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Updated shunit2 test framework

This commit is contained in:
deajan 2018-09-30 16:31:34 +02:00
parent 8070640adc
commit 0a17c17c28
17 changed files with 3296 additions and 765 deletions

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# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:
* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Focusing on what is best for the community
* Showing empathy towards other community members
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances
* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
## Our Responsibilities
Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at kate.ward@forestent.com. The project team will review and investigate all complaints, and will respond in a way that it deems appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project's leadership.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, available at [http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4][version]
[homepage]: http://contributor-covenant.org
[version]: http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/

dev/tests/shunit2/LICENSE Normal file
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Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
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APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
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boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "{}"
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comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
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dev/tests/shunit2/README.md Normal file
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# shUnit2
shUnit2 is a [xUnit](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XUnit) unit test framework for Bourne based shell scripts, and it is designed to work in a similar manner to [JUnit](http://www.junit.org), [PyUnit](http://pyunit.sourceforge.net), etc.. If you have ever had the desire to write a unit test for a shell script, shUnit2 can do the job.
[![Travis CI](https://img.shields.io/travis/kward/shunit2.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/kward/shunit2)
## Table of Contents
* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Credits / Contributors](#credits-contributors)
* [Feedback](#feedback)
* [Quickstart](#quickstart)
* [Function Reference](#function-reference)
* [General Info](#general-info)
* [Asserts](#asserts)
* [Failures](#failures)
* [Setup/Teardown](#setup-teardown)
* [Skipping](#skipping)
* [Suites](#suites)
* [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage)
* [Some constants you can use](#some-constants-you-can-use)
* [Error Handling](#error-handling)
* [Including Line Numbers in Asserts (Macros)](#including-line-numbers-in-asserts-macros)
* [Test Skipping](#test-skipping)
* [Appendix](#appendix)
* [Getting help](#getting-help)
* [Zsh](#zsh)
## <a name="introduction"></a> Introduction
shUnit2 was originally developed to provide a consistent testing solution for [log4sh][log4sh], a shell based logging framework similar to [log4j](http://logging.apache.org). During the development of that product, a repeated problem of having things work just fine under one shell (`/bin/bash` on Linux to be specific), and then not working under another shell (`/bin/sh` on Solaris) kept coming up. Although several simple tests were run, they were not adequate and did not catch some corner cases. The decision was finally made to write a proper unit test framework after multiple brown-bag releases were made. _Research was done to look for an existing product that met the testing requirements, but no adequate product was found._
Tested Operating Systems (varies over time)
* Cygwin
* FreeBSD (user supported)
* Linux (Gentoo, Ubuntu)
* Mac OS X
* Solaris 8, 9, 10 (inc. OpenSolaris)
Tested Shells
* Bourne Shell (__sh__)
* BASH - GNU Bourne Again SHell (__bash__)
* DASH (__dash__)
* Korn Shell (__ksh__)
* pdksh - Public Domain Korn Shell (__pdksh__)
* zsh - Zsh (__zsh__) (since 2.1.2) _please see the Zsh shell errata for more information_
See the appropriate Release Notes for this release (`doc/RELEASE_NOTES-X.X.X.txt`) for the list of actual versions tested.
### <a name="credits-contributors"></a> Credits / Contributors
A list of contributors to shUnit2 can be found in `doc/contributors.md`. Many thanks go out to all those who have contributed to make this a better tool.
shUnit2 is the original product of many hours of work by Kate Ward, the primary author of the code. For related software, check out https://github.com/kward.
### <a name="feedback"></a> Feedback
Feedback is most certainly welcome for this document. Send your additions, comments and criticisms to the shunit2-users@google.com mailing list.
## <a name="quickstart"></a> Quickstart
This section will give a very quick start to running unit tests with shUnit2. More information is located in later sections.
Here is a quick sample script to show how easy it is to write a unit test in shell. _Note: the script as it stands expects that you are running it from the "examples" directory._
#! /bin/sh
# file: examples/equality_test.sh
testEquality() {
assertEquals 1 1
# Load shUnit2.
. ./shunit2
Running the unit test should give results similar to the following.
$ cd examples
$ ./equality_test.sh
Ran 1 test.
W00t! You've just run your first successful unit test. So, what just happened? Quite a bit really, and it all happened simply by sourcing the `shunit2` library. The basic functionality for the script above goes like this:
* When shUnit2 is sourced, it will walk through any functions defined whose name starts with the string `test`, and add those to an internal list of tests to execute. Once a list of test functions to be run has been determined, shunit2 will go to work.
* Before any tests are executed, shUnit2 again looks for a function, this time one named `oneTimeSetUp()`. If it exists, it will be run. This function is normally used to setup the environment for all tests to be run. Things like creating directories for output or setting environment variables are good to place here. Just so you know, you can also declare a corresponding function named `oneTimeTearDown()` function that does the same thing, but once all the tests have been completed. It is good for removing temporary directories, etc.
* shUnit2 is now ready to run tests. Before doing so though, it again looks for another function that might be declared, one named `setUp()`. If the function exists, it will be run before each test. It is good for resetting the environment so that each test starts with a clean slate. **At this stage, the first test is finally run.** The success of the test is recorded for a report that will be generated later. After the test is run, shUnit2 looks for a final function that might be declared, one named `tearDown()`. If it exists, it will be run after each test. It is a good place for cleaning up after each test, maybe doing things like removing files that were created, or removing directories. This set of steps, `setUp() > test() > tearDown()`, is repeated for all of the available tests.
* Once all the work is done, shUnit2 will generate the nice report you saw above. A summary of all the successes and failures will be given so that you know how well your code is doing.
We should now try adding a test that fails. Change your unit test to look like this.
#! /bin/sh
# file: examples/party_test.sh
testEquality() {
assertEquals 1 1
testPartyLikeItIs1999() {
year=`date '+%Y'`
assertEquals "It's not 1999 :-(" '1999' "${year}"
# Load shUnit2.
. ./shunit2
So, what did you get? I guess it told you that this isn't 1999. Bummer, eh? Hopefully, you noticed a couple of things that were different about the second test. First, we added an optional message that the user will see if the assert fails. Second, we did comparisons of strings instead of integers as in the first test. It doesn't matter whether you are testing for equality of strings or integers. Both work equally well with shUnit2.
