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801 lines
28 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cisco QOS plugin for Nagios Copyright 2010 Lionel Cottin (cottin@free.fr)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $version = "0.2";
my $release = "2010/03/05";
# This plugin checks for the QOS status configured on Cisco routers.
# 1. QOS summary mode
# -------------------
# In this mode the plugin works as follows:
# - get the entire QoS configuration.
# - sum up all dropped traffic on all interfaces and all classes
# - calculate the average drop rate in bits per second
# - evaluate calculated drop rate against warning/critical thresholds
# - return the corresponding Nagios status & performance data
# In order to use this mode you need to call the plugin using the
# following command line arguments:
# -i ALL <- i.e. check for all interfaces
# -m ALL <- i.e. check for all QoS classes
# -w <warning drop rate in bits per second>
# -c <critical drop rate in bits per second>
# Example:
# $ ./check_cisco_qos.pl -H -C public -w 10 -c 20 -i ALL -m ALL
# QOS: Total drop rate (0.00 bits/s) is below warning threshold (10 bits/s): OK
# | Sent=62232.52Bits/s;Dropped=0.00Bits/s
# This mode is useful if you just want to know how much is dropped as a result
# of QoS processing.
# 2. Class summary mode
# ---------------------
# In this mode the plugin works as follows:
# - get the entire QoS configuration.
# - sum up all dropped traffic on all interfaces for one specific QoS class
# - calculate the average drop rate in bits per second
# - evaluate calculated drop rate against warning/critical thresholds
# - return the corresponding Nagios status & performance data
# In order to use this mode you need to call the plugin using the
# following command line arguments:
# -i ALL <- i.e. check for all interfaces
# -m <QoS class name>
# -w <warning drop rate in bits per second>
# -c <critical drop rate in bits per second>
# Example:
# $ ./check_cisco_qos.pl -H -C public -w 10 -c 20 -i ALL -m class-default
# QOS: Total drop rate for class class-default (0.00 bits/s) is below warning threshold (10 bits/s): OK
# | Sent=79310.40Bits/s;Dropped=0.00Bits/s
# This mode is useful when you have standard QoS policies deployed on multiple
# routers with varying interface names. It allows to define one probe per QoS
# class and to deploy it on multiple routers.
# 3. Interface summary mode
# -------------------------
# In this mode the plugin works as follows:
# - get the entire QoS configuration.
# - sum up all dropped traffic of all QoS classes on one specific interface
# - calculate the average drop rate in bits per second
# - evaluate calculated drop rate against warning/critical thresholds
# - return the corresponding Nagios status & performance data
# In order to use this mode you need to call the plugin using the
# following command line arguments:
# -i <interface name>
# -m ALL <- i.e. check for all QoS classes
# -w <warning drop rate in bits per second>
# -c <critical drop rate in bits per second>
# Example:
# # ./check_cisco_qos.pl -H -C public -w 10 -c 20 -i MF1 -m ALL
# QOS: Total drop rate on MF1 (33184.85 bits/s) is above critical threshold (20 bits/s): CRITICAL
# | Sent=2208926.56Bits/s;Dropped=33184.85Bits/s
# This mode is useful to monitor dropped traffic per interface.
