#!/usr/bin/env perl ##################################### ##################################### ### ______ _ =) ### ### | ___ \ | | ### ### | |_/ / __ _ _ __ | | ### ### | / / _` || '_ \ | | ### ### | |\ \| (_| || | | || |____ ### ### \_| \_|\__,_||_| |_|\_____/ ### ##################################### ##################################### # Info # This script is mainly for performance graph using pnp the usage of the license use strict; sub FSyntaxError { print "Syntax Error !\n"; print "$0 [absolute path to lmutil] [absolute path to license file] [feature full name (from lmstat)]\n"; exit(1); } if($#ARGV != 3) { FSyntaxError; } # General Settings my $lmutil = "$ARGV[0]"; chomp($lmutil); my $lm_file = "$ARGV[1]"; chomp($lm_file); my $feature = "$ARGV[2]"; chomp($feature); my $daemon = "$ARGV[3]"; my $vendor = `basename $lm_file | sed 's/.lic//g'`; chomp($vendor); my @lmstat_out = split(";",`$lmutil lmstat -c $lm_file -S $daemon | grep ^Users\\ of\\ $feature: | sed -e 's/:/;/g' -e 's/ (Total of //g' -e 's/ Total of //g' -e 's/ licenses issued//g' -e 's/ licenses in use)\$//g' -e 's/ license issued//g' -e 's/ license in use)\$//g' -e 's/^Users of //g'`); if($#lmstat_out < 1) { print "$vendor $daemon Is Down\n"; exit(2); } print "$vendor $daemon $feature | total=$lmstat_out[1] used=$lmstat_out[2]\n"; exit(0);