mirror of https://github.com/opinkerfi/nagios-plugins.git synced 2025-02-22 03:03:49 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
Páll Guðjón Sigurðsson 2010-09-04 02:08:18 +00:00
parent b8d1357ebd
commit 26c2733c1c
19 changed files with 882 additions and 0 deletions

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
# Copyright 2010, Pall Sigurdsson <palli@opensource.is>
# check_eva.py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# check_eva.py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# About this script
# This script will check the status of all EVA arrays via the sssu binary.
# You will need the sssu binary in path (/usr/bin/sssu is a good place)
# If you do not have sssu, check your commandview CD, it should have both
# binaries for Windows and Linux
# First some defaults
debugging = False
# No real need to change anything below here
not_present = -1
state = {}
state[not_present] = "Not Present"
state[ok] = "OK"
state[warning] = "Warning"
state[critical] = "Critical"
state[unknown] = "Unknown"
valid_modes = ( "check_systems", "check_controllers", "check_diskgroups","check_disks", "check_diskshelfs")
from sys import exit
from sys import argv
from os import getenv,putenv
import subprocess
def print_help():
print "check_eva version %s" % version
print "This plugin checks HP EVA Array with the sssu command"
print ""
print "Usage: %s [OPTIONS]" % argv[0]
print "OPTIONS:"
print " [--host <host>]"
print " [--username <user>]"
print " [--password <password]"
print " [--path </path/to/sssu>]"
print " [--mode <mode>] "
print " [--test]"
print " [--debug]"
print " [--help]"
print ""
print " Valid modes are: %s" % ', '.join(valid_modes)
print ""
print "Example: %s --host commandview.example.net --username eva --password myPassword --mode check_systems" % (argv[0])
def error(errortext):
print "* Error: %s" % errortext
print "* Error: %s" % errortext
def debug( debugtext ):
global debugging
if debugging:
print debugtext
# parse arguments
while len(arguments) > 0:
if arg == 'invalid':
elif arg == '-H' or arg == '--host':
elif arg == '-U' or arg == '--username':
elif arg == '-P' or arg == '--password':
password = arguments.pop(0)
elif arg == '-T' or arg == '--test':
elif arg == '--path':
path = arguments.pop(0) + '/'
elif arg == '-M' or arg == '--mode':
if mode not in valid_modes:
error("Invalid --mode %s" % arg)
elif arg == '-d' or arg == '--debug':
elif arg == '-h' or '--help':
error( "Invalid argument %s"% arg)
subitems = {}
subitems['fan'] = 'fans'
subitems['source'] = 'powersources'
subitems['hostport'] = 'hostports'
subitems['module'] = 'modules'
subitems['sensor'] = 'sensors'
subitems['powersupply'] = 'powersupplies'
subitems['bus'] = 'communicationbuses'
subitems['port'] = 'fibrechannelports'
'''runCommand: Runs command from the shell prompt. Exit Nagios style if unsuccessful'''
def runCommand(command):
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,)
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate('through stdin to stdout')
if proc.returncode > 0:
print "Error %s: %s\n command was: '%s'" % (proc.returncode,stderr.strip(),command)
if proc.returncode == 127: # File not found, lets print path
print "Current Path: %s" % (path)
return stdout
'''Runs the sssu command. This one is responsible for error checking from sssu'''
def run_sssu(system=None, command="ls system full"):
commands = []
continue_on_error="set option on_error=continue"
login="select manager %s USERNAME=%s PASSWORD=%s"%(hostname,username,password)
if system != None:
commands.append("select SYSTEM %s" % system)
commandstring = "sssu "
for i in commands: commandstring = commandstring + '"%s" '% i
#print mystring
#if command == "ls system full":
# output = runCommand("cat sssu.out")
#elif command == "ls disk_groups full":
# output = runCommand("cat ls_disk*")
#elif command == "ls controller full":
# output = runCommand("cat ls_controller")
# print "What command is this?", command
# exit(unknown)
output = runCommand(commandstring)
debug( commandstring )
output = output.split('\n')
