#!/usr/bin/env bash ###### Remote push/pull (or local) backup script for files & databases PROGRAM="obackup" AUTHOR="(L) 2013-2016 by Orsiris de Jong" CONTACT="http://www.netpower.fr/obackup - ozy@netpower.fr" PROGRAM_VERSION=2.0-pre PROGRAM_BUILD=2016031801 IS_STABLE=no ## FUNC_BUILD=2016032001 ## BEGIN Generic functions for osync & obackup written in 2013-2016 by Orsiris de Jong - http://www.netpower.fr - ozy@netpower.fr ## type -p does not work on platforms other than linux (bash). If if does not work, always assume output is not a zero exitcode if ! type "$BASH" > /dev/null; then echo "Please run this script only with bash shell. Tested on bash >= 3.2" exit 127 fi #### obackup & osync specific code BEGIN #### ## Log a state message every $KEEP_LOGGING seconds. Should not be equal to soft or hard execution time so your log will not be unnecessary big. KEEP_LOGGING=1801 ## Correct output of sort command (language agnostic sorting) export LC_ALL=C # Standard alert mail body MAIL_ALERT_MSG="Execution of $PROGRAM instance $INSTANCE_ID on $(date) has warnings/errors." #### obackup & osync specific code END #### #### MINIMAL-FUNCTION-SET BEGIN #### # Environment variables _DRYRUN=0 _SILENT=0 # Initial error status, logging 'WARN', 'ERROR' or 'CRITICAL' will enable alerts flags ERROR_ALERT=0 WARN_ALERT=0 ## allow debugging from command line with _DEBUG=yes if [ ! "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then _DEBUG=no SLEEP_TIME=.1 _VERBOSE=0 else SLEEP_TIME=1 trap 'TrapError ${LINENO} $?' ERR _VERBOSE=1 fi SCRIPT_PID=$$ LOCAL_USER=$(whoami) LOCAL_HOST=$(hostname) ## Default log file until config file is loaded if [ -w /var/log ]; then LOG_FILE="/var/log/$PROGRAM.log" else LOG_FILE="./$PROGRAM.log" fi ## Default directory where to store temporary run files if [ -w /tmp ]; then RUN_DIR=/tmp elif [ -w /var/tmp ]; then RUN_DIR=/var/tmp else RUN_DIR=. fi # Default alert attachment filename ALERT_LOG_FILE="$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.last.log" # Set error exit code if a piped command fails set -o pipefail set -o errtrace function Dummy { sleep .1 } function _Logger { local svalue="${1}" # What to log to screen local lvalue="${2:-$svalue}" # What to log to logfile, defaults to screen value echo -e "$lvalue" >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ $_SILENT -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "$svalue" fi } function Logger { local value="${1}" # Sentence to log (in double quotes) local level="${2}" # Log level: PARANOIA_DEBUG, DEBUG, NOTICE, WARN, ERROR, CRITIAL # Special case in daemon mode we should timestamp instead of counting seconds if [ "$sync_on_changes" == "1" ]; then prefix="$(date) - " else prefix="TIME: $SECONDS - " fi # if [ "$level" == "CRITICAL" ]; then _Logger "$prefix\e[41m$value\e[0m" "$prefix$level:$value" ERROR_ALERT=1 return elif [ "$level" == "ERROR" ]; then _Logger "$prefix\e[91m$value\e[0m" "$prefix$level:$value" ERROR_ALERT=1 return elif [ "$level" == "WARN" ]; then _Logger "$prefix\e[93m$value\e[0m" "$prefix$level:$value" WARN_ALERT=1 return elif [ "$level" == "NOTICE" ]; then _Logger "$prefix$value" return elif [ "$level" == "DEBUG" ]; then if [ "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then _Logger "$prefix$value" return fi else _Logger "\e[41mLogger function called without proper loglevel.\e[0m" _Logger "$prefix$value" fi } # Portable child (and grandchild) kill function tester under Linux, BSD and MacOS X function KillChilds { local pid="${1}" local self="${2:-false}" if children="$(pgrep -P "$pid")"; then for child in $children; do KillChilds "$child" true done fi # Try to kill nicely, if not, wait 30 seconds to let Trap actions happen before killing if [ "$self" == true ]; then kill -s SIGTERM "$pid" || (sleep 30 && kill -9 "$pid" &) fi # sleep 30 needs to wait before killing itself } function SendAlert { local mail_no_attachment= local attachment_command= if [ "$DESTINATION_MAILS" == "" ]; then return 0 fi if [ "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then Logger "Debug mode, no warning email will be sent." "NOTICE" return 0 fi # if [ "$_QUICK_SYNC" == "2" ]; then Logger "Current task is a quicksync task. Will not send any alert." "NOTICE" return 0 fi # eval "cat \"$LOG_FILE\" $COMPRESSION_PROGRAM > $ALERT_LOG_FILE" if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot create [$ALERT_LOG_FILE]" "WARN" mail_no_attachment=1 else mail_no_attachment=0 fi MAIL_ALERT_MSG="$MAIL_ALERT_MSG"$'\n\n'$(tail -n 50 "$LOG_FILE") if [ $ERROR_ALERT -eq 1 ]; then subject="Error alert for $INSTANCE_ID" elif [ $WARN_ALERT -eq 1 ]; then subject="Warning alert for $INSTANCE_ID" else subject="Alert for $INSTANCE_ID" fi if [ "$mail_no_attachment" -eq 0 ]; then attachment_command="-a $ALERT_LOG_FILE" fi if type mutt > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then cmd="echo \"$MAIL_ALERT_MSG\" | $(type -p mutt) -x -s \"$subject\" $DESTINATION_MAILS $attachment_command" Logger "Mail cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval $cmd if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send alert email via $(type -p mutt) !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent alert mail using mutt." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi if type mail > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then if [ "$mail_no_attachment" -eq 0 ] && $(type -p mail) -V | grep "GNU" > /dev/null; then attachment_command="-A $ALERT_LOG_FILE" elif [ "$mail_no_attachment" -eq 0 ] && $(type -p mail) -V > /dev/null; then attachment_command="-a $ALERT_LOG_FILE" else attachment_command="" fi cmd="echo \"$MAIL_ALERT_MSG\" | $(type -p mail) $attachment_command -s \"$subject\" $DESTINATION_MAILS" Logger "Mail cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval $cmd if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send alert email via $(type -p mail) with attachments !!!" "WARN" cmd="echo \"$MAIL_ALERT_MSG\" | $(type -p mail) -s \"$subject\" $DESTINATION_MAILS" Logger "Mail cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval $cmd if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send alert email via $(type -p mail) without attachments !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent alert mail using mail command without attachment." "NOTICE" return 0 fi else Logger "Sent alert mail using mail command." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi if type sendmail > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then cmd="echo -e \"Subject:$subject\r\n$MAIL_ALERT_MSG\" | $(type -p sendmail) $DESTINATION_MAILS" Logger "Mail cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval $cmd if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send alert email via $(type -p sendmail) !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent alert mail using sendmail command without attachment." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi if type sendemail > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then if [ "$SMTP_USER" != "" ] && [ "$SMTP_PASSWORD" != "" ]; then SMTP_OPTIONS="-xu $SMTP_USER -xp $SMTP_PASSWORD" else SMTP_OPTIONS="" fi $(type -p sendemail) -f $SENDER_MAIL -t $DESTINATION_MAILS -u "$subject" -m "$MAIL_ALERT_MSG" -s $SMTP_SERVER $SMTP_OPTIONS > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send alert email via $(type -p sendemail) !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent alert mail using sendemail command without attachment." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi # If function has not returned 0 yet, assume it's critical that no alert can be sent Logger "Cannot send alert (neither mutt, mail, sendmail nor sendemail found)." "ERROR" # Is not marked critical because execution must continue # Delete tmp log file if [ -f "$ALERT_LOG_FILE" ]; then rm "$ALERT_LOG_FILE" fi } function TrapError { local job="$0" local line="$1" local code="${2:-1}" if [ $_SILENT -eq 0 ]; then echo -e " /!\ ERROR in ${job}: Near line ${line}, exit code ${code}" fi } function LoadConfigFile { local config_file="${1}" if [ ! -f "$config_file" ]; then Logger "Cannot load configuration file [$config_file]. Cannot start." "CRITICAL" exit 1 elif [[ "$1" != *".conf" ]]; then Logger "Wrong configuration file supplied [$config_file]. Cannot start." "CRITICAL" exit 1 else grep '^[^ ]*=[^;&]*' "$config_file" > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID" # WITHOUT COMMENTS # Shellcheck source=./sync.conf source "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID" fi CONFIG_FILE="$config_file" } #### MINIMAL-FUNCTION-SET END #### function Spinner { if [ $_SILENT -eq 1 ]; then return 0 fi case $toggle in 1) echo -n " \ " echo -ne "\r" toggle="2" ;; 2) echo -n " | " echo -ne "\r" toggle="3" ;; 3) echo -n " / " echo -ne "\r" toggle="4" ;; *) echo -n " - " echo -ne "\r" toggle="1" ;; esac } function SedStripQuotes { echo $(echo $1 | sed "s/^\([\"']\)\(.