Hopefully, this is enough to get you started with unit testing. If you want a ton more examples, take a look at the tests provided with [log4sh][log4sh] or [shFlags][shflags]. Both provide excellent examples of more advanced usage. shUnit2 was after all written to meet the unit testing need that [log4sh][log4sh] had.
## <a name="function-reference"></a> Function Reference
### <a name="general-info"></a> General Info
Any string values passed should be properly quoted -- they should must be surrounded by single-quote (`'`) or double-quote (`"`) characters -- so that the shell will properly parse them.
### <a name="asserts"></a> Asserts
`assertEquals [message] expected actual`
Asserts that _expected_ and _actual_ are equal to one another. The _expected_ and _actual_ values can be either strings or integer values as both will be treated as strings. The _message_ is optional, and must be quoted.
`assertNotEquals [message] unexpected actual`
Asserts that _unexpected_ and _actual_ are not equal to one another. The _unexpected_ and _actual_ values can be either strings or integer values as both will be treaded as strings. The _message_ is optional, and must be quoted.
`assertSame [message] expected actual`
This function is functionally equivalent to `assertEquals`.
`assertNotSame [message] unexpected actual`
This function is functionally equivalent to `assertNotEquals`.
`assertNull [message] value`
Asserts that _value_ is _null_, or in shell terms, a zero-length string. The _value_ must be a string as an integer value does not translate into a zero-length string. The _message_ is optional, and must be quoted.
`assertNotNull [message] value`
Asserts that _value_ is _not null_, or in shell terms, a non-empty string. The _value_ may be a string or an integer as the later will be parsed as a non-empty string value. The _message_ is optional, and must be quoted.
`assertTrue [message] condition`
Asserts that a given shell test _condition_ is _true_. The condition can be as simple as a shell _true_ value (the value `0` -- equivalent to `${SHUNIT_TRUE}`), or a more sophisticated shell conditional expression. The _message_ is optional, and must be quoted.
A sophisticated shell conditional expression is equivalent to what the __if__ or __while__ shell built-ins would use (more specifically, what the __test__ command would use). Testing for example whether some value is greater than another value can be done this way.
`assertTrue "[ 34 -gt 23 ]"`
Testing for the ability to read a file can also be done. This particular test will fail.
`assertTrue 'test failed' "[ -r /some/non-existant/file' ]"`
As the expressions are standard shell __test__ expressions, it is possible to string multiple expressions together with `-a` and `-o` in the standard fashion. This test will succeed as the entire expression evaluates to _true_.
`assertTrue 'test failed' '[ 1 -eq 1 -a 2 -eq 2 ]'`
_One word of warning: be very careful with your quoting as shell is not the most forgiving of bad quoting, and things will fail in strange ways._
`assertFalse [message] condition`
Asserts that a given shell test _condition_ is _false_. The condition can be as simple as a shell _false_ value (the value `1` -- equivalent to `${SHUNIT_FALSE}`), or a more sophisticated shell conditional expression. The _message_ is optional, and must be quoted.
_For examples of more sophisticated expressions, see `assertTrue`._
### <a name="failures"></a> Failures
Just to clarify, failures __do not__ test the various arguments against one another. Failures simply fail, optionally with a message, and that is all they do. If you need to test arguments against one another, use asserts.
If all failures do is fail, why might one use them? There are times when you may have some very complicated logic that you need to test, and the simple asserts provided are simply not adequate. You can do your own validation of the code, use an `assertTrue ${SHUNIT_TRUE}` if your own tests succeeded, and use a failure to record a failure.
`fail [message]`
Fails the test immediately. The _message_ is optional, and must be quoted.
`failNotEquals [message] unexpected actual`
Fails the test immediately, reporting that the _unexpected_ and _actual_ values are not equal to one another. The _message_ is optional, and must be quoted.
_Note: no actual comparison of unexpected and actual is done._
`failSame [message] expected actual`
Fails the test immediately, reporting that the _expected_ and _actual_ values are the same. The _message_ is optional, and must be quoted.
_Note: no actual comparison of expected and actual is done._
`failNotSame [message] expected actual`
Fails the test immediately, reporting that the _expected_ and _actual_ values are not the same. The _message_ is optional, and must be quoted.
_Note: no actual comparison of expected and actual is done._
### <a name="setup-teardown"></a> Setup/Teardown
This function can be be optionally overridden by the user in their test suite.
If this function exists, it will be called once before any tests are run. It is useful to prepare a common environment for all tests.
This function can be be optionally overridden by the user in their test suite.
If this function exists, it will be called once after all tests are completed. It is useful to clean up the environment after all tests.
This function can be be optionally overridden by the user in their test suite.
If this function exists, it will be called before each test is run. It is useful to reset the environment before each test.
This function can be be optionally overridden by the user in their test suite.
If this function exists, it will be called after each test completes. It is useful to clean up the environment after each test.
### <a name="skipping"></a> Skipping
This function forces the remaining _assert_ and _fail_ functions to be "skipped", i.e. they will have no effect. Each function skipped will be recorded so that the total of asserts and fails will not be altered.
This function returns calls to the _assert_ and _fail_ functions to their default behavior, i.e. they will be called.
This function returns the current state of skipping. It can be compared against `${SHUNIT_TRUE}` or `${SHUNIT_FALSE}` if desired.
### <a name="suites"></a> Suites
The default behavior of shUnit2 is that all tests will be found dynamically. If you have a specific set of tests you want to run, or you don't want to use the standard naming scheme of prefixing your tests with `test`, these functions are for you. Most users will never use them though.
This function can be optionally overridden by the user in their test suite.
If this function exists, it will be called when `shunit2` is sourced. If it does not exist, shUnit2 will search the parent script for all functions beginning with the word `test`, and they will be added dynamically to the test suite.
`suite_addTest name`
This function adds a function named _name_ to the list of tests scheduled for execution as part of this test suite. This function should only be called from within the `suite()` function.
