#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Std; use LWP::UserAgent; use JSON 'decode_json'; my $plugin_name = "Nagios check_http_json"; my $VERSION = "1.00"; # getopt module config $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION = 1; # nagios exit codes use constant EXIT_OK => 0; use constant EXIT_WARNING => 1; use constant EXIT_CRITICAL => 2; use constant EXIT_UNKNOWN => 3; my $status = EXIT_UNKNOWN; #parse cmd opts my %opts; getopts('vU:t:d:', \%opts); $opts{t} = 5 unless (defined $opts{t}); if (not (defined $opts{U}) ) { print "ERROR: INVALID USAGE\n"; HELP_MESSAGE(); exit $status; } my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent('Redirect Bot ' . $VERSION); $ua->protocols_allowed( [ 'http', 'https'] ); $ua->parse_head(0); $ua->timeout($opts{t}); my $response = $ua->get($opts{U}); if ( $response->header("content-type") ne 'application/json' ) { print "Expected content-type to be application/json, got ", $response->header("content-type"); exit EXIT_CRITICAL; } my $json_response; eval { $json_response = decode_json($response->content); print "JSON repsonse decoded successfully." } or do { print "Unable to decode JSON, invalid response?"; exit EXIT_CRITICAL; }; if ($opts{d}) { if ( -e $opts{d}) { my $hash_import = do $opts{d}; my %attr_check = %{$hash_import}; my @errors; for my $key (sort keys %attr_check) { for my $attr (sort keys %{$attr_check{$key}}) { my $have = $json_response->{products}{$key}{now}{$attr}; my $expect = $attr_check{$key}{$attr}; push @errors, "For key $key, attribute $attr, expected '$expect', but got '$have'" unless $have eq $expect; } } if (@errors) { print "Errors:\n", map { "$_\n" } @errors; $status = EXIT_CRITICAL; } else { print "Found expected content."; $status = EXIT_OK; } } else { print "Unable to find data file $opts{d}"; $status = EXIT_UNKNOWN; } } exit $status; sub HELP_MESSAGE { print <