2013-12-02 14:24:24 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env perl
### ______ _ =) ###
### | ___ \ | | ###
### | |_/ / __ _ _ __ | | ###
### | / / _` || '_ \ | | ###
### | |\ \| (_| || | | || |____ ###
### \_| \_|\__,_||_| |_|\_____/ ###
use strict;
2014-04-11 16:17:16 +02:00
use lib '/path/to/nagios/libexec';
2013-12-02 14:24:24 +01:00
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS);
use Net::SNMP;
use Getopt::Long;
my $stat = 0;
my $msg;
my $perf;
my $script_name = "check-netapp-ng.pl";
my $snmpFailedFanCount = '.';
my $snmpFailPowerSupplyCount = '.';
my $snmpcpuBusyTimePerCent = '.';
my $snmpenvOverTemperature = '.';
my $snmpnvramBatteryStatus = '.';
my $snmpFailedDiskCount = '.';
my $snmpUpTime = '.';
my $snmpCacheAge = '.';
my $snmpGlobalStatus = '.';
my $snmpGlobalStatus_text = '.';
my $snmpNdmpSessions = '.';
my $snmpfilesysvolTable = '.';
my $snmpfilesysvolTablevolEntryOptions = "$snmpfilesysvolTable.1.7";
my $snmpfilesysvolTablevolEntryvolName = "$snmpfilesysvolTable.1.2";
my $snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df = ".";
my $snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df_name = "$snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df.2";
my $snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df_total = "$snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df.3";
my $snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df_used = "$snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df.4";
my $snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df_free = "$snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df.5";
my $snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df_used_prec = "$snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df.6";
my $snmpEnclTable = '.';
my $snmpEnclTableIndex = "$snmpEnclTable.1";
my $snmpEnclTableState = "$snmpEnclTable.2";
my $snmpEnclTableShelfAddr = "$snmpEnclTable.3";
my $snmpEnclTablePsFailed = "$snmpEnclTable.15";
my $snmpEnclTableFanFailed = "$snmpEnclTable.18";
my $snmpEnclTableTempOverFail = "$snmpEnclTable.21";
my $snmpEnclTableTempOverWarn = "$snmpEnclTable.22";
my $snmpEnclTableTempUnderFail = "$snmpEnclTable.23";
my $snmpEnclTableTempUnderWarn = "$snmpEnclTable.24";
my $snmpEnclTableElectronicFailed = "$snmpEnclTable.33";
my $snmpEnclTableVoltOverFail = "$snmpEnclTable.36";
my $snmpEnclTableVoltOverWarn = "$snmpEnclTable.37";
my $snmpEnclTableVoltUnderFail = "$snmpEnclTable.38";
my $snmpEnclTableVoltUnderWarn = "$snmpEnclTable.39";
# SNMP Status Codes
my %nvramBatteryStatus = (
1 => 'ok',
2 => 'partially discharged',
3 => 'fully discharged',
4 => 'not present',
5 => 'near end of life',
6 => 'at end of life',
7 => 'unknown',
my %GlobalStatusIndex = (
1 => 'other',
2 => 'unknown',
3 => 'ok',
4 => 'nonCritical',
5 => 'critical',
6 => 'nonRecoverable',
my %EcnlStatusIndex = (
1 => 'initializing',
2 => 'transitioning',
3 => 'active',
4 => 'inactive',
5 => 'reconfiguring',
6 => 'nonexistent',
### Functions
sub _create_session(@) {
my ($server, $comm) = @_;
my $version = 1;
2014-04-11 16:15:17 +02:00
my ($sess, $err) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $server, -version => $version, -community => $comm, -timeout => 60);
2013-12-02 14:24:24 +01:00
if (!defined($sess)) {
print "Can't create SNMP session to $server\n";
return $sess;
sub FSyntaxError($) {
my $err = shift;
print <<EOU;
-H = Ip/Dns Name of the Filer -w = Warning Value
-C = SNMP Community -c = Critical Value
-T = Check type --vol = Volume Name
-e = vol exclude from snap check
TEMP - Temperature
FAN - Fan Fail
PS - Power Supply Fail
CPULOAD - CPU Load (-w -c)
NVRAM - NVram Battery Status
2014-01-15 22:36:04 +01:00
DISKUSED - Vol Usage Percentage (-w -c --vol)
2013-12-02 14:24:24 +01:00
SNAPSHOT - Snapshot Config (-e volname,volname2,volname3)
SHELF - Shelf Health
NDMPSESSIONS - Number of ndmp sessions (-w -c)
GLOBALSTATUS - Global Status of the filer
FAILEDDISK - Number of failed disks
UPTIME - only show's uptime
CACHEAGE - Cache Age
sub _get_oid_value(@) {
my $sess = shift;
my $local_oid = shift;
my $r_return = $sess->get_request(-varbindlist => [$local_oid]);
sub _clac_err_stat(@) {
my $value = shift;
my $value_type = shift;
my $tmp_warn = shift;
my $tmp_crit = shift;
my $r_msg;
my $r_stat;
if($value <= $tmp_warn) {
