This commit is contained in:
Tómas Edwardsson 2010-09-15 19:57:27 +00:00
parent d194b855c6
commit 29fb885ecf
3 changed files with 4 additions and 533 deletions

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@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2010, Pall Sigurdsson <>
# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# About this script
# This script will check the status of Smart Array Raid Controller
# You will need the hpacucli binary in path (/usr/sbin/hpacucli is a good place)
# hpacucli comes with the Proliant Support Pack (PSP) from HP
debugging = False
# Some defaults
show_perfdata = True
show_longserviceoutput = True
# No real need to change anything below here
not_present = -1
nagios_status = -1
state = {
not_present : "n/a",
ok : "OK",
warning : "Warning",
critical : "Critical",
unknown : "Unknown",
from sys import exit
from sys import argv
from os import getenv,putenv,environ
import subprocess
def print_help():
print "check_hpacucli version %s" % version
print "This plugin checks HP Array with the hpacucli command"
print ""
print "Usage: %s " % argv[0]
print "Usage: %s [--help]" % argv[0]
print "Usage: %s [--version]" % argv[0]
print "Usage: %s [--path </path/to/hpacucli>]" % argv[0]
print "Usage: %s [--no-perfdata]" % argv[0]
print "Usage: %s [--no-longoutput]" % argv[0]
print ""
def error(errortext):
print "* Error: %s" % errortext
print "* Error: %s" % errortext
def debug( debugtext ):
global debugging
if debugging:
print debugtext
'''runCommand: Runs command from the shell prompt. Exit Nagios style if unsuccessful'''
def runCommand(command):
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,)
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate('through stdin to stdout')
if proc.returncode > 0:
print "Error %s: %s\n command was: '%s'" % (proc.returncode,stderr.strip(),command)
if proc.returncode == 127: # File not found, lets print path
print "Check if your path is correct %s" % (path)
if stderr.find('Password:') == 0 and command.find('sudo') == 0:
print "Check if user is in the sudoers file"
if stderr.find('sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo') == 0 and command.find('sudo') == 0:
print "Please remove 'requiretty' from /etc/sudoers"
return stdout
def end():
global summary
global longserviceoutput
global perfdata
global nagios_status
global show_longserviceoutput
global show_perfdata
if not show_perfdata:
perfdata = ""
print "%s - %s | %s" % (state[nagios_status], summary,perfdata)
if show_longserviceoutput:
print longserviceoutput
if nagios_status < 0: nagios_status = unknown
def add_perfdata(text):
global perfdata
text = text.strip()
perfdata = perfdata + " %s " % (text)
def add_long(text):
global longserviceoutput
longserviceoutput = longserviceoutput + text + '\n'
def add_summary(text):
global summary
summary = summary + text
def set_path(path):
current_path = getenv('PATH')
if current_path.find('C:\\') > -1: # We are on this platform
if path == '':
path = ";C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Sanworks\Element Manager for StorageWorks HSV"
path = path + ";C:\Program Files (x86)\Compaq\Hpacucli\Bin"
path = path + ";C:\Program Files\Compaq\Hpacucli\Bin"
else: path = ';' + path
else: # Unix/Linux, etc
if path == '': path = ":/usr/sbin"
else: path = ':' + path
current_path = "%s%s" % (current_path,path)
environ['PATH'] = current_path
def run_hpacucli(type='controllers', controller=None):
if type=='controllers':
command="hpacucli controller all show detail"
elif type=='logicaldisks' or type=='physicaldisks':
if controller.has_key('Slot'):
identifier = 'slot=%s' % (controller['Slot'] )
add_summary( "Controller not found" )
if type=='logicaldisks':
command = "hpacucli controller %s ld all show detail" % (identifier)
if type=='physicaldisks':
command = "hpacucli controller %s pd all show detail" % (identifier)
#command="hpacucli controller slot=1 ld all show detail"
#command="hpacucli controller slot=1 ld all show detail"
debug ( command )
output = runCommand(command)
# Some basic error checking
if output.find('Error: You need to have administrator rights to continue.') > -1:
command = "sudo " + command
output = runCommand(command)
output = output.split('\n')
objects = []
object = None
for i in output:
if len(i) == 0: continue
if i.strip() == '': continue
if type=='controllers' and i[0] != ' ': # No space on first line
if object and not object in objects: objects.append(object)
object = {}
object['name'] = i
elif type=='logicaldisks' and i.find('Logical Drive:') > 0:
if object and not object in objects: objects.append(object)
object = {}
object['name'] = i.strip()
elif type=='physicaldisks' and i.find('physicaldrive') > 0:
if object and not object in objects: objects.append(object)
object = {}
object['name'] = i.strip()
i = i.strip()
if i.find(':') < 1: continue
i = i.split(':')
if i[0] == '': continue # skip empty lines
if len(i) == 1: continue
key = i[0].strip()
value = ' '.join( i[1:] ).strip()
object[key] = value
if object and not object in objects: objects.append(object)
return objects
controllers = []
def check_controllers():
global controllers
status = -1
controllers = run_hpacucli()
if len(controllers) == 0:
add_summary("No Disk Controllers Found. Exiting...")
