#### MINIMAL-FUNCTION-SET BEGIN #### ## FUNC_BUILD=2016082204 ## BEGIN Generic functions for osync & obackup written in 2013-2016 by Orsiris de Jong - http://www.netpower.fr - ozy@netpower.fr ## type -p does not work on platforms other than linux (bash). If if does not work, always assume output is not a zero exitcode if ! type "$BASH" > /dev/null; then echo "Please run this script only with bash shell. Tested on bash >= 3.2" exit 127 fi ## Correct output of sort command (language agnostic sorting) export LC_ALL=C # Standard alert mail body MAIL_ALERT_MSG="Execution of $PROGRAM instance $INSTANCE_ID on $(date) has warnings/errors." # Environment variables that can be overriden by programs _DRYRUN=0 _SILENT=0 _LOGGER_PREFIX="date" _LOGGER_STDERR=0 if [ "$KEEP_LOGGING" == "" ]; then KEEP_LOGGING=1801 fi # Initial error status, logging 'WARN', 'ERROR' or 'CRITICAL' will enable alerts flags ERROR_ALERT=0 WARN_ALERT=0 ## allow function call checks #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG if [ "$_PARANOIA_DEBUG" == "yes" ];then #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG _DEBUG=yes #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG fi #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG ## allow debugging from command line with _DEBUG=yes if [ ! "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then _DEBUG=no SLEEP_TIME=.05 # Tested under linux and FreeBSD bash, #TODO tests on cygwin / msys _VERBOSE=0 else SLEEP_TIME=1 trap 'TrapError ${LINENO} $?' ERR _VERBOSE=1 fi SCRIPT_PID=$$ LOCAL_USER=$(whoami) LOCAL_HOST=$(hostname) ## Default log file until config file is loaded if [ -w /var/log ]; then LOG_FILE="/var/log/$PROGRAM.log" elif ([ "$HOME" != "" ] && [ -w "$HOME" ]); then LOG_FILE="$HOME/$PROGRAM.log" else LOG_FILE="./$PROGRAM.log" fi ## Default directory where to store temporary run files if [ -w /tmp ]; then RUN_DIR=/tmp elif [ -w /var/tmp ]; then RUN_DIR=/var/tmp else RUN_DIR=. fi # Default alert attachment filename ALERT_LOG_FILE="$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.last.log" # Set error exit code if a piped command fails set -o pipefail set -o errtrace function Dummy { __CheckArguments 0 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG sleep $SLEEP_TIME } # Sub function of Logger function _Logger { local svalue="${1}" # What to log to stdout local lvalue="${2:-$svalue}" # What to log to logfile, defaults to screen value local evalue="${3}" # What to log to stderr echo -e "$lvalue" >> "$LOG_FILE" if [ "$_LOGGER_STDERR" -eq 1 ]; then cat <<< "$evalue" 1>&2 elif [ "$_SILENT" -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "$svalue" fi } # General log function with log levels function Logger { local value="${1}" # Sentence to log (in double quotes) local level="${2}" # Log level: PARANOIA_DEBUG, DEBUG, NOTICE, WARN, ERROR, CRITIAL if [ "$_LOGGER_PREFIX" == "time" ]; then prefix="TIME: $SECONDS - " elif [ "$_LOGGER_PREFIX" == "date" ]; then prefix="$(date) - " else prefix="" fi if [ "$level" == "CRITICAL" ]; then _Logger "$prefix\e[41m$value\e[0m" "$prefix$level:$value" "$level:$value" ERROR_ALERT=1 return elif [ "$level" == "ERROR" ]; then _Logger "$prefix\e[91m$value\e[0m" "$prefix$level:$value" "$level:$value" ERROR_ALERT=1 return elif [ "$level" == "WARN" ]; then _Logger "$prefix\e[93m$value\e[0m" "$prefix$level:$value" "$level:$value" WARN_ALERT=1 return elif [ "$level" == "NOTICE" ]; then _Logger "$prefix$value" return elif [ "$level" == "DEBUG" ]; then if [ "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then _Logger "$prefix$value" return fi elif [ "$level" == "PARANOIA_DEBUG" ]; then #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG if [ "$_PARANOIA_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG _Logger "$prefix$value" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG return #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG fi #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG else _Logger "\e[41mLogger function called without proper loglevel.\e[0m" _Logger "$prefix$value" fi } # QuickLogger subfunction, can be called directly function _QuickLogger { local value="${1}" local destination="${2}" # Destination: stdout, log, both __CheckArguments 2 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG if ([ "$destination" == "log" ] || [ "$destination" == "both" ]); then echo -e "$(date) - $value" >> "$LOG_FILE" elif ([ "$destination" == "stdout" ] || [ "$destination" == "both" ]); then echo -e "$value" fi } # Generic quick logging function function QuickLogger { local value="${1}" __CheckArguments 1 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG if [ "$_SILENT" -eq 1 ]; then _QuickLogger "$value" "log" else _QuickLogger "$value" "stdout" fi } # Portable child (and grandchild) kill function tester under Linux, BSD and MacOS X function KillChilds { local pid="${1}" # Parent pid to kill childs local self="${2:-false}" # Should parent be killed too ? if children="$(pgrep -P "$pid")"; then for child in $children; do Logger "Launching KillChilds \"$child\" true" "DEBUG" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG KillChilds "$child" true