#!/usr/bin/env bash parallel=10 max_bg=50 absolute_max_bg=100 max_load=50 if [ $(ulimit -u) -lt $((10*absolute_max_bg)) ]; then echo "max user processes too low, use ulimit -u to increase" exit 1 fi [ ! -e "results" ] && mkdir results function wait_for_jobs() { local no_jobs no_jobs=$(jobs | wc -l) while [ $no_jobs -gt $1 ] || awk -v maxload=$max_load '{ if ($1 < maxload) exit 1 }' /proc/loadavg; do if awk -v maxload=$max_load '{ if ($1 > maxload) exit 1 }' /proc/loadavg && [ $no_jobs -lt $absolute_max_bg ]; then return fi sleep 1 no_jobs=$(jobs | wc -l) done } function scan_host() { tcping -u 10000000 $2 443; if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then return fi ../cipherscan -json -servername $1 $2:443 > results/$1@$2 } function scan_host_no_sni() { tcping -u 10000000 $1 443; if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then return fi ../cipherscan -json $1:443 > results/$1 } function scan_hostname() { if [[ ! -z $(awk -F. '$1>=0 && $1<=255 && $2>=0 && $2<=255 && $3>=0 && $3<=255 && $4>=0 && $4<=255 && NF==4' <<<"$1") ]]; then scan_host_no_sni $1 return fi local host_ips=$(host $1 | awk '/has address/ {print $4}') local www_ips=$(host www.$1 | awk '/has address/ {print $4}') if [ ! -z "$host_ips" ] && [ ! -z "$www_ips" ]; then # list of IPs that are in www but not in host local diff=$(grep -Fv "$host_ips" <<< "$www_ips") head -n 1 <<< "$host_ips" | while read ip; do scan_host $1 $ip done if [ ! -z "$diff" ]; then head -n 1 <<<"$diff" | while read ip; do scan_host www.$1 $ip done fi else if [ ! -z "$host_ips" ]; then head -n 1 <<<"$host_ips" | while read ip; do scan_host $1 $ip done fi if [ ! -z "$www_ips" ]; then head -n 1 <<<"$www_ips" | while read ip; do scan_host www.$1 $ip done fi fi } i=0 count=$(wc -l top-1m.csv | awk '{print $1}') while [ $i -lt $count ] do echo processings sites $i to $((i + parallel)) for t in $(tail -$(($count - $i)) top-1m.csv | head -$parallel |cut -d ',' -f 2|cut -d "/" -f 1) do (scan_hostname $t)& done i=$(( i + parallel)) wait_for_jobs $max_bg done wait