This is a generic plugin for Nagios which checks json values from a given HTTP endpoint against argument specified rules and determines the status and performance data for that service.
### Installation
#### Requirements
* Nagios
* Python
Assuming a standard installation of Nagios, the plugin can be executed from the machine that Nagios is running on.
for Nagios performance data. More information about
Range format and units of measure for nagios can be
found at https://nagios- Additional formats for
this parameter are: (key), (key,UnitOfMeasure),
-d, --debug Debug mode.
More info about Nagios Range format and Units of Measure can be found at [](
### Docker Info Example Plugin
#### Description
Let's say we want to use `` to read from Docker's `/info` HTTP API endpoint with the following parameters:
##### Connection information
* Host =
* Path = /info
##### Rules for "aliveness"
* Verify that the key `Containers` exists in the outputted JSON
* Verify that the key `IPv4Forwarding` has a value of `1`
* Verify that the key `Debug` has a value less than or equal to `2`
* Verify that the key `Images` has a value greater than or equal to `1`
* If any of these criteria are not met, report a WARNING to Nagios
##### Gather Metrics
* Report value of the key `Containers` with a MinValue of 0 and a MaxValue of 1000 as performance data
* Report value of the key `Images` as performance data
* Report value of the key `NEventsListener` as performance data
* Report value of the key `NFd` as performance data
* Report value of the key `NGoroutines` as performance data
* Report value of the key `SwapLimit` as performance data
`` is generic enough to read and evaluate rules on any HTTP endpoint that returns JSON. In this example we'll get the status of a specific container using it's ID which camn be found by using the list containers endpoint (`curl`).