# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import subprocess
import datetime
import sys
now = datetime.datetime.now()

# return code 3 = No sessions matching the search criteria were found. 
class GenericObject:
  def __init__(self):
    self.dict = {}

def runCommand(command):
  proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,)
  stdout, stderr = proc.communicate('through stdin to stdout')
  if proc.returncode > 0 and proc.returncode != omnistat_returncode_no_sessions_found: 
    print "Error running '%s' command:\n %s" % (command, stderr)
    print proc.returncode
    print stderr, stdout
    return stdout

def getSessions():
  sessions = []
  date = "%s/%s/%s" % ( now.year, now.month, now.day )
  output = runCommand( '/opt/omni/bin/omnistat -previous -since %s' % date )
  for line in output.split('\n')[1:]:
    tmp = line.split()
    if len(tmp) < 4: continue
    sessionID = tmp[0]
    sessions.append( sessionID )
    #print sessionID
  return sessions

def parseSessions(session_list):
  parsedSessions = []
  for sessionID in session_list:
    output = runCommand('/opt/omni/bin/omnidb -rpt %s -detail' % sessionID )
    session = GenericObject()
    parsedSessions.append ( session )
    for line in output.split('\n'):
      tmp = line.split(':')
      if len(tmp) != 2: continue
      key,value = tmp
      key = key.strip()
      value = value.strip()
      session.dict[key] = value
  return parsedSessions

sessions = getSessions()
parsedSessions = parseSessions( sessions )

total_errors = 0
total_warnings = 0
total_size = 0
total_sessions = 0
for session in parsedSessions:
	errors = int( session.dict['Number of errors'] )
	warnings = int( session.dict['Number of warnings'] )
		size = 1024 * int( session.dict['Session size'].split()[0] )
		size = 0
	total_errors = total_errors + errors
	total_warnings = total_warnings + warnings
	total_size = total_size + size
	total_sessions += 1

print "Everything is ok | 'errors'=%d 'warnings'=%d 'size'=%dB 'num_sessions'=%dc" % (total_errors,total_warnings,total_size,total_sessions)