done fi # Try to kill nicely, if not, wait 15 seconds to let Trap actions happen before killing if ( [ "$self" == true ] && kill -0 $pid > /dev/null 2>&1); then Logger "Sending SIGTERM to process [$pid]." "DEBUG" kill -s TERM "$pid" if [ $? != 0 ]; then sleep 15 Logger "Sending SIGTERM to process [$pid] failed." "DEBUG" kill -9 "$pid" if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Sending SIGKILL to process [$pid] failed." "DEBUG" return 1 fi else return 0 fi else return 0 fi } function KillAllChilds { local pids="${1}" # List of parent pids to kill separated by semi-colon local self="${2:-false}" # Should parent be killed too ? __CheckArguments 1 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG local errorcount=0 IFS=';' read -a pidsArray <<< "$pids" for pid in "${pidsArray[@]}"; do KillChilds $pid $self if [ $? != 0 ]; then errorcount=$((errorcount+1)) fi done return $errorcount } # osync/obackup/pmocr script specific mail alert function, use SendEmail function for generic mail sending function SendAlert { __CheckArguments 0 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG local mail_no_attachment= local attachment_command= local subject= # Windows specific settings local encryption_string= local auth_string= if [ "$DESTINATION_MAILS" == "" ]; then return 0 fi if [ "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then Logger "Debug mode, no warning mail will be sent." "NOTICE" return 0 fi # if [ "$_QUICK_SYNC" == "2" ]; then Logger "Current task is a quicksync task. Will not send any alert." "NOTICE" return 0 fi # eval "cat \"$LOG_FILE\" $COMPRESSION_PROGRAM > $ALERT_LOG_FILE" if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot create [$ALERT_LOG_FILE]" "WARN" mail_no_attachment=1 else mail_no_attachment=0 fi MAIL_ALERT_MSG="$MAIL_ALERT_MSG"$'\n\n'$(tail -n 50 "$LOG_FILE") if [ $ERROR_ALERT -eq 1 ]; then subject="Error alert for $INSTANCE_ID" elif [ $WARN_ALERT -eq 1 ]; then subject="Warning alert for $INSTANCE_ID" else subject="Alert for $INSTANCE_ID" fi if [ "$mail_no_attachment" -eq 0 ]; then attachment_command="-a $ALERT_LOG_FILE" fi if type mutt > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "$MAIL_ALERT_MSG" | $(type -p mutt) -x -s "$subject" $DESTINATION_MAILS $attachment_command if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send alert mail via $(type -p mutt) !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent alert mail using mutt." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi if type mail > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then if [ "$mail_no_attachment" -eq 0 ] && $(type -p mail) -V | grep "GNU" > /dev/null; then attachment_command="-A $ALERT_LOG_FILE" elif [ "$mail_no_attachment" -eq 0 ] && $(type -p mail) -V > /dev/null; then attachment_command="-a$ALERT_LOG_FILE" else attachment_command="" fi echo "$MAIL_ALERT_MSG" | $(type -p mail) $attachment_command -s "$subject" $DESTINATION_MAILS if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send alert mail via $(type -p mail) with attachments !!!" "WARN" echo "$MAIL_ALERT_MSG" | $(type -p mail) -s "$subject" $DESTINATION_MAILS if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send alert mail via $(type -p mail) without attachments !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent alert mail using mail command without attachment." "NOTICE" return 0 fi else Logger "Sent alert mail using mail command." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi if type sendmail > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo -e "Subject:$subject\r\n$MAIL_ALERT_MSG" | $(type -p sendmail) $DESTINATION_MAILS if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send alert mail via $(type -p sendmail) !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent alert mail using sendmail command without attachment." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi # Windows specific if type "mailsend.exe" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then if [ "$SMTP_ENCRYPTION" != "tls" ] && [ "$SMTP_ENCRYPTION" != "ssl" ] && [ "$SMTP_ENCRYPTION" != "none" ]; then Logger "Bogus smtp encryption, assuming none." "WARN" encryption_string= elif [ "$SMTP_ENCRYPTION" == "tls" ]; then encryption_string=-starttls elif [ "$SMTP_ENCRYPTION" == "ssl" ]:; then encryption_string=-ssl fi if [ "$SMTP_USER" != "" ] && [ "$SMTP_USER" != "" ]; then auth_string="-auth -user \"$SMTP_USER\" -pass \"$SMTP_PASSWORD\"" fi $(type mailsend.exe) -f $SENDER_MAIL -t "$DESTINATION_MAILS" -sub "$subject" -M "$MAIL_ALERT_MSG" -attach "$attachment" -smtp "$SMTP_SERVER" -port "$SMTP_PORT" $encryption_string $auth_string if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send mail via $(type mailsend.exe) !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent mail using mailsend.exe command with attachment." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi # Windows specific, kept for compatibility (sendemail from http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail/) if type sendemail > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then if [ "$SMTP_USER" != "" ] && [ "$SMTP_PASSWORD" != "" ]; then SMTP_OPTIONS="-xu $SMTP_USER -xp $SMTP_PASSWORD" else SMTP_OPTIONS="" fi $(type -p sendemail) -f $SENDER_MAIL -t "$DESTINATION_MAILS" -u "$subject" -m "$MAIL_ALERT_MSG" -s $SMTP_SERVER $SMTP_OPTIONS > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send alert mail via $(type -p sendemail) !