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2013-12-02 14:24:24 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env perl
### ______ _ =) ###
### | ___ \ | | ###
### | |_/ / __ _ _ __ | | ###
### | / / _` || '_ \ | | ###
### | |\ \| (_| || | | || |____ ###
### \_| \_|\__,_||_| |_|\_____/ ###
use strict;
use Net::SNMP;
my $stat;
my $msg;
my $perf;
my $days = 14;
my $script_name = "check-cisco.pl";
# Temperature
my $S_temp = ".";
# Memory
my $S_mem_used = "."; # Byte
my $S_mem_free = "."; # Byte
# CPU Load
my $S_load_5s = ".";
my $S_load_1m = ".";
my $S_load_5m = ".";
# Power Supply
my $S_ps = ".";
my $S_ps_name = "$S_ps.2";
my $S_ps_stat = "$S_ps.3";
# Fan
my $S_fan = ".";
my $S_fan_name = "$S_fan.2";
my $S_fan_stat = "$S_fan.3";
# Module
my $S_module_status = ".";
# Interfaces
my $S_int_entry = ".";
my $S_int_desc = "$S_int_entry.2";
my $S_int_adminstatus = "$S_int_entry.7";
my $S_int_operstatus = "$S_int_entry.8";
my $S_int_lastchange = "$S_int_entry.9";
my $S_int_InOctets = "$S_int_entry.10";
my $S_int_OutOctets = "$S_int_entry.16";
my $S_int_number = ".";
# SNMP Status Codes
my %phy_dev_status = (
1 => 'normal',
2 => 'warning',
3 => 'critical',
4 => 'shutdown',
5 => 'notPresent',
6 => 'notFunctioning',
my %module_status_code = (
1 => 'unknown',
2 => 'ok',
3 => 'disabled',
4 => 'okButDiagFailed',
5 => 'boot',
6 => 'selfTest',
7 => 'failed',
8 => 'missing',
9 => 'mismatchWithParent',
10 => 'mismatchConfig',
11 => 'diagFailed',
12 => 'dormant',
13 => 'outOfServiceAdmin',
14 => 'outOfServiceEnvTemp',
15 => 'poweredDown',
16 => 'poweredUp',
17 => 'powerDenied',
18 => 'powerCycled',
19 => 'okButPowerOverWarning',
20 => 'okButPowerOverCritical',
21 => 'syncInProgress',
my %int_status_index = (
1 => 'up',
2 => 'down',
3 => 'testing',
4 => 'unknown',
5 => 'notPresent',
6 => 'lowerLayerDown',
### Functions
sub _create_session {
my ($server, $comm) = @_;
my $version = 1;
my ($sess, $err) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $server, -version => $version, -community => $comm);
if (!defined($sess)) {
print "Can't create SNMP session to $server\n";
return $sess;
sub FSyntaxError {
print "Syntax Error !\n";
# print "$0 -H [ip|dnsname] -C [snmp community] -t [temp|fan|ps|cpu|mem|module|freeint] -w [warning value] -c [critical value] -d [days]\n";
print "$script_name\n";
print "-H = Ip/Dns Name of the Switch\n";
print "-C = SNMP Community\n";
print "-t = Check type\n";
print "\ttemp - Temperature\n";
print "\tfan - Fan Fail\n";
print "\tps - Power Supply Fail\n";
print "\tcpu - CPU Load\n";
print "\tmem - Memory\n";
print "\tmodule - Module Health\n";
print "\tfreeint - Free eth interfaces for X days (-d)\n";
print "\tint - Interface Operation Stat (use with -i or -o)\n";
print "-w = Warning Value\n";
print "-c = Critical Value\n";
print "-d = number of days that th ethernet interface hasn't change state, default is 14 (only for -t freeint)\n";
print "-i = Interface Name (only for -t int)\n";
print "-o = Interface OID (only for -t int)\n";
if($#ARGV < 5 or $#ARGV > 11) {
### Gather input from user
my $switch;
my $community;
my $check_type;
my $warn = 0;
my $crit = 0;
my $int;
my $oidint;