*\)\1\$/\2/g") } function StripSingleQuotes { local string="${1}" string="${string/#\'/}" # Remove singlequote if it begins string string="${string/%\'/}" # Remove singlequote if it ends string echo "$string" } function StripDoubleQuotes { local string="${1}" string="${string/#\"/}" string="${string/%\"/}" echo "$string" } function StripQuotes { local string="${1}" echo "$(StripSingleQuotes $(StripDoubleQuotes $string))" } function EscapeSpaces { local string="${1}" # String on which spaces will be escaped echo "${string// /\ }" } function IsNumeric { eval "local value=\"${1}\"" # Needed so variable variables can be processed local re="^-?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?$" if [[ $value =~ $re ]]; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi } function CleanUp { if [ "$_DEBUG" != "yes" ]; then rm -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM."*".$SCRIPT_PID" fi } function GetLocalOS { local local_os_var= local_os_var="$(uname -spio 2>&1)" if [ $? != 0 ]; then local_os_var="$(uname -v 2>&1)" if [ $? != 0 ]; then local_os_var="$(uname)" fi fi case $local_os_var in *"Linux"*) LOCAL_OS="Linux" ;; *"BSD"*) LOCAL_OS="BSD" ;; *"MINGW32"*|*"CYGWIN"*) LOCAL_OS="msys" ;; *"Darwin"*) LOCAL_OS="MacOSX" ;; *) if [ "$IGNORE_OS_TYPE" == "yes" ]; then #DOC: Undocumented option Logger "Running on unknown local OS." "WARN" return fi Logger "Running on >> $local_os_var << not supported. Please report to the author." "ERROR" exit 1 ;; esac Logger "Local OS: [$local_os_var]." "DEBUG" } function GetRemoteOS { local cmd= local remote_os_var= if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" == "yes" ]; then CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost cmd=$SSH_CMD' "uname -spio" > "'$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID'" 2>&1' Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 120 240 ${FUNCNAME[0]}"-1" retval=$? if [ $retval != 0 ]; then cmd=$SSH_CMD' "uname -v" > "'$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID'" 2>&1' Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 120 240 ${FUNCNAME[0]}"-2" retval=$? if [ $retval != 0 ]; then cmd=$SSH_CMD' "uname" > "'$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID'" 2>&1' Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 120 240 ${FUNCNAME[0]}"-3" retval=$? if [ $retval != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot Get remote OS type." "ERROR" fi fi fi remote_os_var=$(cat "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID") case $remote_os_var in *"Linux"*) REMOTE_OS="Linux" ;; *"BSD"*) REMOTE_OS="BSD" ;; *"MINGW32"*|*"CYGWIN"*) REMOTE_OS="msys" ;; *"Darwin"*) REMOTE_OS="MacOSX" ;; *"ssh"*|*"SSH"*) Logger "Cannot connect to remote system." "CRITICAL" exit 1 ;; *) if [ "$IGNORE_OS_VER" == "yes" ]; then #DOC: Undocumented option Logger "Running on unknown remote OS." "WARN" return fi Logger "Running on remote OS failed. Please report to the author if the OS is not supported." "CRITICAL" Logger "Remote OS said:\n$remote_os_var" "CRITICAL" exit 1 esac Logger "Remote OS: [$remote_os_var]." "DEBUG" fi } function WaitForTaskCompletion { local pid="${1}" # pid to wait for local soft_max_time="${2}" # If program with pid $pid takes longer than $soft_max_time seconds, will log a warning, unless $soft_max_time equals 0. local hard_max_time="${3}" # If program with pid $pid takes longer than $hard_max_time seconds, will stop execution, unless $hard_max_time equals 0. local caller_name="${4}" # Who called this function local soft_alert=0 # Does a soft alert need to be triggered, if yes, send an alert once local log_ttime=0 # local time instance for comparaison local seconds_begin=$SECONDS # Seconds since the beginning of the script local exec_time=0 # Seconds since the beginning of this function while eval "$PROCESS_TEST_CMD" > /dev/null do Spinner exec_time=$(($SECONDS - $seconds_begin)) if [ $((($exec_time + 1) % $KEEP_LOGGING)) -eq 0 ]; then if [ $log_ttime -ne $exec_time ]; then log_ttime=$exec_time Logger "Current task still running." "NOTICE" fi fi if [ $exec_time -gt $soft_max_time ]; then if [ $soft_alert -eq 0 ] && [ $soft_max_time -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Max soft execution time exceeded for task [$caller_name]." "WARN" soft_alert=1 SendAlert fi if [ $exec_time -gt $hard_max_time ] && [ $hard_max_time -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Max hard execution time exceeded for task [$caller_name]. Stopping task execution." "ERROR" kill -s SIGTERM $pid if [ $? == 0 ]; then Logger "Task stopped succesfully" "NOTICE" else Logger "Sending SIGTERM to proces failed. Trying the hard way." "ERROR" sleep 5 && kill -9 $pid if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Could not stop task." "ERROR" fi fi return 1 fi fi sleep $SLEEP_TIME done wait $pid local retval=$? return $retval } function WaitForCompletion { local pid="${1}" # pid to wait for local soft_max_time="${2}" # If program with pid $pid takes longer than $soft_max_time seconds, will log a warning, unless $soft_max_time equals 0. local hard_max_time="${3}" # If program with pid $pid takes longer than $hard_max_time seconds, will stop execution, unless $hard_max_time equals 0. local caller_name="${4}" # Who called this function local soft_alert=0 # Does a soft alert need to be triggered, if yes, send an alert once local log_ttime=0 # local time instance for comparaison local seconds_begin=$SECONDS # Seconds since the beginning of the script local exec_time=0 # Seconds since the beginning of this function while eval "$PROCESS_TEST_CMD" > /dev/null do Spinner if [ $((($SECONDS + 1) % $KEEP_LOGGING)) -eq 0 ]; then if [ $log_time -ne $SECONDS ]; then log_time=$SECONDS Logger "Current task still running." "NOTICE" fi fi if [ $SECONDS -gt $soft_max_time ]; then if [ $soft_alert -eq 0 ] && [ $soft_max_time != 0 ]; then Logger "Max soft execution time exceeded for script." "WARN" soft_alert=1 SendAlert fi if [ $SECONDS -gt $hard_max_time ] && [ $hard_max_time != 0 ]; then Logger "Max hard execution time exceeded for script in [$caller_name]. Stopping current task execution." "ERROR" kill -s SIGTERM $pid if [ $? == 0 ]; then Logger "Task stopped succesfully" "NOTICE" else Logger "Sending SIGTERM to proces failed. Trying the hard way." "ERROR" kill -9 $pid if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Could not stop task." "ERROR" fi fi return 1 fi fi sleep $SLEEP_TIME done wait $pid retval=$? return $retval } function RunLocalCommand { local command="${1}" # Command to run local hard_max_time="${2}" # Max time to wait for command to compleet if [ $_DRYRUN -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Dryrun: Local command [$command] not run." "NOTICE" return 0 fi Logger "Running command [$command] on local host." "NOTICE" eval "$command" > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID" 2>&1 & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 0 $hard_max_time ${FUNCNAME[0]} retval=$? if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; then Logger "Command succeded." "NOTICE" else Logger "Command failed." "ERROR" fi if [ $_VERBOSE -eq 1 ] || [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "NOTICE" fi if [ "$STOP_ON_CMD_ERROR" == "yes" ] && [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Stopping on command execution error." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi } ## Runs remote command $1 and waits for completition in $2 seconds function RunRemoteCommand { local command="${1}" # Command to run local hard_max_time="${2}" # Max time to wait for command to compleet CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost if [ $_DRYRUN -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Dryrun: Local command [$command] not run." "NOTICE" return 0 fi Logger "Running command [$command] on remote host." "NOTICE" cmd=$SSH_CMD' "$command" > "'$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID'" 2>&1' Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 0 $hard_max_time ${FUNCNAME[0]} retval=$? if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; then Logger "Command succeded." "NOTICE" else Logger "Command failed." "ERROR" fi if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID" ] && ([ $_VERBOSE -eq 1 ] || [ $retval -ne 0 ]) then Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "NOTICE" fi if [ "$STOP_ON_CMD_ERROR" == "yes" ] && [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Stopping on command execution error." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi } function RunBeforeHook { if [ "$LOCAL_RUN_BEFORE_CMD" != "" ]; then RunLocalCommand "$LOCAL_RUN_BEFORE_CMD" $MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_BEFORE fi if [ "$REMOTE_RUN_BEFORE_CMD" != "" ]; then RunRemoteCommand "$REMOTE_RUN_BEFORE_CMD" $MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_BEFORE fi } function RunAfterHook { if [ "$LOCAL_RUN_AFTER_CMD" != "" ]; then RunLocalCommand "$LOCAL_RUN_AFTER_CMD" $MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_AFTER fi if [ "$REMOTE_RUN_AFTER_CMD" != "" ]; then RunRemoteCommand "$REMOTE_RUN_AFTER_CMD" $MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_AFTER fi } function CheckConnectivityRemoteHost { if [ "$_PARANOIA_DEBUG" != "yes" ]; then # Do not loose time in paranoia debug if [ "$REMOTE_HOST_PING" != "no" ] && [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" != "no" ]; then eval "$PING_CMD $REMOTE_HOST > /dev/null 2>&1" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 180 180 ${FUNCNAME[0]} if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot ping $REMOTE_HOST" "CRITICAL" return 1 fi fi fi } function CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts { if [ "$_PARANOIA_DEBUG" != "yes" ]; then # Do not loose time in paranoia debug if [ "$REMOTE_3RD_PARTY_HOSTS" != "" ]; then remote_3rd_party_success=0 OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS=$' \t\n' for i in $REMOTE_3RD_PARTY_HOSTS do eval "$PING_CMD $i > /dev/null 2>&1" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 360 360 ${FUNCNAME[0]} if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot ping 3rd party host $i" "NOTICE" else remote_3rd_party_success=1 fi done IFS=$OLD_IFS if [ $remote_3rd_party_success -ne 1 ]; then Logger "No remote 3rd party host responded to ping. No internet ?" "ERROR" return 1 fi fi fi } #__BEGIN_WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG #__END_WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG function RsyncPatternsAdd { local pattern="${1}" local pattern_type="${2}" # exclude or include local rest= # Disable globbing so wildcards from exclusions do not get expanded set -f rest="$pattern" while [ -n "$rest" ] do # Take the string until first occurence until $PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR str=${rest%%;*} # Handle the last case if [ "$rest" = "${rest/$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR/}" ]; then rest= else # Cut everything before the first occurence of $PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR rest=${rest#*$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR} fi if [ "$RSYNC_PATTERNS" == "" ]; then RSYNC_PATTERNS="--"$pattern_type"=\"$str\"" else RSYNC_PATTERNS="$RSYNC_PATTERNS --"$pattern_type"=\"$str\"" fi done set +f } function RsyncPatternsFromAdd { local pattern_from="${1}" local pattern_type="${2}" local pattern_from= ## Check if the exclude list has a full path, and if not, add the config file path if there is one if [ "$(basename $pattern_from)" == "$pattern_from" ]; then pattern_from="$(dirname $CONFIG_FILE)/$pattern_from" fi if [ -e "$pattern_from" ]; then RSYNC_PATTERNS="$RSYNC_PATTERNS --"$pattern_type"-from=\"$pattern_from\"" fi } function RsyncPatterns { if [ "$RSYNC_PATTERN_FIRST" == "exclude" ]; then RsyncPatternsAdd "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_PATTERN" "exclude" if [ "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_FROM" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsFromAdd "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_FROM" "exclude" fi RsyncPatternsAdd "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_PATTERN" "include" if [ "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_FROM" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsFromAdd "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_FROM" "include" fi elif [ "$RSYNC_PATTERN_FIRST" == "include" ]; then RsyncPatternsAdd "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_PATTERN" "include" if [ "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_FROM" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsFromAdd "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_FROM" "include" fi RsyncPatternsAdd "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_PATTERN" "exclude" if [ "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_FROM" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsFromAdd "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_FROM" "exclude" fi else Logger "Bogus RSYNC_PATTERN_FIRST value in config file. Will not use rsync patterns." "WARN" fi } function PreInit { ## SSH compression if [ "$SSH_COMPRESSION" != "no" ]; then SSH_COMP=-C else SSH_COMP= fi ## Support for older config files without RSYNC_EXECUTABLE option if [ "$RSYNC_EXECUTABLE" == "" ]; then RSYNC_EXECUTABLE=rsync fi ## Sudo execution option if [ "$SUDO_EXEC" == "yes" ]; then if [ "$RSYNC_REMOTE_PATH" != "" ]; then RSYNC_PATH="sudo $RSYNC_REMOTE_PATH/$RSYNC_EXECUTABLE" else RSYNC_PATH="sudo $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE" fi COMMAND_SUDO="sudo" else if [ "$RSYNC_REMOTE_PATH" != "" ]; then RSYNC_PATH="$RSYNC_REMOTE_PATH/$RSYNC_EXECUTABLE" else RSYNC_PATH="$RSYNC_EXECUTABLE" fi COMMAND_SUDO="" fi ## Set rsync default arguments RSYNC_ARGS="-rltD" RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS="-pgo" if [ "$_DRYRUN" -eq 1 ]; then RSYNC_DRY_ARG="-n" DRY_WARNING="/!\ DRY RUN" else RSYNC_DRY_ARG="" fi if [ "$PRESERVE_ACL" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS=$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" -A" fi if [ "$PRESERVE_XATTR" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS=$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" -X" fi if [ "$RSYNC_COMPRESS" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" -z" fi if [ "$COPY_SYMLINKS" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" -L" fi if [ "$KEEP_DIRLINKS" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" -K" fi if [ "$PRESERVE_HARDLINKS" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" -H" fi if [ "$CHECKSUM" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_TYPE_ARGS=$RSYNC_TYPE_ARGS" --checksum" fi if [ "$BANDWIDTH" != "" ] && [ "$BANDWIDTH" != "0" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" --bwlimit=$BANDWIDTH" fi if [ "$PARTIAL" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" --partial --partial-dir=\"$PARTIAL_DIR\"" RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE="--exclude=\"$PARTIAL_DIR\"" fi if [ "$DELTA_COPIES" != "no" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" --no-whole-file" else RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" --whole-file" fi ## Set compression executable and extension COMPRESSION_LEVEL=3 if type xz > /dev/null 2>&1 then COMPRESSION_PROGRAM="| xz -$COMPRESSION_LEVEL" COMPRESSION_EXTENSION=.xz elif type lzma > /dev/null 2>&1 then COMPRESSION_PROGRAM="| lzma -$COMPRESSION_LEVEL" COMPRESSION_EXTENSION=.lzma elif type pigz > /dev/null 2>&1 then COMPRESSION_PROGRAM="| pigz -$COMPRESSION_LEVEL" COMPRESSION_EXTENSION=.gz # obackup specific COMPRESSION_OPTIONS=--rsyncable elif type gzip > /dev/null 2>&1 then COMPRESSION_PROGRAM="| gzip -$COMPRESSION_LEVEL" COMPRESSION_EXTENSION=.gz # obackup specific COMPRESSION_OPTIONS=--rsyncable else COMPRESSION_PROGRAM= COMPRESSION_EXTENSION= fi ALERT_LOG_FILE="$ALERT_LOG_FILE$COMPRESSION_EXTENSION" } function PostInit { # Define remote commands SSH_CMD="$(type -p ssh) $SSH_COMP -i $SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST -p $REMOTE_PORT" SCP_CMD="$(type -p scp) $SSH_COMP -i $SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY -P $REMOTE_PORT" RSYNC_SSH_CMD="$(type -p ssh) $SSH_COMP -i $SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY -p $REMOTE_PORT" } function InitLocalOSSettings { ## If running under Msys, some commands do not run the same way ## Using mingw version of find instead of windows one ## Getting running processes is quite different ## Ping command is not the same if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "msys" ]; then FIND_CMD=$(dirname $BASH)/find #TODO: The following command needs to be checked on msys. Does the $1 variable substitution work ? # PROCESS_TEST_CMD assumes there is a variable $pid PROCESS_TEST_CMD='ps -a | awk "{\$1=\$1}\$1" | awk "{print \$1}" | grep $pid' PING_CMD="ping -n 2" else FIND_CMD=find # PROCESS_TEST_CMD assumes there is a variable $pid PROCESS_TEST_CMD='ps -p$pid' PING_CMD="ping -c 2 -i .2" fi ## Stat command has different syntax on Linux and FreeBSD/MacOSX if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "MacOSX" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "BSD" ]; then STAT_CMD="stat -f \"%Sm\"" else STAT_CMD="stat --format %y" fi } function InitRemoteOSSettings { ## MacOSX does not use the -E parameter like Linux or BSD does (-E is mapped to extended attrs instead of preserve executability) if [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "MacOSX" ] && [ "$REMOTE_OS" != "MacOSX" ]; then RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS=$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" -E" fi if [ "$REMOTE_OS" == "msys" ]; then REMOTE_FIND_CMD=$(dirname $BASH)/find else REMOTE_FIND_CMD=find fi } ## END Generic functions ## Working directory for partial downloads PARTIAL_DIR=".obackup_workdir_partial" # List of runtime created global variables # $SQL_DISK_SPACE, disk space available on target for sql backups # $FILE_DISK_SPACE, disk space available on target for file backups # $SQL_BACKUP_TASKS, list of all databases to backup, space separated # $SQL_EXCLUDED_TASKS, list of all database to exclude from backup, space separated # $FILE_BACKUP_TASKS list of directories to backup, found in config file # $FILE_RECURSIVE_BACKUP_TASKS, list of directories to backup, computed from config file recursive list # $FILE_RECURSIVE_EXCLUDED_TASKS, list of all directories excluded from recursive list # $FILE_SIZE_LIST, list of all directories to include in GetDirectoriesSize CAN_BACKUP_SQL=1 CAN_BACKUP_FILES=1 function TrapStop { Logger "/!