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# nagios: -epn
=head1 PLUGIN
check_disk.pl : check disks on Unix servers
=head1 CONTEXT
Projet : Offre Standard Nagios
Equipe : Sigma/DTE/ISR
Copyright (c) 2005 Groupe Sigma Informatique. Tous droits reserves.
./check_disk.pl [-H <host>] [-w <num>] [-c <num>] [-u <user>] [-p <path>]
[-i <dev>] [-f <fs>] [-h] [-C <file>]
-h | --help : Display this help
-w | --warning : % free space to send warning alert (default 10)
-c | --critical : % free space to send critical alert (default 5)
-I | --inodes : Check for inodes
-H | --host : host you want to check by NRPE (default localhost)
-u | --user : user for NRPE connection (default nagios)
-i | --ignore : Filesystem you want to ignore
format : <name>,<name>,<name>....
-r /pattern/ : include all filesystems matching this regexp
-R /pattern/ : exclude all filesystems matching this regexp
-f | --filesystem : filesystems or device you have to check (default all)
format : <name>:warn[U]:crit[U],<name>:warn:crit,...
with U = {K,M,G,T} or none for %
-C | --conf : specify a configuration file for filesystems threshold
-v | --verbose : plugin output contain all FS(default : output shows
only warning or critical FS).
--srvperf dir : Save datas external files placed on this directory
--html : Add <br> in plugin output to improve the Web interface
-w and -c options allow you to ajust default threshold of all checked fs.
Theses values can be overwritten with -C option by specifying a configuration
file. perldoc ckech_disk.pl for more details.
If you want to use the NRPE connexion and check remote hosts, you must create
a connection without password between your nagios server and the checked host
(key exchange).
=head1 EXAMPLE
=head2 No config file for FS :
All FS will have the same threshold :
not verbose mode :
./check_disk.pl -w 20 -c 10
verbose mode :
./check_disk.pl -w 20 -c 10 -v
DISK OK [/dev/shm 125.1M (100% free)] [/usr 1.1G (56% free)] [/ 357.2M (84%
free)] [/var 1.5G (73% free)] [/tmp 989.7M (96% free)] [/home 1.8G (90% free)]
ignore some FS :
./check_disk.pl -i /dev/shm,/tmp,/home -v
DISK OK [/usr 1.1G (56% free)] [/ 357.2M (84% free)] [/var 1.5G (73% free)]
Specify different threshold :
./check_disk.pl -w 20 -c 10 -f /usr:30:25 -i /dev/shm,/tmp,/home -v
Specify another unit (K kilo, M Mega, G Giga, T Tera) :
./check_disk.pl -w 20 -c 10 -f /usr:400M:300M -i /dev/shm,/tmp,/home
=head2 With a FS config file :
Syntaxe (check_disk.cfg):
/ 400M 300M
/home 20 15
/var 1G 500M
FS threshold are read in this configuration file. the -f option will
not be used.
./check_disk.pl -C check_disk.cfg -i /dev/shm,/tmp,/home
DISK WARNING [/ 357.2M (84% free)]
=head1 HISTORY
$Log: check_disk.pl,v $
Revision 1.10 2013/03/01 14:28:00 tryggvi@ok.is
o Added support for inodes
Revision 1.9 2010/02/27 00:55:00 palli@ok.is
o Changed UNKNOWN return code from -1 to 3
o Modified to use check_nrpe instead of ssh
o Modified to check output of $cmd and check for errors
o Always output perf_data with the regular output for nagios's sake
Revision 1.8 2006/05/17 16:05:00 jflamand
o bug fix
Revision 1.6 2006/05/17 13:07:07 ebollengier
o ajout include/exclude (-r/-R)
Revision 1.5 2006/05/17 12:21:29 ebollengier
o passage -H localhost par defaut
Revision 1.4 2006/05/17 12:01:55 jflamand
o bug fix
Revision 1.3 2006/05/17 09:53:33 jflamand
o taux warn et crit en % ou octets K M G T
Revision 1.2 2006/05/10 16:38:58 ebollengier
o ajout mode srvperf pour serveur nagios seulement
Revision 1.1 2006/05/10 13:52:08 jflamand
o creation plugin
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling);
use Pod::Usage;
use strict;
my ($opt_c, $opt_w, $opt_h, $opt_i,$opt_f,$opt_s,$opt_u,$opt_H,$opt_C,$opt_v,
$opt_html, $opt_srvperf, $opt_r, $opt_R, $opt_inodes);
$ENV{'PATH'} = "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins:/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins:/usr/local/libexec:/usr/libexec:/usr/local/nagios/libexec";