while(@ARGV) {
my $temp = shift(@ARGV);
if("$temp" eq '-H') {
$switch = shift(@ARGV);
} elsif("$temp" eq '-C') {
$community = shift(@ARGV);
} elsif("$temp" eq '-t') {
$check_type = shift(@ARGV);
} elsif("$temp" eq '-w') {
$warn = shift(@ARGV);
} elsif("$temp" eq '-c') {
$crit = shift(@ARGV);
} elsif("$temp" eq '-i') {
$int = shift(@ARGV);
} elsif("$temp" eq '-o') {
$oidint = shift(@ARGV);
} elsif("$temp" eq '-d') {
$days = shift(@ARGV);
if("$days" eq "") {
$days = 14;
} else {
# Validate Warning
if("$check_type" ne "temp") {
if($warn > $crit and "$check_type" ne "freeint" and "$check_type" ne "mem") {
print "Warning can't be larger then Critical: $warn > $crit\n";
} elsif($warn < $crit and "$check_type" eq "freeint") {
print "Warning can't be smaller then Critical: $warn < $crit in intfree check\n";
} elsif($warn < $crit and "$check_type" eq "mem") {
print "Warning can't be smaller then Critical: $warn < $crit in intfree check\n";
# Establish SNMP Session
our $snmp_session = _create_session($switch,$community);
### Temperature ###
if($check_type =~ /^temp/) {
my $temp;
my $R_tbl = $snmp_session->get_table($S_temp);
foreach my $oid ( keys %$R_tbl) {
$temp = "$$R_tbl{$oid}";
if("$temp" eq "") {
print "The switch $switch can't report temperature via SNMP\n";
if($temp > 1) {
if($warn > $crit and "$check_type") {
print "Warning can't be larger then Critical: $warn > $crit\n";
if($temp <= $warn) {
$stat = 0;
2014-05-27 14:31:15 +02:00
$msg = "Temperature: OK - Temperature is $temp Celsius";
2013-12-02 14:24:24 +01:00
} elsif($temp > $warn and $temp < $crit) {
$stat = 1;
2014-05-27 14:31:15 +02:00
$msg = "Temperature: Warn - Temperature is $temp Celsius";
2013-12-02 14:24:24 +01:00
} elsif($temp >= $crit) {
$stat = 2;
$msg = "Temperature: CRIT - Tempeture is $temp Celsius";
$perf = "temperature=$temp;$warn;$crit";
} else {
if($warn > 0 or $crit > 0) {
print "ERR:\nSome switches only show boolean value 0=OK 1=ERROR\nplease dont use -w and -c arguments\n\n";
if($temp == 1) {
$stat = 0;
$msg = "Temperature: OK";
} else {
$stat = 2;
$msg = "Temperature: CRIT";
$perf = "temperature=$temp";
### Memory ###
} elsif($check_type eq "mem") {
my $R_mem_used = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$S_mem_used]);
my $mem_used = "$R_mem_used->{$S_mem_used}";
my $R_mem_free = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$S_mem_free]);
my $mem_free = "$R_mem_free->{$S_mem_free}";
my $mem_total = $mem_free + $mem_used;
$mem_used = int($mem_used / 1024 / 1024);
$mem_free = int($mem_free / 1024 / 1024);
$mem_total = int($mem_total / 1024 / 1024);
my $mem_free_perc = int($mem_free / $mem_total * 100);
if($mem_free_perc > $warn) {
$stat = 0;
$msg = "Memory: OK - Free Memory $mem_free_perc%";
} elsif($mem_free_perc <= $warn and $mem_free_perc > $crit) {
$stat = 1;
$msg = "Memory: Warn - Free Memory $mem_free_perc %";
} elsif($mem_free_perc <= $crit) {
$stat = 2;
$msg = "Memory: CRIT - Free Memory $mem_free_perc %";
$perf = "memory_total=$mem_total\MB memory_used=$mem_used\MB";
### Interface Stat ###
} elsif($check_type eq "int") {
my $R_tbl;
if ($oidint) {
$R_tbl = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => ["$oidint"]);