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent alert mail using sendemail command without attachment." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi # pfSense specific if [ -f /usr/local/bin/mail.php ]; then echo "$MAIL_ALERT_MSG" | /usr/local/bin/mail.php -s="$subject" if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send alert mail via /usr/local/bin/mail.php (pfsense) !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent alert mail using pfSense mail.php." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi # If function has not returned 0 yet, assume it is critical that no alert can be sent Logger "Cannot send alert (neither mutt, mail, sendmail, mailsend, sendemail or pfSense mail.php could be used)." "ERROR" # Is not marked critical because execution must continue # Delete tmp log file if [ -f "$ALERT_LOG_FILE" ]; then rm "$ALERT_LOG_FILE" fi } # Generic email sending function. # Usage (linux / BSD), attachment is optional, can be "/path/to/my.file" or "" # SendEmail "subject" "Body text" "receiver@example.com receiver2@otherdomain.com" "/path/to/attachment.file" # Usage (Windows, make sure you have mailsend.exe in executable path, see http://github.com/muquit/mailsend) # attachment is optional but must be in windows format like "c:\\some\path\\my.file", or "" # smtp_server.domain.tld is mandatory, as is smtp_port (should be 25, 465 or 587) # encryption can be set to tls, ssl or none # smtp_user and smtp_password are optional # SendEmail "subject" "Body text" "receiver@example.com receiver2@otherdomain.com" "/path/to/attachment.file" "sender_email@example.com" "smtp_server.domain.tld" "smtp_port" "encryption" "smtp_user" "smtp_password" function SendEmail { local subject="${1}" local message="${2}" local destination_mails="${3}" local attachment="${4}" local sender_email="${5}" local smtp_server="${6}" local smtp_port="${7}" local encryption="${8}" local smtp_user="${9}" local smtp_password="${10}" # CheckArguments will report a warning that can be ignored if used in Windows with paranoia debug enabled __CheckArguments 4 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG local mail_no_attachment= local attachment_command= local encryption_string= local auth_string= if [ ! -f "$attachment" ]; then attachment_command="-a $ALERT_LOG_FILE" mail_no_attachment=1 else mail_no_attachment=0 fi if type mutt > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "$message" | $(type -p mutt) -x -s "$subject" "$destination_mails" $attachment_command if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send mail via $(type -p mutt) !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent mail using mutt." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi if type mail > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then if [ "$mail_no_attachment" -eq 0 ] && $(type -p mail) -V | grep "GNU" > /dev/null; then attachment_command="-A $attachment" elif [ "$mail_no_attachment" -eq 0 ] && $(type -p mail) -V > /dev/null; then attachment_command="-a$attachment" else attachment_command="" fi echo "$message" | $(type -p mail) $attachment_command -s "$subject" "$destination_mails" if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send mail via $(type -p mail) with attachments !!!" "WARN" echo "$message" | $(type -p mail) -s "$subject" "$destination_mails" if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send mail via $(type -p mail) without attachments !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent mail using mail command without attachment." "NOTICE" return 0 fi else Logger "Sent mail using mail command." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi if type sendmail > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo -e "Subject:$subject\r\n$message" | $(type -p sendmail) "$destination_mails" if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send mail via $(type -p sendmail) !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent mail using sendmail command without attachment." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi # Windows specific if type "mailsend.exe" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then if [ "$sender_email" == "" ]; then Logger "Missing sender email." "ERROR" return 1 fi if [ "$smtp_server" == "" ]; then Logger "Missing smtp port." "ERROR" return 1 fi if [ "$smtp_port" == "" ]; then Logger "Missing smtp port, assuming 25." "WARN" smtp_port=25 fi if [ "$encryption" != "tls" ] && [ "$encryption" != "ssl" ] && [ "$encryption" != "none" ]; then Logger "Bogus smtp encryption, assuming none." "WARN" encryption_string= elif [ "$encryption" == "tls" ]; then encryption_string=-starttls elif [ "$encryption" == "ssl" ]:; then encryption_string=-ssl fi if [ "$smtp_user" != "" ] && [ "$smtp_password" != "" ]; then auth_string="-auth -user \"$smtp_user\" -pass \"$smtp_password\"" fi $(type mailsend.exe) -f "$sender_email" -t "$destination_mails" -sub "$subject" -M "$message" -attach "$attachment" -smtp "$smtp_server" -port "$smtp_port" $encryption_string $auth_string if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send mail via $(type mailsend.exe) !