#!/usr/bin/env python """ Monitor a mount on the filesystem and all of it sub mounts """ from optparse import OptionParser import subprocess import os.path def parse_args(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-p', '--path', dest='path', type='string', help='absolute path to check', metavar="FILE") parser.add_option('-w', '--warning', dest='warning', type='int', help='critical threshold') parser.add_option('-c', '--critical', dest='critical', type='int', help='warning threshold') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if opts.path is None: print 'UNKNOWN: -p' parser.print_help() exit(3) if opts.warning is None or opts.critical is None: print 'UNKNOWN: missing -w and/or -c' parser.print_help() exit(3) if opts.warning < opts.critical: print 'UNKNOWN: -c can not be greater than -w' parser.print_help() exit(3) if opts.path.endswith('/') and opts.path != '/': opts.path = opts.path[:-1] if not os.path.exists(opts.path): print 'UNKNOWN: -p "{0}" must be a valid path'.format(opts.path) parser.print_help() exit(3) return opts def get_mount_point(loc): ''' Get the mount point of the path ''' mount = os.path.abspath(loc) while not os.path.ismount(mount): mount = os.path.dirname(mount) return mount def get_df(mount): ''' return a dict of {mount : free space in %} - sub mounts of `mount` - if mount is not a mount point return it's parent mount point as well ''' res = {} real_path = get_mount_point(mount) proc = subprocess.Popen( 'df -P', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=None ) df = proc.communicate()[0].splitlines() df.pop(0) for line in df: data = line.split() path = data[-1] if mount in path or path == real_path: res.update({ path: 100-int(data[-2].replace('%', '')) }) return res xcode = 0 opts = parse_args() df = get_df(opts.path) errors = [] for mount, disk_free in df.items(): if opts.warning >= disk_free > opts.critical: if xcode < 1: xcode = 1 errors.append(mount) elif disk_free < opts.critical: if xcode < 2: xcode = 2 errors.append(mount) if xcode == 0: msg = 'OK: All mounts are ok' else: if xcode == 1: err = 'WARN' else: err = 'CRIT' msg = '{0}: the mount {1} does not have enough disk space'.format( err, ','.join(errors) ) print msg exit(xcode)