# Lets process the top few results from the sssu command. Make sure the results make sense
error = 0
if output.pop(0).strip() != '': error = 1
if output.pop(0).strip() != '': error = 1
if output.pop(0).strip() != 'SSSU for HP StorageWorks Command View EVA': error = 1
if output.pop(0).strip().find('Version:') != 0: error=1
if output.pop(0).strip().find('Build:') != 0: error=1
if output.pop(0).strip().find('NoSystemSelected> ') != 0: error=1
#if output.pop(0).strip() != '': error = 1
#if output.pop(0).strip().find('NoSystemSelected> ') != 0: error=1
#if output.pop(0).strip() != '': error = 1
buffer = ""
for i in output:
buffer = buffer + i + "\n"
if i.find('Error') > -1:
print "This is the command i was trying to execute: %s" % i
error = 1
if i.find('information:') > 0: break
if error > 0:
print "Error running the sssu command"
print commandstring
print buffer
objects = []
object = None
parent_object = None
for line in output:
if len(line) == 0:
line = line.strip()
tmp = line.split()
if len(tmp) == 0:
if object:
if not object['master'] in objects: objects.append( object['master'] )
object = None
key = tmp[0].strip()
if object and not object['master'] in objects: objects.append( object['master'] )
if key == 'object':
object = {}
object['master'] = object
if key == 'controllertemperaturestatus':
object = object['master']
if key == 'iomodules':
key = 'modules'
#if key in subitems.values():
# object['master'][key] = []
if key in subitems.keys():
mastergroup = subitems[key]
master = object['master']
object = {}
object['object_type'] = key
object['master'] = master
if not object['master'].has_key(mastergroup):
object['master'][mastergroup] = []
if line.find('.:') > 0:
# We work on first come, first serve basis, so if
# we accidentally see same key again, we will ignore
if not object.has_key(key):
value = ' '.join( tmp[2:] ).strip()
object[key] = value
#for i in objects:
# print i['objectname']
return objects
def end(summary,perfdata,longserviceoutput,nagios_state):
print "%s - %s | %s" % (state[nagios_state], summary,perfdata)
print longserviceoutput
def check_systems():
nagios_state = ok
objects = run_sssu()
for i in objects:
name = i['objectname']
operationalstate = i['operationalstate']
# Lets see if this array is working
if operationalstate != 'good':
nagios_state = max(nagios_state, warning)
# Lets add to the summary
summary = summary + " %s=%s " %(name, operationalstate)
# Collect the performance data
interesting_perfdata = 'totalstoragespace|usedstoragespace|availablestoragespace'
perfdata = perfdata + get_perfdata(i,interesting_perfdata.split('|'), identifier="%s_"% name)
# Collect extra info for longserviceoutput
long("%s = %s (%s)\n" % ( i['objectname'], i['operationalstate'], i['operationalstatedetail']) )
interesting_fields = 'licensestate|systemtype|firmwareversion|nscfwversion|totalstoragespace|usedstoragespace|availablestoragespace'
for x in interesting_fields.split('|'):
long( "- %s = %s \n" %(x, i[x]) )
def get_perfdata(object, interesting_fields, identifier=""):
perfdata = ""
for i in interesting_fields:
if i == '': continue
perfdata = perfdata + "'%s%s'=%s " % (identifier, i, object[i])
return perfdata
def add_perfdata(text):
global perfdata
text = text.strip()
perfdata = perfdata + " %s " % (text)
def long(text):
global longserviceoutput
longserviceoutput = longserviceoutput + text
def get_longserviceoutput(object, interesting_fields):
longserviceoutput = ""
for i in interesting_fields:
longserviceoutput = longserviceoutput + "%s = %s \n" %(i, object[i])
return longserviceoutput
def check_operationalstate(object, print_failed_objects=False,namefield='objectname',detailfield='operationalstatedetail',statefield='operationalstate',valid_states=['good']):
if not object.has_key(detailfield): detailfield = statefield
if object['operationalstate'] not in valid_states:
if print_failed_objects:
long("Warning, %s=%s (%s)\n" % ( object[namefield], object['operationalstate'], object[detailfield] ))
return warning
debug( "OK, %s=%s (%s)\n" % ( object[namefield], object['operationalstate'], object[detailfield] ) )