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent mail using mailsend.exe command with attachment." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi # pfSense specific if [ -f /usr/local/bin/mail.php ]; then echo "$message" | /usr/local/bin/mail.php -s="$subject" if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot send mail via /usr/local/bin/mail.php (pfsense) !!!" "WARN" else Logger "Sent mail using pfSense mail.php." "NOTICE" return 0 fi fi # If function has not returned 0 yet, assume it is critical that no alert can be sent Logger "Cannot send mail (neither mutt, mail, sendmail, sendemail, mailsend (windows) or pfSense mail.php could be used)." "ERROR" # Is not marked critical because execution must continue } function TrapError { local job="$0" local line="$1" local code="${2:-1}" if [ $_SILENT -eq 0 ]; then echo -e " /!\ ERROR in ${job}: Near line ${line}, exit code ${code}" fi } function LoadConfigFile { local config_file="${1}" __CheckArguments 1 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG if [ ! -f "$config_file" ]; then Logger "Cannot load configuration file [$config_file]. Cannot start." "CRITICAL" exit 1 elif [[ "$1" != *".conf" ]]; then Logger "Wrong configuration file supplied [$config_file]. Cannot start." "CRITICAL" exit 1 else grep '^[^ ]*=[^;&]*' "$config_file" > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID" # WITHOUT COMMENTS # Shellcheck source=./sync.conf source "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID" fi CONFIG_FILE="$config_file" } function Spinner { if [ $_SILENT -eq 1 ]; then return 0 fi case $toggle in 1) echo -n " \ " echo -ne "\r" toggle="2" ;; 2) echo -n " | " echo -ne "\r" toggle="3" ;; 3) echo -n " / " echo -ne "\r" toggle="4" ;; *) echo -n " - " echo -ne "\r" toggle="1" ;; esac } # Array to string converter, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1527049/bash-join-elements-of-an-array # usage: joinString separaratorChar Array function joinString { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; } # Time control function for background processes, suitable for multiple synchronous processes # Fills a global variable called WAIT_FOR_TASK_COMPLETION that contains list of failed pids in format pid1:result1;pid2:result2 # Warning: Don't imbricate this function into another run if you plan to use the global variable output function WaitForTaskCompletion { local pids="${1}" # pids to wait for, separated by semi-colon local soft_max_time="${2}" # If program with pid $pid takes longer than $soft_max_time seconds, will log a warning, unless $soft_max_time equals 0. local hard_max_time="${3}" # If program with pid $pid takes longer than $hard_max_time seconds, will stop execution, unless $hard_max_time equals 0. local caller_name="${4}" # Who called this function local counting="${5:-true}" # Count time since function has been launched if true, since script has been launched if false local keep_logging="${6:-0}" # Log a standby message every X seconds. Set to zero to disable logging Logger "${FUNCNAME[0]} called by [$caller_name]." "PARANOIA_DEBUG" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG __CheckArguments 6 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG local soft_alert=0 # Does a soft alert need to be triggered, if yes, send an alert once local log_ttime=0 # local time instance for comparaison local seconds_begin=$SECONDS # Seconds since the beginning of the script local exec_time=0 # Seconds since the beginning of this function local retval=0 # return value of monitored pid process local errorcount=0 # Number of pids that finished with errors local pidCount # number of given pids local pidState # State of the process IFS=';' read -a pidsArray <<< "$pids" pidCount=${#pidsArray[@]} WAIT_FOR_TASK_COMPLETION="" while [ ${#pidsArray[@]} -gt 0 ]; do newPidsArray=() Spinner if [ $counting == true ]; then exec_time=$(($SECONDS - $seconds_begin)) else exec_time=$SECONDS fi if [ $keep_logging -ne 0 ]; then if [ $((($exec_time + 1) % $keep_logging)) -eq 0 ]; then if [ $log_ttime -ne $exec_time ]; then # Fix when sleep time lower than 1s log_ttime=$exec_time Logger "Current tasks still running with pids [$(joinString , ${pidsArray[@]})]." "NOTICE" fi fi fi if [ $exec_time -gt $soft_max_time ]; then if [ $soft_alert -eq 0 ] && [ $soft_max_time -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Max soft execution time exceeded for task [$caller_name] with pids [$(joinString , ${pidsArray[@]})]." "WARN" soft_alert=1 SendAlert fi if [ $exec_time -gt $hard_max_time ] && [ $hard_max_time -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Max hard execution time exceeded for task [$caller_name] with pids [$(joinString , ${pidsArray[@]})]. Stopping task execution." "ERROR" for pid in "${pidsArray[@]}"; do KillChilds $pid true if [ $? == 0 ]; then Logger "Task with pid [$pid] stopped