$int = $$R_tbl{"$oidint"};
} else {
$R_tbl = $snmp_session->get_table($S_int_desc);
my $is_int_exists = 0;
foreach my $oid ( keys %$R_tbl) {
my $name = "$$R_tbl{$oid}";
if($name eq $int) {
my $id = "$oid";
$id =~ s/$S_int_desc\.//;
my $R_stat = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => ["$S_int_operstatus.$id"]);
my $int_stat = $R_stat->{"$S_int_operstatus.$id"};
if($int_stat != 1) {
$stat = 2;
$msg = "CRIT: $int -> $int_status_index{$int_stat}";
$perf = "int=0";
} else {
$stat = 0;
$msg = "OK: $int -> $int_status_index{$int_stat}";
$perf = "int=1";
if($is_int_exists == 0) {
$stat = 3;
$msg = "UNKNOWN: $int does not exists";
$perf = "int=0";
### CPU Load ###
} elsif($check_type eq "cpu") {
my $R_load_5s = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$S_load_5s]);
my $load_5s = "$R_load_5s->{$S_load_5s}";
my $R_load_1m = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$S_load_1m]);
my $load_1m = "$R_load_1m->{$S_load_1m}";
my $R_load_5m = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$S_load_5m]);
my $load_5m = "$R_load_5m->{$S_load_5m}";
if($load_5s <= $warn) {
$stat = 0;
$msg = "Cpu: OK - Cpu Load $load_5s% $load_1m% $load_5m%";
} elsif($load_5s > $warn and $load_5s < $crit) {
$stat = 1;
$msg = "Cpu: Warn - Cpu Load $load_5s% $load_1m% $load_5m%";
} elsif($load_5s >= $crit) {
$stat = 2;
$msg = "Cpu: CRIT - Cpu Load $load_5s% $load_1m% $load_5m%";
$perf = "cpu_5s=$load_5s\percent;$warn;$crit cpu_1m=$load_1m\percent cpu_5m=$load_5m\percent";
### Fan Status ###
} elsif($check_type eq "fan") {
my $R_tbl = $snmp_session->get_table($S_fan_name);
my $total_err = 0;
my $err_msg;
my $sum = 0;
foreach my $oid ( keys %$R_tbl) {
$sum = $sum + 1;
my $name = "$$R_tbl{$oid}";
my $id = "$oid";
$id =~ s/$S_fan_name\.//;
my $R_stat = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => ["$S_fan_stat.$id"]);
my $stat = $R_stat->{"$S_fan_stat.$id"};
if($stat != 1) {
$total_err = $total_err + 1;
$err_msg = "$err_msg $name -> $phy_dev_status{$stat}";
if($total_err != 0) {
$err_msg = ", $err_msg have an error";
} else {
$err_msg = "all good";
if($total_err <= $warn) {
$stat = 0;
$msg = "Fans: OK - $sum Fans are running $err_msg";
} elsif($total_err > $warn and $total_err < $crit) {
$stat = 1;
$msg = "Fans: Warn - $sum Fans are running $err_msg";
} elsif($total_err >= $crit) {
$stat = 2;
$msg = "Fans: Crit - $sum Fans are running $err_msg";
$perf = "total=$sum err=$total_err";
### Power Supplies ###
} elsif($check_type eq "ps") {
my $R_tbl = $snmp_session->get_table($S_ps_name);
my $total_err = 0;
my $err_msg;
my $sum = 0;
foreach my $oid ( keys %$R_tbl) {
$sum = $sum + 1;
my $name = "$$R_tbl{$oid}";
my $id = "$oid";
$id =~ s/$S_ps_name\.//;
my $R_stat = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => ["$S_ps_stat.$id"]);
my $stat = $R_stat->{"$S_ps_stat.$id"};
if($stat != 1) {
$total_err = $total_err + 1;
$err_msg = "$err_msg $name -> $phy_dev_status{$stat}";
if($total_err != 0) {
$err_msg = ", $err_msg have an error";
} else {
$err_msg = "all good";
if($total_err <= $warn) {
$stat = 0;
$msg = "PS: OK - $sum PS are running $err_msg";