$opt_u = "nagios"; # Utilisateur pour connexion nrpe
$opt_i = "";
$opt_w = "10"; # Valeur par defaut de warning
$opt_c = "5"; # Valeur par defaut de critical
$opt_H = "localhost";
$opt_R = q/^$/;
$opt_r = "";
my $cmd = "/bin/df -k";
my $multiply = 1024; # For bytes
my $exclude_re = "(^//|^none)";
my %alldisks; # Tous les disques trouves avec la commande df
my %checkdisks; # seulement les disque a verifier
my $output ;
my $retour = 'OK';
my %EXIT_CODES = (
'UNKNOWN' => 3,
'OK' => 0,
'WARNING' => 1,
# Recuperation des Options de ligne de commande
"h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"H=s" => \$opt_H, "host=s" => \$opt_H,
"w=s" => \$opt_w, "warning=s" => \$opt_w,
"c=s" => \$opt_c, "critical=s" => \$opt_c,
"u=s" => \$opt_u, "user=s" => \$opt_u,
"i=s" => \$opt_i, "ignore=s" => \$opt_i,
"f=s" => \$opt_f, "filesystem=s" => \$opt_f,
"C=s" => \$opt_C, "conf=s" => \$opt_C,
"I" => \$opt_inodes, "inodes" => \$opt_inodes,
"v" => \$opt_v, "verbose" => \$opt_v,
"r=s" => \$opt_r, "R=s" => \$opt_R,
"html" => \$opt_html,
"srvperf=s" => \$opt_srvperf,
) || pod2usage() ;
if ($opt_h) {
exit $EXIT_CODES{'OK'};
if(!$opt_H) {
my $args;
# Lancement de la commande df et recuperation dans un HASH de
# tous les disques
# %disks{'nom_disque'}
# ->{used} : espace occupe en octets
# ->{free} : espace libre en octets
# ->{pused} : espace occupe en pourcentage
# ->{pfree} : espace libre en pourcentage
# ->{warning} : taux warning en % espace libre
# ->{critical} : taux critique en % espace libre
# Using -i for inodes
$cmd = "/bin/df -i";
$multiply = 1000;
#Si on est en local inutile de faire du nrpe
if($opt_H ne "localhost" and $opt_H ne "") {
#$cmd = "ssh $opt_u\@$opt_H '$cmd'";
$cmd = "check_nrpe -H $opt_H -c get_disks_inodes";
} else {
$cmd = "check_nrpe -H $opt_H -c get_disks";
#$cmd = "cat /tmp/df";
#print "$cmd";
# Envoi commande et renseignement Hashage %disks
my @output = `$cmd`;
my $ret = $?;
$ret >>= 8;
if ($ret == -1) {
print "Could not find " . (split(' ', $cmd))[0] . "\n";
# 2010/02/25 palli@ok.is : Check if $cmd ran successfully
if ($ret > 1) {
print "Failed to execute $cmd: " . join("\n", @output) . "\n";
#/dev/hda1 459143 68879 365767 16% /
#tmpfs 128056 0 128056 0% /dev/shm
# 2097084 202824 1894260 10% /home
# 1048540 35132 1013408 4% /tmp
# 2097084 550476 1546608 27% /var
# 2097084 911280 1185804 44% /usr
foreach my $l (@output) {
next if ($l =~ m/$opt_R/);
next if ($l !~ m/$opt_r/);
next if ($l =~ m/$exclude_re/);
if($l =~ /(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\%\s+([\/\w\d\.-]+)$/) {
my ($s,$u,$f,$pu,$d) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);
$alldisks{$d}->{pused} = $pu;
$alldisks{$d}->{pfree} = 100-$pu;
$alldisks{$d}->{somme} = $s*$multiply;
$alldisks{$d}->{used} = $u*$multiply;
$alldisks{$d}->{free} = $f*$multiply;
# par defaut on prend les taux Warn et Crit specifies
# This is the output of df.exe on Windows
#C:\ 9097126 6094081 3003045 67% argon-c (ntfs)
else {
next if ($l =~ m/$opt_R/);
next if ($l !~ m/$opt_r/);
next if ($l =~ m/$exclude_re/);
if ($l =~ /(\w)\:\\\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\%\s+(.*)$/) {
my ($d,$s,$u,$f,$pu) = ("/$1",$2,$3,$4,$5);
$alldisks{$d}->{pused} = $pu;
$alldisks{$d}->{pfree} = 100-$pu;
$alldisks{$d}->{somme} = $s*$multiply;
$alldisks{$d}->{used} = $u*$multiply;
$alldisks{$d}->{free} = $f*$multiply;
#print $l;
#print "pused = $pu\n";
#print "pfree = 100-$pu\n";
#print "somme = $s\n";
#print "used = $u\n";
#print "free = $f\n";
#print "name = $d\n";
#exit 3;
# par defaut on prend les taux Warn et Crit specifies
# 2010/02/25 palli@ok.is : Fail if df did not in fact return any disks
my $len = scalar(keys %alldisks);
if ( scalar(keys %alldisks) < 1) {
print "unable to discover any disks. Output from df command: @output\n";
use Data::Dumper;
