#!/usr/bin/env python """Nagios plugin to test for Yum updates on RedHat/CentOS Linux. Can optionally alert on any available updates as well as just security related updates""" __author__ = "Hari Sekhon" __title__ = "Nagios Plugin for Yum updates on RedHat/CentOS systems" __version__ = "0.7.1" # Standard Nagios return codes OK = 0 WARNING = 1 CRITICAL = 2 UNKNOWN = 3 import os import re import sys import signal OLD_PYTHON = False try: from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT except ImportError: OLD_PYTHON = True import commands from optparse import OptionParser DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 30 def end(status, message): """Exits the plugin with first arg as the return code and the second arg as the message to output""" check = "YUM " if status == OK: print "%sOK: %s" % (check, message) sys.exit(OK) elif status == WARNING: print "%sWARNING: %s" % (check, message) sys.exit(WARNING) elif status == CRITICAL: print "%sCRITICAL: %s" % (check, message) sys.exit(CRITICAL) else: print "UNKNOWN: %s" % message sys.exit(UNKNOWN) YUM = "/usr/bin/yum" def check_yum_usable(): """Checks that the YUM program and path are correct and usable - that the program exists and is executable, otherwise exits with error""" if not os.path.exists(YUM): end(UNKNOWN, "%s cannot be found" % YUM) elif not os.path.isfile(YUM): end(UNKNOWN, "%s is not a file" % YUM) elif not os.access(YUM, os.X_OK): end(UNKNOWN, "%s is not executable" % YUM) class YumTester: """Class to hold all portage test functions and state""" def __init__(self): """Initialize all object variables""" self.all_updates = False self.no_cache_update = False self.no_warn_on_lock = False self.enable_repo = "" self.disable_repo = "" self.timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT self.verbosity = 0 self.warn_on_any_update = False def validate_all_variables(self): """Validates all object variables to make sure the environment is sane""" if self.timeout == None: self.timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT try: self.timeout = int(self.timeout) except ValueError: end(UNKNOWN, "Timeout must be an whole number, " \ + "representing the timeout in seconds") if self.timeout < 1 or self.timeout > 3600: end(UNKNOWN, "Timeout must be a number between 1 and 3600 seconds") if self.verbosity == None: self.verbosity = 0 try: self.verbosity = int(self.verbosity) if self.verbosity < 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: end(UNKNOWN, "Invalid verbosity type, must be positive numeric " \ + "integer") def run(self, cmd): """runs a system command and returns an array of lines of the output""" if cmd == "" or cmd == None: end(UNKNOWN, "Internal python error - " \ + "no cmd supplied for run function") if self.no_cache_update: cmd += " -C" if self.enable_repo: for repo in self.enable_repo.split(","): cmd += " --enablerepo=%s" % repo if self.disable_repo: for repo in self.disable_repo.split(","): cmd += " --disablerepo=%s" % repo self.vprint(3, "running command: %s" % cmd) if OLD_PYTHON: self.vprint(3, "subprocess not available, probably old python " \ + "version, using shell instead") returncode, stdout = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if returncode >= 256: returncode = returncode / 256 else: try: process = Popen( cmd.split(), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT ) except OSError, error: error = str(error) if error == "No such file or directory": end(UNKNOWN, "Cannot find utility '%s'" % cmd.split()[0]) end(UNKNOWN, "Error trying to run utility '%s' - %s" \ % (cmd.split()[0], error)) output = process.communicate() returncode = process.returncode stdout = output[0] if stdout == None or stdout == "": end(UNKNOWN, "No output from utility '%s'" % cmd.split()[0]) self.vprint(3, "Returncode: '%s'\nOutput: '%s'" \ % (returncode, stdout)) output = str(stdout).split("\n") self.check_returncode(returncode, output) return output def check_returncode(self, returncode, output): """Takes the returncode and output (as an array of lines) of the yum program execution and tests for failures, exits with an appropriate message if any are found""" if returncode == 0: pass elif returncode == 100: # Updates Available pass elif returncode == 200: if "lock" in output[-2] or "another copy is running" in output[-2]: msg = "Cannot check for updates, " \ + "another instance of yum is running" if self.no_warn_on_lock: end(OK, msg) else: end(WARNING, msg) else: output = self.strip_output(output) end(UNKNOWN, "%s" % output) else: if not 'Loading "security" plugin' in output \ or "Command line error: no such option: --security" in output: end(UNKNOWN, "Security plugin for yum is required. Try to " \ + "'yum install yum-security' and then re-run " \ + "this plugin. Alternatively, to just alert on " \ + "any update which does not require the security " \ + "plugin, try --all-updates") else: output = self.strip_output(output) end(UNKNOWN, "%s" % output) def strip_output(self, output): """Cleans up the output from the plugin and returns it. Takes and returns an array of the lines of output and returns a single string""" self.vprint(3, "stripping output of 'Loading ... plugin' lines") re_loading_plugin = re.compile("^Loading .