\ Manual exit of backup script. Backups may be in inconsistent state." "WARN" exit 1 } function TrapQuit { local exitcode if [ $ERROR_ALERT -ne 0 ]; then SendAlert CleanUp Logger "Backup script finished with errors." "ERROR" exitcode=1 elif [ $WARN_ALERT -ne 0 ]; then SendAlert CleanUp Logger "Backup script finished with warnings." "WARN" exitcode=2 else CleanUp Logger "Backup script finshed." "NOTICE" exitcode=0 fi if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.$INSTANCE_ID" ]; then rm -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.$INSTANCE_ID" fi KillChilds $$ > /dev/null 2>&1 exit $exitcode } function CheckEnvironment { if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" == "yes" ]; then if ! type ssh > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then Logger "ssh not present. Cannot start backup." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi if [ "$SQL_BACKUP" != "no" ]; then if ! type mysqldump > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then Logger "mysqldump not present. Cannot backup SQL." "CRITICAL" CAN_BACKUP_SQL=0 fi if ! type mysql > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then Logger "mysql not present. Cannot backup SQL." "CRITICAL" CAN_BACKUP_SQL=0 fi fi fi if [ "$FILE_BACKUP" != "no" ]; then if [ "$ENCRYPTION" == "yes" ]; then if ! type duplicity > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then Logger "duplicity not present. Cannot backup encrypted files." "CRITICAL" CAN_BACKUP_FILES=0 fi else if ! type rsync > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then Logger "rsync not present. Cannot backup files." "CRITICAL" CAN_BACKUP_FILES=0 fi fi fi } function CheckCurrentConfig { if [ "$INSTANCE_ID" == "" ]; then Logger "No INSTANCE_ID defined in config file." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi # Check all variables that should contain "yes" or "no" declare -a yes_no_vars=(SQL_BACKUP FILE_BACKUP ENCRYPTION CREATE_DIRS KEEP_ABSOLUTE_PATHS GET_BACKUP_SIZE SUDO_EXEC SSH_COMPRESSION REMOTE_HOST_PING DATABASES_ALL PRESERVE_ACL PRESERVE_XATTR COPY_SYMLINKS KEEP_DIRLINKS PRESERVE_HARDLINKS RSYNC_COMPRESS PARTIAL DELETE_VANISHED_FILES DELTA_COPIES ROTATE_SQL_BACKUPS ROTATE_FILE_BACKUPS STOP_ON_CMD_ERROR) for i in "${yes_no_vars[@]}"; do test="if [ \"\$$i\" != \"yes\" ] && [ \"\$$i\" != \"no\" ]; then Logger \"Bogus $i value defined in config file.\" \"CRITICAL\"; exit 1; fi" eval "$test" done if [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" != "local" ] && [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" != "pull" ] && [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" != "push" ]; then Logger "Bogus BACKUP_TYPE value in config file." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi # Check all variables that should contain a numerical value >= 0 declare -a num_vars=(BACKUP_SIZE_MINIMUM BANDWIDTH SQL_WARN_MIN_SPACE FILE_WARN_MIN_SPACE SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK COMPRESSION_LEVEL SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_FILE_TASK HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_FILE_TASK SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_TOTAL HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_TOTAL ROTATE_SQL_COPIES ROTATE_FILE_COPIES MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_BEFORE MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_AFTER) for i in "${num_vars[@]}"; do test="if [ $(IsNumeric \"\$$i\") -eq 0 ]; then Logger \"Bogus $i value defined in config file.\" \"CRITICAL\"; exit 1; fi" eval "$test" done if [ "$FILE_BACKUP" == "yes" ]; then if [ "$DIRECTORY_LIST" == "" ] && [ "$RECURSIVE_DIRECTORY_LIST" == "" ]; then Logger "No directories specified in config file, no files to backup." "ERROR" CAN_BACKUP_FILES=0 fi fi #TODO-v2.1: Add runtime variable tests (RSYNC_ARGS etc) } function CheckRunningInstances { if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.$INSTANCE_ID" ]; then pid=$(cat "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.$INSTANCE_ID") if ps aux | awk '{print $2}' | grep $pid > /dev/null; then Logger "Another instance [$INSTANCE_ID] of obackup is already running." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi fi echo $SCRIPT_PID > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.$INSTANCE_ID" } function _ListDatabasesLocal { local sql_cmd= sql_cmd="mysql -u $SQL_USER -Bse 'SELECT table_schema, round(sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1024) FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP by table_schema;' > $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID 2>&1" Logger "cmd: $sql_cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$sql_cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK ${FUNCNAME[0]} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then Logger "Listing databases succeeded." "NOTICE" else Logger "Listing databases failed." "ERROR" if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID" ]; then Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" fi return 1 fi } function _ListDatabasesRemote { local sql_cmd= CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost sql_cmd="$SSH_CMD \"mysql -u $SQL_USER -Bse 'SELECT table_schema, round(sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1024) FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP by table_schema;'\" > \"$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID\" 2>&1" Logger "cmd: $sql_cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$sql_cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK ${FUNCNAME[0]} if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then Logger "Listing databases succeeded." "NOTICE" else Logger "Listing databases failed." "ERROR" if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID" ]; then Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" fi return 1 fi } function ListDatabases { local output_file # Return of subfunction local db_name local db_size local db_backup if [ $CAN_BACKUP_SQL -ne 1 ]; then Logger "Cannot list databases." "ERROR" return 1 fi Logger "Listing databases." "NOTICE" if [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "local" ] || [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "push" ]; then _ListDatabasesLocal if [ $? != 0 ]; then output_file="" else output_file="$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM._ListDatabasesLocal.$SCRIPT_PID" fi elif [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "pull" ]; then _ListDatabasesRemote if [ $? != 0 ]; then output_file="" else output_file="$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM._ListDatabasesRemote.