## <a name="advanced-usage"></a> Advanced Usage
### <a name="some-constants-you-can-use"></a> Some constants you can use
There are several constants provided by shUnit2 as variables that might be of use to you.
| Constant | Value |
| --------------- | ----- |
| SHUNIT\_TRUE | Standard shell `true` value (the integer value 0). |
| SHUNIT\_FALSE | Standard shell `false` value (the integer value 1). |
| SHUNIT\_ERROR | The integer value 2. |
| SHUNIT\_TMPDIR | Path to temporary directory that will be automatically cleaned up upon exit of shUnit2. |
| SHUNIT\_VERSION | The version of shUnit2 you are running. |
*User defined*
| Constant | Value |
| ----------------- | ----- |
| SHUNIT\_CMD\_EXPR | Override which `expr` command is used. By default `expr` is used, except on BSD systems where `gexpr` is used. |
| SHUNIT\_COLOR | Enable colorized output. Options are 'auto', 'always', or 'never', with 'auto' being the default. |
| SHUNIT\_PARENT | The filename of the shell script containing the tests. This is needed specifically for Zsh support. |
| SHUNIT\_TEST\_PREFIX | Define this variable to add a prefix in front of each test name that is output in the test report. |
### <a name="error-handling"></a> Error handling
The constants values `SHUNIT_TRUE`, `SHUNIT_FALSE`, and `SHUNIT_ERROR` are returned from nearly every function to indicate the success or failure of the function. Additionally the variable `flags_error` is filled with a detailed error message if any function returns with a `SHUNIT_ERROR` value.
### <a name="including-line-numbers-in-asserts-macros"></a> Including Line Numbers in Asserts (Macros)
If you include lots of assert statements in an individual test function, it can become difficult to determine exactly which assert was thrown unless your messages are unique. To help somewhat, line numbers can be included in the assert messages. To enable this, a special shell "macro" must be used rather than the standard assert calls. _Shell doesn't actually have macros; the name is used here as the operation is similar to a standard macro._
For example, to include line numbers for a `assertEquals()` function call, replace the `assertEquals()` with `${_ASSERT_EQUALS_}`.
_**Example** -- Asserts with and without line numbers_
#! /bin/sh
# file: examples/lineno_test.sh
testLineNo() {
# This assert will have line numbers included (e.g. "ASSERT:[123] ...").
echo "ae: ${_ASSERT_EQUALS_}"
${_ASSERT_EQUALS_} 'not equal' 1 2
# This assert will not have line numbers included (e.g. "ASSERT: ...").
assertEquals 'not equal' 1 2
# Load shUnit2.
. ./shunit2
1. Due to how shell parses command-line arguments, all strings used with macros should be quoted twice. Namely, single-quotes must be converted to single-double-quotes, and vice-versa. If the string being passed is absolutely for sure not empty, the extra quoting is not necessary.<br/><br/>Normal `assertEquals` call.<br/>`assertEquals 'some message' 'x' ''`<br/><br/>Macro `_ASSERT_EQUALS_` call. Note the extra quoting around the _message_ and the _null_ value.<br/>`_ASSERT_EQUALS_ '"some message"' 'x' '""'`
1. Line numbers are not supported in all shells. If a shell does not support them, no errors will be thrown. Supported shells include: __bash__ (>=3.0), __ksh__, __pdksh__, and __zsh__.
### <a name="test-skipping"></a> Test Skipping
There are times where the test code you have written is just not applicable to the system you are running on. This section describes how to skip these tests but maintain the total test count.
Probably the easiest example would be shell code that is meant to run under the __bash__ shell, but the unit test is running under the Bourne shell. There are things that just won't work. The following test code demonstrates two sample functions, one that will be run under any shell, and the another that will run only under the __bash__ shell.
_**Example** -- math include_
# file: examples/math.inc.
add_generic() {
expr $1 + $2
add_bash() {
echo $(($1 + $2))
And here is a corresponding unit test that correctly skips the `add_bash()` function when the unit test is not running under the __bash__ shell.
_**Example** -- math unit test_
#! /bin/sh
# file: examples/math_test.sh
testAdding() {
result=`add_generic 1 2`
assertEquals \
"the result of '${result}' was wrong" \
3 "${result}"
# Disable non-generic tests.
[ -z "${BASH_VERSION:-}" ] && startSkipping
result=`add_bash 1 2`
assertEquals \
"the result of '${result}' was wrong" \
3 "${result}"
oneTimeSetUp() {
# Load include to test.
. ./math.inc
# Load and run shUnit2.
. ./shunit2
Running the above test under the __bash__ shell will result in the following output.
$ /bin/bash math_test.sh
Ran 1 test.
But, running the test under any other Unix shell will result in the following output.
$ /bin/ksh math_test.sh
Ran 1 test.
OK (skipped=1)
As you can see, the total number of tests has not changed, but the report indicates that some tests were skipped.
Skipping can be controlled with the following functions: `startSkipping()`, `endSkipping()`, and `isSkipping()`. Once skipping is enabled, it will remain enabled until the end of the current test function call, after which skipping is disabled.
## <a name="appendix"></a> Appendix
### <a name="getting-help"></a> Getting Help
For help, please send requests to either the shunit2-users@googlegroups.com mailing list (archives available on the web at http://groups.google.com/group/shunit2-users) or directly to Kate Ward <kate dot ward at forestent dot com>.
### <a name="zsh"></a> Zsh
For compatibility with Zsh, there is one requirement that must be met -- the `shwordsplit` option must be set. There are three ways to accomplish this.
1. In the unit-test script, add the following shell code snippet before sourcing the `shunit2` library.
setopt shwordsplit
1. When invoking __zsh__ from either the command-line or as a script with `#!`, add the `-y` parameter.
#! /bin/zsh -y
1. When invoking __zsh__ from the command-line, add `-o shwordsplit --` as parameters before the script name.
$ zsh -o shwordsplit -- some_script
[log4sh]: https://github.com/kward/log4sh
[shflags]: https://github.com/kward/shflags

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#! /bin/sh
# vim:et:ft=sh:sts=2:sw=2
# This script runs the provided unit tests and sends the output to the
# appropriate file.
# Copyright 2008-2017 Kate Ward. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the Apache 2.0 license.
# Author: kate.ward@forestent.com (Kate Ward)
# https://github.com/kward/shunit2
# Source following.
# shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC1091
# FLAGS variables are dynamically created.
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
# Disagree with [ p ] && [ q ] vs [ p -a -q ] recommendation.
# shellcheck disable=SC2166
# Treat unset variables as an error.
set -u
die() {
[ $# -gt 0 ] && echo "error: $*" >&2
exit 1
BASE_DIR=$(dirname "$0")
### Load libraries.
. "${LIB_DIR}/shflags" || die 'unable to load shflags library'
. "${LIB_DIR}/shlib" || die 'unable to load shlib library'
. "${LIB_DIR}/versions" || die 'unable to load versions library'
