mirror of https://github.com/opinkerfi/nagios-plugins.git synced 2024-10-05 20:03:45 +02:00
2011-09-27 14:40:29 +00:00
check_mssql_health.php check_mssql health added 2011-09-27 14:40:29 +00:00
create_user.sql check_mssql health added 2011-09-27 14:40:29 +00:00
delete_user.sql check_mssql health added 2011-09-27 14:40:29 +00:00
README.formula check_mssql health added 2011-09-27 14:40:29 +00:00


MachineName     InstanceName    DbName  FileGroupName   AllocatedMb     UsedMb  FreeMb  FreePercent     AutoGrowMb AutoGrowMaxSize
WIN2K3R2EE      Default master  PRIMARY 4       2       1       49      0.4     2147483647
WIN2K3R2EE      Default tempdb  PRIMARY 8       1       6       86      0.8     2147483647
WIN2K3R2EE      Default model   PRIMARY 1       0       0       17      1       2147483647
WIN2K3R2EE      Default msdb    PRIMARY 4       3       0       15      0.25    2147483647
WIN2K3R2EE      Default ReportServer    PRIMARY 3       1       1       38      1       2147483647
WIN2K3R2EE      Default ReportServerTempDB      PRIMARY 2       1       1       53      1       2147483647
WIN2K3R2EE      Default AdventureWorksDW        PRIMARY 68      60      8       12      16      2147483647
WIN2K3R2EE      Default AdventureWorks  PRIMARY 163     153     10      6       16      2147483647

set nocount on
create table #DBSpace
(DbName                sysname
,FileGroupName        sysname
,AllocatedMb        integer
,UsedMb        integer
,FreeMb        integer
,FreePercent        integer
,AutoGrowMb        decimal(12,2)
,AutoGrowMaxSize        integer
exec master.dbo.sp_MSForEachDb @command1 = 
'dbcc updateusage([?]) with no_infomsgs  
insert into #DBSpace
select         ''?''
,        sysFileGroups.groupname
,         F.AllocatedPages         / 128                  as AllocatedMb
,        U.UsedPages                 / 128                as UsedMb
,        (F.AllocatedPages - U.UsedPages) / 128         as FreeMb
,        (F.AllocatedPages - U.UsedPages) * 100 
                / F.AllocatedPages                 as FreePercent
,        CAST(F.GrowthPages / 128.0 as decimal(12,2) )        as AutoGrowMb
,         F.MaxSize                                 as AutoGrowMaxSize
FROM        (select GroupId
        ,        sum( cast(  used as bigint) ) 
        from         [?].dbo.sysindexes 
        where        indid in (0,1,255)
        group by GroupId
        )        as        U ( GroupId , UsedPages) 
join        (select GroupId 
        , sum(cast( size as bigint) )
        , Max(growth)
        , MAX(case status & 0x100000
                WHEN  0x100000 then Growth * Size / 100 -- Increase in Percentage
                else        Growth                        -- Increase in Pages
        , MAX( case maxsize when -1 then 2147483647 else maxsize end)
        from         [?].dbo.sysfiles  
        where (status & 64 = 0)  
        group by GroupId
        )        as         F (GroupId , AllocatedPages, Growth, GrowthPages, maxsize)
        on         F.GroupId = U.groupid
join        sysFileGroups
        on sysFileGroups.GroupId        = U.groupId

select        CAST( SERVERPROPERTY ('MachineName')                 as nvarchar(128) )        AS MachineName
,        COALESCE ( CAST( SERVERPROPERTY ('InstanceName')                as nvarchar(128) ) , 'Default')        AS InstanceName
,        DbName
,        FileGroupName
,        AllocatedMb
,        UsedMb
,        FreeMb
,        FreePercent
,        AutoGrowMb
,        AutoGrowMaxSize        
from         #DBSpace