#!/usr/bin/python from pynag.Plugins import simple as Plugin, WARNING, CRITICAL, UNKNOWN, OK from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import os class PluginException(Exception): pass def main(): global plugin plugin = Plugin(must_threshold=False) plugin.add_arg("l", "logical-volume", "Comma seperated list of VG/LV, eg vg00/data,vg00/snap", required=False) plugin.add_arg("V", "volume-group", "Comma seperated list of VG, eg vg00,vg01", required=False) plugin.add_arg("a", "check-all", "Check all LVs", required=False, action="store_true") plugin.activate() print lvs_output lvs = plugin["logical-volume"] and plugin["logical-volume"].split( ",") or [] vgs = plugin["volume-group"] and plugin["volume-group"].split(",") or [] if not lvs and not vgs and not plugin['check-all']: plugin.parser.error( "Either logical-volume or volume-group must be specified") elif plugin['check-all'] and ( lvs or vgs ): plugin.parser.error( "Mixing check-all and logical-volume or volume-group does not make sense") check_mirror(lvs, vgs, plugin['check-all'], plugin['host']) (code, message) = (plugin.check_messages(joinallstr="\n")) plugin.nagios_exit(code, message) def get_lv_list(hostname=None): # Change lang setting for string consitency env = os.environ.copy() env['LC_ALL'] = 'C' # Remote execution if hostname: cmd = ['check_nrpe', '-H', hostname, '-c', 'get_lvm_mirrors'] # Local else: cmd = ["lvs", "--separator", ";", "-o", "vg_name,lv_name,lv_attr,copy_percent"] # Execute lvs ret = None lvs_output = None try: lvs = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=False, env=env) ret = lvs.wait() lvs_output = lvs.stdout.readlines() except Exception as error: raise PluginException("Unable to execute lvs: %s" % error) if ret != 0: raise PluginException("Bad return code from lvs command %i" % ret) logical_volume = parse_lvs(lvs_output) def parse_lvs(lvs_output): all_lvs = [] all_vgs = [] linenumber = 0 for l in lvs_output: linenumber += 1 try: vg_name, lv_name, lv_attr, copy_percent = l.strip().split(";") except ValueError as error: plugin.add_message(UNKNOWN, "Unable to parse lvs line %i: %s\n%s" % ( linenumber, error, l)) continue all_lvs.append("%s/%s" % (vg_name, lv_name)) if vg_name not in all_vgs: all_vgs.append(vg_name) if check_all or "%s/%s" % ( vg_name, lv_name) in lv_list or vg_name in vg_list: if lv_attr[0] != "m" and lv_attr[0] != "M": plugin.add_message(CRITICAL, "LV %s/%s not mirrored" % (vg_name, lv_name)) elif lv_attr[2] != "a": plugin.add_message(CRITICAL, "LV %s/%s not active" % (vg_name, lv_name)) elif lv_attr[5] != "o": plugin.add_message(CRITICAL, "LV %s/%s not open" % (vg_name, lv_name)) elif float(copy_percent or 0) < 100: plugin.add_message(WARNING, "LV %s/%s Copy Percent %s" % ( vg_name, lv_name, copy_percent)) else: plugin.add_message(OK, "LV %s/%s functioning" % (vg_name, lv_name)) def check_mirror(lv_list, vg_list, check_all, hostname): # Ensure the right locale for text parsing """ :rtype : None """ # Loop through lvs output # Find lvs that were specified in cmd line but were not found via lvs for v in vg_list: if v not in all_vgs: plugin.add_message(CRITICAL, "VG %s not found" % (v)) # Find lvs that were specified in cmd line but were not found via lvs for l in lv_list: if l not in all_lvs: plugin.add_message(CRITICAL, "LV %s not found" % (l)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()