mirror of https://github.com/opinkerfi/nagios-plugins.git synced 2024-12-22 17:13:52 +01:00

perty-nagios-mailer cleanup in paths for consistency with EPEL RPM packages

This commit is contained in:
Tómas Edwardsson 2010-04-29 13:30:51 +00:00
parent 4ea8c4d537
commit 2e2b15ad71

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@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ use MIME::Entity;
use MIME::Base64;
# Some defaults
my $pnp4nagios_perfdata = '/nagios/share/perfdata';
my $pnp4nagios_phpdir = '/nagios/share';
my $nagios_cgiurl = "http://slxnagios1/nagios/cgi-bin";
my $pnp4nagios_url = "http://slxnagios1/nagios/pnp4nagios.php";
my $from_address = 'nagios@lsh.is';
my $logo = '/nagios/share/images/sblogo.jpg';
my $pnp4nagios_perfdata = '/var/lib/pnp4nagios/perfdata';
my $pnp4nagios_phpdir = '/usr/share/nagios/html/pnp4nagios';
my $nagios_cgiurl = "http://nagios/nagios/cgi-bin";
my $pnp4nagios_url = "http://nagios/nagios/pnp4nagios/";
my $from_address = 'nagios@opensource.is';
my $logo = '/usr/share/nagios/images/sblogo.png';
if (@ARGV != 8) {
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ my ($recipient, $date, $type, $host, $ip, $service, $state, $message) = @ARGV;
my $rrd = '';
if (-f "$pnp4nagios_perfdata/$host/$service.rrd") {
my $t = time();
$rrd = `( cd $pnp4nagios_phpdir;php -r 'parse_str("host=$host&srv=$service&source=1&view=0&end=$t&display=image", \$_GET); include_once("pnp4nagios.php");' )`;
$rrd = `( cd $pnp4nagios_phpdir;php -r 'parse_str("host=$host&srv=$service&source=1&view=0&end=$t&display=image", \$_GET); include_once("index.php");' )`;
my $head = MIME::Entity->build(
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ my $html_content = MIME::Entity->build(
} . ($rrd ? qq{
<td style="background: white" colspan="2">
<a href="$pnp4nagios_url?host=$host&srv=$service"><img border=0 src="cid:pnp.gif"></a>
<a href="$pnp4nagios_url?host=$host&srv=$service"><img border=0 src="cid:pnp.png"></a>
} : "") . qq{
@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ my $html_content = MIME::Entity->build(
my $rrdimage = MIME::Entity->build(
Data => $rrd,
Type => 'image/gif',
Id => '<pnp.gif>',
Type => 'image/png',
Id => '<pnp.png>',
Encoding => 'base64'
) if ($rrd);