mirror of https://github.com/mozilla/cipherscan.git synced 2024-10-05 18:53:40 +02:00
Hubert Kario c82bc44558 report cipher ordering in scanning stats, use it to simulate handshakes
since now we know if server honours client order or not, we can use it
to properly simulate handshakes for a given client, also report
the general stats of this server configuration variable
2014-10-12 20:39:39 +02:00

520 lines
20 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# Author: Julien Vehent [:ulfr] - 2013
# Contributors: Hubert Kario - 2014
from __future__ import division
path = "./results/"
import json
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
import os
import re
def natural_sort(l):
convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
alphanum_key = lambda key: [ convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key) ]
return sorted(l, key = alphanum_key)
""" list of ciphers offerred by Firefox 29 by default """
cipherstats = defaultdict(int)
FF_RC4_Only_cipherstats = defaultdict(int)
FF_RC4_preferred_cipherstats = defaultdict(int)
FF_incompatible_cipherstats = defaultdict(int)
FF_selected_cipherstats = defaultdict(int)
cipherordering = defaultdict(int)
pfsstats = defaultdict(int)
protocolstats = defaultdict(int)
handshakestats = defaultdict(int)
keysize = defaultdict(int)
sigalg = defaultdict(int)
tickethint = defaultdict(int)
ocspstaple = defaultdict(int)
dsarsastack = 0
total = 0
for r,d,flist in os.walk(path):
for f in flist:
""" initialize variables for stats of the current site """
temppfsstats = {}
tempkeystats = {}
tempecckeystats = {}
tempdsakeystats = {}
tempsigstats = {}
tempticketstats = {}
""" supported ciphers by the server under scan """
tempcipherstats = {}
ciphertypes = 0
AESGCM = False
AES = False
CHACHA20 = False
DES3 = False
RC4 = False
""" the following depends on FF_compat, so by default it can be True """
RC4_Only_FF = True
FF_compat = False
temp_FF_incompat = {}
list_of_ciphers = []
FF_RC4_Pref = None
FF_selected = None
ADH = False
DHE = False
AECDH = False
ECDHE = False
RSA = False
ECDH = False
DH = False
SSL2 = False
SSL3 = False
TLS1 = False
TLS1_1 = False
TLS1_2 = False
dualstack = False
ECDSA = False
trusted = False
ocsp_stapling = None
""" process the file """
f_abs = os.path.join(r,f)
with open(f_abs) as json_file:
""" discard files that fail to load """
results = json.load(json_file)
except ValueError:
""" discard files with empty results """
if len(results['ciphersuite']) < 1:
""" loop over list of ciphers """
for entry in results['ciphersuite']:
# some servers return different certificates with different
# ciphers, also we may become redirected to other server with
# different config (because over-reactive IPS)
if 'False' in entry['trusted'] and report_untrused == False:
# check if the advertised ciphers are not effectively RC4 Only
# for firefox or incompatible with firefox
if entry['cipher'] in firefox_ciphers:
# if this is first cipher and we already are getting RC4
# then it means that RC4 is preferred
FF_compat = True
if not 'RC4' in entry['cipher']:
RC4_Only_FF = False
temp_FF_incompat[entry['cipher']] = 1
""" store the ciphers supported """
if 'ADH' in entry['cipher'] or 'AECDH' in entry['cipher']:
ciphertypes += 1
name = "z:" + entry['cipher']
tempcipherstats[name] = 1
tempcipherstats['Insecure'] = 1
elif 'AES128-GCM' in entry['cipher'] or 'AES256-GCM' in entry['cipher']:
if not AESGCM:
ciphertypes += 1
elif 'AES' in entry['cipher']:
if not AES:
AES = True
ciphertypes += 1
elif 'DES-CBC3' in entry['cipher']:
if not DES3:
DES3 = True