successfully." "NOTICE" else Logger "Could not stop task with pid [$pid]." "ERROR" fi done SendAlert errrorcount=$((errorcount+1)) fi fi for pid in "${pidsArray[@]}"; do if kill -0 $pid > /dev/null 2>&1; then # Handle uninterruptible sleep state or zombies by ommiting them from running process array (How to kill that is already dead ? :) #TODO(high): have this tested on *BSD, Mac & Win pidState=$(ps -p$pid -o state= 2 > /dev/null) if [ "$pidState" != "D" ] && [ "$pidState" != "Z" ]; then newPidsArray+=($pid) fi else # pid is dead, get it's exit code from wait command wait $pid retval=$? if [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then errorcount=$((errorcount+1)) Logger "${FUNCNAME[0]} called by [$caller_name] finished monitoring [$pid] with exitcode [$result]." "DEBUG" if [ "$WAIT_FOR_TASK_COMPLETION" == "" ]; then WAIT_FOR_TASK_COMPLETION="$pid:$result" else WAIT_FOR_TASK_COMPLETION=";$pid:$result" fi fi fi done pidsArray=("${newPidsArray[@]}") sleep $SLEEP_TIME done Logger "${FUNCNAME[0]} ended for [$caller_name] using [$pidCount] subprocesses with [$errorcount] errors." "PARANOIA_DEBUG" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG # Return exit code if only one process was monitored, else return number of errors if [ $pidCount -eq 1 ] && [ $errorcount -eq 0 ]; then return $errorcount else return $errorcount fi } function CleanUp { __CheckArguments 0 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG if [ "$_DEBUG" != "yes" ]; then rm -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM."*".$SCRIPT_PID" # Fix for sed -i requiring backup extension for BSD & Mac (see all sed -i statements) rm -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM."*".$SCRIPT_PID.tmp" fi } #### MINIMAL-FUNCTION-SET END #### # obsolete, use StripQuotes function SedStripQuotes { echo $(echo $1 | sed "s/^\([\"']\)\(.*\)\1\$/\2/g") } # Usage: var=$(StripSingleQuotes "$var") function StripSingleQuotes { local string="${1}" string="${string/#\'/}" # Remove singlequote if it begins string string="${string/%\'/}" # Remove singlequote if it ends string echo "$string" } # Usage: var=$(StripDoubleQuotes "$var") function StripDoubleQuotes { local string="${1}" string="${string/#\"/}" string="${string/%\"/}" echo "$string" } function StripQuotes { local string="${1}" echo "$(StripSingleQuotes $(StripDoubleQuotes $string))" } function EscapeSpaces { local string="${1}" # String on which spaces will be escaped echo "${string// /\ }" } function IsNumeric { eval "local value=\"${1}\"" # Needed eval so variable variables can be processed local re="^-?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?$" if [[ $value =~ $re ]]; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi } ## from https://gist.github.com/cdown/1163649 function urlEncode { local length="${#1}" local LANG=C for (( i = 0; i < length; i++ )); do local c="${1:i:1}" case $c in [a-zA-Z0-9.~_-]) printf "$c" ;; *) printf '%%%02X' "'$c" ;; esac done } function urlDecode { local url_encoded="${1//+/ }" printf '%b' "${url_encoded//%/\\x}" } function GetLocalOS { __CheckArguments 0 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG local local_os_var= local_os_var="$(uname -spio 2>&1)" if [ $? != 0 ]; then local_os_var="$(uname -v 2>&1)" if [ $? != 0 ]; then local_os_var="$(uname)" fi fi case $local_os_var in *"Linux"*) LOCAL_OS="Linux" ;; *"BSD"*) LOCAL_OS="BSD" ;; *"MINGW32"*|*"CYGWIN"*) LOCAL_OS="msys" ;; *"Darwin"*) LOCAL_OS="MacOSX" ;; *) if [ "$IGNORE_OS_TYPE" == "yes" ]; then #DOC: Undocumented option Logger "Running on unknown local OS [$local_os_var]." "WARN" return fi Logger "Running on >> $local_os_var << not supported. Please report to the author." "ERROR" exit 1 ;; esac Logger "Local OS: [$local_os_var]." "DEBUG" } function GetRemoteOS { __CheckArguments 0 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG local cmd= local remote_os_var= if [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" == "yes" ]; then CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost cmd=$SSH_CMD' "uname -spio" > "'$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID'" 2>&1' Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 120 240 ${FUNCNAME[0]}"-1" true $KEEP_LOGGING retval=$? if [ $retval != 0 ]; then cmd=$SSH_CMD' "uname -v" > "'$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID'" 2>&1' Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 120 240 ${FUNCNAME[0]}"-2" true $KEEP_LOGGING retval=$? if [ $retval != 0 ]; then cmd=$SSH_CMD' "uname" > "'$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID'" 2>&1' Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 120 240 ${FUNCNAME[0]}"-3" true $KEEP_LOGGING retval=$? if [ $retval != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot Get remote OS type." "ERROR" fi fi fi remote_os_var=$(cat "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID") case $remote_os_var in *"Linux"*) REMOTE_OS="Linux" ;; *"BSD"*) REMOTE_OS="BSD" ;; *"MINGW32"*|*"CYGWIN"*) REMOTE_OS="msys" ;; *"Darwin"*) REMOTE_OS="MacOSX" ;; *"ssh"*|*"SSH"*) Logger "Cannot connect to remote system." "CRITICAL" exit 1 ;; *) if [ "$IGNORE_OS_TYPE" == "yes" ]; then #DOC: Undocumented option Logger "Running on unknown remote OS [$remote_os_var]." "WARN" return fi Logger "Running on remote OS failed. Please report to the author if the OS is not supported." "CRITICAL" Logger "Remote OS said:\n$remote_os_var" "CRITICAL" exit 1 esac Logger "Remote OS: [$remote_os_var]." "DEBUG" fi } function RunLocalCommand { local command="${1}" # Command to run local hard_max_time="${2}" # Max time to wait for command to compleet __CheckArguments 2 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG if [ $_DRYRUN -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Dryrun: Local command [$command] not run." "NOTICE" return 0 fi Logger "Running command [$command] on local host." "NOTICE" eval "$command" > "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID" 2>&1 & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 0 $hard_max_time ${FUNCNAME[0]} true $KEEP_LOGGING retval=$? if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; then Logger "Command succeded." "NOTICE" else Logger "Command failed." "ERROR" fi if [ $_VERBOSE -eq 1 ] || [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "NOTICE" fi if [ "$STOP_ON_CMD_ERROR" == "yes" ] && [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Stopping on command execution error." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi } ## Runs remote command $1 and waits for completition in $2 seconds function RunRemoteCommand { local command="${1}" # Command to run local hard_max_time="${2}" # Max time to wait for command to compleet __CheckArguments 2 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts CheckConnectivityRemoteHost if [ $_DRYRUN -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Dryrun: Local command [$command] not run." "NOTICE" return 0 fi Logger "Running command [$command] on remote host." "NOTICE" cmd=$SSH_CMD' "$command" > "'$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID'" 2>&1' Logger "cmd: $cmd" "DEBUG" eval "$cmd" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 0 $hard_max_time ${FUNCNAME[0]} true $KEEP_LOGGING retval=$? if [ $retval -eq 0 ]; then Logger "Command succeded." "NOTICE" else Logger "Command failed." "ERROR" fi if [ -f "$RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID" ] && ([ $_VERBOSE -eq 1 ] || [ $retval -ne 0 ]) then Logger "Command output:\n$(cat $RUN_DIR/$PROGRAM.${FUNCNAME[0]}.$SCRIPT_PID)" "NOTICE" fi if [ "$STOP_ON_CMD_ERROR" == "yes" ] && [ $retval -ne 0 ]; then Logger "Stopping on command execution error." "CRITICAL" exit 1 fi } function RunBeforeHook { __CheckArguments 0 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG local pids= if [ "$LOCAL_RUN_BEFORE_CMD" != "" ]; then RunLocalCommand "$LOCAL_RUN_BEFORE_CMD" $MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_BEFORE & pids="$!" fi if [ "$REMOTE_RUN_BEFORE_CMD" != "" ]; then RunRemoteCommand "$REMOTE_RUN_BEFORE_CMD" $MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_BEFORE & pids="$pids;$!" fi if [ "$pids" != "" ]; then WaitForTaskCompletion $pids 0 0 ${FUNCNAME[0]} true $KEEP_LOGGING fi } function RunAfterHook { __CheckArguments 0 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG local pids if [ "$LOCAL_RUN_AFTER_CMD" != "" ]; then RunLocalCommand "$LOCAL_RUN_AFTER_CMD" $MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_AFTER & pids="$!" fi if [ "$REMOTE_RUN_AFTER_CMD" != "" ]; then RunRemoteCommand "$REMOTE_RUN_AFTER_CMD" $MAX_EXEC_TIME_PER_CMD_AFTER & pids="$pids;$!" fi if [ "$pids" != "" ]; then WaitForTaskCompletion $pids 0 0 ${FUNCNAME[0]} true $KEEP_LOGGING fi } function CheckConnectivityRemoteHost { __CheckArguments 0 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG if [ "$_PARANOIA_DEBUG" != "yes" ]; then # Do not loose time in paranoia debug if [ "$REMOTE_HOST_PING" != "no" ] && [ "$REMOTE_OPERATION" != "no" ]; then eval "$PING_CMD $REMOTE_HOST > /dev/null 2>&1" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 10 180 ${FUNCNAME[0]} true $KEEP_LOGGING if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot ping $REMOTE_HOST" "ERROR" return 1 fi fi fi } function CheckConnectivity3rdPartyHosts { __CheckArguments 0 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG local remote_3rd_party_success local pids if [ "$_PARANOIA_DEBUG" != "yes" ]; then # Do not loose time in paranoia debug if [ "$REMOTE_3RD_PARTY_HOSTS" != "" ]; then remote_3rd_party_success=0 for i in $REMOTE_3RD_PARTY_HOSTS do eval "$PING_CMD $i > /dev/null 2>&1" & WaitForTaskCompletion $! 