mirror of https://github.com/opinkerfi/nagios-plugins.git synced 2025-02-23 03:34:02 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
Páll Guðjón Sigurðsson 2011-03-29 12:30:50 +00:00
parent ea12c21d95
commit f8480dd9a2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
# Copyright 2010, Pall Sigurdsson <palli@opensource.is>
# This script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# About this script
# This script will check the status of a remote Cisco Call Manager via SNMP
# No real need to change anything below here
not_present = -1
exit_status = -1
state = {}
state[not_present] = "Not Present"
state[ok] = "OK"
state[warning] = "Warning"
state[critical] = "Critical"
state[unknown] = "Unknown"
from sys import exit
from sys import argv
from os import getenv,putenv,environ
import subprocess
# Parse some Arguments
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-H","--host", dest="host",
help="Hostname or IP address of the host to check")
parser.add_option("-w","--warning", dest="warning_threshold",
help="Warning threshold", type="int", default=None)
parser.add_option("-c","--critical", type="int", dest="critical_threshold",
help="Critical threshold", default=None)
parser.add_option("-e","--exclude", dest="exclude",
help="Exclude specific object", default=None)
parser.add_option("-v","--snmp_version", dest="snmp_version",
help="SNMP Version to use (1, 2c or 3)", default="3")
parser.add_option("-u","--snmp_username", dest="snmp_username",
help="SNMP username (only with SNMP v3)", default=None)
parser.add_option("-C","--snmp_community", dest="snmp_community",
help="SNMP Community (only with SNMP v1|v2c)", default=None)
parser.add_option("-p","--snmp_password", dest="snmp_password",
help="SNMP password (only with SNMP v3)", default=None)
parser.add_option("-l","--snmp_security_level", dest="snmp_seclevel",
help="SNMP security level (only with SNMP v3) (noAuthNoPriv|authNoPriv|authPriv)", default=None)
parser.add_option("-d","--debug", dest="debug",
help="Enable debugging (for troubleshooting", action="store_true", default=False)
(opts,args) = parser.parse_args()
if opts.host == None:
parser.error("Hostname (-H) is required.")
snmp_options = ""
def set_snmp_options():
global snmp_options
if opts.snmp_version is not None:
snmp_options = snmp_options + " -v%s" % opts.snmp_version
if opts.snmp_version == "3":
if opts.snmp_username is None:
parser.error("--snmp_username required with --snmp_version=3")
if opts.snmp_seclevel is None:
parser.error("--snmp_security_level required with --snmp_version=3")
if opts.snmp_password is None:
parser.error("--snmp_password required with --snmp_version=3")
snmp_options = snmp_options + " -u %s -l %s -A %s " % (opts.snmp_username, opts.snmp_seclevel,opts.snmp_password)
if opts.snmp_community is None:
parser.error("--snmp_community is required with --snmp_version=1|2c")
snmp_options = snmp_options + " -c %s " % opts.snmp_community
def error(errortext):
print "* Error: %s" % errortext
def debug( debugtext ):
if opts.debug:
print debugtext
def nagios_status( newStatus ):
global exit_status
exit_status = max(exit_status, newStatus)
return exit_status
'''runCommand: Runs command from the shell prompt. Exit Nagios style if unsuccessful'''
def runCommand(command):
debug( "Executing: %s" % command )
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,)
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate('through stdin to stdout')
if proc.returncode > 0:
print "Error %s: %s\n command was: '%s'" % (proc.returncode,stderr.strip(),command)
debug("results: %s" % (stdout.strip() ) )
if proc.returncode == 127: # File not found, lets print path
print "Check if your path is correct %s" % (path)
if stderr.find('Password:') == 0 and command.find('sudo') == 0:
print "Check if user is in the sudoers file"
if stderr.find('sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo') == 0 and command.find('sudo') == 0:
print "Please remove 'requiretty' from /etc/sudoers"
return stdout
def end():
global summary
global longserviceoutput
global perfdata
global exit_status
print "%s - %s | %s" % (state[exit_status], summary,perfdata)
print longserviceoutput
if exit_status < 0: exit_status = unknown
def add_perfdata(text):
global perfdata
text = text.strip()
perfdata = perfdata + " %s " % (text)
def add_long(text):
global longserviceoutput
longserviceoutput = longserviceoutput + text + '\n'
def add_summary(text):
global summary
summary = summary + text
def set_path(path):
current_path = getenv('PATH')
if current_path.find('C:\\') > -1: # We are on this platform
if path == '':
path = ";C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Sanworks\Element Manager for StorageWorks HSV"
path = path + ";C:\Program Files (x86)\Compaq\Hpacucli\Bin"
path = path + ";C:\Program Files\Compaq\Hpacucli\Bin"
else: path = ';' + path
else: # Unix/Linux, etc
if path == '': path = ":/usr/sbin"
else: path = ':' + path
current_path = "%s%s" % (current_path,path)
environ['PATH'] = current_path
def snmpget(oid):
snmpgetcommand = "snmpget %s %s %s" % (snmp_options,opts.host,oid)
output = runCommand(snmpgetcommand)
oid,result = output.strip().split(' = ', 1)
resultType,resultValue = result.split(': ',1)
if resultType == 'STRING': # strip quotes of the string
resultValue = resultValue[1:-1]
return resultValue
# snmpwalk -v3 -u v3get mgmt-rek-proxy-p02 -A proxy2011 -l authNoPriv
def snmpwalk(base_oid):
snmpwalkcommand = "snmpwalk %s %s %s" % (snmp_options, opts.host, base_oid)
output = runCommand(snmpwalkcommand + " " + base_oid)
return output
def getTable(base_oid):
myTable = {}
output = snmpwalk(base_oid)
for line in output.split('\n'):
tmp = line.strip().split(' = ', 1)
if len(tmp) == 2:
oid,result = tmp
tmp = result.split(': ',1)
if len(tmp) > 1:
resultType,resultValue = tmp[0],tmp[1]
resultType = None
resultValue = tmp[0]
if resultType == 'STRING': # strip quotes of the string
resultValue = resultValue[1:-1]
index = oid.strip().split('.')