ciphertypes += 1
elif 'CAMELLIA' in entry['cipher']:
if not CAMELLIA:
ciphertypes += 1
elif 'RC4' in entry['cipher']:
if not RC4:
ciphertypes += 1
RC4 = True
elif 'CHACHA20' in entry['cipher']:
if not CHACHA20:
ciphertypes += 1
CHACHA20 = True
elif 'IDEA' in entry['cipher'] or 'SEED' in entry['cipher']:
ciphertypes += 1
name = "y:" + entry['cipher']
tempcipherstats[name] = 1
ciphertypes += 1
name = "z:" + entry['cipher']
tempcipherstats[name] = 1
tempcipherstats['Insecure'] = 1
""" store key handshake methods """
if 'ECDHE' in entry['cipher']:
ECDHE = True
temppfsstats[entry['pfs']] = 1
elif 'DHE' in entry['cipher'] or 'EDH' in entry['cipher']:
DHE = True
temppfsstats[entry['pfs']] = 1
elif 'AECDH' in entry['cipher']:
AECDH = True
elif 'ADH' in entry['cipher']:
ADH = True
elif 'ECDH' in entry['cipher']:
ECDH = True
elif 'DH' in entry['cipher']:
DH = True
RSA = True
""" save the key size """
if 'ECDSA' in entry['cipher'] or 'ECDH-RSA' in entry['cipher']:
ECDSA = True
tempecckeystats[entry['pubkey'][0]] = 1
elif 'DSS' in entry['cipher']:
tempdsakeystats[entry['pubkey'][0]] = 1
elif 'AECDH' in entry['cipher'] or 'ADH' in entry['cipher']:
""" skip """
tempkeystats[entry['pubkey'][0]] = 1
dualstack = True
if 'True' in entry['trusted'] and not 'ADH' in entry['cipher'] and not 'AECDH' in entry['cipher']:
trusted = True
""" save key signatures size """
tempsigstats[entry['sigalg'][0]] = 1
""" save tls ticket hint """
if 'ticket_hint' in entry:
tempticketstats[entry['ticket_hint']] = 1
""" check if OCSP stapling is supported """
if 'ocsp_stapling' in entry:
if entry['ocsp_stapling'] == 'True':
""" store the versions of TLS supported """
for protocol in entry['protocols']:
if protocol == 'SSLv2':
SSL2 = True
elif protocol == 'SSLv3':
SSL3 = True
elif protocol == 'TLSv1':
TLS1 = True
elif protocol == 'TLSv1.1':
TLS1_1 = True
elif protocol == 'TLSv1.2':
TLS1_2 = True
""" don't store stats from unusued servers """
if report_untrused == False and trusted == False:
total += 1
""" done with this file, storing the stats """
if DHE or ECDHE:
pfsstats['Support PFS'] += 1
if 'DHE-' in results['ciphersuite'][0]['cipher']:
pfsstats['Prefer PFS'] += 1
pfsstats['Prefer ' + results['ciphersuite'][0]['pfs']] += 1
for s in temppfsstats:
pfsstats[s] += 1
for s in tempkeystats:
keysize['RSA ' + s] += 1
for s in tempecckeystats:
keysize['ECDSA ' + s] += 1
for s in tempdsakeystats:
keysize['DSA ' + s] += 1
if dualstack:
dsarsastack += 1
""" save cipher ordering """
if 'serverside' in results:
if results['serverside'] == "False":
cipherordering['Client side'] += 1
cipherordering['Server side'] += 1
cipherordering['Unknown'] += 1
""" simulate handshake with Firefox """
if FF_compat:
if 'serverside' in results and results['serverside'] == "False":
for cipher in firefox_ciphers:
if cipher in list_of_ciphers:
FF_selected = cipher
if 'RC4' in cipher:
FF_RC4_Pref = True
for cipher in list_of_ciphers:
if cipher in firefox_ciphers:
FF_selected = cipher
if 'RC4' in cipher:
FF_RC4_Pref = True
for s in tempsigstats:
sigalg[s] += 1
if len(tempticketstats) == 1:
for s in tempticketstats:
tickethint[s + " only"] += 1
for s in tempticketstats:
tickethint[s] += 1
if ocsp_stapling is None:
ocspstaple['Unknown'] += 1
elif ocsp_stapling:
ocspstaple['Supported'] += 1
ocspstaple['Unsupported'] += 1
""" store cipher stats """
cipherstats['AES-GCM'] += 1
if ciphertypes == 1:
cipherstats['AES-GCM Only'] += 1
if AES:
cipherstats['AES'] += 1
if ciphertypes == 1:
cipherstats['AES-CBC Only'] += 1
if (AES and ciphertypes == 1) or (AESGCM and ciphertypes == 1)\