$SCRIPT_PID" fi fi if [ -f "$output_file" ] && [ $CAN_BACKUP_SQL -eq 1 ]; then OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS=$' \n' for line in $(cat "$output_file") do db_name=$(echo $line | cut -f1) db_size=$(echo $line | cut -f2) if [ "$DATABASES_ALL" == "yes" ]; then db_backup=1 IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR for j in $DATABASES_ALL_EXCLUDE_LIST do if [ "$db_name" == "$j" ]; then db_backup=0 fi done IFS=$' \n' else db_backup=0 IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR for j in $DATABASES_LIST do if [ "$db_name" == "$j" ]; then db_backup=1 fi done IFS=$' \n' fi if [ $db_backup -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$SQL_BACKUP_TASKS" != "" ]; then SQL_BACKUP_TASKS="$SQL_BACKUP_TASKS $db_name" else SQL_BACKUP_TASKS="$db_name" fi TOTAL_DATABASES_SIZE=$((TOTAL_DATABASES_SIZE+$db_size)) else SQL_EXCLUDED_TASKS="$SQL_EXCLUDED_TASKS $db_name" fi done IFS=$OLD_IFS Logger "Database backup list: $SQL_BACKUP_TASKS" "DEBUG" Logger "Database exclude list: $SQL_EXCLUDED_TASKS" "DEBUG" else Logger "Will not execute database backup." "ERROR" CAN_BACKUP_SQL=0 fi } function _ListRecursiveBackupDirectoriesLocal { local cmd OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR for directory in $RECURSIVE_DIRECTORY_LIST do # No sudo here, assuming you should have all necessary rights for local checks cmd="$FIND_CMD -L $directory/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d >> $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID 2> $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID" Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_FILE_TASK $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_FILE_TASK ${FUNCNAME[0]} if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Could not enumerate directories in [$directory]." "ERROR" if [ -f $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID ]; then Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" fi if [ -f $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID ]; then Logger "Error output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" fi retval=1 else retval=0 fi done IFS=$OLD_IFS return $retval } function _ListRecursiveBackupDirectoriesRemote { local cmd OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR for directory in $RECURSIVE_DIRECTORY_LIST do cmd=$SSH_CMD' "'$COMMAND_SUDO' '$REMOTE_FIND_CMD' -L '$directory'/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d" >> '$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID' 2> '$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_FILE_TASK $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_FILE_TASK ${FUNCNAME[0]} if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Could not enumerate directories in [$directory]." "ERROR" if [ -f $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID ]; then Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" fi if [ -f $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID ]; then Logger "Error output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" fi retval=1 else retval=0 fi done IFS=$OLD_IFS return $retval } function ListRecursiveBackupDirectories { local output_file local file_exclude Logger "Listing directories to backup." "NOTICE" if [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "local" ] || [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "push" ]; then _ListRecursiveBackupDirectoriesLocal if [ $? != 0 ]; then output_file="" else output_file="$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM._ListRecursiveBackupDirectoriesLocal.$SCRIPT_PID" fi elif [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "pull" ]; then _ListRecursiveBackupDirectoriesRemote if [ $? != 0 ]; then output_file="" else output_file="$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM._ListRecursiveBackupDirectoriesRemote.$SCRIPT_PID" fi fi if [ -f "$output_file" ]; then OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS=$' \n' for line in $(cat "$output_file") do file_exclude=0 IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR for k in $RECURSIVE_EXCLUDE_LIST do if [ "$k" == "$line" ]; then file_exclude=1 fi done IFS=$' \n' if [ $file_exclude -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$FILE_RECURSIVE_BACKUP_TASKS" == "" ]; then FILE_RECURSIVE_BACKUP_TASKS="$line" FILE_SIZE_LIST="$(EscapeSpaces $line)" else FILE_RECURSIVE_BACKUP_TASKS="$FILE_RECURSIVE_BACKUP_TASKS$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR$line" FILE_SIZE_LIST="$FILE_SIZE_LIST $(EscapeSpaces $line)" fi else FILE_RECURSIVE_EXCLUDED_TASKS="$FILE_RECURSIVE_EXCLUDED_TASKS$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR$line" fi done IFS=$OLD_IFS fi OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR for directory in $DIRECTORY_LIST do FILE_SIZE_LIST="$FILE_SIZE_LIST $(EscapeSpaces $directory)" if [ "$FILE_BACKUP_TASKS" == "" ]; then FILE_BACKUP_TASKS="$directory" else FILE_BACKUP_TASKS="$FILE_BACKUP_TASKS$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR$directory" fi done IFS=$OLD_IFS } function _GetDirectoriesSizeLocal { local dir_list="${1}" local cmd # No sudo here, assuming you should have all the necessary rights cmd='echo "'$dir_list'" | xargs du -cs | tail -n1 | cut -f1 > '$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID 2> $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_FILE_TASK $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_FILE_TASK ${FUNCNAME[0]} # $cmd will return 0 even if some errors found, so we need to check if there is an error output if [ $? != 0 ] || [ -s $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID ]; then Logger "Could not get files size for some or all directories." "ERROR" if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID" ]; then Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" fi if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID" ]; then Logger "Error output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" fi else Logger "File size fetched successfully." "NOTICE" fi if [ -s "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID" ]; then TOTAL_FILES_SIZE="$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" else TOTAL_FILES_SIZE=-1 fi } function _GetDirectoriesSizeRemote { local dir_list="${1}" local cmd # Error output is different from stdout because not all files in list may fail at once cmd=$SSH_CMD' "echo '$dir_list' | xargs '$COMMAND_SUDO' du -cs | tail -n1 | cut -f1" > '$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID' 2> '$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_FILE_TASK $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_FILE_TASK ${FUNCNAME[0]} # $cmd will return 0 even if some errors found, so we need to check if there is an error output if [ $? != 0 ] || [ -s $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID ]; then Logger "Could not get files size for some or all directories." "ERROR" if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID" ]; then Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" fi if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID" ]; then Logger "Error output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" fi else Logger "File size fetched successfully." "NOTICE" fi if [ -s "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID" ]; then TOTAL_FILES_SIZE="$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" else TOTAL_FILES_SIZE=-1 fi } function GetDirectoriesSize { Logger "Getting files size" "NOTICE" if [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "local" ] || [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "push" ]; then if [ "$FILE_BACKUP" != "no" ]; then _GetDirectoriesSizeLocal "$FILE_SIZE_LIST" fi elif [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "pull" ]; then if [ "$FILE_BACKUP" != "no" ]; then _GetDirectoriesSizeRemote "$FILE_SIZE_LIST" fi fi } function _CreateDirectoryLocal { local dir_to_create="${1}" if [ ! -d "$dir_to_create" ]; then # No sudo, you should have all necessary rights mkdir --parents "$dir_to_create" > $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot create directory [$dir_to_create]" "CRITICAL" if [ -f $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID ]; then Logger "Command output: $(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" fi return 1 fi fi } function _CreateDirectoryRemote { local dir_to_create="${1}" local cmd CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost cmd=$SSH_CMD' "if ! [ -d \"'$dir_to_create'\" ]; then '$COMMAND_SUDO' mkdir --parents \"'$dir_to_create'\"; fi" > '$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID' 2>&1' Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 720 1800 ${FUNCNAME[0]} if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot create remote directory [$dir_to_create]." "CRITICAL" Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" return 1 fi } function CreateStorageDirectories { if [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "local" ] || [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "pull" ]; then if [ "$SQL_BACKUP" != "no" ]; then _CreateDirectoryLocal "$SQL_STORAGE" if [ $? != 0 ]; then CAN_BACKUP_SQL=0 fi fi if [ "$FILE_BACKUP" != "no" ]; then _CreateDirectoryLocal "$FILE_STORAGE" if [ $? != 0 ]; then CAN_BACKUP_FILES=0 fi fi elif [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "push" ]; then if [ "$SQL_BACKUP" != "no" ]; then _CreateDirectoryRemote "$SQL_STORAGE" if [ $? != 0 ]; then CAN_BACKUP_SQL=0 fi fi if [ "$FILE_BACKUP" != "no" ]; then _CreateDirectoryRemote "$FILE_STORAGE" if [ $? != 0 ]; then CAN_BACKUP_FILES=0 fi fi fi } function GetDiskSpaceLocal { # GLOBAL VARIABLE DISK_SPACE to pass variable to parent function # GLOBAL VARIABLE