' ========================================================= ' Example file of setting up a script to use NagiosPlugin.vbs as base. ' ========================================================= ' Required Variables Const PROGNAME = "check_test" Const VERSION = "0.9.0" ' Default settings for your script. threshold_warning = 10 threshold_critical = 20 alias = "default" ' Create the NagiosPlugin object Set np = New NagiosPlugin ' Define what args that should be used np.add_arg "arg", "Argument", 1 np.add_arg "warning", "warning threshold", 0 np.add_arg "critical", "critical threshold", 0 np.add_arg "alias", "Alias", 0 ' If we have no args or arglist contains /help or not all of the required arguments are fulfilled show the usage output,. If Args.Count < 1 Or Args.Exists("help") Or np.parse_args = 0 Then WScript.Echo Args.Count np.Usage End If ' If we define /warning /critical on commandline it should override the script default. If Args.Exists("warning") Then threshold_warning = Args("warning") If Args.Exists("critical") Then threshold_critical = Args("critical") If Args.Exists("alias") Then alias = Args("alias") np.set_thresholds threshold_warning, threshold_critical ' Set the msg output to be used (OK/WARNING/CRITICAL/UNKNOWN will be applied automaticly) return_code = np.check_threshold(Args("arg")) msg = "Testing " & Args.Item("host") & " " & np.get_threshold("warning") & " " & np.get_threshold("critical") ' Nice Exit with msg and exitcode np.nagios_exit msg, return_code