#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use HTTP::Request::Common; use LWP::UserAgent; use URI::URL; use JSON; use Nagios::Plugin; use Data::Dumper; my $version = '0.7'; my $np = Nagios::Plugin->new( usage => "Usage: %s -u|--url -a|--attributes " . "[ -c|--critical ] [ -w|--warning ] " . "[ -e|--expect ] " . "[ -p|--perfvars ] " . "[ -o|--outputvars ] " . "[ -t|--timeout ] " . "[ -d|--divisor ] " . "[ -m|--metadata ] " . "[ -T|--contenttype ] " . "[ -A|--auth ] " . "[ --ignoressl ] " . "[ -A|--hattrib ] " . "[ -C|--hcon ] " . "[ -h|--help ] ", version => $version, blurb => 'Nagios plugin to check JSON attributes via http(s)', extra => "\nExample: \n" . "check_json.pl --url --attributes '{shares}->{dead}' " . "--warning :5 --critical :10 --perfvars '{shares}->{dead},{shares}->{live}' " . "--outputvars '{status_message}'", url => 'https://github.com/c-kr/check_json', plugin => 'check_json', timeout => 15, shortname => "Check JSON status API", ); # add valid command line options and build them into your usage/help documentation. $np->add_arg( spec => 'url|u=s', help => '-u, --url http://user:pass@', required => 1, ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'attributes|a=s', help => '-a, --attributes {shares}->{dead},{shares}->{uptime}', required => 1, ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'divisor|d=i', help => '-d, --divisor 1000000', ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'warning|w=s', help => '-w, --warning INTEGER:INTEGER . See ' . 'http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/developer-guidelines.html#THRESHOLDFORMAT ' . 'for the threshold format. ', ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'critical|c=s', help => '-c, --critical INTEGER:INTEGER . See ' . 'http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/developer-guidelines.html#THRESHOLDFORMAT ' . 'for the threshold format. ', ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'expect|e=s', help => '-e, --expect expected value to see for attribute.', ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'perfvars|p=s', help => "-p, --perfvars eg. '* or {shares}->{dead},{shares}->{live}'\n " . "CSV list of fields from JSON response to include in perfdata " ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'outputvars|o=s', help => "-o, --outputvars eg. '* or {status_message}'\n " . "CSV list of fields output in status message, same syntax as perfvars" ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'metadata|m=s', help => "-m|--metadata \'{\"name\":\"value\"}\'\n " . "RESTful request metadata in JSON format" ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'contenttype|T=s', default => 'application/json', help => "-T, --contenttype application/json \n " . "Content-type accepted if different from application/json ", ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'auth|A=s', help => '-A, --auth realm:username:password', required => 0, ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'ignoressl', help => "--ignoressl\n Ignore bad ssl certificates", ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'hattrib|A=s', help => "-A, --header-attrib STRING \n " . "Additional Header attribute.", ); $np->add_arg( spec => 'hcon|C=s', help => "-C, --header-content STRING \n " . "Additional Header content.", ); ## Parse @ARGV and process standard arguments (e.g. usage, help, version) $np->getopts; if ($np->opts->verbose) { (print Dumper ($np))}; if ($np->opts->hattrib and not $np->opts->hcon) { $np->nagios_exit(UNKNOWN,"Additional Header attribute provided without Additional Header content"); } if ( not $np->opts->hattrib and $np->opts->hcon) { $np->nagios_exit(UNKNOWN,"Additional Header content provided without Additional Header attribule"); } ## GET URL my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->env_proxy; $ua->agent('check_json/'. $version); $ua->default_header('Accept' => 'application/json'); $ua->default_header($np->opts->hattrib => $np->opts->hcon) if ( $np->opts->hattrib and $np->opts->hcon ); $ua->protocols_allowed( [ 'http', 'https'] ); $ua->parse_head(0); $ua->timeout($np->opts->timeout); if ($np->opts->ignoressl) { $ua->ssl_opts(verify_hostname => 0, SSL_verify_mode => 0x00); } if ($np->opts->auth) { my @credentials = split(':', $np->opts->auth); my $url = url $np->opts->url; $ua->credentials($url->host . ':' . $url->port, $credentials[0], $credentials[1], $credentials[2]); } if ($np->opts->verbose) { (print Dumper ($ua))}; my $response; if ($np->opts->metadata) { $response = $ua->request(GET $np->opts->url, 'Content-type' => 'application/json', 'Content' => $np->opts->metadata ); } else { $response = $ua->request(GET $np->opts->url); } if ($response->is_success) { if (!($response->header("content-type") =~ $np->opts->contenttype)) { $np->nagios_exit(UNKNOWN,"Content type is not JSON: ".$response->header("content-type")); } } else { $np->nagios_exit(CRITICAL, "Connection failed: ".