# Redefining BASE_DIR now that we have the shlib functions. We need BASE_DIR so
# that we can properly load things, even in the event that this script is called
# from a different directory.
BASE_DIR=$(shlib_relToAbsPath "${BASE_DIR}")
# Define flags.
os_name=$(versions_osName |sed 's/ /_/g')
DEFINE_boolean force false 'force overwrite' f
DEFINE_string output_dir "${TMPDIR}" 'output dir' d
DEFINE_string output_file "${os_name}-${os_version}.txt" 'output file' o
DEFINE_string runner 'test_runner' 'unit test runner' r
DEFINE_boolean dry_run false "suppress logging to a file" n
main() {
# Determine output filename.
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
output=$(shlib_relToAbsPath "${output}")
# Checks.
if [ "${FLAGS_dry_run}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" -a -f "${output}" ]; then
if [ "${FLAGS_force}" -eq "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]; then
rm -f "${output}"
echo "not overwriting '${output}'" >&2
exit "${FLAGS_ERROR}"
if [ "${FLAGS_dry_run}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]; then
touch "${output}" 2>/dev/null || die "unable to write to '${output}'"
# Run tests.
if [ "${FLAGS_dry_run}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]; then
"./${FLAGS_runner}" |tee "${output}"
if [ "${FLAGS_dry_run}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ]; then
echo >&2
echo "Output written to '${output}'." >&2
FLAGS "$@" || exit $?
[ "${FLAGS_help}" -eq "${FLAGS_FALSE}" ] || exit
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
main "${@:-}"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# vim:et:ft=sh:sts=2:sw=2
# Copyright 2008 Kate Ward. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License).
# Author: kate.ward@forestent.com (Kate Ward)
# Library of shell functions.
# Convert a relative path into it's absolute equivalent.
# This function will automatically prepend the current working directory if the
# path is not already absolute. It then removes all parent references (../) to
# reconstruct the proper absolute path.
# Args:
# shlib_path_: string: relative path
# Outputs:
# string: absolute path
# prepend current directory to relative paths
echo "${shlib_path_}" |grep '^/' >/dev/null 2>&1 \
|| shlib_path_="${PWD}/${shlib_path_}"
# clean up the path. if all seds supported true regular expressions, then
# this is what it would be:
while true; do
shlib_new_=`echo "${shlib_old_}" |sed 's/[^/]*\/\.\.\/*//;s/\/\.\//\//'`
[ "${shlib_old_}" = "${shlib_new_}" ] && break
echo "${shlib_new_}"
unset shlib_path_ shlib_old_ shlib_new_

dev/tests/shunit2/lib/versions Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
#! /bin/sh
# vim:et:ft=sh:sts=2:sw=2
# Versions determines the versions of all installed shells.
# Copyright 2008-2018 Kate Ward. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the Apache 2.0 License.
# Author: kate.ward@forestent.com (Kate Ward)
# https://github.com/kward/shlib
# This library provides reusable functions that determine actual names and
# versions of installed shells and the OS. The library can also be run as a
# script if set executable.
# Disable checks that aren't fully portable (POSIX != portable).
# shellcheck disable=SC2006
ARGV0=`basename "$0"`
VERSIONS_SHELLS='ash /bin/bash /bin/dash /bin/ksh /bin/pdksh /bin/zsh /bin/sh /usr/xpg4/bin/sh /sbin/sh'
true; TRUE=$?
false; FALSE=$?
UNAME_R=`uname -r`
UNAME_S=`uname -s`
versions_osName() {
case ${os_system_} in
CYGWIN_NT-*) os_name_='Cygwin' ;;
os_name_=`/usr/bin/sw_vers -productName`
case ${os_version_} in
10.4|10.4.[0-9]*) os_name_='Mac OS X Tiger' ;;
10.5|10.5.[0-9]*) os_name_='Mac OS X Leopard' ;;
10.6|10.6.[0-9]*) os_name_='Mac OS X Snow Leopard' ;;
10.7|10.7.[0-9]*) os_name_='Mac OS X Lion' ;;
10.8|10.8.[0-9]*) os_name_='Mac OS X Mountain Lion' ;;
10.9|10.9.[0-9]*) os_name_='Mac OS X Mavericks' ;;
10.10|10.10.[0-9]*) os_name_='Mac OS X Yosemite' ;;
10.11|10.11.[0-9]*) os_name_='Mac OS X El Capitan' ;;
10.12|10.12.[0-9]*) os_name_='macOS Sierra' ;;
10.13|10.13.[0-9]*) os_name_='macOS High Sierra' ;;
*) os_name_='macOS' ;;
FreeBSD) os_name_='FreeBSD' ;;
Linux) os_name_='Linux' ;;
if [ -r '/etc/release' ]; then
if grep 'OpenSolaris' /etc/release >/dev/null; then
echo ${os_name_}
unset os_name_ os_system_ os_release_ os_version_
versions_osVersion() {
case ${os_system_} in
os_version_=`expr "${os_release_}" : '\([0-9]*\.[0-9]\.[0-9]*\).*'`
os_version_=`/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion`
os_version_=`expr "${os_release_}" : '\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\)-.*'`
if [ -r '/etc/os-release' ]; then
os_version_=`awk -F= '$1~/PRETTY_NAME/{print $2}' /etc/os-release \
|sed 's/"//g'`
elif [ -r '/etc/redhat-release' ]; then
os_version_=`cat /etc/redhat-release`
elif [ -r '/etc/SuSE-release' ]; then
os_version_=`head -n 1 /etc/SuSE-release`
elif [ -r "${LSB_RELEASE}" ]; then
if grep -q 'DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu' "${LSB_RELEASE}"; then
# shellcheck disable=SC2002
os_version_=`cat "${LSB_RELEASE}" \
|awk -F= '$1~/DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION/{print $2}' \
|sed 's/"//g;s/ /-/g'`
if [ -r '/etc/release' ]; then
if grep 'OpenSolaris' /etc/release >/dev/null; then # OpenSolaris
os_version_=`grep 'OpenSolaris' /etc/release |awk '{print $2"("$3")"}'`
else # Solaris
major_=`echo "${os_release_}" |sed 's/[0-9]*\.\([0-9]*\)/\1/'`
minor_=`grep Solaris /etc/release |sed 's/[^u]*\(u[0-9]*\).*/\1/'`
echo "${os_version_}"
unset os_release_ os_system_ os_version_ major_ minor_
versions_shellVersion() {
case "${shell_}" in
ash) [ -x '/bin/busybox' ] && shell_present_=${TRUE} ;;
*) [ -x "${shell_}" ] && shell_present_=${TRUE} ;;
if [ ${shell_present_} -eq ${FALSE} ]; then
echo 'not installed'