global nagios_state
nagios_state = unknown
add_summary( "Found %s controllers" % ( len(controllers) ) )
for i in controllers:
controller_status = check(i, 'Controller Status', 'OK' )
status = max(status, controller_status)
cache_status = check(i, 'Cache Status' )
status = max(status, cache_status)
controller_serial = 'n/a'
cache_serial = 'n/a'
if i.has_key('Serial Number'):
controller_serial = i['Serial Number']
if i.has_key('Cache Serial Number'):
cache_serial = i['Cache Serial Number']
add_long ( "%s" % (i['name']) )
add_long( "- Controller Status: %s (sn: %s)" % ( state[controller_status], controller_serial ) )
add_long( "- Cache Status: %s (sn: %s)" % ( state[cache_status], cache_serial ) )
if controller_status > ok or cache_status > ok:
add_summary( ";%s on %s;" % (state[controller_status], i['name']) )
add_summary(', ')
return status
def check_logicaldisks():
global controllers
if len(controllers) < 1:
controllers = run_hpacucli()
logicaldisks = []
for controller in controllers:
for ld in run_hpacucli(type='logicaldisks', controller=controller):
logicaldisks.append ( ld )
status = -1
add_long("\nChecking logical Disks:" )
add_summary( "%s logicaldisks" % ( len(logicaldisks) ) )
for i in logicaldisks:
ld_status = check(i, 'Status' )
status = max(status, ld_status)
mount_point = i['Mount Points']
add_long( "- %s (%s) = %s" % (i['name'], mount_point, state[ld_status]) )
add_summary(". ")
def check_physicaldisks():
global controllers
if len(controllers) < 1:
controllers = run_hpacucli()
disks = []
for controller in controllers:
for disk in run_hpacucli(type=disktype, controller=controller):
disks.append ( disk )
status = -1
add_long("\nChecking Physical Disks:" )
add_summary( "%s %s" % ( len(disks), disktype ) )
for i in disks:
disk_status = check(i, 'Status' )
status = max(status, disk_status)
size = i['Size']
firmware = i['Firmware Revision']
interface = i['Interface Type']
serial = i['Serial Number']
model = i['Model']
add_long( "- %s, %s, %s = %s" % (i['name'], interface, size, state[disk_status]) )
if disk_status > ok:
add_long( "-- Replace drive, firmware=%s, model=%s, serial=%s" % (firmware,model, serial))
if status > ok:
add_summary( "(errors)" )
add_summary(". ")
def check(object, field, valid_states = ['OK']):
state = -1
global nagios_status
if object.has_key(field):
if object[field] in valid_states:
state = ok
state = warning
nagios_status = max(nagios_status, state)
return state
def parse_arguments():
global show_longserviceoutput
global debugging
global show_perfdata
global url
global username
global password
arguments = argv[1:]
while len(arguments) > 0:
arg = arguments.pop(0)
if arg == '--help':
elif arg == '--path':
path = arguments.pop(0)
elif arg == '--debug':
debugging = True
elif arg == '--longserviceoutput':
show_longserviceoutput = True
elif arg == '--no-longserviceoutput':
show_longserviceoutput = False
elif arg == '--perfdata':
show_perfdata = True
elif arg == '--no-perfdata':
show_perfdata = False
elif arg == '--url':
url = arguments.pop(0)
elif arg == '--username':
username = arguments.pop(0)
elif arg == '--password':
password = arguments.pop(0)
# define classes to check 'OperationStatus' instance
ClassesToCheck = [
import pywbem
import sys
def check_wbem():
global ClassesToCheck
global nagios_status
debug( "Connetion to %s" % ( uri ) )
wbemclient = pywbem.WBEMConnection(uri, (username, password), namespace)
for classe in ClassesToCheck :
classe_status = ok
debug("Checking classe %s" %(classe) )
instance_list = wbemclient.EnumerateInstances(classe)
for instance in instance_list :
elementName = instance['ElementName']
debug( "ElementName = %s" %(elementName) )
if instance['OperationalStatus'] is not None :
elementStatus = instance['OperationalStatus'][0]
debug( "Element %s = %s" % (elementName, elementStatus) )
interpretStatus = {
0 : ok, # Unknown
1 : critical, # Other
2 : ok, # OK
3 : warning, # Degraded
4 : warning, # Stressed
5 : warning, # Predictive Failure
6 : critical, # Error
7 : critical, # Non-Recoverable Error
8 : warning, # Starting
9 : warning, # Stopping
10 : critical, # Stopped
11 : ok, # In Service
12 : warning, # No Contact
13 : critical, # Lost Communication
14 : critical, # Aborted
15 : ok, # Dormant
16 : critical, # Supporting Entity in Error
17 : ok, # Completed
18 : ok, # Power Mode
19 : ok, # DMTF Reserved
20 : ok, # Vendor Reserved
nagios_status = max(nagios_status, interpretStatus)
classe_status = max(classe_status, interpretStatus)
if interpretStatus > ok:
add_summary( "%s=%s" % (elementName, interpretStatus) )
add_long( "%s=%s" % (elementName, interpretStatus) )
add_long( "%s = %s" % (classe, classe_status) )
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -17,9 +17,10 @@
# About this script # About this script
# #
# This script will check the status of Smart Array Raid Controller # This script will check hardware status of VMware 3.x and 4.x via
# You will need the hpacucli binary in path (/usr/sbin/hpacucli is a good place) # wbem. Requires as a parameter hostname, username, and password