# 4. Detailled mode
# -----------------
# In this mode the plugin works as follows:
# - get the entire QoS configuration.
# - get dropped traffic of one QoS class on one specific interface
# - calculate the average drop rate in bits per second
# - evaluate calculated drop rate against warning/critical thresholds
# - return the corresponding Nagios status & performance data
# In order to use this mode you need to call the plugin using the
# following command line arguments:
# -i <interface name>
# -m <QoS class name>
# -w <warning drop rate in bits per second>
# -c <critical drop rate in bits per second>
# Example:
# # ./check_cisco_qos.pl -H -C public -w 10 -c 20 -i MF1 -m class-default
# QOS: Drop rate for class-default on MF1 (1409 bits/s) is above critical threshold (20 bits/s): CRITICAL
# | Sent=73395Bits/s;Dropped=1409Bits/s
# 5. Notes
# --------
# Interface names:
# ----------------
# This plugin identifies interface names based on their short name like "Gi0/1".
# You can run the plugin in debug mode using "-i ALL -m ALL -d" to find out
# short interface names on your router.
# Bit rate calculation:
# ---------------------
# The first time you run the plugin it will create a temporary file in /tmp
# This file contains 3 lines:
# - the last drop counter in bits (lastDrop=XXXXXXX)
# - the last sent counter in bits (lastPost=XXXXXXX)
# - the last epoch time in seconds (lastEpoch=XXXXXXX)
# The second time you run the plugin, it will compare actual values against
# the previous ones and calculate the rates as follows:
# - dropRate = (current drop counter - last drop counter) / (current epoch - last epoch)
# - sentRate = (current post counter - last post counter) / (current epoch - last epoch)
# SNMP counters:
# --------------
# The SNMP counters being used are:
# - cbQosCMDropByte (.
# --> traffic dropped as a result of QoS processing
# - cbQosCMPostPolicyByte (.
# --> traffic sent after QoS processing
# The Cisco QoS MIB (CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB) also provides some bit rate
# counters but I had some weird results using them; that's why they are not used here.
# Changelog:
# ----------
# - 0.1: Initial release
# - 0.2: Fixed bit rate calculation when SNMP counter has wrapped
use Getopt::Std;
use Net::SNMP qw(:snmp);
my (
my $ifDescr_oid = ".";
my $ifName_oid = ".";
my $ifSpeed_oid = ".";
my $class_name_oid = "."; # qos classes
my $policy_name_oid = "."; # qos policies
my $ifIndex_oid = "."; # qos ifIndex
my $config_index_oid = ""; # qos references
my $cbQosCMDropByte = ".";# qos Drop bytes
my $cbQosCMPostPolicyByte = "."; # qos Post bytes
$tmp = "/tmp";
$post = 0;
$drop = 0;
$postCount = 0;
$dropCount = 0;
$ifCount = 0;
$state = 3;
$long = "";
$message = "QOS: Default status: UNKNOWN\n";
$usage = <<"EOF";
usage: $0 [-h] -H <hostname> -C <community> -i <interface> -m <qos-class> -w <warning> -c <critical> [-d]
Version: $version
Released on: $release
Nagios check for Cisco IP SLAs.
Checks for probe status and returns execution time
as perf data (multi-line output)
[-h] : Print this message
[-H] <router> : IP Address or Hostname of the router
[-C] <community> : SNMP Community String (default = "public")
[-i] <interface> : What interface do you want to check
( "-i ALL" to check all interfaces)
[-m] <qos-class> : What class do you want to check
( "-m ALL" to check all classes)
[-w] : Warning level in # of dropped packets or rate
depending on -i and -m options