return ${FALSE}
case ${shell_} in
/sbin/sh) ;; # SunOS
version_=`versions_shell_xpg4 "${shell_}"`
;; # SunOS
# This could be one of any number of shells. Try until one fits.
[ -z "${version_}" ] && version_=`versions_shell_bash "${shell_}"`
# dash cannot be self determined yet
[ -z "${version_}" ] && version_=`versions_shell_ksh "${shell_}"`
# pdksh is covered in versions_shell_ksh()
[ -z "${version_}" ] && version_=`versions_shell_xpg4 "${shell_}"`
[ -z "${version_}" ] && version_=`versions_shell_zsh "${shell_}"`
ash) version_=`versions_shell_ash "${shell_}"` ;;
*/bash) version_=`versions_shell_bash "${shell_}"` ;;
# Assuming Ubuntu Linux until somebody comes up with a better test. The
# following test will return an empty string if dash is not installed.
*/ksh) version_=`versions_shell_ksh "${shell_}"` ;;
*/pdksh) version_=`versions_shell_pdksh "${shell_}"` ;;
*/zsh) version_=`versions_shell_zsh "${shell_}"` ;;
*) version_='invalid'
echo "${version_:-unknown}"
unset shell_ version_
# The ash shell is included in BusyBox.
versions_shell_ash() {
busybox --help |head -1 |sed 's/BusyBox v\([0-9.]*\) .*/\1/'
versions_shell_bash() {
$1 --version : 2>&1 |grep 'GNU bash' |sed 's/.*version \([^ ]*\).*/\1/'
versions_shell_dash() {
eval dpkg >/dev/null 2>&1
[ $? -eq 127 ] && return # Return if dpkg not found.
dpkg -l |grep ' dash ' |awk '{print $3}'
versions_shell_ksh() {
# Try a few different ways to figure out the version.
versions_version_=`${versions_shell_} --version : 2>&1`
# shellcheck disable=SC2181
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
versions_version_=`echo "${versions_version_}" \
|sed 's/.*\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/'`
if [ -z "${versions_version_}" ]; then
versions_version_=`strings "${versions_shell_}" 2>&1 \
|grep Version \
|sed 's/^.*Version \(.*\)$/\1/;s/ s+ \$$//;s/ /-/g'`
if [ -z "${versions_version_}" ]; then
versions_version_=`versions_shell_pdksh "${versions_shell_}"`
echo "${versions_version_}"
unset versions_shell_ versions_version_
versions_shell_pdksh() {
strings "$1" 2>&1 \
|grep 'PD KSH' \
|sed -e 's/.*PD KSH \(.*\)/\1/;s/ /-/g'
versions_shell_xpg4() {
strings "$1" 2>&1 \
|grep 'Version' \
|sed -e 's/^@(#)Version //'
versions_shell_zsh() {
# Try a few different ways to figure out the version.
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
versions_version_=`echo 'echo ${ZSH_VERSION}' |${versions_shell_}`
if [ -z "${versions_version_}" ]; then
versions_version_=`${versions_shell_} --version : 2>&1`
# shellcheck disable=SC2181
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
versions_version_=`echo "${versions_version_}" |awk '{print $2}'`
echo "${versions_version_}"
unset versions_shell_ versions_version_
# Determine if the 'strings' binary installed.
_versions_have_strings() {
[ ${__versions_haveStrings} -ne ${ERROR} ] && return
if eval strings /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo 'WARN: strings not installed. try installing binutils?' >&2
versions_main() {
# Treat unset variables as an error.
set -u
echo "os: ${os_name} version: ${os_version}"
for shell in ${VERSIONS_SHELLS}; do
shell_version=`versions_shellVersion "${shell}"`
echo "shell: ${shell} version: ${shell_version}"
if [ "${ARGV0}" = 'versions' ]; then
versions_main "$@"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,23 +1,25 @@
#! /bin/sh
# $Id$
# vim:et:ft=sh:sts=2:sw=2
# Copyright 2008 Kate Ward. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
# shunit2 unit test for assert functions.
# Copyright 2008-2017 Kate Ward. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the Apache 2.0 license.
# Author: kate.ward@forestent.com (Kate Ward)
# https://github.com/kward/shunit2
# shUnit2 unit test for assert functions
# Disable source following.
# shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC1091
# load test helpers
# These variables will be overridden by the test helpers.
# Load test helpers.
. ./shunit2_test_helpers
# suite tests
commonEqualsSame() {
( ${fn} 'x' 'x' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
@ -42,8 +44,7 @@ commonEqualsSame()
th_assertFalseWithError 'too many arguments' $? "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
commonNotEqualsSame() {
( ${fn} 'x' 'y' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
@ -65,28 +66,23 @@ commonNotEqualsSame()
th_assertFalseWithError 'too many arguments' $? "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
testAssertEquals() {
commonEqualsSame 'assertEquals'
testAssertNotEquals() {
commonNotEqualsSame 'assertNotEquals'
testAssertSame() {
commonEqualsSame 'assertSame'
testAssertNotSame() {
commonNotEqualsSame 'assertNotSame'
testAssertNull() {
( assertNull '' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
th_assertTrueWithNoOutput 'null' $? "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
@ -119,6 +115,7 @@ testAssertNotNull()
th_assertTrueWithNoOutput 'not null, with single-quote' $? \
"${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
( assertNotNull 'x$b' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
th_assertTrueWithNoOutput 'not null, with dollar' $? \
"${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
@ -130,14 +127,13 @@ testAssertNotNull()
( assertNotNull '' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
th_assertFalseWithOutput 'null' $? "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