+ plugin$") output = [re_loading_plugin.sub("", line) for line in output] output = " ".join(output).strip() return output def set_timeout(self): """sets an alarm to time out the test""" if self.timeout == 1: self.vprint(3, "setting plugin timeout to %s second" \ % self.timeout) else: self.vprint(3, "setting plugin timeout to %s seconds"\ % self.timeout) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.sighandler) signal.alarm(self.timeout) def sighandler(self, discarded, discarded2): """Function to be called by signal.alarm to kill the plugin""" # Nop for these variables discarded = discarded2 discarded2 = discarded end(CRITICAL, "Yum nagios plugin has self terminated after " \ + "exceeding the timeout (%s seconds)" % self.timeout) def get_updates(self): """Checks for updates and returns a tuple containing the number of security updates and the number of total updates""" self.vprint(2, "checking for any security updates") if self.all_updates: number_security_updates, number_other_updates = \ self.get_all_updates() else: number_other_updates = self.get_security_updates() number_security_updates = 0 return number_security_updates, number_other_updates def get_all_updates(self): """Gets all updates. Returns a single integer of the number of available updates""" cmd = "%s check-update" % YUM output = self.run(cmd) output2 = "\n".join(output).split("\n\n") if self.verbosity >= 4 : for section in output2: print "\nSection:\n%s\n" % section if len(output2) > 2 or \ not ( "Setting up repositories" in output2[0] or \ "Loaded plugins: " in output2[0] or \ re.search('Loading\s+".+"\s+plugin', output2[0]) ): end(WARNING, "Yum output signature does not match current known " \ + "format. Please make sure you have upgraded to the " \ + "latest version of this plugin. If the problem " \ + "persists, please contact the author for a fix") if len(output2) == 1: # There are no updates but we have passed # the loading and setting up of repositories number_packages = 0 else: number_packages = len([x for x in output2[1].split("\n") \ if len(x.split()) > 1 ]) try: number_packages = int(number_packages) if number_packages < 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: end(UNKNOWN, "Error parsing package information, invalid package " \ + "number, yum output may have changed. Please make " \ + "sure you have upgraded to the latest version of " \ + "this plugin. If the problem persists, then please " \ + "contact the author for a fix") # Extra layer of checks. This is a security plugin so it's preferable # to fail on error rather than pass silently leaving you with an # insecure system count = 0 re_package_format = \ re.compile("^.+\.(i[3456]86|x86_64|noarch)\s+.+\s+.+$") # This is to work around a yum truncation issue effectively changing # the package output format. Currently only very long kmod lines # are seen to have caused this so we stick to what we know for safety # and raise an unknown error on anything else for maximum security #re_package_format_truncated = \ # re.compile("^[\w-]+-kmod-\d[\d\.-]+.*\s+.+\s+.+$") for line in output: if re_package_format.match(line): count += 1 if count != number_packages: end(UNKNOWN, "Error parsing package information, inconsistent " \ + "package count, yum output may have changed. Please " \ + "make sure you have upgraded to the latest version " \ + "of this plugin. If the problem persists, then " \ + "please contact the author for a fix") return number_packages def get_security_updates(self): """Gets all updates, but differentiates between security and normal updates. Returns a tuple of the number of security and normal updates""" cmd = "%s --security check-update" % YUM output = self.run(cmd) re_security_summary = \ re.compile("Needed \d+ of \d+ packages, for security") re_no_security_updates_available = \ re.compile("No packages needed, for security, \d+ available") summary_line_found = False for line in output: if re_no_security_updates_available.match(line): summary_line_found = True number_security_updates = 0 number_total_updates = line.split()[5] break elif re_security_summary.match(line): summary_line_found = True number_security_updates = line.split()[1] number_total_updates = line.split()[3] break if not summary_line_found: end(WARNING, "Cannot find summary line in yum output. Please " \ + "make sure you have upgraded to the latest version " \ + "of this plugin. If the problem persists, please " \ + "contact the author for a fix") try: number_security_updates = int(number_security_updates) number_total_updates = int(number_total_updates) except ValueError: end(WARNING, "Error parsing package information, yum output " \ + "may have changed. Please make sure you have " \ + "upgraded to the latest version of this plugin. " \ + "If the problem persists, the please contact the " \ + "author for a fix") number_other_updates = number_total_updates - number_security_updates if len(output) > number_total_updates + 25: end(WARNING, "Yum output signature is larger than current known " \ + "format, please make sure you have upgraded to the " \ + "latest version of this plugin. If the problem " \ + "persists, please contact the author for a fix") return number_security_updates, number_other_updates def test_yum_updates(self): """Starts