#!/usr/bin/python from pynag.Plugins import UNKNOWN, WARNING, CRITICAL, OK, simple as Plugin from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from pprint import pprint ## Create the plugin option np = Plugin() np.add_arg('l', 'long-output', 'Allows for long multiline output', required=0, action='store_true') # Parse the plugin options np.activate() p = Popen("mtr -c 4 --raw %s" % (np['host']), shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate('through stdin to stdout') if p.returncode > 0: if p.returncode == 127: # File not found, lets print path np.nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, "Unable to find mtr, check that it is installed") else: np.nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, "Unable to run mtr: %s" % (stderr.strip())) mtr_output = {} for line in stdout.split("\n"): if not line: continue line.strip() (l_type, l_id, l_data) = line.split(" ", 3) if mtr_output.has_key(l_id) == False: mtr_output[l_id] = { 'p': [] } if l_type == "p": mtr_output[l_id][l_type].append(int(l_data)) else: mtr_output[l_id][l_type] = l_data for k in range(0, len(mtr_output)): obj = str(k) avg = sum(mtr_output[obj]['p']) / len(mtr_output[obj]['p']) np.add_perfdata('hop%s' % (obj), avg) np.add_message(OK, "%s average %imsec" % (mtr_output[obj]['h'], float(avg / 1000))) if np['long-output']: (code, message) = np.check_messages(joinallstr = "\n") else: (code, message) = np.check_messages() # Exit with the relevant code np.nagios_exit( code, message ) #h 5 #d 5 neumann.mbl.is #p 5 35334 #p 4 22419 #h 5 #d 5 neumann.mbl.is