# there is no test for too few arguments as $1 might actually be null
# There is no test for too few arguments as $1 might actually be null.
( assertNotNull arg1 arg2 arg3 >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
th_assertFalseWithError 'too many arguments' $? "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
testAssertTrue() {
( assertTrue 0 >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
th_assertTrueWithNoOutput 'true' $? "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
@ -163,8 +159,7 @@ testAssertTrue()
th_assertFalseWithError 'too many arguments' $? "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
testAssertFalse() {
( assertFalse 1 >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
th_assertTrueWithNoOutput 'false' $? "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
@ -190,17 +185,13 @@ testAssertFalse()
th_assertFalseWithError 'too many arguments' $? "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
# suite functions
oneTimeSetUp() {
MSG='This is a test message'
# load and run shUnit2
# Load and run shunit2.
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
[ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ] && SHUNIT_PARENT=$0
. "${TH_SHUNIT}"

View File

@ -1,23 +1,25 @@
#! /bin/sh
# $Id$
# vim:et:ft=sh:sts=2:sw=2
# Copyright 2008 Kate Ward. All Rights Reserved.
# shUnit2 unit test for failure functions
# Copyright 2008-2017 Kate Ward. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
# Author: kate.ward@forestent.com (Kate Ward)
# https://github.com/kward/shunit2
# shUnit2 unit test for failure functions
# Disable source following.
# shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC1091
# load common unit-test functions
# These variables will be overridden by the test helpers.
# Load test helpers.
. ./shunit2_test_helpers
# suite tests
testFail() {
( fail >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
th_assertFalseWithOutput 'fail' $? "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
@ -28,8 +30,7 @@ testFail()
th_assertFalseWithOutput 'too many arguments' $? "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
testFailNotEquals() {
( failNotEquals 'x' 'x' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
th_assertFalseWithOutput 'same' $? "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
@ -49,8 +50,7 @@ testFailNotEquals()
th_assertFalseWithError 'too many arguments' $? "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
testFailSame() {
( failSame 'x' 'x' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
th_assertFalseWithOutput 'same' $? "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
@ -70,17 +70,13 @@ testFailSame()
th_assertFalseWithError 'too many arguments' $? "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"
# suite functions
oneTimeSetUp() {
MSG='This is a test message'
# load and run shUnit2
# Load and run shUnit2.
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
[ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ] && SHUNIT_PARENT=$0
. "${TH_SHUNIT}"

View File

@ -1,108 +1,110 @@
#! /bin/sh
# $Id$
# vim:et:ft=sh:sts=2:sw=2
# Copyright 2008 Kate Ward. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
# Author: kate.ward@forestent.com (Kate Ward)
# shunit2 unit test for macros.
# shUnit2 unit test for macros.
# Copyright 2008-2017 Kate Ward. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the Apache 2.0 license.
# Author: kate.ward@forestent.com (Kate Ward)
# https://github.com/kward/shunit2
### ShellCheck http://www.shellcheck.net/
# Disable source following.
# shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC1091
# Presence of LINENO variable is checked.
# shellcheck disable=SC2039
# load test helpers
# These variables will be overridden by the test helpers.
# Load test helpers.
. ./shunit2_test_helpers
# suite tests
# start skipping if LINENO not available
testAssertEquals() {
# Start skipping if LINENO not available.
[ -z "${LINENO:-}" ] && startSkipping
( ${_ASSERT_EQUALS_} 'x' 'y' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_ASSERT_EQUALS_ failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
( ${_ASSERT_EQUALS_} '"some msg"' 'x' 'y' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_ASSERT_EQUALS_ w/ msg failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
# start skipping if LINENO not available
testAssertNotEquals() {
# Start skipping if LINENO not available.
[ -z "${LINENO:-}" ] && startSkipping
( ${_ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS_} 'x' 'x' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS_ failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
( ${_ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS_} '"some msg"' 'x' 'x' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS_ w/ msg failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
# start skipping if LINENO not available
testSame() {
# Start skipping if LINENO not available.
[ -z "${LINENO:-}" ] && startSkipping
( ${_ASSERT_SAME_} 'x' 'y' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_ASSERT_SAME_ failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
( ${_ASSERT_SAME_} '"some msg"' 'x' 'y' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_ASSERT_SAME_ w/ msg failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
# start skipping if LINENO not available
testNotSame() {
# Start skipping if LINENO not available.
[ -z "${LINENO:-}" ] && startSkipping
( ${_ASSERT_NOT_SAME_} 'x' 'x' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_ASSERT_NOT_SAME_ failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
( ${_ASSERT_NOT_SAME_} '"some msg"' 'x' 'x' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_ASSERT_NOT_SAME_ w/ msg failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
# start skipping if LINENO not available
testNull() {
# Start skipping if LINENO not available.
[ -z "${LINENO:-}" ] && startSkipping
( ${_ASSERT_NULL_} 'x' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_ASSERT_NULL_ failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
( ${_ASSERT_NULL_} '"some msg"' 'x' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_ASSERT_NULL_ w/ msg failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
@ -114,68 +116,64 @@ testNotNull()
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_ASSERT_NOT_NULL_ failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
( ${_ASSERT_NOT_NULL_} '"some msg"' '""' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_ASSERT_NOT_NULL_ w/ msg failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}" >&2
# start skipping if LINENO not available
testAssertTrue() {
# Start skipping if LINENO not available.
[ -z "${LINENO:-}" ] && startSkipping
( ${_ASSERT_TRUE_} ${SHUNIT_FALSE} >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
( ${_ASSERT_TRUE_} "${SHUNIT_FALSE}" >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_ASSERT_TRUE_ failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
( ${_ASSERT_TRUE_} '"some msg"' ${SHUNIT_FALSE} >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
( ${_ASSERT_TRUE_} '"some msg"' "${SHUNIT_FALSE}" >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_ASSERT_TRUE_ w/ msg failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
# start skipping if LINENO not available
testAssertFalse() {
# Start skipping if LINENO not available.
[ -z "${LINENO:-}" ] && startSkipping
( ${_ASSERT_FALSE_} ${SHUNIT_TRUE} >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
( ${_ASSERT_FALSE_} "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_ASSERT_FALSE_ failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
( ${_ASSERT_FALSE_} '"some msg"' ${SHUNIT_TRUE} >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
( ${_ASSERT_FALSE_} '"some msg"' "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_ASSERT_FALSE_ w/ msg failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
