#!/bin/sh # THIS ONE IS DEPRECATED AND NO LONGER MAINTAINED! # Check check_eva.py # Some defaults hostaddress=evahost username=eva password=eva1234 BODYFILE=/tmp/check_eva.body LASTCHECK=`ls -la /etc/sssu.out | awk ' { print $6,$7,$8 }'` COMMANDFILE="/etc/nagios/check_eva.sssu" VERSION=1.0 OK=0 WARNING=1 CRITICAL=2 UNKNOWN=3 print_help() { echo "check_eva version $VERSION" echo "This plugin checks status of HP EVA Array via sssu command" echo "" echo "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]" echo "Options:" echo "[-H ]" echo "[--username ]" echo "[--password /etc/sssu.out fi # Only run actual SSSU command if this is not a test run #if [ -z $testmode ]; then # /usr/local/sbin/sssu "file $COMMANDFILE" |grep -v PASSWORD > /etc/sssu.out #fi # Run the actual sssu command CMD1="set option on_error=continue" CMD2="select manager $hostaddress USERNAME=$username PASSWORD=$password" CMD3="ls system full" if [ "$DEBUG" == "1" ]; then echo "Debug: $CMD2" fi /usr/local/sbin/sssu "$CMD1" "$CMD2" "$CMD3" | grep -v PASSWORD > /etc/sssu.out PROBLEM=`grep -w operationalstate /etc/sssu.out |grep -v good |wc -l` ERRORCHECK1=`grep -i error /etc/sssu.out| grep -v on_error | wc -l` ERRORCHECK2=`grep -w operationalstate /etc/sssu.out | wc -l` SUMMARY=`awk ' $1 == "objectname" { STORAGE=$3 } \ $1 == "operationalstate" { STATE=$3 } \ $1 == "managementhostname" { print STORAGE "=" STATE ";" } ' /etc/sssu.out | tr '\n' ' '` PERFDATA=`awk ' $1 == "objectname" { STORAGE=$3 } \ $1 == "totalstoragespace" { totalstoragespace=STORAGE "_" $1 "=" $3 } \ $1 == "usedstoragespace" { usedstoragespace=STORAGE "_" $1 "=" $3 } \ $1 == "availablestoragespace" { availablestoragespace=STORAGE "_" $1 "=" $3 } \ $1 == "managementhostname" { print totalstoragespace, usedstoragespace, availablestoragespace } ' /etc/sssu.out | tr '\n' ' '` #totalstoragespace=`grep totalstoragespace /etc/sssu.out | awk '{ print $3 }' | tr '\n' ' ' ` #usedstoragespace=`grep usedstoragespace /etc/sssu.out | awk '{ print $3 }' | tr '\n' ' '` #availablestoragespace=`grep availablestoragespace /etc/sssu.out | awk '{ print $3 }' | tr '\n' ' '` #PERFDATA="totalstoragespace=$totalstoragespace usedstoragespace=$usedstoragespace availablestoragespace=$availablestoragespace" if [ "$PROBLEM" -gt 0 ]; then echo "Warning - HP EVA Requires attention. $SUMMARY | $PERFDATA" echo "EVA state last checked at $LASTCHECK" grep -E 'operationalstate|operationalstatedetail|objectname|licensestate|systemtype|storagespace' /etc/sssu.out exit 1 fi if [ "$ERRORCHECK1" -gt 0 ]; then echo "Unknown - failed to run sssu command" cat /etc/sssu.out exit 3 fi if [ "$ERRORCHECK2" -lt 1 ]; then echo "Unknown - Could not retrieve information via sssu" cat /etc/sssu.out exit 3 fi echo "OK - HP EVA reports: $SUMMARY | $PERFDATA" echo "EVA state last checked at $LASTCHECK" grep -E 'operationalstate|operationalstatedetail|objectname|licensestate|systemtype|storagespace' /etc/sssu.out