return ok
def check_generic(command="ls disk full",namefield="objectname", perfdata_fields=[], longserviceoutputfields=[], detailedsummary=False):
global perfdata
nagios_state = ok
systems = run_sssu()
objects = []
if command == 'ls system full':
objects = systems
for i in systems: i['systemname'] = '' #i['objectname']
for i in systems:
result = run_sssu(system=i['objectname'], command=command)
for x in result:
x['systemname'] = i['objectname']
objects.append( x )
summary = "%s objects found " % len(objects)
for i in objects:
systemname = i['systemname']
objectname = i[namefield]
# Lets see if this object is working
nagios_state = max( check_operationalstate(i), nagios_state )
# Lets add to the summary
if i['operationalstate'] != 'good' or detailedsummary == True:
summary = summary + " %s/%s=%s " %(systemname,objectname, i['operationalstate'])
# Lets get some perfdata
identifier = "%s/%s_" % (systemname,objectname)
i['identifier'] = identifier
for field in perfdata_fields:
if field == '': continue
add_perfdata( "'%s%s'=%s " % (identifier, field, i[field]) )
# Disk group gets a special perfdata treatment
if command == "ls disk_group full":
totalstoragespacegb= float( i['totalstoragespacegb'] )
usedstoragespacegb= float ( i['usedstoragespacegb'] )
occupancyalarmlvel = float( i['occupancyalarmlevel'] )
warninggb= totalstoragespacegb * occupancyalarmlvel / 100
add_perfdata( " '%sdiskusage'=%s;%s;%s "% (identifier, usedstoragespacegb,warninggb,totalstoragespacegb) )
# Long Serviceoutput
# There are usually to many disks for nagios to display. Skip.
if command != "ls disk full":
long( "\n%s/%s = %s (%s)\n"%(systemname,objectname,i['operationalstate'], i['operationalstatedetail']) )
# If diskgroup has a problem because it is over allocated. Lets inform about that
if command == "ls disk_group full" and usedstoragespacegb > warninggb:
long("- %s - diskgroup usage is over %s%% threshold !\n" % (state[warning], occupancyalarmlvel) )
# If a disk has a problem, lets display some extra info on it
elif command == "ls disk full" and i['operationalstate'] != 'good':
long( "Warning - %s=%s (%s)\n" % (i['diskname'], i['operationalstate'], i['operationalstatedetail'] ))
fields="modelnumber firmwareversion serialnumber failurepredicted diskdrivetype".split()
for field in fields:
long( "- %s = %s\n" % (field, i[field]) )
nagios_state = max(nagios_state, check_multiple_objects(i, 'sensors'))
nagios_state = max(nagios_state, check_multiple_objects(i, 'fans'))
nagios_state = max(nagios_state, check_multiple_objects(i, 'powersupplies'))
nagios_state = max(nagios_state, check_multiple_objects(i, 'communicationbuses'))
nagios_state = max(nagios_state, check_multiple_objects(i, 'fibrechannelports'))
nagios_state = max(nagios_state, check_multiple_objects(i, 'modules'))
for x in longserviceoutputfields:
long( "- %s = %s\n" % (x, i[x]))
def check_multiple_objects(object, name):
item_status = not_present
if object.has_key(name):
item_status = not_present
detailfield = 'operationalstatedetail'
if name == 'fans' or name == 'sensors':
valid_states = ['good','notavailable','unsupported','notinstalled']
num_items = len(object[name])
for item in object[name]:
stat = check_operationalstate( item,print_failed_objects=True, namefield=namefield, valid_states=valid_states,detailfield=detailfield)
item_status = max( stat, item_status )
long('- %s on %s (%s detected)\n'% (state[item_status], name, num_items) )
add_perfdata( " '%s%s'=%s" % (object['identifier'],name, num_items) )
return item_status
def check_controllers():
nagios_state = ok
systems = run_sssu()
controllers =[]
for i in systems:
result = run_sssu(system=i['objectname'], command="ls controller full")
for controller in result:
controller['systemname'] = i['objectname']
controllers.append( controller )
for i in controllers:
systemname = i['systemname']
controllername = i['controllername']
# Lets see if this controller is working
nagios_state = max( check_operationalstate(i), nagios_state )
# Lets add to the summary
summary = summary + " %s/%s=%s " %(systemname,controllername, i['operationalstate'])