$r_stat = $ERRORS{'OK'};
$r_msg = "OK: $value_type $value%";
} elsif($value > $tmp_warn and $value < $tmp_crit) {
$r_stat = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
$r_msg = "WARN: $value_type $value%";
} elsif($value >= $tmp_crit) {
$r_stat = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
$r_msg = "CRIT: $value_type $value%";
### Gather input from user
my %opt;
$opt{'crit'} = 500;
$opt{'warn'} = 500;
2014-04-11 16:15:17 +02:00
$opt{'vol'} = [];
2013-12-02 14:24:24 +01:00
my $result = GetOptions(\%opt,
FSyntaxError("Missing -H") unless defined $opt{'filer'};
FSyntaxError("Missing -C") unless defined $opt{'community'};
FSyntaxError("Missing -T") unless defined $opt{'check_type'};
if($opt{'vol'}) {
2014-04-11 16:15:17 +02:00
foreach(@{$opt{'vol'}}) {
if($_ !~ /^\/.*\/$/) {
FSyntaxError("'$_' not in format '/vol/<volname>/'!");
2013-12-02 14:24:24 +01:00
if($opt{'crit'} and $opt{'warn'}) {
if($opt{'warn'} > $opt{'crit'}) {
FSyntaxError("Warning can't be larger then Critical: $opt{'warn'} > $opt{'crit'}");
# Starting Alaram
# Establish SNMP Session
our $snmp_session = _create_session($opt{'filer'},$opt{'community'});
### Temperature ###
if("$opt{'check_type'}" eq "TEMP") {
my $check = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,$snmpenvOverTemperature);
if($check == 1) {
$stat = $ERRORS{'OK'};
$msg = "OK: $opt{'check_type'} is ok";
} else {
$stat = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
$msg = "CRIT: Over $opt{'check_type'} !";
$perf = "overtemperature=$check";
### Fan ###
} elsif("$opt{'check_type'}" eq "FAN") {
my $check = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,$snmpFailedFanCount);
if($check == 0) {
$stat = $ERRORS{'OK'};
$msg = "OK: $opt{'check_type'} $check";
} else {
$stat = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
$msg = "CRIT: $opt{'check_type'} $check !";
$perf = "failedfans=$check";
### PS ###
} elsif("$opt{'check_type'}" eq "PS") {
my $check = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,$snmpFailPowerSupplyCount);
if($check == 0) {
$stat = $ERRORS{'OK'};
$msg = "OK: $opt{'check_type'} Fail $check";
} else {
$stat = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
$msg = "CRIT: $opt{'check_type'} Fail $check !";
$perf = "failedpowersupplies=$check";
### CPULOAD ###
} elsif("$opt{'check_type'}" eq "CPULOAD") {
my $check = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,$snmpcpuBusyTimePerCent);
($msg,$stat) = _clac_err_stat($check,$opt{'check_type'},$opt{'warn'},$opt{'crit'});
$perf = "cpuload=$check\percent";
### NVRAM ###
} elsif("$opt{'check_type'}" eq "NVRAM") {
my $check = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,$snmpnvramBatteryStatus);
if($check == 1) {
$stat = $ERRORS{'OK'};
$msg = "OK: $opt{'check_type'} $nvramBatteryStatus{$check}";
} else {
$stat = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
$msg = "CRIT: $opt{'check_type'} $nvramBatteryStatus{$check}";
$perf = "nvrambatterystatus=$check";
### DISKUSED ###
} elsif("$opt{'check_type'}" eq "DISKUSED") {
FSyntaxError("Missing -vol") unless defined $opt{'vol'};
my $r_vol_tbl = $snmp_session->get_table($snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df_name);
foreach my $key ( keys %$r_vol_tbl) {
2014-04-11 16:15:17 +02:00
foreach(@{$opt{'vol'}}) {
if("$$r_vol_tbl{$key}" eq $_) {
my @tmp_arr = split(/\./, $key);
my $oid = pop(@tmp_arr);
2013-12-02 14:24:24 +01:00
2014-04-11 16:15:17 +02:00
my $used = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,"$snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df_used.$oid");
my $used_prec = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,"$snmp_netapp_volume_id_table_df_used_prec.$oid");
2013-12-02 14:24:24 +01:00
2014-04-11 16:15:17 +02:00
my ($lmsg,$lstat) = _clac_err_stat($used_prec,$opt{'check_type'},$opt{'warn'},$opt{'crit'});
$msg .= " $_ $lmsg";
$stat = $lstat if $lstat > $stat;
$perf .= "$$r_vol_tbl{$key}=$used\k ";
2013-12-02 14:24:24 +01:00
### SNAPSHOT ###
} elsif("$opt{'check_type'}" eq "SNAPSHOT") {
my @exc_list = split(',',$opt{'exclude'});
my @vol_err;
my $r_vol_tbl = $snmp_session->get_table($snmpfilesysvolTablevolEntryvolName);
foreach my $key ( keys %$r_vol_tbl) {
my @tmp_arr = split(/\./, $key);
my $oid = pop(@tmp_arr);
my $vol_tmp = "$$r_vol_tbl{$key}";