[-c] : Critical level in # of dropped packes or rate
depending on -i and -m options
[-d] : enable debug output
# Input Phase
die $usage if (!getopts('hH:C:w:c:di:m:') || $opt_h);
die $usage if (!$opt_H || !$opt_c || !$opt_w || $opt_h || !$opt_i || !$opt_m);
$hostname = $opt_H;
$class = $opt_m;
$warn = $opt_w;
$crit = $opt_c;
$int = $opt_i;
$community = $opt_C || "public"; undef $opt_C; #use twice to remove Perl warning
if($opt_d) {
print "Target hostname: $hostname\n";
print "SNMPv2 community: $community\n";
print "Warning level: $warn\n";
print "Critical level: $crit\n";
print "Interface: $opt_i\n";
print "Class map: $opt_m\n";
# Generate temporary file name
$fname = $opt_i;
$fname =~ s/:/-/g;
$fname =~ s/\//-/g;
$fname =~ s/\./-/g;
$fname = $tmp . "/check_cisco_qos." . $hostname . "." . $fname . "." . $class;
if ( $opt_d ) {
print "Using temporary file: $fname\n";
# Get last values, if any
$lastDrop = "0";
$lastPost = "0";
if ( open FILE, "<$fname" ) {
my @last = <FILE>;
foreach $i (@last) {
my @line = split (/=/, $i);
if ( $line[0] eq "lastDrop" ) {
$lastDrop = $line[1];
if ( $opt_d ) {
print "lastDrop=$lastDrop\n";
if ( $line[0] eq "lastPost" ) {
$lastPost = $line[1];
if ( $opt_d ) {
print "lastPost=$lastPost\n";
if ( $line[0] eq "lastEpoch" ) {
$lastEpoch = $line[1];
if ( $opt_d ) {
print "lastEpoch=$lastEpoch\n";
close FILE;
# Open an SNMPv2 session with the router
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-version => 'snmpv2c',
-nonblocking => 1,
-timeout => 2,
-hostname => $hostname,
-community => $community
if (!defined($session)) {
printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $error);
exit (-1);
# Retrieve QoS interfaces
$base_oid = $ifIndex_oid;
$result = $session->get_bulk_request(
-callback => [\&get_bulk, {}],
-maxrepetitions => 20,
-varbindlist => [$base_oid]
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $session->error);
exit (-1);
undef $result;
if ($ifCount == 0 ) {
print "QOS: Sorry, QoS is not configured on any interface: ERROR\n";
exit 3;
# Retrieve QoS class names
$base_oid = $class_name_oid;
$result = $session->get_bulk_request(
-callback => [\&get_bulk, {}],
-maxrepetitions => 20,
-varbindlist => [$base_oid]
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $session->error);
exit (-1);
undef $result;
# Retrieve QoS policy names
$base_oid = $policy_name_oid;
$result = $session->get_bulk_request(
-callback => [\&get_bulk, {}],
-maxrepetitions => 20,
-varbindlist => [$base_oid]
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $session->error);
exit (-1);
undef $result;
# Retrieve QoS config index
$base_oid = $config_index_oid;
$result = $session->get_bulk_request(
-callback => [\&get_bulk, {}],
-maxrepetitions => 20,
-varbindlist => [$base_oid]
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $session->error);
exit (-1);
undef $result;
# Now let's check our QOS config
# Evaluate results
if ($lastEpoch) {
$checkInterval = $epoch - $lastEpoch;
} else {
$checkInterval = 300;
$state = 3;
if ( $opt_i eq "ALL" ) {
if ( $opt_m eq "ALL" ) {
# Check for all interfaces and all classes
$dropCount = 0;
$postCount = 0;
# Loop on interfaces
foreach $i ( keys %qos ) {
# Loop on classes
foreach $j ( keys %{$qos{$i}{"class"}} ) {
# Sum up post and drop counters
$dropCount = $dropCount + $qos{$i}{class}{$j}{drop};
$postCount = $postCount + $qos{$i}{class}{$j}{post};