DRIVE to pass variable to parent function local path_to_check="${1}" if [ -d "$path_to_check" ]; then # Not elegant solution to make df silent on errors # No sudo on local commands, assuming you should have all the necesarry rights to check backup directories sizes df -P "$path_to_check" > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID" 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then DISK_SPACE=0 Logger "Cannot get disk space in [$path_to_check] on local system." "ERROR" Logger "Command Output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" else DISK_SPACE=$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}') DRIVE=$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}') fi else Logger "Storage path [$path_to_check] does not exist." "CRITICAL" return 1 fi } function GetDiskSpaceRemote { # USE GLOBAL VARIABLE DISK_SPACE to pass variable to parent function local path_to_check="${1}" local cmd cmd=$SSH_CMD' "if [ -d \"'$path_to_check'\" ]; then '$COMMAND_SUDO' df -P \"'$path_to_check'\"; else exit 1; fi" > "'$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID'" 2>&1' Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK ${FUNCNAME[0]} if [ $? != 0 ]; then DISK_SPACE=0 Logger "Cannot get disk space in [$path_to_check] on remote system." "ERROR" Logger "Command Output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" return 1 else DISK_SPACE=$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}') DRIVE=$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}') fi } function CheckDiskSpace { # USE OF GLOBAL VARIABLES TOTAL_DATABASES_SIZE, TOTAL_FILES_SIZE, BACKUP_SIZE_MINIMUM, STORAGE_WARN_SIZE, STORAGE_SPACE if [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "local" ] || [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "pull" ]; then if [ "$SQL_BACKUP" != "no" ]; then GetDiskSpaceLocal "$SQL_STORAGE" if [ $? != 0 ]; then SQL_DISK_SPACE=0 CAN_BACKUP_SQL=0 else SQL_DISK_SPACE=$DISK_SPACE SQL_DRIVE=$DRIVE fi fi if [ "$FILE_BACKUP" != "no" ]; then GetDiskSpaceLocal "$FILE_STORAGE" if [ $? != 0 ]; then FILE_DISK_SPACE=0 CAN_BACKUP_FILES=0 else FILE_DISK_SPACE=$DISK_SPACE FILE_DRIVE=$DRIVE fi fi elif [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "push" ]; then if [ "$SQL_BACKUP" != "no" ]; then GetDiskSpaceRemote "$SQL_STORAGE" if [ $? != 0 ]; then SQL_DISK_SPACE=0 else SQL_DISK_SPACE=$DISK_SPACE SQL_DRIVE=$DRIVE fi fi if [ "$FILE_BACKUP" != "no" ]; then GetDiskSpaceRemote "$FILE_STORAGE" if [ $? != 0 ]; then FILE_DISK_SPACE=0 else FILE_DISK_SPACE=$DISK_SPACE FILE_DRIVE=$DRIVE fi fi fi if [ "$TOTAL_DATABASES_SIZE" == "" ]; then TOTAL_DATABASES_SIZE=-1 fi if [ "$TOTAL_FILES_SIZE" == "" ]; then TOTAL_FILES_SIZE=-1 fi if [ "$SQL_BACKUP" != "no" ] && [ $CAN_BACKUP_SQL -eq 1 ]; then if [ $SQL_DISK_SPACE -eq 0 ]; then Logger "Storage space in [$SQL_STORAGE] reported to be 0Ko." "WARN" fi if [ $SQL_DISK_SPACE -lt $TOTAL_DATABASES_SIZE ]; then Logger "Disk space in [$SQL_STORAGE] may be insufficient to backup SQL ($SQL_DISK_SPACE Ko available in $SQL_DRIVE) (non compressed databases calculation)." "WARN" fi if [ $SQL_DISK_SPACE -lt $SQL_WARN_MIN_SPACE ]; then Logger "Disk space in [$SQL_STORAGE] is lower than warning value [$SQL_WARN_MIN_SPACE Ko]." "WARN" fi Logger "SQL storage Space: $SQL_DISK_SPACE Ko - Databases size: $TOTAL_DATABASES_SIZE Ko" "NOTICE" fi if [ "$FILE_BACKUP" != "no" ] && [ $CAN_BACKUP_FILES -eq 1 ]; then if [ $FILE_DISK_SPACE -eq 0 ]; then Logger "Storage space in [$FILE_STORAGE] reported to be 0 Ko." "WARN" fi if [ $FILE_DISK_SPACE -lt $TOTAL_FILES_SIZE ]; then Logger "Disk space in [$FILE_STORAGE] may be insufficient to backup files ($FILE_DISK_SPACE Ko available in $FILE_DRIVE)." "WARN" fi if [ $FILE_DISK_SPACE -lt $FILE_WARN_MIN_SPACE ]; then Logger "Disk space in [$FILE_STORAGE] is lower than warning value [$FILE_WARN_MIN_SPACE Ko]." "WARN" fi Logger "File storage space: $FILE_DISK_SPACE Ko - Files size: $TOTAL_FILES_SIZE Ko" "NOTICE" fi if [ $BACKUP_SIZE_MINIMUM -gt $(($TOTAL_DATABASES_SIZE+$TOTAL_FILES_SIZE)) ] && [ "$GET_BACKUP_SIZE" != "no" ]; then Logger "Backup size is smaller than expected." "WARN" fi } function _BackupDatabaseLocalToLocal { local database="${1}" # Database to backup local export_options="${2}" # export options local dry_sql_cmd local sql_cmd local dry_sql_cmd="mysqldump -u $SQL_USER $export_options --database $database $COMPRESSION_PROGRAM $COMPRESSION_OPTIONS > /dev/null 2> $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID" local sql_cmd="mysqldump -u $SQL_USER $export_options --database $database $COMPRESSION_PROGRAM $COMPRESSION_OPTIONS > $SQL_STORAGE/$database.sql$COMPRESSION_EXTENSION 2> $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID" if [ $_DRYRUN -ne 1 ]; then Logger "cmd: $sql_cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$sql_cmd" & else Logger "cmd: $dry_sql_cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$dry_sql_cmd" & fi WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK ${FUNCNAME[0]} local retval=$? if [ -s "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID" ]; then Logger "Error output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" fi return $retval } function _BackupDatabaseLocalToRemote { local database="${1}" # Database to backup local export_options="${2}" # export options local dry_sql_cmd local sql_cmd CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost #TODO-v2.0: cannot catch mysqldump warnings local dry_sql_cmd="mysqldump -u $SQL_USER $export_options --database $database $COMPRESSION_PROGRAM $COMPRESSION_OPTIONS > /dev/null 2> $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID" local sql_cmd="mysqldump -u $SQL_USER $export_options --database $database $COMPRESSION_PROGRAM $COMPRESSION_OPTIONS | $SSH_CMD '$COMMAND_SUDO tee \"$SQL_STORAGE/$database.sql$COMPRESSION_EXTENSION\" > /dev/null' 2> $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID" if [ $_DRYRUN -ne 1 ]; then Logger "cmd: $sql_cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$sql_cmd" & else Logger "cmd: $dry_sql_cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$dry_sql_cmd" & fi WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK ${FUNCNAME[0]} local retval=$? if [ -s "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID" ]; then Logger "Error output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" fi return $retval } function _BackupDatabaseRemoteToLocal { local database="${1}" # Database to backup local export_options="${2}" # export options local dry_sql_cmd local sql_cmd local retval CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost local dry_sql_cmd=$SSH_CMD' "mysqldump -u '$SQL_USER' '$export_options' --database '$database' '$COMPRESSION_PROGRAM' '$COMPRESSION_OPTIONS'" > /dev/null 2> "'$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID'"' local sql_cmd=$SSH_CMD' "mysqldump -u '$SQL_USER' '$export_options' --database '$database' '$COMPRESSION_PROGRAM' '$COMPRESSION_OPTIONS'" > "'$SQL_STORAGE/$database.sql$COMPRESSION_EXTENSION'" 2> "'$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID'"' if [ $_DRYRUN -ne 1 ]; then Logger "cmd: $sql_cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$sql_cmd" & else Logger "cmd: $dry_sql_cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$dry_sql_cmd" & fi WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK ${FUNCNAME[0]} retval=$? if [ -s "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID" ]; then Logger "Error output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.error.