$response->status_line); } ## Parse JSON my $json_response = decode_json($response->content); if ($np->opts->verbose) { (print Dumper ($json_response))}; my @attributes = split(',', $np->opts->attributes); my @warning; if ($np->opts->warning) { @warning = split(',', $np->opts->warning); } my @critical; if ($np->opts->critical) { @critical = split(',', $np->opts->critical); } my @divisor = $np->opts->divisor ? split(',',$np->opts->divisor) : () ; my %attributes = map { $attributes[$_] => { warning => $warning[$_] , critical => $critical[$_], divisor => ($divisor[$_] or 0) } } 0..$#attributes; my %check_value; my $check_value; my $result = -1; my $resultTmp; foreach my $attribute (sort keys %attributes){ my $check_value; my $check_value_str = '$check_value = $json_response->'.$attribute; if ($np->opts->verbose) { (print Dumper ($check_value_str))}; eval $check_value_str; if (!defined $check_value) { $np->nagios_exit(UNKNOWN, "No value received"); } if ($attributes{$attribute}{'divisor'}) { $check_value = $check_value/$attributes{$attribute}{'divisor'}; } if (defined $np->opts->expect && $np->opts->expect ne $check_value) { $np->nagios_exit(CRITICAL, "Expected value (" . $np->opts->expect . ") not found. Actual: " . $check_value); } if ( $check_value eq "true" or $check_value eq "false" ) { if ( $check_value eq "true") { $resultTmp = 0; if ($attributes{$attribute}{'critical'} eq 1 or $attributes{$attribute}{'critical'} eq "true") { $resultTmp = 2; } else { if ($attributes{$attribute}{'warning'} eq 1 or $attributes{$attribute}{'warning'} eq "true") { $resultTmp = 1; } } } if ( $check_value eq "false") { $resultTmp = 0; if ($attributes{$attribute}{'critical'} eq 0 or $attributes{$attribute}{'critical'} eq "false") { $resultTmp = 2; } else { if ($attributes{$attribute}{'warning'} eq 0 or $attributes{$attribute}{'warning'} eq "false") { $resultTmp = 1; } } } } else { $resultTmp = $np->check_threshold( check => $check_value, warning => $attributes{$attribute}{'warning'}, critical => $attributes{$attribute}{'critical'} ); } $result = $resultTmp if $result < $resultTmp; $attributes{$attribute}{'check_value'}=$check_value; } my @statusmsg; # routine to add perfdata from JSON response based on a loop of keys given in perfvals (csv) if ($np->opts->perfvars) { foreach my $key ($np->opts->perfvars eq '*' ? map { "{$_}"} sort keys %$json_response : split(',', $np->opts->perfvars)) { # use last element of key as label my $label = (split('->', $key))[-1]; # make label ascii compatible $label =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]//g ; my $perf_value; $perf_value = eval('$json_response->'.$key); if ($np->opts->verbose) { print Dumper ("JSON key: ".$label.", JSON val: " . $perf_value) }; if ( defined($perf_value) ) { # add threshold if attribute option matches key if ($attributes{$key}) { push(@statusmsg, "$label: $attributes{$key}{'check_value'}"); $np->add_perfdata( label => lc $label, value => $attributes{$key}{'check_value'}, threshold => $np->set_thresholds( warning => $attributes{$key}{'warning'}, critical => $attributes{$key}{'critical'}), ); } else { push(@statusmsg, "$label: $perf_value"); $np->add_perfdata( label => lc $label, value => $perf_value, ); } } } } sub process_wildcard{ my($key,$json_response) = @_; if ($np->opts->verbose) { (print "DEBUG: handling wildcard on key ". $key. "\n"); } my @parts; my @result; if ($key !~ /\*/) { $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0; if ($np->opts->verbose) { (print "DEBUG: Now checking: ". $key. " against: ". Dumper($json_response)."\n")}; my $output_value = Dumper(eval('$json_response->'.$key)); $Data::Dumper::Terse = 0; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; return $output_value; } else { @parts = split(/->[\{\[]?\*[\}\]]?->/,$key,2); my $part1 = $parts[0]; my $part2 = $parts[1]; if ($np->opts->verbose) { (print "DEBUG: processing first part before wildcard: ". $part1 . "\n"); } my $c = eval('$json_response->'.$part1); return if (! $c); if ($np->opts->verbose) { (print "DEBUG: process_wildcard: Fount childs: ".Dumper($c)."\n")}; foreach my $v (values($c)){ my $r = process_wildcard($part2,$v); push(@result,$r) if $r; } } return @result; } # output some vars in message if ($np->opts->outputvars) { foreach my $key ($np->opts->outputvars eq '*' ? map { "{$_}"} sort keys %$json_response : split(',', $np->opts->outputvars)) { # use last element of key as label my $label = (split('->', $key))[-1]; # make label ascii compatible i.e. remove the { and } $label =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]//g; my $output_value; ## Handle case of wildcard in the middle of the tree: {data}->*->{description} $output_value = join(", ",process_wildcard($key,$json_response)); push(@statusmsg, "$label: $output_value"); } } $np->nagios_exit( return_code => $result, message => join('; ', @statusmsg), );