#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Nagios compatible plugin to check Solr via Solr HTTP API require Python >= 2.6 ''' from optparse import OptionParser import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import urllib2 import tempfile import os.path EXIT_CODE = { 'OK': 0, 'WARN': 1, 'CRIT': 2, 'UNKNOWN': 3, } def prepareOpts(): ''' Parse option from the shell ''' cmds = { 'ping' : 'create a ping to solr API', 'dataimportDocumentsProcessed': 'check that the dataimport handler is not processing the same document for too long', 'indexBehindMaster': 'check the difference between the slave index and the master' } epliog = 'Type of Checks:' for k in cmds: epliog += '\n {0}:\t{1}'.format(k, cmds[k]) def help(): parser.print_help() print '' print epliog def err( string ): print 'Error: {0}'.format( string ) help() exit(1) parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-u', '--url', dest='url', type='string', help='solr url', default=None) parser.add_option('-U', '--user', dest='user', type='string', help='username', default=None) parser.add_option('-P', '--passwd', dest='passwd', type='string', help='password', default=None) parser.add_option('-t', '--timeout', dest='timeout', type='float', help='how many seconds to wait for each http request', default=5) parser.add_option('-T', '--type', dest='type', type='choice', choices=cmds.keys(), help='what to check: {0}'.format(', '.join(cmds.keys())) ) parser.add_option('-C', '--core', dest='core', type='string', help='core id', default=None) parser.add_option('-d', '--handler', dest='handler', type='string', help='dataimport handler name', default=None) parser.add_option('-c', '--critical', dest='critical', type='int', help='warning threshold (implies -T indexBehindMaster)', default=None) parser.add_option('-w', '--warning', dest='warning', type='int', help='critical threshold (implies -T indexBehindMaster)', default=None) parser.add_option('-m', '--tmpdir', dest='tmpdir', type='string', help='absolute path to a writeable directory on the server', default=tempfile.gettempdir()) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() # Input Validation if not opts: help() exit(1) if not opts.type: err('missing -T') if (opts.user and not opts.passwd) or (not opts.user and opts.passwd): err('missing username or password') if not opts.url: err('missing solr http url') if opts.type == 'dataimportDocumentsProcessed': if opts.core is None: err('missing core id !') if opts.handler is None: err('missing handler name !') if opts.type == 'indexBehindMaster': if opts.critical is None or opts.warning is None: err('missing -w or -c') if opts.warning > opts.critical: err('-w can not be greater than -c') return opts class SolrMonitor(): ''' Monitor Apache Solr via http ''' def __init__(self, url, timeout=5, username=None, passwd=None): self.url = url self.timeout = timeout self.username = username self.passwd = passwd self.memfile = 'check_solr_data' if self.url.endswith('/'): self.url = self.url[:-1] self._get_auth() def _get_auth(self): ''' Build an Auth opener for HTTP connection ''' if not self.username or not self.passwd: return basic = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler() basic.add_password( realm='Solr', uri=self.url, user=self.username, passwd=self.passwd ) digest = urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler() digest.add_password( realm='Solr', uri=self.url, user=self.username, passwd=self.passwd ) urllib2.install_opener( urllib2.build_opener(basic, digest)) def _getXmlData(self, url): ''' create an http request to url and return the data in case of a problem return None ''' try: return ET.fromstring( urllib2.urlopen( url, timeout=self.timeout ).read() ) except urllib2.URLError: return None def _eval_ping(self, res, opts): ''' Evaluate the ping