tests and controls logic flow""" check_yum_usable() self.vprint(3, "%s - Version %s\nAuthor: %s\n" \ % (__title__, __version__, __author__)) self.validate_all_variables() self.set_timeout() if self.all_updates: return self.test_all_updates() else: return self.test_security_updates() def test_all_updates(self): """Tests for all updates, and returns a tuple of the status code and output""" status = UNKNOWN message = "code error - please contact author for a fix" number_updates = self.get_all_updates() if number_updates == 0: status = OK message = "0 Updates Available" else: status = CRITICAL if number_updates == 1: message = "1 Update Available" else: message = "%s Updates Available" % number_updates return status, message def test_security_updates(self): """Tests for security updates and returns a tuple of the status code and output""" status = UNKNOWN message = "code error - please contact author for a fix" number_security_updates, number_other_updates = \ self.get_security_updates() if number_security_updates == 0: status = OK message = "0 Security Updates Available" else: status = CRITICAL if number_security_updates == 1: message = "1 Security Update Available" elif number_security_updates > 1: message = "%s Security Updates Available" \ % number_security_updates if number_other_updates != 0: if self.warn_on_any_update == True and status != CRITICAL: status = WARNING if number_other_updates == 1: message += ". 1 Non-Security Update Available" else: message += ". %s Non-Security Updates Available" \ % number_other_updates return status, message def vprint(self, threshold, message): """Prints a message if the first arg is numerically greater than the verbosity level""" if self.verbosity >= threshold: print "%s" % message def main(): """Parses command line options and calls the test function""" tester = YumTester() parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "--all-updates", action="store_true", dest="all_updates", help="Does not distinguish between security and " \ + "non-security updates, but returns critical for " \ + "any available update. This may be used if the " \ + "yum security plugin is absent or you want to " \ + "maintain every single package at the latest " \ + "version. You may want to use " \ + "--warn-on-any-update instead of this option") parser.add_option( "--warn-on-any-update", action="store_true", dest="warn_on_any_update", help="Warns if there are any (non-security) package " \ + "updates available. By default only warns when " \ + "security related updates are available. If " \ + "--all-updates is used, then this option is " \ + "redundant as --all-updates will return a " \ + "critical result on any available update, " \ + "whereas using this switch still allows you to " \ + "differentiate between the severity of updates ") parser.add_option( "-C", "--cache-only", action="store_true", dest="no_cache_update", help="Run entirely from cache and do not update the " \ + "cache when running yum. Useful if you have " \ + "'yum makecache' cronned so that the nagios " \ + "check itself doesn't have to do it, possibly " \ + "speeding up execution (by 1-2 seconds in tests)") parser.add_option( "--no-warn-on-lock", action="store_true", dest="no_warn_on_lock", help="Return OK instead of WARNING when yum is locked " \ + "and fails to check for updates due to another " \ + "instance running. This is not recommended from " \ + "the security standpoint, but may be wanted to " \ + "reduce the number of alerts that may " \ + "intermittently pop up when someone is running " \ + "yum interactively for package management") parser.add_option( "--enablerepo", dest="repository_to_enable", help="Explicitly enables a reposity when calling yum. " + "Can take a comma separated list of repositories") parser.add_option( "--disablerepo", dest="repository_to_disable", help="Explicitly disables a repository when calling yum " + "Can take a comma separated list of repositories") parser.add_option( "-t", "--timeout", dest="timeout", help="Sets a timeout in seconds after which the " \ +"plugin will exit (defaults to %s seconds). " \ % DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", action="count", dest="verbosity", help="Verbose mode. Can be used multiple times to " \ + "increase output. Use -vvv for debugging output. " \ + "By default only one result line is printed as " \ + "per Nagios standards") parser.add_option( "-V", "--version", action="store_true", dest="version", help="Print version number and exit") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if args: parser.print_help() sys.exit(UNKNOWN) tester.all_updates = options.all_updates tester.no_cache_update = options.no_cache_update tester.no_warn_on_lock = options.no_warn_on_lock tester.enable_repo = options.repository_to_enable tester.disable_repo = options.repository_to_disable tester.timeout = options.timeout tester.verbosity = options.verbosity tester.warn_on_any_update = options.warn_on_any_update if options.version: print "%s - Version %s\nAuthor: %s\n" \ % (__title__, __version__, __author__) sys.exit(OK) result, output = tester.test_yum_updates() end(result, output) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Caught Control-C..." sys.exit(CRITICAL)