nscp.print('Loading test script...') nscp.execute('version') v = nscp.getSetting('NSCA Agent', 'interval', 'broken') nscp.print('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') nscp.print('value: ' .. v) nscp.print('~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') nscp.register('check_something', 'something') nscp.register('lua_debug', 'debug') nscp.register('foo', 'something') nscp.register('lua_alias', 'execute_all_alias') function something (command) nscp.print(command) code, msg, perf = nscp.execute('CheckCPU','time=5','MaxCrit=5') print(code .. ': ' .. msg .. ', ' .. perf) collectgarbage () return code, 'hello from LUA: ' .. msg, perf end function execute_all_alias() commands = nscp.getSection('External Alias') ok = 0 err = 0 for i,key in pairs(commands) do args = nscp.getSetting('External Alias', key) code, msg, perf = nscp.execute(key,args) if code == 'ok' then ok = ok + 1 else err = err + 1 print('[' .. i .. '] ' .. key .. ': ' .. code .. ' <' .. msg ..'>') end end if err == 0 then return 'ok', 'All ' .. ok .. ' commands were ok' else return 'error', 'Only ' .. ok .. ' commands of the ' .. (ok+err) .. ' were successfull' end end function debug (command, args) table.foreachi(args, print) print ('Command was: ' .. command) return 'ok', 'hello' end