# start skipping if LINENO not available
testFail() {
# Start skipping if LINENO not available.
[ -z "${LINENO:-}" ] && startSkipping
( ${_FAIL_} >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_FAIL_ failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
( ${_FAIL_} '"some msg"' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_FAIL_ w/ msg failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
@ -187,60 +185,57 @@ testFailNotEquals()
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_FAIL_NOT_EQUALS_ failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
( ${_FAIL_NOT_EQUALS_} '"some msg"' 'x' 'y' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_FAIL_NOT_EQUALS_ w/ msg failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
# start skipping if LINENO not available
testFailSame() {
# Start skipping if LINENO not available.
[ -z "${LINENO:-}" ] && startSkipping
( ${_FAIL_SAME_} 'x' 'x' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_FAIL_SAME_ failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
( ${_FAIL_SAME_} '"some msg"' 'x' 'x' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_FAIL_SAME_ w/ msg failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
# start skipping if LINENO not available
testFailNotSame() {
# Start skipping if LINENO not available.
[ -z "${LINENO:-}" ] && startSkipping
( ${_FAIL_NOT_SAME_} 'x' 'y' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_FAIL_NOT_SAME_ failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
( ${_FAIL_NOT_SAME_} '"some msg"' 'x' 'y' >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^ASSERT:\[[0-9]*\] *' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue '_FAIL_NOT_SAME_ w/ msg failure' ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
[ "${rtrn}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
# suite functions
oneTimeSetUp() {
# load and run shUnit2
[ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ] && SHUNIT_PARENT=$0
# Disable output coloring as it breaks the tests.
# Load and run shUnit2.
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
[ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ] && SHUNIT_PARENT="$0"
. "${TH_SHUNIT}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
#! /bin/sh
# vim:et:ft=sh:sts=2:sw=2
# shUnit2 unit tests of miscellaneous things
# Copyright 2008-2018 Kate Ward. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the Apache 2.0 license.
# Author: kate.ward@forestent.com (Kate Ward)
# https://github.com/kward/shunit2
### ShellCheck http://www.shellcheck.net/
# $() are not fully portable (POSIX != portable).
# shellcheck disable=SC2006
# Disable source following.
# shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC1091
# Not wanting to escape single quotes.
# shellcheck disable=SC1003
# These variables will be overridden by the test helpers.
# Load test helpers.
. ./shunit2_test_helpers
# Note: the test script is prefixed with '#' chars so that shUnit2 does not
# incorrectly interpret the embedded functions as real functions.
testUnboundVariable() {
sed 's/^#//' >"${unittestF}" <<EOF
## Treat unset variables as an error when performing parameter expansion.
#set -u
#boom() { x=\$1; } # This function goes boom if no parameters are passed!
#test_boom() {
# assertEquals 1 1
# boom # No parameter given
# assertEquals 0 \$?
( exec "${SHUNIT_SHELL:-sh}" "${unittestF}" >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
assertFalse 'expected a non-zero exit value' $?
grep '^ASSERT:Unknown failure' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue 'assert message was not generated' $?
grep '^Ran [0-9]* test' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue 'test count message was not generated' $?
grep '^FAILED' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue 'failure message was not generated' $?
# assertEquals repeats message argument.
# https://github.com/kward/shunit2/issues/7
testIssue7() {
# Disable coloring so 'ASSERT:' lines can be matched correctly.
_shunit_configureColor 'none'
( assertEquals 'Some message.' 1 2 >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
diff "${stdoutF}" - >/dev/null <<EOF
ASSERT:Some message. expected:<1> but was:<2>
assertEquals "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" "${rtrn}"
[ "${rtrn}" -eq "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] || cat "${stderrF}" >&2
# Support prefixes on test output.
# https://github.com/kward/shunit2/issues/29
testIssue29() {
sed 's/^#//' >"${unittestF}" <<EOF
## Support test prefixes.
#test_assert() { assertTrue ${SHUNIT_TRUE}; }
( exec "${SHUNIT_SHELL:-sh}" "${unittestF}" >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^--- test_assert' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertEquals "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" "${rtrn}"
[ "${rtrn}" -eq "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] || cat "${stdoutF}" >&2
# shUnit2 should not exit with 0 when it has syntax errors.
# https://github.com/kward/shunit2/issues/69
testIssue69() {
for t in Equals NotEquals Null NotNull Same NotSame True False; do
sed 's/^#//' >"${unittestF}" <<EOF
## Asserts with invalid argument counts should be counted as failures.
#test_assert() { ${assert}; }
( exec "${SHUNIT_SHELL:-sh}" "${unittestF}" >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^FAILED' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue "failure message for ${assert} was not generated" $?
# Ensure that test fails if setup/teardown functions fail.
testIssue77() {
for func in oneTimeSetUp setUp tearDown oneTimeTearDown; do
sed 's/^#//' >"${unittestF}" <<EOF
## Environment failure should end test.
#${func}() { return ${SHUNIT_FALSE}; }
#test_true() { assertTrue ${SHUNIT_TRUE}; }
( exec "${SHUNIT_SHELL:-sh}" "${unittestF}" >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^FAILED' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue "failure of ${func}() did not end test" $?
# Ensure a test failure is recorded for code containing syntax errors.
# https://github.com/kward/shunit2/issues/84
testIssue84() {
sed 's/^#//' >"${unittestF}" <<\EOF
## Function with syntax error.
#syntax_error() { ${!#3442} -334 a$@2[1]; }
#test_syntax_error() {
# syntax_error
# assertTrue ${SHUNIT_TRUE}
( exec "${SHUNIT_SHELL:-sh}" "${unittestF}" >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
grep '^FAILED' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue "failure message for ${assert} was not generated" $?
testPrepForSourcing() {
assertEquals '/abc' "`_shunit_prepForSourcing '/abc'`"
assertEquals './abc' "`_shunit_prepForSourcing './abc'`"
assertEquals './abc' "`_shunit_prepForSourcing 'abc'`"
testEscapeCharInStr() {
while read -r desc char str want; do
got=`_shunit_escapeCharInStr "${char}" "${str}"`
assertEquals "${desc}" "${want}" "${got}"
done <<'EOF'
backslash \ '' ''
backslash_pre \ \def \\def
backslash_mid \ abc\def abc\\def
backslash_post \ abc\ abc\\
quote " '' ''
quote_pre " "def \"def
quote_mid " abc"def abc\"def
quote_post " abc" abc\"
string $ '' ''
