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2010-09-04 03:52:17 +02:00
' =========================================================
' WMI script to return the charge remaining in a laptop battery, using the
' EstimatedChargeRemaining property of the Win32_Battery class
' =========================================================
' Required Variables
Const PROGNAME = "check_battery"
Const VERSION = "0.0.1"
' Default settings for your script.
threshold_warning = 50
threshold_critical = 20
strComputer = "."
' Create the NagiosPlugin object
Set np = New NagiosPlugin
' Define what args that should be used
np.add_arg "computer", "Computer name", 0
np.add_arg "warning", "warning threshold", 0
np.add_arg "critical", "critical threshold", 0
' If we have no args or arglist contains /help or not all of the required arguments are fulfilled show the usage output,.
If Args.Exists("help") Then
End If
' If we define /warning /critical on commandline it should override the script default.
If Args.Exists("warning") Then threshold_warning = Args("warning")
If Args.Exists("critical") Then threshold_critical = Args("critical")
If Args.Exists("computer") Then strComputer = Args("computer")
np.set_thresholds threshold_warning, threshold_critical
Set colInstances = np.simple_WMI_CIMV2(strComputer, "SELECT * FROM Win32_Battery")
return_code = OK
For Each objInstance In colInstances
WScript.Echo "Battery " & objInstance.Status & " - Charge Remaining = " & objInstance.EstimatedChargeRemaining & "% | charge=" & objInstance.EstimatedChargeRemaining
return_code = np.escalate_check_threshold(return_code, objInstance.EstimatedChargeRemaining)
' Nice Exit with msg and exitcode
np.nagios_exit "", return_code