test ''' if res: return { 'exit': EXIT_CODE['OK'], 'msg': 'OK: Solr Ping is up' } else: return { 'exit': EXIT_CODE['CRIT'], 'msg': 'OK: Solr Ping is down' } def _eval_dataimportDocumentsProcessed(self, res, opts): ''' Evaluate the dataimportDocumentsProcessed test ''' firstTimeResponse = { 'exit': EXIT_CODE['UNKNOWN'], 'msg': 'UNKNOWN: looks like the first time we are using this check, creating local cache' } memFile = os.path.join(opts.tmpdir, self.memfile) if not os.path.isfile(memFile): with open( memFile, 'w' ) as f: f.write(str(res)) return firstTimeResponse if res < 0: return { 'exit': EXIT_CODE['UNKNOWN'], 'msg': 'UNKNOWN: could not query solr for index status' } fh = open( memFile, 'r+' ) prev = fh.read() fh.seek(0) fh.write(str(res)) fh.close() if not prev: return firstTimeResponse prev = int(prev) if prev != res or res == 0: return { 'exit': EXIT_CODE['OK'], 'msg': 'OK: Solr is indexing {0} docs now and before {1}'.format( res, prev ) } else: return { 'exit': EXIT_CODE['CRIT'], 'msg': 'CRIT: Solr is still indexing {0} docs since the last check'.format(res) } def _eval_indexBehindMaster(self, res, opts): ''' Evaluate the indexBehindMaster test ''' msg='' if res < opts.warning: msg='OK' elif res >= opts.warning and res <= opts.critical: msg='WARN' else: msg='CRIT' return { 'exit': EXIT_CODE[msg], 'msg': '{0}: Solr Slave is {1} behind then master'.format( msg, res ) } def ping(self): ''' Check if solr ping returns True ''' ret = False root = self._getXmlData(self.url + '/admin/ping') if root is None: return False if root.find('str').text == 'OK': ret = True return ret def dataimportDocumentsProcessed(self, core, handler): ''' Return the number of processed documents from the dataimport handler url: http://solr:port/solr/core0/dataimportName?command=status ''' url = '{0}/{1}/{2}?command=status'.format( self.url, core, handler ) root = self._getXmlData(url) if root is None: return -1 for lst in root.findall('lst'): if lst.attrib['name'] == 'statusMessages': for str in lst.findall('str'): if str.attrib['name'] == 'Total Documents Processed': return int(str.text) return -1 # Python 2.7 # return int( # root.findall( # "lst[@name='statusMessages']/str[@name='Total Documents Processed']" # )[0].text # ) def indexBehindMaster(self): ''' Returns the difference bewteen the slave index and the master replicable index ''' slave = None master = None root = self._getXmlData( self.url + '/replication?command=details' ) if root is None: return -1 for lst in root.findall('lst'): if lst.attrib['name'] == 'details': # Slave for lng in lst.findall('long'): if lng.attrib['name'] == 'indexVersion': slave = long(lng.text) break # Master for lstm in lst.findall('lst'): if lstm.attrib['name'] == 'slave': for lstms in lstm.findall('lst'): if lstms.attrib['name'] == 'masterDetails': for lstMaster in lstms.findall('lst'): if lstMaster.attrib['name'] == 'master': for rep in lstMaster.findall('long'): if rep.attrib['name'] == 'replicableVersion': master = long(rep.text) break if master and slave: break # Python 2.7 # slave = root.findall( # "./*[@name='details']/arr[@name='commits']/lst/long[@name='indexVersion']" # )[0].text # master = root.findall( # "./lst[@name='details']/lst[@name='slave']/lst[@name='masterDetails']/lst[@name='master']/long[@name='replicableVersion']" # )[0].text return long(master - slave) @staticmethod def main(): ''' Main function ''' opts = prepareOpts() solr = SolrMonitor( opts.url, opts.timeout, opts.user, opts.passwd ) method = getattr(solr, opts.type) k = {} if opts.core: k.update({'core': opts.core}) if opts.handler: k.update({'handler': opts.handler}) res = method(**k) eval_method = getattr( solr, '_eval_{0}'.format(opts.type) ) ret = eval_method(res, opts) print ret['msg'] exit(ret['exit']) if __name__ == '__main__': SolrMonitor.main()