# Calculate average bit rate (requires last drop & last post counters!!)
if ($lastPost>0) {
$postRate = sprintf( "%.0f", ($postCount-$lastPost)/$checkInterval );
if ( $postRate < 0 ) {
$postRate = sprintf( "%.0f", ($postCount + 34359738368 - $lastPost)/$checkInterval );
} else {
$postRate = 0;
if ($lastDrop>0) {
$dropRate = sprintf( "%.0f", ($dropCount-$lastDrop)/$checkInterval );
if ( $dropRate < 0 ) {
$dropRate = sprintf( "%.0f", ($dropCount + 34359738368 - $lastDrop)/$checkInterval );
} else {
$dropRate = 0;
if ( $dropRate >= $crit ) {
$short = "QOS: Total drop rate ($dropRate bits/s) is above critical threshold ($crit bits/s): CRITICAL";
$perf = sprintf "Sent=%sBits/s;Dropped=%sBits/s",$postRate,$dropRate;
$state = 2;
} elsif ( $dropRate >= $warn ) {
$short = "QOS: Total drop rate ($dropRate bits/s) is above warning threshold ($warn bits/s): WARNING";
$perf = sprintf "Sent=%sBits/s;Dropped=%sBits/s",$postCount,$dropCount;
$state = 1;
} else {
$short = "QOS: Total drop rate ($dropRate bits/s) is below warning threshold ($warn bits/s): OK";
$perf = sprintf "Sent=%sBits/s;Dropped=%sBits/s",$postRate,$dropRate;
$state = 0;
$perf = sprintf "Sent=%s Dropped=%s;%s;%s",$postRate,$dropRate,$warn,$crit;
} else {
# Check for all interfaces and one class
$dropCount = 0;
$postCount = 0;
$temp = 0;
# Loop on interfaces
foreach $i ( keys %qos ) {
if ( defined $qos{$i}{class}{$opt_m} ) {
$dropCount = $dropCount + $qos{$i}{class}{$opt_m}{drop};
$postCount = $postCount + $qos{$i}{class}{$opt_m}{post};
# Calculate average bit rate (requires last drop & last post counters!!)
if ($lastPost>0) {
$postRate = sprintf( "%.0f", ($postCount-$lastPost)/$checkInterval );
if ( $postRate < 0 ) {
$postRate = sprintf( "%.0f", ($postCount + 34359738368 - $lastPost)/$checkInterval );
} else {
$postRate = 0;
if ($lastDrop>0) {
$dropRate = sprintf( "%.0f", ($dropCount-$lastDrop)/$checkInterval );
if ( $dropRate < 0 ) {
$dropRate = sprintf( "%.0f", ($dropCount + 34359738368 - $lastDrop)/$checkInterval );
} else {
$dropRate = 0;
if ( $temp == 0 ) {
print "QOS: QoS class $opt_m is not configured on any interface: UNKNOWN\n";
exit 3;
$perf = sprintf "Sent=%sBits/s;Dropped=%sBits/s",$postRate,$dropRate;
$perf = sprintf "Sent=%s Dropped=%s;%s;%s",$postRate,$dropRate,$warn,$crit;
if ( $dropRate >= $crit ) {
$short = "QOS: Total drop rate for class $opt_m ($dropRate bits/s) is above critical threshold ($crit bits/s): CRITICAL";
$state = 2;
} elsif ( $dropRate >= $warn ) {
$short = "QOS: Total drop rate for class $opt_m ($dropRate bits/s) is above warning threshold ($warn bits/s): WARNING";
$state = 1;
} else {
$short = "QOS: Total drop rate for class $opt_m ($dropRate bits/s) is below warning threshold ($warn bits/s): OK";
$state = 0;
} else {
if ( !defined $qos{$opt_i} ) {
print "QOS: QoS is not configured on interface $opt_i: UNKNOWN\n";
exit 3;
if ( $opt_m eq "ALL" ) {
# Check for all classes on one interface
$dropCount = 0;
$postCount = 0;
foreach $i ( keys %{$qos{$opt_i}{"class"}} ) {
$dropCount = $dropCount + $qos{$opt_i}{class}{$i}{drop};
$postCount = $postCount + $qos{$opt_i}{class}{$i}{post};
