElement(key, data) else: if isinstance(data, dict) and key in data: return data[key] else: return (None, 'not_found') def expandKey(self, key, keys): if '(*)' not in key: keys.append(key) return keys subElemKey = '' if key.find('(*)') > 0: subElemKey = key[:key.find('(*)')-1] remainingKey = key[key.find('(*)')+3:] elemData = self.get(subElemKey) if elemData == (None, 'not_found'): keys.append(key) return keys if subElemKey != '': subElemKey = subElemKey + '.' for i in range(len(elemData)): newKey = subElemKey + '(' + str(i) + ')' + remainingKey newKeys = self.expandKey(newKey, []) for j in newKeys: keys.append(j) return keys def _getKeyAlias(original_key): key = original_key alias = original_key if '>' in original_key: keys = original_key.split('>') if len(keys) == 2: key, alias = keys return key, alias class JsonRuleProcessor: """ Perform checks and gather values from a JSON dict given rules and metrics definitions """ def __init__(self, json_data, rules_args): self.data = json_data self.rules = rules_args separator = '.' value_separator = ':' if self.rules.separator: separator = self.rules.separator if self.rules.value_separator: value_separator = self.rules.value_separator self.helper = JsonHelper(self.data, separator, value_separator) debugPrint(rules_args.debug, "rules: %s" % rules_args) debugPrint(rules_args.debug, "separator: %s" % separator) debugPrint(rules_args.debug, "value_separator: %s" % value_separator) self.metric_list = self.expandKeys(self.rules.metric_list) self.key_threshold_warning = self.expandKeys( self.rules.key_threshold_warning) self.key_threshold_critical = self.expandKeys( self.rules.key_threshold_critical) self.key_value_list = self.expandKeys(self.rules.key_value_list) self.key_value_list_not = self.expandKeys( self.rules.key_value_list_not) self.key_list = self.expandKeys(self.rules.key_list) self.key_value_list_critical = self.expandKeys( self.rules.key_value_list_critical) self.key_value_list_not_critical = self.expandKeys( self.rules.key_value_list_not_critical) self.key_list_critical = self.expandKeys(self.rules.key_list_critical) self.key_value_list_unknown = self.expandKeys( self.rules.key_value_list_unknown) def expandKeys(self, src): if src is None: return [] dest = [] for key in src: newKeys = self.helper.expandKey(key, []) for k in newKeys: dest.append(k) return dest def checkExists(self, exists_list): failure = '' for k in exists_list: key, alias = _getKeyAlias(k) if (self.helper.exists(key) is False): failure += " Key %s did not exist." % alias return failure def checkEquality(self, equality_list): failure = '' for kv in equality_list: k, v = kv.split(',') key, alias = _getKeyAlias(k) if not self.helper.equals(key, v): failure += " Key %s mismatch. %s != %s" % (alias, v, self.helper.get(key)) return failure def checkNonEquality(self, equality_list): failure = '' for kv in equality_list: k, v = kv.split(',') key, alias = _getKeyAlias(k) if self.helper.equals(key, v): failure += " Key %s match found. %s == %s" % (alias, v, self.helper.get(key)) return failure def checkThreshold(self, key, alias, r): failure = '' invert = False start = 0 end = 'infinity' if r.startswith('@'): invert = True r = r[1:] vals = r.split(':') if len(vals) == 1: end = vals[0] if len(vals) == 2: start = vals[0] if vals[1] != '': end = vals[1] if(start == '~'): if (invert and self.helper.lte(key, end)): failure += " Value (%s) for key %s was less than or equal to %s." % \ (self.helper.get(key), alias, end) elif (not invert and self.helper.gt(key, end)): failure += " Value (%s) for key %s was greater than %s." % \ (self.helper.get(key), alias, end) elif(end == 'infinity'): if (invert and self.helper.gte(key, start)): failure += " Value (%s) for key %s was greater than or equal to %s." % \ (self.helper.get(key), alias, start) elif (not invert and self.helper.lt(key, start)): failure += " Value (%s) for key %s was less than %s." % \ (self.helper.get(key), alias, start) else: if (invert and self.helper.gte(key, start) and self.helper.lte(key, end)): failure += " Value (%s) for key %s was inside the range %s:%s." % \ (self.helper.get(key), alias, start, end) elif (not invert and (self.helper.lt(key, start) or self.helper.gt(key, end))): failure += " Value (%s) for key %s was outside the range %s:%s." % \ (self.helper.get(key), alias, start, end) return failure def checkThresholds(self, threshold_list): failure = '' for threshold in threshold_list: k, r = threshold.split(',') key, alias = _getKeyAlias(k) failure += self.checkThreshold(key, alias, r) return failure def checkWarning(self): failure = '' if self.key_threshold_warning is not None: failure += self.checkThresholds(self.key_threshold_warning) if self.key_value_list is not None: failure += self.checkEquality(self.key_value_list) if self.key_value_list_not is not None: failure += self.checkNonEquality(self.key_value_list_not) if self.key_list is not None: failure += self.checkExists(self.key_list) return failure def checkCritical(self): failure = '' if not self.data: failure = " Empty JSON data." if self.key_threshold_critical is not None: failure += self.checkThresholds(self.key_threshold_critical) if self.key_value_list_critical is not None: failure += self.checkEquality(self.key_value_list_critical) if self.key_value_list_not_critical is not None: failure += self.checkNonEquality(self.key_value_list_not_critical) if self.key_list_critical is not None: failure += self.checkExists(self.key_list_critical) return failure def checkUnknown(self): unknown = '' if self.key_value_list_unknown is not None: unknown += self.checkEquality(self.key_value_list_unknown) return unknown def checkMetrics(self): """ Return a Nagios specific performance metrics string given keys and parameter definitions """ metrics = '' warning = '' critical = '' if self.metric_list is not None: for metric in self.metric_list: key = metric minimum = maximum = warn_range = crit_range = None uom = '' if ',' in metric: vals = metric.split(',') if len(vals) == 2: key, uom = vals if len(vals) == 4: key, uom, warn_range, crit_range = vals if len(vals) == 6: key, uom, warn_range, crit_range, \ minimum, maximum = vals key, alias = _getKeyAlias(key) if self.helper.exists(key): metrics += "'%s'=%s" % (alias, self.helper.get(key)) if uom: metrics += uom if warn_range is not None: warning += self.checkThreshold(key, alias, warn_range) metrics += ";%s" % warn_range if crit_range is not None: critical += self.checkThreshold(key, alias, crit_range) metrics += ";%s" % crit_range if minimum is not None: critical += self.checkThreshold(key, alias, minimum + ':') metrics += ";%s" % minimum if maximum is not None: critical += self.checkThreshold(key, alias, '~:' + maximum) metrics += ";%s" % maximum metrics += ' ' return ("%s" % metrics, warning, critical) def parseArgs(args): """ CLI argument definitions and parsing """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=plugin_description + '\n\nVersion: %s (%s)' %(__version__, __version_date__), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='debug mode') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0, help='Verbose mode. Multiple -v options increase the verbosity') parser.add_argument('-s', '--ssl', action='store_true', help='use TLS to connect to remote host') parser.add_argument('-H', '--host', dest='host', required=not ('-V' in args or '--version' in args), help='remote host to query') parser.add_argument('-k', '--insecure', action='store_true', help='do not check server SSL certificate') parser.add_argument('-X', '--request', dest='method', default='GET', choices=['GET', 'POST'], help='Specifies a custom request method to use when communicating with the HTTP server') parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='store_true', help='print version of this plugin') parser.add_argument('--cacert', dest='cacert', help='SSL CA certificate') parser.add_argument('--cert', dest='cert', help='SSL client certificate') parser.add_argument('--key', dest='key', help='SSL client key ( if not bundled into the cert )') parser.add_argument('-P', '--port', dest='port', help='TCP port') parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', dest='path', help='Path') parser.add_argument('-t', '--timeout', type=int, help='Connection timeout (seconds)') parser.add_argument('--unreachable-state', type=int, default=3, help='Exit with specified code if URL unreachable. Examples: 1 for Warning, 2 for Critical, 3 for Unknown (default: 3)') parser.add_argument('-B', '--basic-auth', dest='auth', help='Basic auth string "username:password"') parser.add_argument('-D', '--data', dest='data', help='The http payload to send as a POST') parser.add_argument('-A', '--headers', dest='headers', help='The http headers in JSON format.') parser.add_argument('-f', '--field_separator', dest='separator', help='''JSON Field separator, defaults to "."; Select element in an array with "(" ")"''') parser.add_argument('-F', '--value_separator', dest='value_separator', help='''JSON Value separator, defaults to ":"''') parser.add_argument('-w', '--warning', dest='key_threshold_warning', nargs='*', help='''Warning threshold for these values (key1[>alias],WarnRange key2[>alias],WarnRange). WarnRange is in the format [@]start:end, more information at nagios-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html.''') parser.add_argument('-c', '--critical', dest='key_threshold_critical', nargs='*', help='''Critical threshold for these values (key1[>alias],CriticalRange key2[>alias],CriticalRange. CriticalRange is in the format [@]start:end, more information at nagios-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html.''') parser.add_argument('-e', '--key_exists', dest='key_list', nargs='*', help='''Checks existence of these keys to determine status. Return warning if key is not present.''') parser.add_argument('-E', '--key_exists_critical', dest='key_list_critical', nargs='*', help='''Same as -e but return critical if key is not present.''') parser.add_argument('-q', '--key_equals', dest='key_value_list', nargs='*', help='''Checks equality of these keys and values (key[>alias],value key2,value2) to determine status. Multiple key values can be delimited with colon (key,value1:value2). Return warning if equality check fails''') parser.add_argument('-Q', '--key_equals_critical', dest='key_value_list_critical', nargs='*', help='''Same as -q but return critical if equality check fails.''') parser.add_argument('-u', '--key_equals_unknown', dest='key_value_list_unknown', nargs='*', help='''Same as -q but return unknown if equality check