180 360 ${FUNCNAME[0]} true $KEEP_LOGGING if [ $? != 0 ]; then Logger "Cannot ping 3rd party host $i" "NOTICE" else remote_3rd_party_success=1 fi done if [ $remote_3rd_party_success -ne 1 ]; then Logger "No remote 3rd party host responded to ping. No internet ?" "ERROR" return 1 else return 0 fi fi fi } #__BEGIN_WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG function __CheckArguments { # Checks the number of arguments of a function and raises an error if some are missing if [ "$_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then local number_of_arguments="${1}" # Number of arguments the tested function should have local number_of_given_arguments="${2}" # Number of arguments that have been passed local function_name="${3}" # Function name that called __CheckArguments if [ "$_PARANOIA_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then Logger "Entering function [$function_name]." "DEBUG" fi # All arguments of the function to check are passed as array in ${4} (the function call waits for $@) # If any of the arguments contains spaces, bash things there are two aguments # In order to avoid this, we need to iterate over ${4} and count local iterate=4 local fetch_arguments=1 local arg_list="" while [ $fetch_arguments -eq 1 ]; do cmd='argument=${'$iterate'}' eval $cmd if [ "$argument" = "" ]; then fetch_arguments=0 else arg_list="$arg_list [Argument $(($iterate-3)): $argument]" iterate=$(($iterate+1)) fi done local counted_arguments=$((iterate-4)) if [ $counted_arguments -ne $number_of_arguments ]; then Logger "Function $function_name may have inconsistent number of arguments. Expected: $number_of_arguments, count: $counted_arguments, bash seen: $number_of_given_arguments. see log file." "ERROR" Logger "Arguments passed: $arg_list" "ERROR" fi fi } #__END_WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG function RsyncPatternsAdd { local pattern_type="${1}" # exclude or include local pattern="${2}" __CheckArguments 2 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG local rest # Disable globbing so wildcards from exclusions do not get expanded set -f rest="$pattern" while [ -n "$rest" ] do # Take the string until first occurence until $PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR str=${rest%%;*} # Handle the last case if [ "$rest" = "${rest/$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR/}" ]; then rest= else # Cut everything before the first occurence of $PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR rest=${rest#*$PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR} fi if [ "$RSYNC_PATTERNS" == "" ]; then RSYNC_PATTERNS="--"$pattern_type"=\"$str\"" else RSYNC_PATTERNS="$RSYNC_PATTERNS --"$pattern_type"=\"$str\"" fi done set +f } function RsyncPatternsFromAdd { local pattern_type="${1}" local pattern_from="${2}" __CheckArguments 2 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG ## Check if the exclude list has a full path, and if not, add the config file path if there is one if [ "$(basename $pattern_from)" == "$pattern_from" ]; then pattern_from="$(dirname $CONFIG_FILE)/$pattern_from" fi if [ -e "$pattern_from" ]; then RSYNC_PATTERNS="$RSYNC_PATTERNS --"$pattern_type"-from=\"$pattern_from\"" fi } function RsyncPatterns { __CheckArguments 0 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG if [ "$RSYNC_PATTERN_FIRST" == "exclude" ]; then if [ "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_PATTERN" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsAdd "exclude" "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_PATTERN" fi if [ "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_FROM" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsFromAdd "exclude" "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_FROM" fi if [ "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_PATTERN" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsAdd "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_PATTERN" "include" fi if [ "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_FROM" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsFromAdd "include" "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_FROM" fi elif [ "$RSYNC_PATTERN_FIRST" == "include" ]; then if [ "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_PATTERN" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsAdd "include" "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_PATTERN" fi if [ "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_FROM" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsFromAdd "include" "$RSYNC_INCLUDE_FROM" fi if [ "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_PATTERN" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsAdd "exclude" "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_PATTERN" fi if [ "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_FROM" != "" ]; then RsyncPatternsFromAdd "exclude" "$RSYNC_EXCLUDE_FROM" fi else Logger "Bogus RSYNC_PATTERN_FIRST value in config file. Will not use rsync patterns." "WARN" fi } function PreInit { __CheckArguments 0 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG ## SSH compression if [ "$SSH_COMPRESSION" != "no" ]; then SSH_COMP=-C else SSH_COMP= fi ## Ignore SSH known host verification if [ "$SSH_IGNORE_KNOWN_HOSTS" == "yes" ]; then SSH_OPTS="-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" fi ## Support for older config files without RSYNC_EXECUTABLE option if [ "$RSYNC_EXECUTABLE" == "" ]; then RSYNC_EXECUTABLE=rsync fi ## Sudo execution option if [ "$SUDO_EXEC" == "yes" ]; then if [ "$RSYNC_REMOTE_PATH" != "" ]; then RSYNC_PATH="sudo $RSYNC_REMOTE_PATH/$RSYNC_EXECUTABLE" else RSYNC_PATH="sudo $RSYNC_EXECUTABLE" fi COMMAND_SUDO="sudo" else if [ "$RSYNC_REMOTE_PATH" != "" ]; then RSYNC_PATH="$RSYNC_REMOTE_PATH/$RSYNC_EXECUTABLE" else RSYNC_PATH="$RSYNC_EXECUTABLE" fi COMMAND_SUDO="" fi ## Set rsync default arguments RSYNC_ARGS="-rltD" if [ "$_DRYRUN" -eq 1 ]; then RSYNC_DRY_ARG="-n" DRY_WARNING="/!