# Lecture des arguments WARN et CRIT en renseignement dans le HASH
# des disque a verifier.
# %checkdisks{'nom_disque'}
# ->{used} : espace occupe en octets
# ->{free} : espace libre en octets
# ->{pused} : espace occupe en pourcentage
# ->{pfree} : espace libre en pourcentage
# ->{warning} : taux warning en % espace libre
# ->{critical} : taux critique en % espace libre
# Option -f specifie
if($opt_f) {
my @fs = split(',',$opt_f);
foreach my $f (@fs) {
# <nom_fs> ou <nom_fs,warn,crit>
if($f =~ /^[\/\w\d]+$/) {
if(defined($alldisks{$f})) {
} elsif ($f =~ /^(.+?)\:(\w+)\:(\w+)/) {
if(defined($alldisks{$1})) {
} else {
print "option -f invalide\n";
# sinon fichier de conf specifie
elsif ($opt_C) {
open(FIC,"<$opt_C") or die "$!";
foreach my $l (<FIC>) {
if($l =~ /^([\/\w\d]+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)$/) {
my ($d,$w,$c)=($1,$2,$3);
if(defined($alldisks{$d})) {
%checkdisks= (%alldisks, %checkdisks);
# on enleve les FS a ignorer
if($opt_i) {
my @fs = split(',',$opt_i);
foreach my $f (@fs, "/cdrom", "/mnt/cdrom") {
if(defined($checkdisks{$f})) {
delete $checkdisks{$f};
my $cmp_warn=0; # compteur de disques en avertissement
my $cmp_crit=0; # compteur de disques critiques
my $perf_data=""; # Donnees de perf
my $critical_disks = "";
my $warning_disks = "";
my $ok_disks = "";
# Tests Warn et Crit de tous les fs et creation de l'output
foreach my $f (keys %checkdisks) {
if ($opt_v) { $output .= "\n"; }
if($checkdisks{$f}->{pfree} < $checkdisks{$f}->{critical}) {
$critical_disks .= " " . $f ;
elsif ($checkdisks{$f}->{pfree} < $checkdisks{$f}->{warning}) {
$warning_disks .= " " . $f ;
} else {
$ok_disks .= " " . $f ;
$output .= "[$f " . byte2human($checkdisks{$f}->{free}) .
" (" . $checkdisks{$f}->{pfree} . '% free) ;' .
"warning=" . $checkdisks{$f}->{warning} . "% " .
"critical=" . $checkdisks{$f}->{critical} . "% " .
'] ' ;
$output .= "<br>" if ($opt_html);
#$output .= "\n";
# Donnees de Perfs
my $perfwarn=$alldisks{$f}->{somme}*((100-$checkdisks{$f}->{warning})/100);
$perfwarn = sprintf("%0.f",$perfwarn);
my $perfcrit=$alldisks{$f}->{somme}*((100-$checkdisks{$f}->{critical})/100);
$perfcrit = sprintf("%0.f",$perfcrit);
"$checkdisks{$f}->{somme} ";
if($cmp_crit > 0) {
} elsif ($cmp_warn > 0) {
} else {
#Enregistrement des donnees de perf dans un fichier separe pour la generation
# des graphs
if (-d $opt_srvperf) {
eval {
require Mayday;
require Mayday::Config;
my $cfg = new Mayday::Config(version => $Mayday::nagios_version,
cgi_file => $Mayday::nagios_cgi_cfg) ;
die "Can't read nagios configuration" unless $cfg ;
my $host = $cfg->get_host_by_address($opt_H) || $opt_H;
open(FP, ">>$opt_srvperf/$host.perfdata") ;
print FP time(),"|$host|disk|DISK $retour $output|$perf_data\n" ;
close(FP) ;
# Sortie du plugin : sans donnees de perfs qui sont stockes
# dans d'autres fichiers
print "DISK $retour $critical_disks $warning_disks ... $output | $perf_data\n";
exit $EXIT_CODES{$retour};
# value : valeur a convertir
# unit : unite : K M G ou T
# max : valeur max en octets
sub byte2percent {
my ($value,$unit,$max) = @_;
my $return;
#Kilo Mega Giga Tera
my @units = qw (K M G T);
if(!grep {$_ eq $unit} @units) {
print "Erreur : unite inconnue ($unit)\n";
return 0;
if($unit eq 'K') {
$return = sprintf("%d",100*($multiply*$value)/$max);
} elsif ($unit eq 'M') {
$return = sprintf("%d",100*($multiply*$multiply*$value)/$max);
} elsif ($unit eq 'G') {
$return = sprintf("%d",100*($multiply*$multiply*$multiply*$value)/$max);
} elsif ($unit eq 'T') {
$return = sprintf("%d",100*($multiply*$multiply*$multiply*$multiply*$value)/$max);
#Borne a 100 %
if($return > 100) {
return 100;
return $return;
sub byte2human {
my ($value) = @_;
my $i=0;
my @units = qw/B K M G T/;
while (($value / $multiply) >= 1) {
$value /= $multiply;
return sprintf('%.1f%s',$value, $units[$i]);
# permet de mettre a jour les taux warn et crit en prenant en
# compte l'unite (K M G T)
sub updateRates {
my ($disk,$w,$c,$max) = @_;
if($w =~ m/^(\d+)(\D)/) {
} else {
if($c =~ /^(\d+)(\D)/) {
} else {