# Lets get some perfdata
interesting_fields = "controllermainmemory"
identifier = "%s/%s_" % (systemname,controllername)
perfdata = perfdata + get_perfdata(i, interesting_fields.split('|'), identifier=identifier)
# Long Serviceoutput
interesting_fields = "operationalstate|operationalstatedetail|firmwareversion|serialnumber"
#longserviceoutput = longserviceoutput + get_longserviceoutput(i, interesting_fields.split('|') )
#longserviceoutput = longserviceoutput + "\n%s/%s\n"%(systemname,controllername)
long( "\n%s/%s = %s (%s)\n"%(systemname,controllername,i['operationalstate'], i['operationalstatedetail']) )
long( "- firmwareversion = %s \n" %(i['firmwareversion']))
long( "- serialnumber = %s \n" %(i['serialnumber']))
controllertemperaturestatus = not_present
cache_state = not_present
fanstate = not_present
hostportstate = not_present
sensorstate = ok
source_state = not_present
module_state = not_present
# Check the cache status
if i['cachecondition'] == 'good':
cache_state = ok
cache_state = warning
# Check Temperature
if i.has_key("controllertemperaturestatus"):
if i['controllertemperaturestatus'] == 'normal':
controllertemperaturestatus = ok
controllertemperaturestatus = warning
# Process the subsensors
for hostport in i['hostports']:
#long(" %s = %s\n" % (hostport['portname'], hostport['operationalstate']))
hostportstate = max(hostportstate,ok)
if hostport['operationalstate'] != 'good':
hostportstate = max(warning,hostport_state)
long("Hostport %s state = %s\n" % hostport['portname'], hostport['operationalstate'])
if i.has_key('fans'):
for fan in i['fans']:
fanstate = max(fanstate,ok)
#long(" %s = %s\n" % (fan['fanname'], fan['status']))
if fan.has_key('status'): status = fan['status']
elif fan.has_key('installstatus'): status = fan['installstatus']
if status != 'normal' and status != 'yes':
fanstate = max(warning,fanstate)
long("Fan %s status = %s\n" % (fan['fanname'],status))
if i.has_key('powersources'):
for source in i['powersources']:
source_state = max(source_state,ok)
if not source.has_key('status'): continue
if source['state'] != 'good':
source_state = max(warning,source_state)
long("Powersource %s status = %s\n" % (source['type'],source['state']))
if i.has_key('modules'):
for module in i['modules']:
module_state = max(module_state,ok)
if module['operationalstate'] not in ('good','not_present'):
module_state = max(warning,module_state)
long("Battery Module %s status = %s\n" % (module['name'],module['operationalstate']))
for i in (fanstate,hostportstate,sensorstate,source_state,module_state,cache_state,controllertemperaturestatus):
nagios_state = max(nagios_state, i)
long("- %s on fans\n"%( state[fanstate] ) )
long("- %s on cachememory\n"%( state[cache_state] ) )
long("- %s on temperature\n"%( state[controllertemperaturestatus] ) )
long("- %s on hostports\n"%( state[hostportstate] ) )
long("- %s on sensors\n"%( state[sensorstate] ) )
long("- %s on powersupplies\n"%( state[source_state] ) )
long("- %s on batterymodules\n"%( state[module_state] ) )
def set_path():
global path
current_path = getenv('PATH')
if path == '':
if current_path.find('C:\\') > -1: # We are on this platform
path = "C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Sanworks\Element Manager for StorageWorks HSV"
path = "/usr/local/bin"
current_path = "%s:%s" % (current_path,path)
putenv('PATH', current_path)
if mode == 'check_systems':
perfdata_fields = 'totalstoragespace usedstoragespace availablestoragespace'.split()
longserviceoutputfields = 'licensestate systemtype firmwareversion nscfwversion totalstoragespace usedstoragespace availablestoragespace'.split()
command = "ls system full"
check_generic(command=command,namefield=namefield,longserviceoutputfields=longserviceoutputfields, perfdata_fields=perfdata_fields)
elif mode == 'check_controllers':
elif mode == 'check_diskgroups':
command = "ls disk_group full"
longserviceoutputfields = "totaldisks levelingstate levelingprogress totalstoragespacegb usedstoragespacegb occupancyalarmlevel".split()
