mirror of https://github.com/opinkerfi/nagios-plugins.git synced 2025-02-23 03:34:02 +01:00

check_eva.py more code cleanup with pycharm inspections

This commit is contained in:
Pall Sigurdsson 2013-08-21 14:08:41 +00:00
parent 39b7d6a7d9
commit a21b3adf43

View File

@ -177,8 +177,9 @@ subitems['bus'] = 'communicationbuses'
subitems['port'] = 'fibrechannelports'
'''runCommand: Runs command from the shell prompt. Exit Nagios style if unsuccessful'''
def runCommand(command):
""" runCommand: Runs command from the shell prompt. Exit Nagios style if unsuccessful """
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,)
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate('through stdin to stdout')
if proc.returncode > 0:
@ -193,8 +194,8 @@ def runCommand(command):
'''Runs the sssu command. This one is responsible for error checking from sssu'''
def run_sssu(system=None, command="ls system full"):
"""Runs the sssu command. This one is responsible for error checking from sssu"""
commands = []
continue_on_error="set option on_error=continue"
@ -239,9 +240,9 @@ def run_sssu(system=None, command="ls system full"):
#if output.pop(0).strip() != '': error = 1
#if output.pop(0).strip().find('NoSystemSelected> ') != 0: error=1
#if output.pop(0).strip() != '': error = 1
buffer = ""
str_buffer = ""
for i in output:
buffer = buffer + i + "\n"
str_buffer = str_buffer + i + "\n"
if i.find('Error') > -1:
print "This is the command i was trying to execute: %s" % i
error = 1
@ -249,49 +250,49 @@ def run_sssu(system=None, command="ls system full"):
if error > 0:
print "Error running the sssu command"
print commandstring
print buffer
print str_buffer
objects = []
object = None
current_object = None
for line in output:
if len(line) == 0:
line = line.strip()
tmp = line.split()
if len(tmp) == 0:
if object:
if not object['master'] in objects: objects.append( object['master'] )
object = None
if current_object:
if not current_object['master'] in objects: objects.append( current_object['master'] )
current_object = None
key = tmp[0].strip()
if object and not object['master'] in objects: objects.append( object['master'] )
if current_object and not current_object['master'] in objects: objects.append( current_object['master'] )
if key == 'object':
object = {}
object['master'] = object
current_object = {}
current_object['master'] = current_object
if key == 'controllertemperaturestatus':
object = object['master']
current_object = current_object['master']
if key == 'iomodules':
key = 'modules'
#if key in subitems.values():
# object['master'][key] = []
if key in subitems.keys():
mastergroup = subitems[key]
master = object['master']
object = {}
object['object_type'] = key
object['master'] = master
if not object['master'].has_key(mastergroup):
object['master'][mastergroup] = []
master = current_object['master']
current_object = {}
current_object['object_type'] = key
current_object['master'] = master
if not current_object['master'].has_key(mastergroup):
current_object['master'][mastergroup] = []
if line.find('.:') > 0:
# We work on first come, first serve basis, so if
# we accidentally see same key again, we will ignore
if not object.has_key(key):
if not current_object.has_key(key):
value = ' '.join( tmp[2:] ).strip()
object[key] = value
current_object[key] = value
# Check if we were instructed to check only one eva system
global check_system
if command == "ls system full" and check_system is not None:
@ -332,8 +333,17 @@ def end(summary,perfdata,longserviceoutput,nagios_state):
nagios_myhostname = environ['COMPUTERNAME']
nagios_myhostname = hostname
try: phone_home(nagios_server,nagios_port, status=nagios_state, message=message, hostname=nagios_myhostname, servicename=mode,system=check_system)
except Exception:
@ -353,8 +363,8 @@ class ProxiedTransport(xmlrpclib.Transport):
''' phone_home: Sends results to remote nagios server via python xml-rpc '''
def phone_home(nagios_server,nagios_port, status, message, hostname=None, servicename=None,system=None):
"""phone_home: Sends results to remote nagios server via python xml-rpc"""
debug("phoning home: %s" % servicename)
if system is not None:
servicename = str(servicename) + str(system)
@ -388,20 +398,20 @@ def check_systems():
interesting_perfdata = 'totalstoragespace|usedstoragespace|availablestoragespace'