\ DRY RUN" else RSYNC_DRY_ARG="" fi RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS="" if [ "$PRESERVE_PERMISSIONS" != "no" ]; then RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS=$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" -p" fi if [ "$PRESERVE_OWNER" != "no" ]; then RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS=$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" -o" fi if [ "$PRESERVE_GROUP" != "no" ]; then RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS=$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" -g" fi if [ "$PRESERVE_ACL" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS=$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" -A" fi if [ "$PRESERVE_XATTR" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS=$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" -X" fi if [ "$RSYNC_COMPRESS" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" -z" fi if [ "$COPY_SYMLINKS" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" -L" fi if [ "$KEEP_DIRLINKS" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" -K" fi if [ "$PRESERVE_HARDLINKS" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" -H" fi if [ "$CHECKSUM" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_TYPE_ARGS=$RSYNC_TYPE_ARGS" --checksum" fi if [ "$BANDWIDTH" != "" ] && [ "$BANDWIDTH" != "0" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" --bwlimit=$BANDWIDTH" fi if [ "$PARTIAL" == "yes" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" --partial --partial-dir=\"$PARTIAL_DIR\"" RSYNC_PARTIAL_EXCLUDE="--exclude=\"$PARTIAL_DIR\"" fi if [ "$DELTA_COPIES" != "no" ]; then RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" --no-whole-file" else RSYNC_ARGS=$RSYNC_ARGS" --whole-file" fi ## Set compression executable and extension COMPRESSION_LEVEL=3 if type xz > /dev/null 2>&1 then COMPRESSION_PROGRAM="| xz -$COMPRESSION_LEVEL" COMPRESSION_EXTENSION=.xz elif type lzma > /dev/null 2>&1 then COMPRESSION_PROGRAM="| lzma -$COMPRESSION_LEVEL" COMPRESSION_EXTENSION=.lzma elif type pigz > /dev/null 2>&1 then COMPRESSION_PROGRAM="| pigz -$COMPRESSION_LEVEL" COMPRESSION_EXTENSION=.gz # obackup specific COMPRESSION_OPTIONS=--rsyncable elif type gzip > /dev/null 2>&1 then COMPRESSION_PROGRAM="| gzip -$COMPRESSION_LEVEL" COMPRESSION_EXTENSION=.gz # obackup specific COMPRESSION_OPTIONS=--rsyncable else COMPRESSION_PROGRAM= COMPRESSION_EXTENSION= fi ALERT_LOG_FILE="$ALERT_LOG_FILE$COMPRESSION_EXTENSION" } function PostInit { __CheckArguments 0 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG # Define remote commands SSH_CMD="$(type -p ssh) $SSH_COMP -i $SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY $SSH_OPTS $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_HOST -p $REMOTE_PORT" SCP_CMD="$(type -p scp) $SSH_COMP -i $SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY -P $REMOTE_PORT" RSYNC_SSH_CMD="$(type -p ssh) $SSH_COMP -i $SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY $SSH_OPTS -p $REMOTE_PORT" } function InitLocalOSSettings { __CheckArguments 0 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG ## If running under Msys, some commands do not run the same way ## Using mingw version of find instead of windows one ## Getting running processes is quite different ## Ping command is not the same if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "msys" ]; then FIND_CMD=$(dirname $BASH)/find PING_CMD='$SYSTEMROOT\system32\ping -n 2' else FIND_CMD=find PING_CMD="ping -c 2 -i .2" fi ## Stat command has different syntax on Linux and FreeBSD/MacOSX if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "MacOSX" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "BSD" ]; then STAT_CMD="stat -f \"%Sm\"" STAT_CTIME_MTIME_CMD="stat -f %N;%c;%m" else STAT_CMD="stat --format %y" STAT_CTIME_MTIME_CMD="stat -c %n;%Z;%Y" fi } function InitRemoteOSSettings { __CheckArguments 0 $# ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$@" #__WITH_PARANOIA_DEBUG #TODO: fix add -E when both initiator and targets don't run MacOSX and PRESERVE_EXECUTABILITY=yes ## MacOSX does not use the -E parameter like Linux or BSD does (-E is mapped to extended attrs instead of preserve executability) if [ "$PRESERVE_EXECUTABILITY" != "no" ];then if [ "$LOCAL_OS" != "MacOSX" ] && [ "$REMOTE_OS" != "MacOSX" ]; then RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS=$RSYNC_ATTR_ARGS" -E" fi fi if [ "$REMOTE_OS" == "msys" ]; then REMOTE_FIND_CMD=$(dirname $BASH)/find else REMOTE_FIND_CMD=find fi ## Stat command has different syntax on Linux and FreeBSD/MacOSX if [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "MacOSX" ] || [ "$LOCAL_OS" == "BSD" ]; then REMOTE_STAT_CMD="stat -f \"%Sm\"" REMOTE_STAT_CTIME_MTIME_CMD="stat -f \\\"%N;%c;%m\\\"" else REMOTE_STAT_CMD="stat --format %y" REMOTE_STAT_CTIME_MTIME_CMD="stat -c \\\"%n;%Z;%Y\\\"" fi } ## IFS debug function function PrintIFS { printf "IFS is: %q" "$IFS" } ## END Generic functions