check_generic(command=command,namefield=namefield,longserviceoutputfields=longserviceoutputfields, perfdata_fields=perfdata_fields)
elif mode == 'check_disks':
check_generic(command="ls disk full",namefield="objectname")
elif mode == 'check_diskshelfs':
check_generic(command="ls diskshelf full",namefield="diskshelfname",longserviceoutputfields=[], perfdata_fields=[])
print "* Error: Mode %s not found" % mode
print "* Error: Mode %s not found" % mode

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
# Copyright 2010, Pall Sigurdsson <palli@opensource.is>
# check_hpacucli.py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# check_hpacucli.py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# About this script
# This script will check the status of Smart Array Raid Controller
# You will need the hpacucli binary in path (/usr/sbin/hpacucli is a good place)
# hpacucli comes with the Proliant Support Pack (PSP) from HP
debugging = False
# No real need to change anything below here
not_present = -1
nagios_status = -1
state = {}
state[not_present] = "Not Present"
state[ok] = "OK"
state[warning] = "Warning"
state[critical] = "Critical"
state[unknown] = "Unknown"
from sys import exit
from sys import argv
from os import getenv,putenv,environ
import subprocess
def print_help():
print "check_hpacucli version %s" % version
print "This plugin checks HP Array with the hpacucli command"
print ""
print "Usage: %s " % argv[0]
print "Usage: %s [--help]" % argv[0]
print "Usage: %s [--version]" % argv[0]
print "Usage: %s [--path </path/to/hpacucli>]" % argv[0]
print "Usage: %s [--no-perfdata]" % argv[0]
print "Usage: %s [--no-longoutput]" % argv[0]
print ""
def error(errortext):
print "* Error: %s" % errortext
print "* Error: %s" % errortext
def debug( debugtext ):
global debugging
if debugging:
print debugtext
'''runCommand: Runs command from the shell prompt. Exit Nagios style if unsuccessful'''
def runCommand(command):
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,)
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate('through stdin to stdout')
if proc.returncode > 0:
print "Error %s: %s\n command was: '%s'" % (proc.returncode,stderr.strip(),command)
if proc.returncode == 127: # File not found, lets print path
print "Check if your path is correct %s" % (path)
if stderr.find('Password:') == 0 and command.find('sudo') == 0:
print "Check if user is in the sudoers file"
if stderr.find('sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo') == 0 and command.find('sudo') == 0:
print "Please remove 'requiretty' from /etc/sudoers"
return stdout
def end():
global summary
global longserviceoutput
global perfdata
global nagios_status
print "%s - %s | %s" % (state[nagios_status], summary,perfdata)
print longserviceoutput
if nagios_status < 0: nagios_status = unknown
def add_perfdata(text):
global perfdata
text = text.strip()
perfdata = perfdata + " %s " % (text)
def add_long(text):
global longserviceoutput
longserviceoutput = longserviceoutput + text + '\n'
def add_summary(text):
global summary
summary = summary + text
def set_path(path):
current_path = getenv('PATH')
if current_path.find('C:\\') > -1: # We are on this platform
if path == '':
path = ";C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Sanworks\Element Manager for StorageWorks HSV"
path = path + ";C:\Program Files (x86)\Compaq\Hpacucli\Bin"
path = path + ";C:\Program Files\Compaq\Hpacucli\Bin"
else: path = ';' + path
else: # Unix/Linux, etc
if path == '': path = ":/usr/sbin"
else: path = ':' + path
current_path = "%s%s" % (current_path,path)
environ['PATH'] = current_path
def run_hpacucli(type='controllers', controller=None):
if type=='controllers':
command="hpacucli controller all show detail"
elif type=='logicaldisks' or type=='physicaldisks':
if controller.has_key('Slot'):
identifier = 'slot=%s' % (controller['Slot'] )
add_summary( "Controller not found" )
if type=='logicaldisks':
command = "hpacucli controller %s ld all show detail" % (identifier)
if type=='physicaldisks':
command = "hpacucli controller %s pd all show detail" % (identifier)
