# Copyright (c) 2016 Hubert Kario # Released under Mozilla Public License 2.0 """Extensions and modification of the tlslite-ng messages classes.""" import tlslite.messages as messages from tlslite.utils.compat import b2a_hex from tlslite.constants import ContentType, CertificateType, ECCurveType, \ HashAlgorithm, SignatureAlgorithm from tlslite.x509certchain import X509CertChain from tlslite.utils.cryptomath import secureHash from .constants import HandshakeType, CipherSuite, GroupName # gotta go fast # comparing client hello's using ClientHello.write() is painfully slow # monkey patch in faster compare methods def __CH_eq_fun(self, other): """ Check if the other is equal to the object. always returns false if other is not a ClientHello object """ if not isinstance(other, messages.ClientHello): return False return self.ssl2 == other.ssl2 and \ self.client_version == other.client_version and \ self.random == other.random and \ self.session_id == other.session_id and \ self.cipher_suites == other.cipher_suites and \ self.compression_methods == other.compression_methods and \ self.extensions == other.extensions messages.ClientHello.__eq__ = __CH_eq_fun def __CH_ne_fun(self, other): """ Check if the other is not equal to the object. always returns true if other is not a ClientHello object """ return not self.__eq__(other) messages.ClientHello.__ne__ = __CH_ne_fun def format_bytearray(byte_array, formatstr): """Format method for bytearrays.""" if 'x' in formatstr: return b2a_hex(byte_array) else: return repr(byte_array) def format_array(array, formatstr): """Return string representation of array while formatting elements.""" if array is None: return "None" else: str_array = [] for elem in array: if elem.__class__.__format__ is not object.__format__: str_array += ["{0:{1}}".format(elem, formatstr)] else: str_array += [repr(elem)] return "[" + ", ".join(str_array) + "]" class ServerHello(messages.ServerHello): """Class with enhanced human-readable serialisation.""" def __format__(self, formatstr): """Return human readable representation of the object.""" extensions = format_array(self.extensions, formatstr) random = format_bytearray(self.random, formatstr) session_id = format_bytearray(self.session_id, formatstr) cipher_suite = CipherSuite.ietfNames.get(self.cipher_suite, self.cipher_suite) if 'v' in formatstr: cipher_suite = "CipherSuite.{0}".format(cipher_suite) # TODO cipher_suites (including verbose) # TODO compression_method (including verbose) return ("ServerHello(server_version=({0[0]}, {0[1]}), random={1}, " "session_id={2!r}, cipher_suite={3}, compression_method={4}, " "_tack_ext={5}, extensions={6})").format( self.server_version, random, session_id, cipher_suite, self.compression_method, self._tack_ext, extensions) class Certificate(messages.Certificate): """Class with more robust certificate parsing and serialisation.""" def parse(self, parser): """Deserialise the object from binary data.""" index = parser.index try: return super(Certificate, self).parse(parser) except (AssertionError, SyntaxError): pass parser.index = index parser.startLengthCheck(3) if self.certificateType == CertificateType.x509: chainLength = parser.get(3) index = 0 certificate_list = [] while index != chainLength: certBytes = parser.getVarBytes(3) certificate_list.append(certBytes) index += len(certBytes)+3 if certificate_list: self.certChain = certificate_list else: raise AssertionError() parser.stopLengthCheck() return self def __format__(self, formatstr): """Advanced formatting for messages.""" hexify = False verbose = False digest = False if 'h' in formatstr: hexify = True if 'v' in formatstr: verbose = True if 'm' in formatstr: digest = True if self.certChain is None: cert_list = None else: if isinstance(self.certChain, X509CertChain): cert_list = [cert.bytes for cert in self.certChain.x509List] else: cert_list = self.certChain if digest: cert_list = "[" + ", ".join(b2a_hex(secureHash(cert, 'sha256')) for cert in cert_list) + "]" else: cert_list = [repr(cert) for cert in cert_list] return "Certificate({0})".format(cert_list) class NewSessionTicket(messages.HandshakeMsg): """Class for handling the Session Tickets from RFC 5077.""" def __init__(self): """Initilize new sesion ticket message object.""" super(NewSessionTicket, self).__init__(HandshakeType.session_ticket) self.ticket_lifetime_hintt = 0 self.ticket = None def parse(self, parser): """Parse the object from on-the-wire data.""" self.ticket_lifetime_hint = parser.get(4) self.ticket = parser.getVarBytes(2) return self def __format__(self, formatstr): """Return human-readable representation of the object.""" ticket = format_bytearray(self.ticket, formatstr) return "NewSessionTicket(ticket_lifetime_hint={0}, ticket={1})"\ .format(self.ticket_lifetime_hintt, ticket) class CertificateStatus(messages.HandshakeMsg): """Class for handling the CertificateStatus OCSP staples from RFC 4366.""" def __init__(self): """Create a certificate status message handling object.""" super(CertificateStatus, self).__init__( HandshakeType.certificate_status) self.status_type = 0 self.response = None def parse(self, parser): """Deserialise certificate status message from binary data.""" parser.startLengthCheck(3) self.status_type = parser.get(1) if self.status_type == 1: # FIXME, create registry self.response = parser.getVarBytes(3) else: raise SyntaxError() # FIXME, use sane-er type parser.stopLengthCheck() return self def __format__(self, formatstr): """Return human-readable representation of certificate status.""" response = format_bytearray(self.response, formatstr) return "CertificateStatus(status_type={0}, response={1})"\ .format(self.status_type, response) class Message(messages.Message): """Message class with more robust formatting capability.""" def __format__(self, formatstr): """Advanced formatting for messages.""" hexify = False verbose = "" if 'h' in formatstr: hexify = True if 'v' in formatstr: verbose = "ContentType." if hexify: data = b2a_hex(self.data) else: data = repr(self.data) return "Message(contentType={0}{1}, data={2})"\ .format(verbose, ContentType.toStr(self.contentType), data) class ServerKeyExchange(messages.ServerKeyExchange): """ServerKeyExchange class with more robust formatting capability.""" def __format__(self, formatstr): """Return human-readable representation of the object.""" if 'v' in formatstr: verbose = "CipherSuite." else: verbose = "" ret = "ServerKeyExchange(cipherSuite={0}{1}, version={2}"\ .format(verbose, CipherSuite.ietfNames[self.cipherSuite], self.version) if self.srp_N: ret += ", srp_N={0}, srp_g={1}, srp_s={2}, srp_B={3}"\ .format(self.srp_N, self.srp_g, self.srp_s, self.srp_B) if self.dh_p: ret += ", dh_p={0}, dh_g={1}, dh_Ys={2}"\ .format(self.dh_p, self.dh_g, self.dh_Ys) if self.ecdh_Ys: ecdh_Ys = format_bytearray(self.ecdh_Ys, formatstr) ret += ", curve_type={0}, named_curve={1}, ecdh_Ys={2}"\ .format(ECCurveType.toStr(self.curve_type), GroupName.toStr(self.named_curve), ecdh_Ys) if self.signAlg: ret += ", hashAlg={0}, signAlg={1}"\ .format(HashAlgorithm.toStr(self.hashAlg), SignatureAlgorithm.toStr(self.signAlg)) if self.signature: ret += ", signature={0}"\ .format(format_bytearray(self.signature, formatstr)) return ret + ")"