or (AES and AESGCM and ciphertypes == 2):
cipherstats['AES Only'] += 1
if CHACHA20:
cipherstats['CHACHA20'] += 1
if ciphertypes == 1:
cipherstats['CHACHA20 Only'] += 1
if DES3:
cipherstats['3DES'] += 1
if ciphertypes == 1:
cipherstats['3DES Only'] += 1
cipherstats['CAMELLIA'] += 1
if ciphertypes == 1:
cipherstats['CAMELLIA Only'] += 1
if RC4:
cipherstats['RC4'] += 1
if ciphertypes == 1:
cipherstats['RC4 Only'] += 1
if 'RC4' in results['ciphersuite'][0]['cipher']:
if 'TLSv1.1' in results['ciphersuite'][0]['protocols'] or\
'TLSv1.2' in results['ciphersuite'][0]['protocols']:
cipherstats['RC4 forced in TLS1.1+'] += 1
cipherstats['RC4 Preferred'] += 1
if FF_compat:
if 'ECDHE' in FF_selected:
FF_selected_cipherstats['x:ECDHE'] += 1
elif 'DHE' in FF_selected or 'EDH' in FF_selected:
FF_selected_cipherstats['x:DHE'] += 1
FF_selected_cipherstats['x:kRSA'] += 1
FF_selected_cipherstats[FF_selected] += 1
if RC4_Only_FF and ciphertypes != 1:
cipherstats['x:FF 29 RC4 Only'] += 1
for cipher in temp_FF_incompat:
FF_RC4_Only_cipherstats[cipher] += 1
if FF_RC4_Pref and not 'RC4' in results['ciphersuite'][0]['cipher']:
cipherstats['x:FF 29 RC4 Preferred'] += 1
for cipher in temp_FF_incompat:
FF_RC4_preferred_cipherstats[cipher] += 1
cipherstats['x:FF 29 incompatible'] += 1
for cipher in temp_FF_incompat:
FF_incompatible_cipherstats[cipher] += 1
for cipher in tempcipherstats:
cipherstats[cipher] += 1
""" store handshake stats """
handshakestats['AECDH'] += 1
if ADH:
handshakestats['ADH'] += 1
handshakestats['ECDHE'] += 1
if DHE:
handshakestats['DHE'] += 1
if DHE and ECDHE:
handshakestats['ECDHE and DHE'] += 1
if ECDH:
handshakestats['ECDH'] += 1
if DH:
handshakestats['DH'] += 1
if RSA:
handshakestats['RSA'] += 1
""" store protocol stats """
if SSL2:
protocolstats['SSL2'] += 1
if not SSL3 and not TLS1 and not TLS1_1 and not TLS1_2:
protocolstats['SSL2 Only'] += 1
if SSL3:
protocolstats['SSL3'] += 1
if not SSL2 and not TLS1 and not TLS1_1 and not TLS1_2:
protocolstats['SSL3 Only'] += 1
if TLS1:
protocolstats['TLS1'] += 1
if not SSL2 and not SSL3 and not TLS1_1 and not TLS1_2:
protocolstats['TLS1 Only'] += 1
if not SSL2 and (SSL3 or TLS1) and not TLS1_1 and not TLS1_2:
protocolstats['SSL3 or TLS1 Only'] += 1
if not SSL2 and not SSL3 and not TLS1:
protocolstats['TLS1.1 or up Only'] += 1
if TLS1_1:
protocolstats['TLS1.1'] += 1
if not SSL2 and not SSL3 and not TLS1 and not TLS1_2:
protocolstats['TLS1.1 Only'] += 1
if TLS1_2:
protocolstats['TLS1.2'] += 1
if not SSL2 and not SSL3 and not TLS1 and not TLS1_1:
protocolstats['TLS1.2 Only'] += 1
if TLS1_2 and not TLS1_1 and TLS1:
protocolstats['TLS1.2, 1.0 but not 1.1'] += 1
# for testing, break early
#if total % 1999 == 0:
# break
""" The 'x:FF 29 RC4 Preferred' counts only sites that effectively prefer
RC4 when using FF, to make reporting more readable, sum it with sites
that do that for all ciphers"""
if "x:FF 29 RC4 Preferred" in cipherstats and "RC4 Preferred" in cipherstats:
cipherstats['x:FF 29 RC4 Preferred'] += cipherstats['RC4 Preferred']
print("SSL/TLS survey of %i websites from Alexa's top 1 million" % total)
if report_untrused == False:
print("Stats only from connections that did provide valid certificates")
print("(or anonymous DH from servers that do also have valid certificate installed)\n")
""" Display stats """
print("\nSupported Ciphers Count Percent")
for stat in sorted(cipherstats):
percent = round(cipherstats[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(25) + " " + str(cipherstats[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(4) + "\n")