# hpacucli comes with the Proliant Support Pack (PSP) from HP # to your ESX or ESXi server.
from sys import exit from sys import exit
from sys import argv from sys import argv
from os import getenv,putenv,environ from os import getenv,putenv,environ

View File

@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
# Script for checking global health of host running VMware ESX/ESXi
# Licence : GNU General Public Licence (GPL)
# Pre-req : pywbem
#@ History
#@ Date : 20080820
#@ Author : David Ligeret
#@ Reason : Initial release
#@ Date : 20080821
#@ Author : David Ligeret
#@ Reason : Add verbose mode
#@ Date :
#@ Author :
#@ Reason :
import sys
import time
import pywbem
NS = 'root/cimv2'
# define classes to check 'OperationStatus' instance
ClassesToCheck = [
# define exit codes
ExitOK = 0
ExitWarning = 1
ExitCritical = 2
ExitUnknown = 3
def verboseoutput(message, verbose) :
if verbose == 1:
print "%s %s" % (time.strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S"), message)
# check input arguments
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
sys.stderr.write('Usage : ' + sys.argv[0] + ' hostname user password\n')
sys.stderr.write('Example : ' + sys.argv[0] + ' https://myesxi:5989 root password\n')
verbose = 0
if len(sys.argv) == 5 :
if sys.argv[4] == "verbose" :
verbose = 1
# connection to host
verboseoutput("Connection to "+sys.argv[1], verbose)
wbemclient = pywbem.WBEMConnection(sys.argv[1], (sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3]), NS)
# run the check for each defined class
GlobalStatus = ExitOK
ExitMsg = ""
for classe in ClassesToCheck :
verboseoutput("Check classe "+classe, verbose)
instance_list = wbemclient.EnumerateInstances(classe)
for instance in instance_list :
elementName = instance['ElementName']
verboseoutput("Element Name = "+elementName, verbose)
if instance['OperationalStatus'] is not None :
elementStatus = instance['OperationalStatus'][0]
verboseoutput("Element Op Status = %d" % elementStatus, verbose)
interpretStatus = {
0 : ExitOK, # Unknown
1 : ExitCritical, # Other
2 : ExitOK, # OK
3 : ExitWarning, # Degraded
4 : ExitWarning, # Stressed
5 : ExitWarning, # Predictive Failure
6 : ExitCritical, # Error
7 : ExitCritical, # Non-Recoverable Error
8 : ExitWarning, # Starting
9 : ExitWarning, # Stopping
10 : ExitCritical, # Stopped
11 : ExitOK, # In Service
12 : ExitWarning, # No Contact
13 : ExitCritical, # Lost Communication
14 : ExitCritical, # Aborted
15 : ExitOK, # Dormant
16 : ExitCritical, # Supporting Entity in Error
17 : ExitOK, # Completed
18 : ExitOK, # Power Mode
19 : ExitOK, # DMTF Reserved
20 : ExitOK # Vendor Reserved
if (interpretStatus == ExitCritical) :
verboseoutput("GLobal exit set to CRITICAL", verbose)
GlobalStatus = ExitCritical
ExitMsg += "CRITICAL : %s<br>" % elementName
if (interpretStatus == ExitWarning and GlobalStatus != ExitCritical) :
verboseoutput("GLobal exit set to WARNING", verbose)
GlobalStatus = ExitWarning
ExitMsg += "WARNING : %s<br>" % elementName
if GlobalStatus == 0 :
print "OK"
else :
print ExitMsg
sys.exit (GlobalStatus)