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" fi return $retval } function BackupDatabase { local database="${1}" local mysql_options # Hack to prevent warning on table mysql.events, some mysql versions don't support --skip-events, prefer using --ignore-table if [ "$database" == "mysql" ]; then mysql_options='--skip-lock-tables --single-transaction --ignore-table=mysql.event' else mysql_options='--skip-lock-tables --single-transaction' fi if [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "local" ]; then _BackupDatabaseLocalToLocal "$database" "$mysql_options" elif [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "pull" ]; then _BackupDatabaseRemoteToLocal "$database" "$mysql_options" elif [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "push" ]; then _BackupDatabaseLocalToRemote "$database" "$mysql_options" fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Backup failed." "ERROR" else Logger "Backup succeeded." "NOTICE" fi } function BackupDatabases { local database OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS=$' \t\n' for database in $SQL_BACKUP_TASKS do Logger "Backing up database [$database]." "NOTICE" BackupDatabase $database & WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK ${FUNCNAME[0]} CheckTotalExecutionTime done IFS=$OLD_IFS } function Rsync { local backup_directory="${1}" # Which directory to backup local is_recursive="${2}" # Backup only files at toplevel of directory local file_storage_path local rsync_cmd if [ "$KEEP_ABSOLUTE_PATHS" == "yes" ]; then file_storage_path="$(dirname $FILE_STORAGE/${backup_directory#/})" else file_storage_path="$FILE_STORAGE" fi ## Manage to backup recursive directories lists files only (not recursing into subdirectories) if [ "$is_recursive" == "no-recurse" ]; then # Fixes symlinks to directories in target cannot be deleted when backing up root directory without recursion, and excludes subdirectories RSYNC_NO_RECURSE_ARGS=" -k --exclude=*/*/" else RSYNC_NO_RECURSE_ARGS="" fi # Creating subdirectories because rsync cannot handle multiple subdirectory creation if [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "local" ]; then _CreateDirectoryLocal "$file_storage_path" rsync_cmd="$(type -p $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE) $RSYNC_ARGS $RSYNC_DRY_ARG $RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS $RSYNC_TYPE_ARGS $RSYNC_NO_RECURSE_ARGS --stats $RSYNC_DELETE $RSYNC_PATTERNS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC_PATH\" \"$backup_directory\" \"$file_storage_path\" > $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID 2>&1" elif [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "pull" ]; then _CreateDirectoryLocal "$file_storage_path" CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost rsync_cmd="$(type -p $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE) $RSYNC_ARGS $RSYNC_DRY_ARG $RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS $RSYNC_TYPE_ARGS $RSYNC_NO_RECURSE_ARGS --stats $RSYNC_DELETE $RSYNC_PATTERNS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC_PATH\" -e \"$RSYNC_SSH_CMD\" \"$REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST:$backup_directory\" \"$file_storage_path\" > $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID 2>&1" elif [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "push" ]; then CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost _CreateDirectoryRemote "$file_storage_path" rsync_cmd="$(type -p $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE) $RSYNC_ARGS $RSYNC_DRY_ARG $RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS $RSYNC_TYPE_ARGS $RSYNC_NO_RECURSE_ARGS --stats $RSYNC_DELETE $RSYNC_PATTERNS $RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE --rsync-path=\"$RSYNC_PATH\" -e \"$RSYNC_SSH_CMD\" \"$backup_directory\" \"$REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST:$file_storage_path\" > $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID 2>&1" fi Logger "cmd: $rsync_cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$rsync_cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_FILE_TASK $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_FILE_TASK ${FUNCNAME[0]} if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Failed to backup [$backup_directory] to [$file_storage_path]." "ERROR" Logger "Command output:\n $(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" else Logger "File backup succeed." "NOTICE" fi } function Duplicity { local backup_directory="${1}" # Which directory to backup local is_recursive="${2}" # Backup only files at toplevel of directory local file_storage_path local duplicity_cmd Logger "Encrpytion not supported yet ! No backup done." "CRITICAL" return 1 if [ "$KEEP_ABSOLUTE_PATHS" == "yes" ]; then file_storage_path="$(dirname $FILE_STORAGE$backup_directory)" else file_storage_path="$FILE_STORAGE" fi if [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "local" ]; then duplicity_cmd="" elif [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "pull" ]; then CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost duplicity_cmd="" elif [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "push" ]; then CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost duplicity_cmd="" fi Logger "cmd: $duplicity_cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$duplicity_cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_FILE_TASK $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_FILE_TASK ${FUNCNAME[0]} if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Failed to backup [$backup_directory] to [$file_storage_path]." "ERROR" Logger "Command output:\n $(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" else Logger "File backup succeed." "NOTICE" fi } function FilesBackup { OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR # Backup non recursive directories for BACKUP_TASK in $FILE_BACKUP_TASKS do Logger "Beginning file backup of [$BACKUP_TASK]." "NOTICE" if [ "$ENCRYPTION" == "yes" ]; then Duplicity "$BACKUP_TASK" "recurse" else Rsync "$BACKUP_TASK" "recurse" fi CheckTotalExecutionTime done ## Backup files at root of DIRECTORIES_RECURSE_LIST directories for BACKUP_TASK in $RECURSIVE_DIRECTORY_LIST do Logger "Beginning non recursive file backup of [$BACKUP_TASK]." "NOTICE" if [ "$ENCRYPTION" == "yes" ]; then Duplicity "$BACKUP_TASK" "no-recurse" else Rsync "$BACKUP_TASK" "no-recurse" fi CheckTotalExecutionTime done # Backup sub directories of recursive directories for BACKUP_TASK in $FILE_RECURSIVE_BACKUP_TASKS do Logger "Beginning recursive file backup of [$BACKUP_TASK]." "NOTICE" if [ "$ENCRYPTION" == "yes" ]; then Duplicity "$BACKUP_TASK" "recurse" else Rsync "$BACKUP_TASK" "recurse" fi CheckTotalExecutionTime done IFS=$OLD_IFS } function CheckTotalExecutionTime { #### Check if max execution time of whole script as been reached if [ $SECONDS -gt $SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_TOTAL ]; then Logger "Max soft execution time of the whole backup exceeded while backing up [$BACKUP_TASK]." "ERROR" WARN_ALERT=1 SendAlert if [ $SECONDS -gt $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_TOTAL ] && [ $HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_TOTAL -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Max hard execution time of the whole backup exceeded while backing up [$BACKUP_TASK], stopping backup process." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi fi } function _RotateBackupsLocal { local backup_path="${1}" local rotate_copies="${2}" local backup local copy local cmd local path OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS=$'\t\n' for backup in $(ls -I "*.$PROGRAM.*" "$backup_path") do copy=$rotate_copies while [ $copy -gt 1 ] do if [ $copy -eq $rotate_copies ]; then cmd="rm -rf \"$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.$copy\"" Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 3600 0 ${FUNCNAME[0]} if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot delete oldest copy [$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.$copy]." "ERROR" fi fi path="$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.$(($copy-1))" if [[ -f $path || -d $path ]]; then cmd="mv \"$path\" \"$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.$copy\"" Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 3600 0 ${FUNCNAME[0]} if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot move [$path] to [$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.$copy]." "ERROR" fi fi copy=$(($copy-1)) done # Latest file backup will not be moved if script configured for remote backup so next rsync execution will only do delta copy instead of full one if [[ $backup == *.sql.* ]]; then cmd="mv \"$backup_path/$backup\" \"$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.1\"" Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 3600 0 ${FUNCNAME[0]} if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot move [$backup_path/$backup] to [$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.1]." "ERROR" fi elif [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" == "yes" ]; then cmd="cp -R \"$backup_path/$backup\" \"$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.1\"" Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 3600 0 ${FUNCNAME[0]} if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot copy [$backup_path/$backup] to [$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.1]." "ERROR" fi else cmd="mv \"$backup_path/$backup\" \"$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.1\"" Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 3600 0 ${FUNCNAME[0]} if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot move [$backup_path/$backup] to [$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.1]." "ERROR" fi fi done IFS=$OLD_IFS } function _RotateBackupsRemote { local backup_path="${1}" local rotate_copies="${2}" $SSH_CMD PROGRAM=$PROGRAM REMOTE_OPERATION=$REMOTE_OPERATION _DEBUG=$_DEBUG COMMAND_SUDO=$COMMAND_SUDO rotate_copies=$rotate_copies backup_path="$backup_path" 'bash -s' << 'ENDSSH' > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID" 2>&1 & function _RemoteLogger { local value="${1}" # What to log echo -e "$value" } function RemoteLogger { local value="${1}" # Sentence to log (in double quotes) local level="${2}" # Log level: PARANOIA_DEBUG, DEBUG, NOTICE, WARN, ERROR, CRITIAL prefix="REMOTE TIME: $SECONDS - " if [ "$level" == "CRITICAL" ]; then _RemoteLogger "$prefix\e[41m$value\e[0m" return elif [ "$level" == "ERROR" ]; then _RemoteLogger "$prefix\e[91m$value\e[0m" return elif [ "$level" == "WARN" ]; then _RemoteLogger "$prefix\e[93m$value\e[0m" return elif [ "$level" == "NOTICE" ]; then _RemoteLogger "$prefix$value" return elif [ "$level" == "DEBUG" ]; then if [ "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then _RemoteLogger "$prefix$value" return fi else _RemoteLogger "\e[41mLogger function called without proper loglevel.