# Calculate average bit rate (requires last drop & last post counters!!)
if ($lastPost>0) {
$postRate = sprintf( "%.0f", ($postCount-$lastPost)/$checkInterval );
if ( $postRate < 0 ) {
$postRate = sprintf( "%.0f", ($postCount + 34359738368 - $lastPost)/$checkInterval );
} else {
$postRate = 0;
if ($lastDrop>0) {
$dropRate = sprintf( "%.0f", ($dropCount-$lastDrop)/$checkInterval );
if ( $dropRate < 0 ) {
$dropRate = sprintf( "%.0f", ($dropCount + 34359738368 - $lastDrop)/$checkInterval );
} else {
$dropRate = 0;
$perf = sprintf "Sent=%sBits/s;Dropped=%sBits/s",$postRate,$dropRate;
$perf = sprintf "Sent=%s Dropped=%s;%s;%s",$postRate,$dropRate,$warn,$crit;
if ( $dropRate >= $crit ) {
$short = "QOS: Total drop rate on $int ($dropRate bits/s) is above critical threshold ($crit bits/s): CRITICAL";
$state = 2;
} elsif ( $dropRate >= $warn ) {
$short = "QOS: Total drop rate on $int ($dropRate bits/s) is above warning threshold ($warn bits/s): WARNING";
$state = 1;
} else {
$short = "QOS: Total drop rate on $int ($dropRate bits/s) is below warning threshold ($warn bits/s): OK";
$state = 0;
} else {
# Check for one class on one interface
if ( !defined $qos{$opt_i}{class}{$opt_m} ) {
print "QOS: QoS class $opt_m is not configured on interface $opt_i: UNKNOWN\n";
exit 3;
$dropCount = $qos{$opt_i}{class}{$opt_m}{drop};
$postCount = $qos{$opt_i}{class}{$opt_m}{post};
# Calculate average bit rate (requires last drop & last post counters!!)
if ($lastPost>0) {
$postRate = sprintf( "%.0f", ($postCount-$lastPost)/$checkInterval );
if ( $postRate < 0 ) {
$postRate = sprintf( "%.0f", ($postCount + 34359738368 - $lastPost)/$checkInterval );
} else {
$postRate = 0;
if ($lastDrop>0) {
$dropRate = sprintf( "%.0f", ($dropCount-$lastDrop)/$checkInterval );
if ( $dropRate < 0 ) {
$dropRate = sprintf( "%.0f", ($dropCount + 34359738368 - $lastDrop)/$checkInterval );
} else {
$dropRate = 0;
$perf = sprintf "Sent=%sBits/s;Dropped=%sBits/s",$postRate,$dropRate;
$perf = sprintf "Sent=%s Dropped=%s;%s;%s",$postRate,$dropRate,$warn,$crit;
if ( $dropRate >= $crit ) {
$short = "QOS: Drop rate for $opt_m on $opt_i ($dropRate bits/s) is above critical threshold ($crit bits/s): CRITICAL";
$state = 2;
} elsif ( $dropRate >= $warn ) {
$short = "QOS: Drop rate for $opt_m on $opt_i ($dropRate bits/s) is above warning threshold ($warn bits/s): WARNING";
$state = 1;
} else {
$short = "QOS: Drop rate for $opt_m on $opt_i ($dropRate bits/s) is below warning threshold ($warn bits/s): OK";
$state = 0;
# Save current sent and drop counters
if ( open FILE, ">$fname" ) {
print FILE "lastDrop=$dropCount\nlastPost=$postCount\nlastEpoch=$epoch\n";
close FILE;
print $short . " | " . $perf . "\n";
exit $state;
# Browse QoS MIB and "resolve" dependencies
sub get_config
$epoch = time;
foreach my $class_id (sort keys %qos_classes) {
$class_name = $qos_classes{$class_id};
foreach $i (sort keys %qos_config) {
$qos_config_value = $qos_config{$i};
@qos_index = split /\./,$i;
if ($qos_config_value == $class_id ) {
foreach $ifIndex (sort keys %qos_interfaces) {
if ($ifIndex eq $qos_index[0]) {
$tmp = $ifIndex . "." . $ifIndex;
$policyIndex = $qos_config{$tmp};