perfdata += get_perfdata(i, interesting_perfdata.split('|'), identifier="%s_" % name)
# Collect extra info for longserviceoutput
long("%s = %s (%s)\n" % ( i['objectname'], i['operationalstate'], i['operationalstatedetail']) )
longoutput("%s = %s (%s)\n" % ( i['objectname'], i['operationalstate'], i['operationalstatedetail']) )
interesting_fields = 'licensestate|systemtype|firmwareversion|nscfwversion|totalstoragespace|usedstoragespace|availablestoragespace'
for x in interesting_fields.split('|'):
long( "- %s = %s \n" %(x, i[x]) )
longoutput( "- %s = %s \n" %(x, i[x]) )
def get_perfdata(object, interesting_fields, identifier=""):
def get_perfdata(my_object, interesting_fields, identifier=""):
perfdata = ""
for i in interesting_fields:
if i == '': continue
perfdata += "'%s%s'=%s " % (identifier, i, object[i])
perfdata += "'%s%s'=%s " % (identifier, i, my_object[i])
return perfdata
def add_perfdata(text):
@ -409,28 +419,28 @@ def add_perfdata(text):
text = text.strip()
perfdata += " %s " % text
def long(text):
def longoutput(text):
global longserviceoutput
longserviceoutput = longserviceoutput + text
def get_longserviceoutput(object, interesting_fields):
def get_longserviceoutput(my_object, interesting_fields):
longserviceoutput = ""
for i in interesting_fields:
longserviceoutput += "%s = %s \n" % (i, object[i])
longserviceoutput += "%s = %s \n" % (i, my_object[i])
return longserviceoutput
def check_operationalstate(object, print_failed_objects=False,namefield='objectname',detailfield='operationalstatedetail',statefield='operationalstate',valid_states=None):
def check_operationalstate(my_object, print_failed_objects=False,namefield='objectname',detailfield='operationalstatedetail',statefield='operationalstate',valid_states=None):
if not valid_states:
if not object.has_key(detailfield): detailfield = statefield
if not object.has_key(statefield):
if not my_object.has_key(detailfield): detailfield = statefield
if not my_object.has_key(statefield):
if print_failed_objects:
long("- Warning, %s does not have any '%s'" % ( object[namefield], statefield ) )
longoutput("- Warning, %s does not have any '%s'" % ( my_object[namefield], statefield ) )
return warning
if object[statefield] not in valid_states:
if my_object[statefield] not in valid_states:
if print_failed_objects:
long("- Warning, %s=%s (%s)\n" % ( object[namefield], object['operationalstate'], object[detailfield] ))
longoutput("- Warning, %s=%s (%s)\n" % ( my_object[namefield], my_object['operationalstate'], my_object[detailfield] ))
return warning
debug( "OK, %s=%s (%s)\n" % ( object[namefield], object['operationalstate'], object[detailfield] ) )
debug( "OK, %s=%s (%s)\n" % ( my_object[namefield], my_object['operationalstate'], my_object[detailfield] ) )
return ok
@ -454,6 +464,9 @@ def check_generic(command="ls disk full",namefield="objectname", perfdata_fields
x['systemname'] = i['objectname']
objects.append( x )
summary = "%s objects found " % len(objects)
for i in objects:
systemname = i['systemname']
# Some versions of commandview use "objectname" instead of namefield
@ -463,7 +476,7 @@ def check_generic(command="ls disk full",namefield="objectname", perfdata_fields
objectname = i['objectname']
# Some versions of CV also return garbage objects, luckily it is easy to find these
if i.has_key('objecttype') and i['objecttype'] == 'typenotset':
long("Object %s was skipped because objecttype == typenotset\n" % objectname )
longoutput("Object %s was skipped because objecttype == typenotset\n" % objectname )
# Lets see if this object is working
nagios_state = max( check_operationalstate(i), nagios_state )
@ -484,27 +497,27 @@ def check_generic(command="ls disk full",namefield="objectname", perfdata_fields
# Disk group gets a special perfdata treatment
if command == "ls disk_group full":
totalstoragespacegb= float( i['totalstoragespacegb'] )
usedstoragespacegb= float ( i['usedstoragespacegb'] )
totalstoragespacegb = float( i['totalstoragespacegb'] )
usedstoragespacegb = float ( i['usedstoragespacegb'] )
occupancyalarmlvel = float( i['occupancyalarmlevel'] )
warninggb= totalstoragespacegb * occupancyalarmlvel / 100
warninggb = totalstoragespacegb * occupancyalarmlvel / 100
add_perfdata( " '%sdiskusage'=%s;%s;%s "% (identifier, usedstoragespacegb,warninggb,totalstoragespacegb) )