#command="hpacucli controller slot=1 ld all show detail"
#command="hpacucli controller slot=1 ld all show detail"
debug ( command )
output = runCommand(command)
# Some basic error checking
if output.find('Error: You need to have administrator rights to continue.') > -1:
command = "sudo " + command
output = runCommand(command)
output = output.split('\n')
objects = []
object = None
for i in output:
if len(i) == 0: continue
if i.strip() == '': continue
if type=='controllers' and i[0] != ' ': # No space on first line
if object and not object in objects: objects.append(object)
object = {}
object['name'] = i
elif type=='logicaldisks' and i.find('Logical Drive:') > 0:
if object and not object in objects: objects.append(object)
object = {}
object['name'] = i.strip()
elif type=='physicaldisks' and i.find('physicaldrive') > 0:
if object and not object in objects: objects.append(object)
object = {}
object['name'] = i.strip()
i = i.strip()
if i.find(':') < 1: continue
i = i.split(':')
if i[0] == '': continue # skip empty lines
if len(i) == 1: continue
key = i[0].strip()
value = ' '.join( i[1:] ).strip()
object[key] = value
if object and not object in objects: objects.append(object)
return objects
controllers = []
def check_controllers():
global controllers
status = -1
controllers = run_hpacucli()
if len(controllers) == 0:
add_summary("No Disk Controllers Found. Exiting...")
global nagios_state
nagios_state = unknown
add_summary( "Found %s controllers" % ( len(controllers) ) )
for i in controllers:
controller_status = check(i, 'Controller Status', 'OK' )
status = max(status, controller_status)
cache_status = check(i, 'Cache Status' )
status = max(status, cache_status)
controller_serial = 'n/a'
cache_serial = 'n/a'
if i.has_key('Serial Number'):
controller_serial = i['Serial Number']
if i.has_key('Cache Serial Number'):
cache_serial = i['Cache Serial Number']
add_long ( "%s" % (i['name']) )
add_long( "- Controller Status: %s (sn: %s)" % ( state[controller_status], controller_serial ) )
add_long( "- Cache Status: %s (sn: %s)" % ( state[cache_status], cache_serial ) )
if controller_status > ok or cache_status > ok:
add_summary( ";%s on %s;" % (state[controller_status], i['name']) )
add_summary(', ')
return status
def check_logicaldisks():
global controllers
if len(controllers) < 1:
controllers = run_hpacucli()
logicaldisks = []
for controller in controllers:
for ld in run_hpacucli(type='logicaldisks', controller=controller):
logicaldisks.append ( ld )
status = -1
add_long("\nChecking logical Disks:" )
add_summary( "%s logicaldisks" % ( len(logicaldisks) ) )
for i in logicaldisks:
ld_status = check(i, 'Status' )
status = max(status, ld_status)
mount_point = i['Mount Points']
add_long( "- %s (%s) = %s" % (i['name'], mount_point, state[ld_status]) )
add_summary(". ")
def check_physicaldisks():
global controllers
if len(controllers) < 1:
controllers = run_hpacucli()
disks = []
for controller in controllers:
for disk in run_hpacucli(type=disktype, controller=controller):
disks.append ( disk )
status = -1
add_long("\nChecking Physical Disks:" )
add_summary( "%s %s" % ( len(disks), disktype ) )
for i in disks:
disk_status = check(i, 'Status' )
status = max(status, disk_status)
size = i['Size']
firmware = i['Firmware Revision']
interface = i['Interface Type']
serial = i['Serial Number']
model = i['Model']
add_long( "- %s, %s, %s = %s" % (i['name'], interface, size, state[disk_status]) )
if disk_status > ok:
add_long( "-- Replace drive, firmware=%s, model=%s, serial=%s" % (firmware,model, serial))
if status > ok:
add_summary( "(errors)" )
add_summary(". ")
def check(object, field, valid_states = ['OK']):
state = -1
global nagios_status
if object.has_key(field):
if object[field] in valid_states:
state = ok
state = warning
nagios_status = max(nagios_status, state)
return state
def parse_arguments():
arguments = argv[1:]
while len(arguments) > 0:
arg = arguments.pop(0)
if arg == '--help':
elif arg == '--path':
path = arguments.pop(0)
elif arg == '--debug':
global debugging
debugging = True
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.