fails.''') parser.add_argument('-y', '--key_not_equals', dest='key_value_list_not', nargs='*', help='''Checks equality of these keys and values (key[>alias],value key2,value2) to determine status. Multiple key values can be delimited with colon (key,value1:value2). Return warning if equality check succeeds''') parser.add_argument('-Y', '--key_not_equals_critical', dest='key_value_list_not_critical', nargs='*', help='''Same as -q but return critical if equality check succeeds.''') parser.add_argument('-m', '--key_metric', dest='metric_list', nargs='*', help='''Gathers the values of these keys (key[>alias], UnitOfMeasure,WarnRange,CriticalRange,Min,Max) for Nagios performance data. More information about Range format and units of measure for nagios can be found at nagios-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html Additional formats for this parameter are: (key[>alias]), (key[>alias],UnitOfMeasure), (key[>alias],UnitOfMeasure,WarnRange, CriticalRange).''') return parser.parse_args(args) def debugPrint(debug_flag, message): """ Print debug messages if -d is set. """ if not debug_flag: return print(message) def verbosePrint(verbose_flag, when, message): """ Print verbose messages if -v is set. Since -v can be used multiple times, the when parameter sets the required amount before printing """ if not verbose_flag: return if verbose_flag >= when: print(message) def prepare_context(args): """ Prepare TLS Context """ nagios = NagiosHelper() context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT) context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2 context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3 if args.insecure: context.check_hostname = False context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE else: context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL context.load_default_certs() if args.cacert: try: context.load_verify_locations(args.cacert) except ssl.SSLError: nagios.append_message(UNKNOWN_CODE, 'Error loading SSL CA cert "%s"!' % args.cacert) if args.cert: try: context.load_cert_chain(args.cert, keyfile=args.key) except ssl.SSLError: if args.key: nagios.append_message(UNKNOWN_CODE, 'Error loading SSL cert. Make sure key "%s" belongs to cert "%s"!' % (args.key, args.cert)) else: nagios.append_message(UNKNOWN_CODE, 'Error loading SSL cert. Make sure "%s" contains the key as well!' % (args.cert)) if nagios.getCode() != OK_CODE: print(nagios.getMessage()) sys.exit(nagios.getCode()) return context def make_request(args, url, context): """ Performs the actual request to the given URL """ req = urllib.request.Request(url, method=args.method) req.add_header("User-Agent", "check_http_json") if args.auth: authbytes = str(args.auth).encode() base64str = base64.encodebytes(authbytes).decode().replace('\n', '') req.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % base64str) if args.headers: headers = json.loads(args.headers) debugPrint(args.debug, "Headers:\n %s" % headers) for header in headers: req.add_header(header, headers[header]) if args.timeout and args.data: databytes = str(args.data).encode() response = urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=args.timeout, data=databytes, context=context) elif args.timeout: response = urllib.request.urlopen(req, timeout=args.timeout, context=context) elif args.data: databytes = str(args.data).encode() response = urllib.request.urlopen(req, data=databytes, context=context) else: # pylint: disable=consider-using-with response = urllib.request.urlopen(req, context=context) return response.read() def main(cliargs): """ Main entrypoint for CLI """ args = parseArgs(cliargs) nagios = NagiosHelper() context = None if args.version: print('Version: %s - Date: %s' % (__version__, __version_date__)) sys.exit(0) if args.ssl: url = "https://%s" % args.host context = prepare_context(args) else: url = "http://%s" % args.host if args.port: url += ":%s" % args.port if args.path: url += "/%s" % args.path debugPrint(args.debug, "url: %s" % url) json_data = '' try: json_data = make_request(args, url, context) except HTTPError as e: # Try to recover from HTTP Error, if there is JSON in the response if "json" in e.info().get_content_subtype(): json_data = e.read() else: nagios.append_message(UNKNOWN_CODE, " Could not find JSON in HTTP body. HTTPError[%s], url:%s" % (str(e.code), url)) except URLError as e: # Some users might prefer another exit code if the URL wasn't reached exit_code = args.unreachable_state nagios.append_message(exit_code, " URLError[%s], url:%s" % (str(e.reason), url)) # Since we don't got any data, we can simply exit print(nagios.getMessage()) sys.exit(nagios.getCode()) try: data = json.loads(json_data) except ValueError as e: nagios.append_message(UNKNOWN_CODE, " JSON Parser error: %s" % str(e)) else: verbosePrint(args.verbose, 1, json.dumps(data, indent=2)) # Apply rules to returned JSON data processor = JsonRuleProcessor(data, args) nagios.append_message(WARNING_CODE, processor.checkWarning()) nagios.append_message(CRITICAL_CODE, processor.checkCritical()) nagios.append_metrics(processor.checkMetrics()) nagios.append_message(UNKNOWN_CODE, processor.checkUnknown()) # Print Nagios specific string and exit appropriately print(nagios.getMessage()) sys.exit(nagios.getCode()) if __name__ == "__main__": # Program entry point main(sys.argv[1:]) #EOF