#!/bin/sh # # Nagios plugin to check the state of Linux device mapper multipath devices # # (C) 2006 Riege Software International GmbH # Licensed under the General Public License, Version 2 # Contact: Gunther Schlegel, schlegel@riege.com # Matija Nalis, mnalis+debian@carnet.hr # # v1.0 20060220 gs new script # v1.1 20091020 mnalis fix -n handling to work (parsing not working, ignoring last lun...) PROGNAME=`basename $0` PROGPATH=`echo $0 | sed -e 's,[\\/][^\\/][^\\/]*$,,'` REVISION=`echo '$Revision: 1.12 $' | sed -e 's/[^0-9.]//g'` if [ -f $PROGPATH/utils.sh ]; then . $PROGPATH/utils.sh else . /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/utils.sh fi MULTIPATH=/sbin/multipath SUDO=/usr/bin/sudo LSMOD=/sbin/lsmod print_usage() { echo "Usage:" echo " $PROGNAME [-n NUMPATHS]" echo "" echo "Options:" echo " -n NUMPATHS If specified there must be NUMPATHS paths present for each LUN" } print_help() { print_revision $PROGNAME $REVISION echo "Check multipath status." echo "" print_usage echo "" echo "Really simple: runs $MULTIPATH and greps for \"failed\" paths." echo "if NUMPATHS is specified each LUN must have that number of PATHS present." echo "" echo "Requires sudo and multipath-tools" echo "" echo "Add this to your sudoers file by running visudo to add access:" if [ -r /proc/modules ]; then echo "Cmnd_Alias MULTIPATH=$MULTIPATH -l" else echo "Cmnd_Alias MULTIPATH=$MULTIPATH -l, $SUDO" fi echo "nagios ALL= NOPASSWD: MULTIPATH" echo "The user nagios may very well be nobody or someone else depending on your configuration" echo "" support } NUMPATHS='' # Information options case "$1" in --help) print_help exit $STATE_OK ;; -h) print_help exit $STATE_OK ;; --version) print_revision $PLUGIN $REVISION exit $STATE_OK ;; -V) print_revision $PLUGIN $REVISION exit $STATE_OK ;; -n) shift NUMPATHS="$1" ;; esac if [ ! -x $MULTIPATH ]; then echo "MULTIPATH: UNKNOWN - $MULTIPATH not found" exit $STATE_UNKNOWN fi # if not yet root, check sudo if [ $(id -un) != "root" ]; then MULTIPATH="$SUDO $MULTIPATH" # on grsec kernel /proc might be protected if [ ! -r /proc/modules ]; then LSMOD="$SUDO $LSMOD" fi fi OUTPUT=$($MULTIPATH -l 2>/dev/null) if [ $? != 0 ]; then # Failed. grab more info why if [ $(id -un) != "root" ] && [ `$SUDO -l | grep -c multipath` -eq 0 ]; then echo "MULTIPATH: UNKNOWN - sudo not configured" exit $STATE_UNKNOWN fi MODCOUNT=$($LSMOD | grep -c ^dm_multipath) if [ $MODCOUNT = 0 ]; then echo "MULTIPATH: UNKNOWN - Module dm-multipath not loaded" exit $STATE_UNKNOWN fi echo "MULTIPATH: $(MULTIPATH -l 2>&1)" exit $STATE_UNKNOWN fi PATHCOUNT=$(echo "$OUTPUT" | wc -l) if [ $PATHCOUNT -eq 0 ]; then echo "MULTIPATH: WARNING - No paths defined" exit $STATEWARNING fi FAILCOUNT=$(echo "$OUTPUT" | grep -c failed) if [ $FAILCOUNT -gt 0 ]; then echo "MULTIPATH: CRITICAL - $FAILCOUNT paths failed" exit $STATE_CRITICAL fi if [ "$NUMPATHS" ]; then echo "$OUTPUT" | awk -vnumpaths=$NUMPATHS -vrc=0 -vlun= -vtargets=0 ' /^\[/ {next} # skip flags (lenny) /^size=/ {next} # skip flags (squeeze) /^\\/ {next} # skip devinfo (lenny) /policy=/ {next} # skip devinfo (squeeze) /^ \\/ {targets++; next} # count targets (lenny) /[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+/ { if (/active undef running/) { targets++ } # count targets (squeeze) next } { # The LUN line # process if this is not first LUN if (lun && numpaths != targets) { printf("CRITICAL: %d of %d paths available for LUN %s\n", targets, numpaths, lun) rc = 1 } # reset counter targets = 0 lun = $0 } END { if (lun && numpaths != targets) { printf("CRITICAL: %d of %d paths available for LUN %s\n", targets, numpaths, lun) rc = 1 } exit rc } ' if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then exit $STATE_CRITICAL fi fi echo "MULTIPATH: OK - No failed paths" exit $STATE_OK # vim: ts=4:sw=4:noet