#!/usr/bin/env python27 ''' Info: This python script is used as an Zabbix alert script to create simple RSS feed of the notifications To make it work: - Configure the Settings section in the script - add as an alert script in zabbix - notice that the subject won't be in the rss, only the message - add the xml code below to the rssFile en ''' # libs import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import datetime import sys # Settings link_data = "https://path/to/zabbix/tr_status.php?form_refresh=1&groupid=0&hostid=0&fullscreen=1" rssFile = "/path/to/zabbix/web/interface/rss" item_2_keep = 20 title_data = sys.argv[3] # get root tree = ET.parse(rssFile) root = tree.getroot() # update time root[0][4].text = str(datetime.datetime.now()) # add new item new_item = ET.SubElement(root[0],"item") title = ET.SubElement(new_item,"title") title.text = str(title_data) link = ET.SubElement(new_item,"link") link.text = str(link_data) # keep only x latest items itemRoot = root[0] items = itemRoot.findall('item') i=0 for item in items: i=i+1 if i > len(items)-item_2_keep: break itemRoot.remove(item) # write to file tree.write(rssFile)