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Executable File

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# check_snmp_patchlevel.pl v1.2
# Nagios plugin to check the OS version string through SNMP sysDescr value.
# Please adjust the line setting the "use lib" path so utils.pm can be found.
# @2009 public[at]frank4dd[dot]com
# updates:
# 20090228 v1.1 adds support for Cisco PIX
# 20091117 v1.2 adds support for selection of SNMP version 1 or 2
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Net::SNMP;
use vars qw($opt_V $opt_v $opt_h $opt_H $opt_g $opt_C $opt_f $PROGNAME @raw_data $output);
use lib "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins" ;
use utils qw(%ERRORS &print_revision &support &usage);
$PROGNAME = "check_snmp_patchlevel.pl";
sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();
#print("Args: $#ARGV\n");
if ($#ARGV == -1) { usage("Missing arguments\.\nUsage: $PROGNAME -H <host> [-v snmp version 1|2] -g <ios|asa|pix> [-C community] [-f <config file>]\n"); }
("V" => \$opt_V, "plugin-version"=> \$opt_V,
"v=s" => \$opt_v, "snmp-version=s"=> \$opt_v,
"h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H,
"C=s" => \$opt_C, "community=s" => \$opt_C,
"f=s" => \$opt_f, "configfile=s" => \$opt_f,
"g=s" => \$opt_g, "devicegroup=s" => \$opt_g);
if ($opt_V) {
print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 120 $');
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if ($opt_h) { print_help(); }
# The SNMP port defaults to 161. It is not made a commandline option yet.
my $opt_p = 161;
# The SNMP timeout is set to 5 seconds. It is not made a commandline option yet.
my $opt_t = 5;
# Check for the "required" options -H <host name or IP>, -g <ios|asa|pix>
($opt_H) || usage("Host name/address not specified\. Use $PROGNAME -h for help\.\n");
my $host = $1 if ($opt_H =~ /([-.A-Za-z0-9]+)/);
($host) || usage("Invalid host: $opt_H\n");
($opt_g) || usage("Device type not specified\. Use $PROGNAME -h for help\.\n");
# no sanity chck here, it is done below where $opt_g is parsed.
# Check for the "optional" options -v -C, -f, -s
# set the SNMP version or assume it is "1" (default)
($opt_v) || ($opt_v = 1) ;
if ( $opt_v ne 1 && $opt_v ne 2) {
printf("UNKNOWN: SNMP version $opt_v.\n");
# set the SNMP community or assume it is "public" (default)
($opt_C) || ($opt_C = "public") ;
# load config file
if($opt_f) { &read_config(); }
# We fetch the system description via SNMP. It should contain the OS version.
# The SNMP OID we query is . = SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0
# $version = `/usr/bin/snmpget -OQv -v 1 -c $opt_C $host .`;
my $snmpdata="";
my $response="";
my $sysdesc_oid = ".";
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => $opt_H,
-community => $opt_C,
-port => $opt_p,
-timeout => $opt_t,
-version => $opt_v
if(!defined($session)) { printf("UNKNOWN: %s.\n", $error); exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; }
$response = $session->get_request( -varbindlist => [$sysdesc_oid]);
if(!defined($response)) {
printf("UNKNOWN: %s.\n", $session->error);
$snmpdata = $response->{$sysdesc_oid};