\e[0m" _RemoteLogger "$prefix$value" fi } function _RotateBackupsRemoteSSH { OLD_IFS=$IFS IFS=$'\t\n' for backup in $(ls -I "*.$PROGRAM.*" "$backup_path") do copy=$rotate_copies while [ $copy -gt 1 ] do if [ $copy -eq $rotate_copies ]; then cmd="$COMMAND_SUDO rm -rf \"$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.$copy\"" RemoteLogger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" if [ $? != 0 ]; then RemoteLogger "Cannot delete oldest copy [$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.$copy]." "ERROR" fi fi path="$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.$(($copy-1))" if [[ -f $path || -d $path ]]; then cmd="$COMMAND_SUDO mv \"$path\" \"$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.$copy\"" RemoteLogger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" if [ $? != 0 ]; then RemoteLogger "Cannot move [$path] to [$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.$copy]." "ERROR" fi fi copy=$(($copy-1)) done # Latest file backup will not be moved if script configured for remote backup so next rsync execution will only do delta copy instead of full one if [[ $backup == *.sql.* ]]; then cmd="$COMMAND_SUDO mv \"$backup_path/$backup\" \"$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.1\"" RemoteLogger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" if [ $? != 0 ]; then RemoteLogger "Cannot move [$backup_path/$backup] to [$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.1]." "ERROR" fi elif [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" == "yes" ]; then cmd="$COMMAND_SUDO cp -R \"$backup_path/$backup\" \"$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.1\"" RemoteLogger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" if [ $? != 0 ]; then RemoteLogger "Cannot copy [$backup_path/$backup] to [$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.1]." "ERROR" fi else cmd="$COMMAND_SUDO mv \"$backup_path/$backup\" \"$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.1\"" RemoteLogger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" if [ $? != 0 ]; then RemoteLogger "Cannot move [$backup_path/$backup] to [$backup_path/$backup.$PROGRAM.1]." "ERROR" fi fi done IFS=$OLD_IFS } _RotateBackupsRemoteSSH ENDSSH WaitForTaskCompletion $! 1800 0 ${FUNCNAME[0]} if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Could not rotate backups in [$backup_path]." "ERROR" Logger "Command output:\n $(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "ERROR" else Logger "Remote rotation succeed." "NOTICE" fi ## Need to add a trivial sleep time to give ssh time to log to local file #sleep 5 } function RotateBackups { local backup_path="${1}" local rotate_copies="${2}" Logger "Rotating backups." "NOTICE" if [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "local" ] || [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "pull" ]; then _RotateBackupsLocal "$backup_path" "$rotate_copies" elif [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" == "push" ]; then _RotateBackupsRemote "$backup_path" "$rotate_copies" fi } function Init { local uri local hosturiandpath local hosturi trap TrapStop SIGINT SIGQUIT SIGTERM SIGHUP trap TrapQuit EXIT ## Test if target dir is a ssh uri, and if yes, break it down it its values if [ "${REMOTE_SYSTEM_URI:0:6}" == "ssh://" ] && [ "$BACKUP_TYPE" != "local" ]; then REMOTE_OPERATION="yes" # remove leadng 'ssh://' uri=${REMOTE_SYSTEM_URI#ssh://*} if [[ "$uri" == *"@"* ]]; then # remove everything after '@' REMOTE_USER=${uri%@*} else REMOTE_USER=$LOCAL_USER fi if [ "$SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY" == "" ]; then SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY=~/.ssh/id_rsa fi # remove everything before '@' hosturiandpath=${uri#*@} # remove everything after first '/' hosturi=${hosturiandpath%%/*} if [[ "$hosturi" == *":"* ]]; then REMOTE_PORT=${hosturi##*:} else REMOTE_PORT=22 fi REMOTE_HOST=${hosturi%%:*} fi ## Add update to default RSYNC_ARGS RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" -u" if [ $_VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" -i" fi if [ "$DELETE_VANISHED_FILES" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" --delete" fi if [ $stats -eq 1 ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" --stats" fi ## Fix for symlink to directories on target cannot get updated RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" --force" } function Main { if [ "$SQL_BACKUP" != "no" ] && [ $CAN_BACKUP_SQL -eq 1 ]; then ListDatabases fi if [ "$FILE_BACKUP" != "no" ] && [ $CAN_BACKUP_FILES -eq 1 ]; then ListRecursiveBackupDirectories if [ "$GET_BACKUP_SIZE" != "no" ]; then GetDirectoriesSize else TOTAL_FILES_SIZE=0 fi fi if [ "$CREATE_DIRS" != "no" ]; then CreateStorageDirectories fi CheckDiskSpace # Actual backup process if [ "$SQL_BACKUP" != "no" ] && [ $CAN_BACKUP_SQL -eq 1 ]; then if [ $_DRYRUN -ne 1 ] && [ "$ROTATE_SQL_BACKUPS" == "yes" ]; then RotateBackups "$SQL_STORAGE" "$ROTATE_SQL_COPIES" fi BackupDatabases fi if [ "$FILE_BACKUP" != "no" ] && [ $CAN_BACKUP_FILES -eq 1 ]; then if [ $_DRYRUN -ne 1 ] && [ "$ROTATE_FILE_BACKUPS" == "yes" ]; then RotateBackups "$FILE_STORAGE" "$ROTATE_FILE_COPIES" fi ## Add Rsync include / exclude patterns RsyncPatterns FilesBackup fi } function Usage { if [ "$IS_STABLE" != "yes" ]; then echo -e "\e[93mThis is an unstable dev build. Please use with caution.\e[0m" fi echo "$PROGRAM $PROGRAM_VERSION $PROGRAM_BUILD" echo "$AUTHOR" echo "$CONTACT" echo "" echo "usage: obackup.sh /path/to/backup.conf [OPTIONS]" echo "" echo "OPTIONS:" echo "--dry will run obackup without actually doing anything, just testing" echo "--silent will run obackup without any output to stdout, usefull for cron backups" echo "--verbose adds command outputs" echo "--stats Adds rsync transfer statistics to verbose output" echo "--partial Allows rsync to keep partial downloads that can be resumed later (experimental)" echo "--no-maxtime disables any soft and hard execution time checks" echo "--delete Deletes files on destination that vanished on source" echo "--dontgetsize Does not try to evaluate backup size" exit 128 } # Command line argument flags _DRYRUN=0 _SILENT=0 no_maxtime=0 stats=0 PARTIAL=0 function GetCommandlineArguments { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then Usage fi for i in "$@" do case $i in --dry) _DRYRUN=1 ;; --silent) _SILENT=1 ;; --verbose) _VERBOSE=1 ;; --stats) stats=1 ;; --partial) PARTIAL="yes" ;; --no-maxtime) no_maxtime=1 ;; --delete) DELETE_VANISHED_FILES="yes" ;; --dontgetsize) GET_BACKUP_SIZE="no" ;; --help|-h|--version|-v) Usage ;; esac done } GetCommandlineArguments "$@" LoadConfigFile "$1" if [ "$LOGFILE" == "" ]; then if [ -w /var/log ]; then LOG_FILE=/var/log/$PROGRAM.$INSTANCE_ID.log else LOG_FILE=./$PROGRAM.$INSTANCE_ID.log fi else LOG_FILE="$LOGFILE" fi if [ "$IS_STABLE" != "yes" ]; then Logger "This is an unstable dev build. Please use with caution." "WARN" fi GetLocalOS InitLocalOSSettings CheckEnvironment CheckRunningInstances PreInit Init PostInit CheckCurrentConfig if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" == "yes" ]; then GetRemoteOS InitRemoteOSSettings fi DATE=$(date) Logger "--------------------------------------------------------------------" "NOTICE" Logger "$DRY_WARNING $DATE - $PROGRAM v$PROGRAM_VERSION $BACKUP_TYPE script begin." "NOTICE" Logger "--------------------------------------------------------------------" "NOTICE" Logger "Backup instance [$INSTANCE_ID] launched as $LOCAL_USER@$LOCAL_HOST (PID $SCRIPT_PID)" "NOTICE" if [ $no_maxtime -eq 1 ]; then SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK=0 SOFT_MAX_EXEC_TIME_FILE_TASK=0 HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_DB_TASK=0 HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_FILE_TASK=0 HARD_MAX_EXEC_TIME_TOTAL=0 fi RunBeforeHook Main RunAfterHook