column = int(index.pop())
row = int(index.pop())
if not myTable.has_key(column): myTable[column] = {}
myTable[column][row] = resultValue
return myTable
def get_interface_statistics():
interfaces = getTable('.')
index = 1
status = 4
description = 36
words_transmitted = 11
words_received = 12
frames_transmitted = 13
frames_received = 14
encoding_disparity_errors = 21
crc_errors = 22
truncated_frames = 23
too_long_frames = 24
bad_eof_frames = 25
error_disparity_error = 26
invalid_ordered_sets = 27
discarded_class3_frames = 28
timed_out_multicast_frames = 29
bytes_transmitted = words_transmitted * 4
bytes_received = words_received * 4
concatted_counters = {}
for i in interfaces.values():
for k,v in i.items():
if not concatted_counters.has_key( k ): concatted_counters[ k ] = 0
#print concatted_counters[k]
try: tmp = int( i[k] )
except: continue
#print k, v
concatted_counters[k] = concatted_counters[k] + tmp
add_perfdata("'Bad EOF Frames'=%sc" % ( concatted_counters[bad_eof_frames] ) )
add_perfdata("'CRC Errors'=%sc" % ( concatted_counters[crc_errors] ) )
add_perfdata("'Truncated Frames'=%sc" % ( concatted_counters[truncated_frames] ) )
add_perfdata("'Too Long Frames'=%sc" % ( concatted_counters[too_long_frames] ) )
add_perfdata("'Error/Disparity Error'=%sc" % ( concatted_counters[error_disparity_error] ) )
add_perfdata("'Invalid Ordered sets received'=%sc" % ( concatted_counters[invalid_ordered_sets] ) )
add_perfdata("'Discarded Class 3 Frames'=%sc" % ( concatted_counters[discarded_class3_frames] ) )
add_perfdata("'Timed Out Multicast Frames'=%sc" % ( concatted_counters[timed_out_multicast_frames] ) )
add_perfdata("'Encoding/Disparity Errors'=%sc" % ( concatted_counters[encoding_disparity_errors] ) )
bytes_transmitted = concatted_counters[words_transmitted] * 4
bytes_received = concatted_counters[words_received] * 4
add_perfdata("'Bytes Transmitted'=%sc" % ( bytes_transmitted ) )
add_perfdata("'Bytes Received'=%sc" % ( bytes_received) )
add_summary("%s interfaces found." % (len(interfaces) ) )
def check_raid():
drives = getTable('.')
status = 2
raidID = 3
raidLastError = 4
friendlyRaidStatus = {
num_healthy_drives = 0
for i in drives.values():
driveStatus = i[status]
driveStatus = friendlyRaidStatus[ driveStatus ]
if i[raidID] == opts.exclude: continue
if driveStatus == 'driveHealthy':
num_healthy_drives = num_healthy_drives + 1
elif driveStatus == 'driveFailure':
add_summary( '"%s" has failed (%s). ' % ( i[raidID], i[raidLastError] ) )
elif driveStatus == 'driveRebuild':
add_summary( '"%s" is rebuilding (%s). ' % ( i[raidID], i[raidLastError] ) )
else: print driveStatus
add_long( '"%s" - %s (%s) ' % (i[raidID], driveStatus, i[raidLastError]) )
add_summary( "%s out of %s drives are healthy" % (num_healthy_drives, len(drives) ) )
if __name__ == '__main__':