#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2010, Pall Sigurdsson # # This script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # About this script # # This script will check the status of a remote Cisco Call Manager via SNMP debugging = False # No real need to change anything below here version="1.0" ok=0 warning=1 critical=2 unknown=3 not_present = -1 nagios_status = -1 state = {} state[not_present] = "Not Present" state[ok] = "OK" state[warning] = "Warning" state[critical] = "Critical" state[unknown] = "Unknown" longserviceoutput="\n" perfdata="" summary="" sudo=False from sys import exit from sys import argv from os import getenv,putenv,environ import subprocess required_gateways = [] def print_help(): print "This is the help screen" pass def error(errortext): print "* Error: %s" % errortext print_help() print "* Error: %s" % errortext exit(unknown) def debug( debugtext ): global debugging if debugging: print debugtext '''runCommand: Runs command from the shell prompt. Exit Nagios style if unsuccessful''' def runCommand(command): proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate('through stdin to stdout') if proc.returncode > 0: print "Error %s: %s\n command was: '%s'" % (proc.returncode,stderr.strip(),command) debug("results: %s" % (stdout.strip() ) ) if proc.returncode == 127: # File not found, lets print path path=getenv("PATH") print "Check if your path is correct %s" % (path) if stderr.find('Password:') == 0 and command.find('sudo') == 0: print "Check if user is in the sudoers file" if stderr.find('sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo') == 0 and command.find('sudo') == 0: print "Please remove 'requiretty' from /etc/sudoers" exit(unknown) else: return stdout def end(): global summary global longserviceoutput global perfdata global nagios_status print "%s - %s | %s" % (state[nagios_status], summary,perfdata) print longserviceoutput if nagios_status < 0: nagios_status = unknown exit(nagios_status) def add_perfdata(text): global perfdata text = text.strip() perfdata = perfdata + " %s " % (text) def add_long(text): global longserviceoutput longserviceoutput = longserviceoutput + text + '\n' def add_summary(text): global summary summary = summary + text def set_path(path): current_path = getenv('PATH') if current_path.find('C:\\') > -1: # We are on this platform if path == '': path = ";C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Sanworks\Element Manager for StorageWorks HSV" path = path + ";C:\Program Files (x86)\Compaq\Hpacucli\Bin" path = path + ";C:\Program Files\Compaq\Hpacucli\Bin" else: path = ';' + path else: # Unix/Linux, etc if path == '': path = ":/usr/sbin" else: path = ':' + path current_path = "%s%s" % (current_path,path) environ['PATH'] = current_path def parse_arguments(): arguments = argv[1:] while len(arguments) > 0: arg = arguments.pop(0) if arg == '--help': print_help() exit(ok) elif arg == '--path': path = arguments.pop(0) set_path(path) elif arg == '--debug': global debugging debugging = True elif arg == '--mode': global mode mode = arguments.pop(0) elif arg == '--require_gateway': global required_gateways required_gateways.append( arguments.pop(0) ) else: print_help() exit(unknown) snmpgetcommand = "snmpget -v1 -c public " def snmpget(oid): output = runCommand(snmpgetcommand + " " + oid) oid,result = output.strip().split(' = ', 1) resultType,resultValue = result.split(': ',1) if resultType == 'STRING': # strip quotes of the string resultValue = resultValue[1:-1] return resultValue def snmpwalk(base_oid): snmpwalkcommand = "snmpwalk -v1 -c public" output = runCommand(snmpwalkcommand + " " + base_oid) return output def getTable(base_oid): myTable = {} output = snmpwalk(base_oid) for line in output.split('\n'): tmp = line.strip().split(' = ', 1) if len(tmp) == 2: oid,result = tmp else: continue tmp = result.split(': ',1) if len(tmp) > 1: resultType,resultValue = tmp[0],tmp[1] else: resultType = None resultValue = tmp[0] if resultType == 'STRING': # strip quotes of the string resultValue = resultValue[1:-1] index = oid.strip().split('.') column = int(index.pop()) row = int(index.pop()) if not myTable.has_key(column): myTable[column] = {} myTable[column][row] = resultValue return myTable ccmGlobalInfoBase = "." ccmActivePhones = "1" ccmInActivePhones = "2" ccmActiveGateways = "3" ccmInActiveGateways = "4" ccmRegisteredPhones = "5" ccmUnregisteredPhones = "6" ccmRejectedPhones = "7" ccmRegisteredGateways = "8" ccmUnregisteredGateways = "9" ccmRejectedGateways = "10" ccmRegisteredMediaDevices = "11" ccmUnregisteredMediaDevices = "12" ccmRejectedMediaDevices = "13" ccmRegisteredCTIDevices = "14" ccmUnregisteredCTIDevices = "15" ccmRejectedCTIDevices = "16" ccmRegisteredVoiceMailDevices = "17" ccmUnregisteredVoiceMailDevices = "18" ccmRejectedVoiceMailDevices = "19" ccmCallManagerStartTime = "20" ccmPhoneTableStateId = "21" ccmPhoneExtensionTableStateId = "22" ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTableStateId = "23" ccmGatewayTableStateId = "24" ccmCTIDeviceTableStateId = "25" ccmCTIDeviceDirNumTableStateId = "26" ccmPhStatUpdtTblLastAddedIndex = "27" ccmPhFailedTblLastAddedIndex = "28" ccmSystemVersion = "29" ccmInstallationId = "30" ccmPartiallyRegisteredPhones = "31" ccmH323TableEntries = "32" ccmSIPTableEntries = "33" def check_globalinfo(): global nagios_status RegisteredPhones = snmpget( "." ) UnRegisteredPhones = snmpget( "." ) RejectedPhones = snmpget( "." ) RegisteredGateways = snmpget( "." ) UnRegisteredGateways = snmpget( "." ) RejectedGateways = snmpget( "." ) SIPTableEntries = snmpget( "." ) nagios_status = max(nagios_status, ok) add_summary( "Registered phones: %s. " % (RegisteredPhones) ) add_summary( "Registered Gateways: %s. " % (RegisteredGateways) ) add_perfdata( "RegisteredPhones=%s UnRegisteredPhones=%s RejectedPhones=%s" % (RegisteredPhones,UnRegisteredPhones,RejectedPhones) ) add_perfdata( "RegisteredGateways=%s UnRegisteredGateways=%s RejectedGateways=%s" % (RegisteredGateways,UnRegisteredGateways,RejectedGateways) ) add_perfdata( "SIPTableEntries=%s " % (SIPTableEntries) ) def check_gateways(): global required_gateways global nagios_status gateways = getTable('.') name = 2 gatewaytype = 3 description = 4 status = 5 statusreason = 10 friendlystatus= { "1":"unknown", "2":"registered", "3":"unregistered", "4":"rejected", "5":"partiallyregistered", } friendlystatusreason = { "0":"noError", "1":"unknown", "2":"noEntryInDatabase", "3":"databaseConfigurationError", "4":"deviceNameUnresolveable", "5":"maxDevRegReached", "6":"connectivityError", "7":"initializationError", "8":"deviceInitiatedReset", "9":"callManagerReset", "10":"authenticationError", "11":"invalidX509NameInCertificate", "12":"invalidTLSCipher", "13":"directoryNumberMismatch", "14":"malformedRegisterMsg", } num_down_gateways = 0 gateway_names = [] for i in gateways.values(): nagios_status = max(nagios_status, ok) gateway_names.append( i[name] ) if i[name] in required_gateways and i[status] != "2": nagios_status = max(nagios_status, critical) add_summary( "%s is %s (%s). " % ( i[name], friendlystatus[i[status]], friendlystatusreason[i[statusreason]] ) ) if friendlystatus[i[status]] != 'registered': num_down_gateways = num_down_gateways + 1 add_long( "%s (%s) is %s (%s)" % ( i[name], i[description], friendlystatus[i[status]], friendlystatusreason[i[statusreason]] ) ) add_summary( "%s out of %s gateways are up. " % ( (len(gateways)-num_down_gateways, len(gateways) ) ) ) add_perfdata( "gateways_total=%s gateways_down=%s" % (len(gateways), num_down_gateways ) ) for i in required_gateways: if i not in gateway_names: nagios_status = max(nagios_status, critical) add_summary( 'Gateway "%s" not found. ' % i ) def check_ccm(): global nagios_status table = getTable('.') ccmName = 2 ccmDescription = 3 ccmVersion = 4 ccmStatus = 5 ccmInetAddressType = 6 id = ccmName friendlyCcmStatus = { "1":"unknown", "2":"up", "3":"down" } for k,v in table.items(): name = v[ccmName] status = v[ccmStatus] status = friendlyCcmStatus[status] if status == "up": nagios_status = max(nagios_status, ok) else: nagios_status = max(nagios_status, critical) add_summary( "%s is %s. " % (name,status) ) add_long( "%s is %s" % (name, status) ) add_long( "- version: %s" % (v[ccmVersion]) ) add_long( "- description: %s" % (v[ccmDescription]) ) add_long( "" ) def main(): parse_arguments() global mode set_path('') if mode == None: check_ccm() elif mode == 'ccm_status': check_ccm() elif mode == 'globalinfo': check_globalinfo() elif mode == 'gateways': check_gateways() end() if __name__ == '__main__': main()