# There is no standardized way for displaying OS version and patch levels.
# Depending on the vendor and OS, we need to parse this data differently.
# We don't have a switch statement yet (coming in perl 5.10), so we need
# to cascade the if-thens
# Example response for Cisco Routers, here a from a Cat-6506:
# Version: Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
# IOS (tm) MSFC2 Software (C6MSFC2-JSV-M), Version 12.1(27b)E3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
# ^^^^^^^^^^^
# Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
# Copyright (c) 1986-2007 by cisco Systems, Inc.
# Compiled Tue 07-Aug-0
# Example response for Cisco Routers, here a from a Cat-3750:
# Cisco IOS Software, C3750 Software (C3750-IPBASE-M), Version 12.2(25)SEE2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^
# Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
# Compiled Fri 28-Jul-06 08:46 by yenanh
my $version="";
if ($opt_g =~ /ios/) {
my $line="";
my @lines = split ('\n', $snmpdata);
foreach $line (@lines) {
if($line =~ /IOS .*/) {
(my @fields) = split(', ', $line);
foreach my $field (@fields) {
if($field =~ /Version/) { (my $txt, $version) = split('Version ', $field); }
# Example response for Cisco ASA 5520:
# "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Version 8.0(4)"
# ^^^^^^
elsif ($opt_g =~ /asa/) {
if($snmpdata =~ /^Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance.*/) {
(my $os, $version) = split('Version ', $snmpdata);
# Example response for Cisco PIX 525:
# "Cisco PIX Firewall Version 6.3(5)"
# "Cisco Cisco PIX Security Appliance Version 7.2(2)"
# "Cisco Cisco PIX Security Appliance Version 8.0(2)"
elsif ($opt_g =~ /pix/) {
if($snmpdata =~ /.* PIX .*/) {
(my $os, $version) = split('Version ', $snmpdata);
else { usage("Unknown option parameter: $opt_g\. Use $PROGNAME -h for help\.\n"); }
# If the SNMP data cannot be parsed, we generate the exit code and finish.
if($version eq "") {
printf("UNKNOWN: cannot find version string in SNMP response. Either -t <type> is incorrect or the Version string is unreadable.\n");
# We are in 'discovery' mode, we report the OS Version, return 'OK' and finish.
elsif (! $opt_f) {
printf (uc($opt_g)." Version: $version | $snmpdata\n");
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
# We are in 'compliance' mode, we check the OS Version against the config file
else {
foreach my $line (@raw_data) {
# skip comment lines
next if($line =~ /^#.*$/);
(my $required, my $osgroup, my $osversion, my $remarks)=split(/\|/,$line);
if( ($opt_g eq $osgroup) && ($version eq $osversion) ) {
if($required eq "approved") {
$output = uc($opt_g)." Version: $version approved";
if ($remarks ne "") { $output = $output." | Remarks: ".$remarks." Data: $snmpdata\n"; }
else { $output = $output." | $snmpdata\n"; }
printf $output; exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
if($required eq "obsolete") {
$output = uc($opt_g)." Version: $version obsolete";
if ($remarks ne "") { $output = $output." | Remarks: ".$remarks." Data: $snmpdata\n"; }
else { $output = $output." | $snmpdata\n"; }
printf $output; exit $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
if($required eq "med-vuln") {
$output = uc($opt_g)." Version: $version vulnerable (low-medium)";
if ($remarks ne "") { $output = $output." | Remarks: ".$remarks." Data: $snmpdata\n"; }
else { $output = $output." | $snmpdata\n"; }
printf $output; exit $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
if($required eq "crit-vuln") {
$output = uc($opt_g)." Version: $version vulnerable (high risk)";
if ($remarks ne "") { $output = $output." | Remarks: ".$remarks." Data: $snmpdata\n"; }
else { $output = $output." | $snmpdata\n"; }
printf $output; exit $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
# the OS version is not listed, we don't know exactly if its good or bad.
printf (uc($opt_g)." Version: $version unverified | $snmpdata\n");
# End of main. Subroutine definitions below.
sub read_config () {
if (! -e $opt_f) { usage("Cannot find file $opt_f\. Check file name and path\.\n"); }
open(DATFILE, $opt_f) || usage("Cannot read file $opt_f\. Check permissions\.\n");
sub print_usage () {
print "Usage: $PROGNAME -H <host> [-v snmp version 1|2] -g <ios|asa|pix> [-C community] [-f <config file>]\n";
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};
sub print_help () {
print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.0.0 $');
print "Copyright (c) 2009 Frank4DD
This plugin intends to report the OS version string of a supported vendor.
Currently it is parsing Cisco IOS, PIX and ASA versions through SNMP sysDescr polls.
In 'discovery mode' without using the option '-f', this plugin returns the OS
version string with 'OK' if the version could be fetched, or 'UNKNOWN' if not.
Useful if you need a view on what is out there in a enterprise environment.
In 'compliance mode' by specifying '-f', this plugin compares the device OS
version string against a list of categorized (approved) OS versions. It is
meant to identify devices running a rogue, obsolete or vulnerable OS version.
Usually this check runs only once in a couple of hours or even longer periods.
The configuration file format is in the check_snmp_patchlevel.cfg template.
print "
-H, --hostname=HOST
Name or IP address of host to check
-v, --snmp-version [1|2]
Specify the SNMP version to use: 1 or 2c
-g, --devicegroup=[ios|asa]
OS version string to expect: ios = Cisco IOS Routers
asa = Cisco ASA Appliances
pix = Cisco PIX Firewalls
-C, --community=community
SNMP community (default public)
-f, --configfile=STRING
Version file and path, contains a list of approved versions
exit $ERRORS{'OK'};