print("\nCipher ordering Count Percent")
for stat in sorted(cipherordering):
percent = round(cipherordering[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(25) + " " + str(cipherordering[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(4) + "\n")
print("\nFF 29 selected ciphers Count Percent")
for stat in sorted(FF_selected_cipherstats):
percent = round(FF_selected_cipherstats[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(30) + " " + str(FF_selected_cipherstats[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(4) + "\n")
print("\nFF 29 RC4 Only other ciphers Count Percent")
for stat in sorted(FF_RC4_Only_cipherstats):
percent = round(FF_RC4_Only_cipherstats[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(30) + " " + str(FF_RC4_Only_cipherstats[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(4) + "\n")
print("\nFF 29 RC4 pref other ciphers Count Percent")
for stat in sorted(FF_RC4_preferred_cipherstats):
percent = round(FF_RC4_preferred_cipherstats[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(30) + " " + str(FF_RC4_preferred_cipherstats[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(4) + "\n")
print("\nFF 29 incompatible ciphers Count Percent")
for stat in sorted(FF_incompatible_cipherstats):
percent = round(FF_incompatible_cipherstats[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(30) + " " + str(FF_incompatible_cipherstats[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(4) + "\n")
print("\nSupported Handshakes Count Percent")
for stat in sorted(handshakestats):
percent = round(handshakestats[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(25) + " " + str(handshakestats[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(4) + "\n")
print("\nSupported PFS Count Percent PFS Percent")
for stat in sorted(pfsstats):
percent = round(pfsstats[stat] / total * 100, 4)
pfspercent = 0
if "ECDH," in stat:
pfspercent = round(pfsstats[stat] / handshakestats['ECDHE'] * 100, 4)
elif "DH," in stat:
pfspercent = round(pfsstats[stat] / handshakestats['DHE'] * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(25) + " " + str(pfsstats[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(9) + str(pfspercent) + "\n")
print("\nTLS session ticket hint Count Percent ")
for stat in natural_sort(tickethint):
percent = round(tickethint[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(25) + " " + str(tickethint[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(9) + "\n")
print("\nCertificate sig alg Count Percent ")
for stat in sorted(sigalg):
percent = round(sigalg[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(25) + " " + str(sigalg[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(9) + "\n")
print("\nCertificate key size Count Percent ")
for stat in sorted(keysize):
percent = round(keysize[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(25) + " " + str(keysize[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(9) + "\n")
sys.stdout.write("RSA/ECDSA Dual Stack".ljust(25) + " " + str(dsarsastack).ljust(10) + str(round(dsarsastack/total * 100, 4)) + "\n")
print("\nOCSP stapling Count Percent ")
for stat in sorted(ocspstaple):
percent = round(ocspstaple[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(25) + " " + str(ocspstaple[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(9) + "\n")
print("\nSupported Protocols Count Percent")
for stat in sorted(protocolstats):
percent = round(protocolstats[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(25) + " " + str(protocolstats[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(4) + "\n")