
117 lines
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2013-12-02 14:24:24 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env perl
### ______ _ =) ###
### | ___ \ | | ###
### | |_/ / __ _ _ __ | | ###
### | / / _` || '_ \ | | ###
### | |\ \| (_| || | | || |____ ###
### \_| \_|\__,_||_| |_|\_____/ ###
use strict;
use XML::Simple;
sub FSyntaxError {
print "Syntax Error !\n";
print "$0 [s|q] [absolute path to] [hostname] [queue name]\n";
print "s = Status of the exec hosts: check for Error status, and if he has a queue instance enabled\n";
2015-03-23 17:49:48 +01:00
print "q = check via qrsh is the host accepts jobs (you can configure a queue for all the exec hosts with access list only to nagios for the sake of this check)\n\n";
2013-12-02 14:24:24 +01:00
print "Example:\n";
print "$0 q /path/to/ quad-8g1 nagios.q\n";
print "$0 s /path/to/ quad-8g1 [queues,to,exclude]\n";
# User Input
if($#ARGV < 2) {
my $check_type = shift(@ARGV);
my $sge_settings = shift(@ARGV);
my $sgeexecd = shift(@ARGV);
# General Settings
my $exit = 0;
my $perf;
my $msg;
if("$check_type" eq "q") {
# Check via qrsh
my $queue = shift(@ARGV);
my $qrsh = `source $sge_settings ; qrsh -q $queue\@$sgeexecd hostname &> /dev/null ; echo \$?`;
if($qrsh != 0) {
$exit = 2;
$perf = "qrsh=0";
$msg = "$queue\@$sgeexecd cant execute jobs";
} else {
$perf = "qrsh=1";
$msg = "$queue\@$sgeexecd can execute jobs";
} elsif("$check_type" eq "s") {
# Check Host's queue instance Status
my $queue_list_2_exclude = shift(@ARGV);
my @queues2ex = split(',',$queue_list_2_exclude);
my $queue_instances = 0;
my $queue_instances_err = 0;
$perf = "qstatus=1";
my @qstat_out = split("\n",`source $sge_settings ; qhost -q -h $sgeexecd`); shift(@qstat_out);shift(@qstat_out);shift(@qstat_out);shift(@qstat_out);
foreach my $line (@qstat_out) {
my @cline = split(" ",$line);
my $yes_exclude = 0;
foreach my $q (@queues2ex) {
if($q eq $cline[0]) {
if($yes_exclude == 0) {
if($cline[3] =~ /E/) {
$msg = "$msg $cline[0]\@$sgeexecd in Error status.";
unless($cline[3] =~ /d/) {
if($queue_instances == 0 or $queue_instances_err > 0) {
if($queue_instances_err > 0) {
$perf = "qstatus=$queue_instances_err";
} else {
$perf = "qstatus=0";
if($queue_instances == 0) {
$perf = "$perf qconfigured=0";
$msg = "$msg $sgeexecd dont have any queue configured.";
} else {
$perf = "$perf qconfigured=$queue_instances";
$exit = 2;
} else {
$exit = 0;
$msg = "$sgeexecd is OK";
$perf = "qstatus=0 qconfigured=$queue_instances";
} else {
# Display Message
if($exit == 0) {
$msg = "OK: $msg";
} else {
$msg = "Error: $msg";
print "$msg | $perf\n";