} elsif($total_err > $warn and $total_err < $crit) {
$stat = 1;
$msg = "PS: Warn - $sum PS are running $err_msg";
} elsif($total_err >= $crit) {
$stat = 2;
$msg = "PS: Crit - $sum PS are running $err_msg";
$perf = "total=$sum err=$total_err";
### Module Status ###
} elsif($check_type eq "module") {
my $R_tbl = $snmp_session->get_table($S_module_status);
my $total_err = 0;
my $err_msg;
my $sum = 0;
foreach my $oid ( keys %$R_tbl) {
$sum = $sum + 1;
my $module_status = "$$R_tbl{$oid}";
my $id = "$oid";
$id =~ s/$S_module_status\.//;
if($module_status != 2) {
$total_err = $total_err + 1;
$err_msg = "$err_msg $id -> $module_status_code{$module_status}";
if($sum == 0) {
print "The switch $switch doesn't have any modules\n";
if($total_err != 0) {
$err_msg = ", $err_msg have an error";
} else {
$err_msg = "all good";
if($total_err <= $warn) {
$stat = 0;
$msg = "Modules: OK - $sum Modules are running $err_msg";
} elsif($total_err > $warn and $total_err < $crit) {
$stat = 1;
$msg = "Modules: Warn - $sum Modules are running $err_msg";
} elsif($total_err >= $crit) {
$stat = 2;
$msg = "Modules: Crit - $sum Modules are running $err_msg";
$perf = "total=$sum err=$total_err";
### Free Interfaces ###
} elsif($check_type eq "freeint") {
my $R_int_number = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => [$S_int_number]);
my $int_number = $R_int_number->{$S_int_number};
my $R_tbl = $snmp_session->get_table($S_int_desc);
my @ints;
my $down = 0;
my $sum = 0;
foreach my $oid ( keys %$R_tbl) {
if($$R_tbl{$oid} =~ /Ethernet/) {
my $id = "$oid";
$id =~ s/$S_int_desc\.//;
# Admin Status
my $R_int_adminstatus = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => ["$S_int_adminstatus.$id"]);
my $int_adminstatus = $R_int_adminstatus->{"$S_int_adminstatus.$id"};
# Oper Status
my $R_int_operstatus = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => ["$S_int_operstatus.$id"]);
my $int_operstatus = $R_int_operstatus->{"$S_int_operstatus.$id"};
# Inbout
my $R_int_InOctets = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => ["$S_int_InOctets.$id"]);
my $int_InOctets = $R_int_InOctets->{"$S_int_InOctets.$id"};
# Outbound
my $R_int_OutOctets = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => ["$S_int_OutOctets.$id"]);
my $int_OutOctets = $R_int_OutOctets->{"$S_int_OutOctets.$id"};
# Last Change
my $R_int_lastchange = $snmp_session->get_request(-varbindlist => ["$S_int_lastchange.$id"]);
my $int_lastchange = $R_int_lastchange->{"$S_int_lastchange.$id"};
my @lastchanged = split(" ",$int_lastchange);
if($int_adminstatus == 2 or $int_operstatus == 2) {
if(("$lastchanged[1]" eq "days," and $lastchanged[1] => $days) or ($int_OutOctets == 0 and $int_InOctets == 0)) {
if($down >= $warn) {
$stat = 0;
$msg = "Free Interfaces: OK - $down/$sum free interfaces for $days days";
} elsif($down < $warn and $down > $crit) {
$stat = 1;
$msg = "Free Interfaces: Warn - $down/$sum free interfaces for $days days";
} elsif($down <= $crit) {
$stat = 2;
$msg = "Free Interfaces: CRIT - $down/$sum free interfaces for $days days";
$perf = "total_int=$int_number total_eth=$sum total_eth_free=$down";
### Bad Syntax ###
} else {
print "$msg | $perf\n";