# Long Serviceoutput
# There are usually to many disks for nagios to display. Skip.
if command != "ls disk full":
long( "\n%s/%s = %s (%s)\n"%(systemname,objectname,i['operationalstate'], i['operationalstatedetail']) )
longoutput( "\n%s/%s = %s (%s)\n"%(systemname,objectname,i['operationalstate'], i['operationalstatedetail']) )
# If diskgroup has a problem because it is over allocated. Lets inform about that
if command == "ls disk_group full" and usedstoragespacegb > warninggb:
long("- %s - diskgroup usage is over %s%% threshold !\n" % (state[warning], occupancyalarmlvel) )
longoutput("- %s - diskgroup usage is over %s%% threshold !\n" % (state[warning], occupancyalarmlvel) )
# If a disk has a problem, lets display some extra info on it
elif command == "ls disk full" and i['operationalstate'] != 'good':
long( "Warning - %s=%s (%s)\n" % (i['diskname'], i['operationalstate'], i['operationalstatedetail'] ))
longoutput( "Warning - %s=%s (%s)\n" % (i['diskname'], i['operationalstate'], i['operationalstatedetail'] ))
fields="modelnumber firmwareversion serialnumber failurepredicted diskdrivetype".split()
for field in fields:
long( "- %s = %s\n" % (field, i[field]) )
longoutput( "- %s = %s\n" % (field, i[field]) )
nagios_state = max(nagios_state, check_multiple_objects(i, 'sensors'))
@ -515,13 +528,13 @@ def check_generic(command="ls disk full",namefield="objectname", perfdata_fields
nagios_state = max(nagios_state, check_multiple_objects(i, 'modules'))
for x in longserviceoutputfields:
if i.has_key( x ):
long( "- %s = %s\n" % (x, i[x]))
longoutput( "- %s = %s\n" % (x, i[x]))
def check_multiple_objects(object, name):
def check_multiple_objects(my_object, name):
item_status = not_present
if object.has_key(name):
if my_object.has_key(name):
item_status = not_present
@ -533,12 +546,12 @@ def check_multiple_objects(object, name):
valid_states = ['good','notavailable','unsupported','notinstalled']
elif name == 'fibrechannelports':
valid_states.append( 'notinstalled' )
num_items = len(object[name])
for item in object[name]:
num_items = len(my_object[name])
for item in my_object[name]:
stat = check_operationalstate( item,print_failed_objects=True, namefield=namefield, valid_states=valid_states,detailfield=detailfield)
item_status = max( stat, item_status )
long('- %s on %s (%s detected)\n'% (state[item_status], name, num_items) )
add_perfdata( " '%s%s'=%s" % (object['identifier'],name, num_items) )
longoutput('- %s on %s (%s detected)\n'% (state[item_status], name, num_items) )
add_perfdata( " '%s%s'=%s" % (my_object['identifier'],name, num_items) )
return item_status
@ -580,9 +593,9 @@ def check_controllers():
# Long Serviceoutput
#longserviceoutput = longserviceoutput + get_longserviceoutput(i, interesting_fields.split('|') )
#longserviceoutput = longserviceoutput + "\n%s/%s\n"%(systemname,controllername)
long( "\n%s/%s = %s (%s)\n"%(systemname,controllername,i['operationalstate'], i['operationalstatedetail']) )
long( "- firmwareversion = %s \n" %(i['firmwareversion']))
long( "- serialnumber = %s \n" %(i['serialnumber']))
longoutput( "\n%s/%s = %s (%s)\n"%(systemname,controllername,i['operationalstate'], i['operationalstatedetail']) )
longoutput( "- firmwareversion = %s \n" %(i['firmwareversion']))
longoutput( "- serialnumber = %s \n" %(i['serialnumber']))
controllertemperaturestatus = not_present
@ -613,7 +626,7 @@ def check_controllers():
if hostport['operationalstate'] != 'good':
hostportstate = max(warning,hostport_state)
message = "Hostport %s state = %s\n" % (hostport['portname'], hostport['operationalstate'])
if i.has_key('fans'):
for fan in i['fans']:
fanstate = max(fanstate,ok)
@ -622,35 +635,35 @@ def check_controllers():
elif fan.has_key('installstatus'): status = fan['installstatus']
if status != 'normal' and status != 'yes':
fanstate = max(warning,fanstate)
long("Fan %s status = %s\n" % (fan['fanname'],status))
longoutput("Fan %s status = %s\n" % (fan['fanname'],status))
if i.has_key('powersources'):
for source in i['powersources']:
source_state = max(source_state,ok)
if not source.has_key('status'): continue
if source['state'] != 'good':
source_state = max(warning,source_state)
long("Powersource %s status = %s\n" % (source['type'],source['state']))
longoutput("Powersource %s status = %s\n" % (source['type'],source['state']))
if i.has_key('modules'):
for module in i['modules']:
module_state = max(module_state,ok)
if module['operationalstate'] not in ('good','not_present'):
module_state = max(warning,module_state)
long("Battery Module %s status = %s\n" % (module['name'],module['operationalstate']))
longoutput("Battery Module %s status = %s\n" % (module['name'],module['operationalstate']))
for i in (fanstate,hostportstate,sensorstate,source_state,module_state,cache_state,controllertemperaturestatus):
nagios_state = max(nagios_state, i)
long("- %s on fans\n"%( state[fanstate] ) )
long("- %s on cachememory\n"%( state[cache_state] ) )
long("- %s on temperature\n"%( state[controllertemperaturestatus] ) )
long("- %s on hostports\n"%( state[hostportstate] ) )
long("- %s on sensors\n"%( state[sensorstate] ) )
long("- %s on powersupplies\n"%( state[source_state] ) )
long("- %s on batterymodules\n"%( state[module_state] ) )
longoutput("- %s on fans\n"%( state[fanstate] ) )
longoutput("- %s on cachememory\n"%( state[cache_state] ) )
longoutput("- %s on temperature\n"%( state[controllertemperaturestatus] ) )
longoutput("- %s on hostports\n"%( state[hostportstate] ) )
longoutput("- %s on sensors\n"%( state[sensorstate] ) )
longoutput("- %s on powersupplies\n"%( state[source_state] ) )
longoutput("- %s on batterymodules\n"%( state[module_state] ) )
def set_path():