my $volopt = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,"$snmpfilesysvolTablevolEntryOptions.$oid");
if($volopt !~ /nosnap=off/) {
my $volcheck = 0;
foreach my $exvol (@exc_list) {
if($exvol eq $vol_tmp) {
if($volcheck == 0) {
my $err_count = $#vol_err + 1;
if($err_count == 0) {
$stat = $ERRORS{'OK'};
$msg = "OK: $opt{'check_type'} all ok";
} else {
$stat = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
$msg = "CRIT: $opt{'check_type'} @vol_err not configured";
$perf = "snapoff=$err_count";
} elsif("$opt{'check_type'}" eq "FAILEDDISK") {
my $check = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,$snmpFailedDiskCount);
if($check == 0) {
$stat = $ERRORS{'OK'};
$msg = "OK: $opt{'check_type'} $check";
} else {
$stat = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
$msg = "CRIT: $opt{'check_type'} $check";
$perf = "faileddisks=$check";
### UPTIME ###
} elsif("$opt{'check_type'}" eq "UPTIME") {
my $check = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,$snmpUpTime);
$msg = "$opt{'check_type'}: $check";
### CACHEAGE ###
} elsif("$opt{'check_type'}" eq "CACHEAGE") {
my $check = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,$snmpCacheAge);
($msg,$stat) = _clac_err_stat($check,$opt{'check_type'},$opt{'warn'},$opt{'crit'});
$perf = "cache_age=$check";
} elsif("$opt{'check_type'}" eq "GLOBALSTATUS") {
my $check = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,$snmpGlobalStatus);
my $global_stat_txt = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,$snmpGlobalStatus_text);
if($check == 3) {
$stat = $ERRORS{'OK'};
$msg = "OK: $opt{'check_type'} $GlobalStatusIndex{$check} $check $global_stat_txt";
} else {
$stat = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
$msg = "CRIT: $opt{'check_type'} $GlobalStatusIndex{$check} $check $global_stat_txt";
$perf = "globalstatus=$check";
} elsif("$opt{'check_type'}" eq "NDMPSESSIONS") {
my $check = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,$snmpNdmpSessions);
($msg,$stat) = _clac_err_stat($check,$opt{'check_type'},$opt{'warn'},$opt{'crit'});
$perf = "ndmpsess=$check";
### SHELF ###
} elsif("$opt{'check_type'}" eq "SHELF") {
my @errs;
my $r_shelf = $snmp_session->get_table($snmpEnclTableIndex);
foreach my $key ( keys %$r_shelf) {
my @tmp_arr = split(/\./, $key);
my $oid = pop(@tmp_arr);
my %shelf;
my @shelf_err;
my $addr = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,"$snmpEnclTableShelfAddr.$oid");
my $shelf_state = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,"$snmpEnclTableState.$oid");
if($shelf_state != 3) {
push(@shelf_err,"$addr state $EcnlStatusIndex{$shelf_state},");
$shelf{'PsFail'} = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,"$snmpEnclTablePsFailed.$oid");
$shelf{'FanFail'} = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,"$snmpEnclTableFanFailed.$oid");
$shelf{'ElectFail'} = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,"$snmpEnclTableElectronicFailed.$oid");
$shelf{'TempOverFail'} = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,"$snmpEnclTableTempOverFail.$oid");
$shelf{'TempOver'} = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,"$snmpEnclTableTempOverWarn.$oid");
$shelf{'TempUnderFail'} = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,"$snmpEnclTableTempUnderFail.$oid");
$shelf{'TempUnderWarn'} = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,"$snmpEnclTableTempUnderWarn.$oid");
$shelf{'VoltOverFail'} = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,"$snmpEnclTableVoltOverFail.$oid");
$shelf{'VoltOverWarn'} = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,"$snmpEnclTableVoltOverWarn.$oid");
$shelf{'VoltUnderFail'} = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,"$snmpEnclTableVoltUnderFail.$oid");
$shelf{'VoltUnderWarn'} = _get_oid_value($snmp_session,"$snmpEnclTableVoltUnderWarn.$oid");
foreach my $subkey ( keys %shelf) {
if($shelf{$subkey}) { push(@shelf_err,"$addr $subkey,") }
if($#shelf_err != -1) {
if($#errs == -1) {
$stat = $ERRORS{'OK'};
$msg = "OK: $opt{'check_type'} ok";
$perf = "shelf=0";
} else {
$stat = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
$msg = "CRIT: $opt{'check_type'} Errors -";
foreach(@errs) {
$msg = "$msg $_";
$perf = "shelf=1";
### Syntax Error ###
} else {
FSyntaxError("$opt{'check_type'} invalid parameter !");
print "$msg | $perf\n";