$policyName = $qos_policies{$policyIndex};
$ifPolicy = $qos_interfaces{$ifIndex};
$post_oid = $cbQosCMPostPolicyByte.".".$i;
$drop_oid = $cbQosCMDropByte.".".$i;
$if_oid = $ifName_oid.".".$ifPolicy;
$bw_oid = $ifSpeed_oid.".".$ifPolicy;
my @oids = (
$result = $session->get_request(
-callback => [\&get_oids, {}],
-varbindlist => \@oids
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $session->error);
exit (-1);
undef $result;
# Handle get_requests
sub get_oids
my ($session, $table) = @_;
my %snmpGet;
if (!defined($session->var_bind_list)) {
printf("ERROR: %s\n", $session->error);
} else {
foreach my $oid (keys(%{$session->var_bind_list})) {
$snmpGet{$oid} = $session->var_bind_list->{$oid};
if($opt_d) {
print "OIDs Found:\n";
foreach $k (sort keys %snmpGet) {
print "$k => $snmpGet{$k}\n";
print "\n";
my $post = $snmpGet{$post_oid};
my $drop = $snmpGet{$drop_oid};
my $ifName = $snmpGet{$if_oid};
my $ifSpeed = $snmpGet{$bw_oid};
# Convert post and drop values from Bytes to Bits
$post = $post * 8;
$drop = $drop * 8;
# Let's fill the QoS hash in
$qos{$ifName}{"speed"} = $ifSpeed;
$qos{$ifName}{"policy"} = $policyName;
$qos{$ifName}{"class"}{$class_name}{"post"} = $post;
$qos{$ifName}{"class"}{$class_name}{"drop"} = $drop;
# Debug output
if ($opt_d) {
$temp = sprintf "Interface %-10s: Speed %-9s Policy %-9s Class %-20s post=%-12sbits drop=%-12sbits\n",
print $temp;
# Handle bulk_requests
sub get_bulk
my ($session, $table) = @_;
if (!defined($session->var_bind_list)) {
printf("ERROR: %s\n", $session->error);
exit 3;
# Loop through each of the OIDs in the response and assign
# the key/value pairs to the anonymous hash that is passed
# to the callback. Make sure that we are still in the table
# before assigning the key/values.
my $next;
foreach my $oid (oid_lex_sort(keys(%{$session->var_bind_list}))) {
if (!oid_base_match($base_oid, $oid)) {
$next = undef;
$next = $oid;
$table->{$oid} = $session->var_bind_list->{$oid};
# If $next is defined we need to send another request
# to get more of the table.
if (defined($next)) {
$result = $session->get_bulk_request(
-callback => [\&get_bulk, $table],
-maxrepetitions => 10,
-varbindlist => [$next]
if (!defined($result)) {
printf("ERROR: %s\n", $session->error);
exit 3;
} else {
# We are no longer in the table, so print the results.
foreach my $oid (oid_lex_sort(keys(%{$table}))) {
# QoS Class names
if ($oid =~ /^$class_name_oid.(\d+)$/) {
my $index = $1;
my $value = $table->{$oid};
if($opt_d) {
print "Got qos-class index $1 for $value\n";
$qos_classes{$index} = "$value";
# QoS Policy names
if ($oid =~ /^$policy_name_oid.(\d+)$/) {
my $index = $1;
my $value = $table->{$oid};
if($opt_d) {
print "Got qos-policy index $1 for $value\n";
$qos_policies{$index} = "$value";
# QoS Config indexes
if ($oid =~ /^$config_index_oid.(\d+\.\d+.)$/) {
my $index = $1;
my $value = $table->{$oid};
if($opt_d) {
print "Got qos-config index $1 for $value\n";
$qos_config{$index} = "$value";
# QoS Config interfaces
if ($oid =~ /^$ifIndex_oid.(\d+)$/) {
my $index = $1;
my $value = $table->{$oid};
if($opt_d) {
print "Got qos-interface index $index with ifIndex $value\n";
$qos_interfaces{$index} = "$value";