string_pre $ $def \$def
string_mid $ abc$def abc\$def
string_post $ abc$ abc\$
# TODO(20170924:kward) fix or remove.
# actual=`_shunit_escapeCharInStr "'" ''`
# assertEquals '' "${actual}"
# assertEquals "abc\\'" `_shunit_escapeCharInStr "'" "abc'"`
# assertEquals "abc\\'def" `_shunit_escapeCharInStr "'" "abc'def"`
# assertEquals "\\'def" `_shunit_escapeCharInStr "'" "'def"`
# # Must put the backtick in a variable so the shell doesn't misinterpret it
# # while inside a backticked sequence (e.g. `echo '`'` would fail).
# backtick='`'
# actual=`_shunit_escapeCharInStr ${backtick} ''`
# assertEquals '' "${actual}"
# assertEquals '\`abc' \
# `_shunit_escapeCharInStr "${backtick}" ${backtick}'abc'`
# assertEquals 'abc\`' \
# `_shunit_escapeCharInStr "${backtick}" 'abc'${backtick}`
# assertEquals 'abc\`def' \
# `_shunit_escapeCharInStr "${backtick}" 'abc'${backtick}'def'`
testEscapeCharInStr_specialChars() {
# Make sure our forward slash doesn't upset sed.
assertEquals '/' "`_shunit_escapeCharInStr '\' '/'`"
# Some shells escape these differently.
# TODO(20170924:kward) fix or remove.
#assertEquals '\\a' `_shunit_escapeCharInStr '\' '\a'`
#assertEquals '\\b' `_shunit_escapeCharInStr '\' '\b'`
# Test the various ways of declaring functions.
# Prefixing (then stripping) with comment symbol so these functions aren't
# treated as real functions by shUnit2.
testExtractTestFunctions() {
sed 's/^#//' <<EOF >"${f}"
## Function on a single line.
#testABC() { echo 'ABC'; }
## Multi-line function with '{' on next line.
# {
# echo 'def'
## Multi-line function with '{' on first line.
#testG3 () {
# echo 'G3'
## Function with numerical values in name.
#function test4() { echo '4'; }
## Leading space in front of function.
# test5() { echo '5'; }
## Function with '_' chars in name.
#some_test_function() { echo 'some func'; }
## Function that sets variables.
#func_with_test_vars() {
# testVariable=1234
actual=`_shunit_extractTestFunctions "${f}"`
assertEquals 'testABC test_def testG3 test4 test5' "${actual}"
# Test that certain external commands sometimes "stubbed" by users
# are escaped. See Issue #54.
testProtectedCommands() {
for c in mkdir rm cat chmod; do
grep "^[^#]*${c} " "${TH_SHUNIT}" | grep -qv "command ${c}"
assertFalse "external call to ${c} not protected somewhere" $?
grep '^[^#]*[^ ] *\[' "${TH_SHUNIT}" | grep -qv 'command \['
assertFalse "call to [ ... ] not protected somewhere" $?
grep '^[^#]* *\.' "${TH_SHUNIT}" | grep -qv 'command \.'
assertFalse "call to . not protected somewhere" $?
setUp() {
for f in "${stdoutF}" "${stderrF}"; do
cp /dev/null "${f}"
# Reconfigure coloring as some tests override default behavior.
_shunit_configureColor "${SHUNIT_COLOR_DEFAULT}"
oneTimeSetUp() {
# Load and run shUnit2.
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
[ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ] && SHUNIT_PARENT=$0
. "${TH_SHUNIT}"

View File

@ -1,41 +1,38 @@
#! /bin/sh
# $Id$
# vim:et:ft=sh:sts=2:sw=2
# Copyright 2010 Kate Ward. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
# Author: kate.ward@forestent.com (Kate Ward)
# shUnit2 unit test for standalone operation.
# Copyright 2010-2017 Kate Ward. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the Apache 2.0 license.
# Author: kate.ward@forestent.com (Kate Ward)
# https://github.com/kward/shunit2
# This unit test is purely to test that calling shunit2 directly, while passing
# the name of a unit test script, works. When run, this script determines if it
# is running as a standalone program, and calls main() if it is.
### ShellCheck http://www.shellcheck.net/
# $() are not fully portable (POSIX != portable).
# shellcheck disable=SC2006
# Disable source following.
# shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC1091
ARGV0=`basename "$0"`
ARGV0="`basename "$0"`"
# load test helpers
# Load test helpers.
. ./shunit2_test_helpers
# suite tests
assertTrue ${SHUNIT_TRUE}
testStandalone() {
assertTrue "${SHUNIT_TRUE}"
# main
main() {
# are we running as a standalone?
# Are we running as a standalone?
if [ "${ARGV0}" = 'shunit2_test_standalone.sh' ]; then
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then main "$@"; else main; fi

View File

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
#! /bin/sh
# $Id$
# vim:et:ft=sh:sts=2:sw=2
# Copyright 2008 Kate Ward. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
# Author: kate.ward@forestent.com (Kate Ward)
# shUnit2 unit test suite runner.
# This script runs all the unit tests that can be found, and generates a nice
# report of the tests.
MY_NAME=`basename $0`
MY_PATH=`dirname $0`
SHELLS='/bin/sh /bin/bash /bin/dash /bin/ksh /bin/pdksh /bin/zsh'
for test in ${PREFIX}[a-z]*.sh; do
TESTS="${TESTS} ${test}"
# load common unit test functions
. ../lib/versions
. ./shunit2_test_helpers
echo "usage: ${MY_NAME} [-e key=val ...] [-s shell(s)] [-t test(s)]"
# process command line flags
while getopts 'e:hs:t:' opt; do
case ${opt} in
e) # set an environment variable
key=`expr "${OPTARG}" : '\([^=]*\)='`
val=`expr "${OPTARG}" : '[^=]*=\(.*\)'`
if [ -z "${key}" -o -z "${val}" ]; then
exit 1
eval "${key}='${val}'"
export ${key}
env="${env:+${env} }${key}"
h) usage; exit 0 ;; # output help
s) shells=${OPTARG} ;; # list of shells to run
t) tests=${OPTARG} ;; # list of tests to run
*) usage; exit 1 ;;
shift `expr ${OPTIND} - 1`
# fill shells and/or tests
# error checking
if [ -z "${tests}" ]; then
th_error 'no tests found to run; exiting'
exit 1
cat <<EOF
# System data
# test run info
shells: ${shells}
tests: ${tests}
for key in ${env}; do
eval "echo \"${key}=\$${key}\""
# output system data
echo "# system info"
echo "$ date"
echo "$ uname -mprsv"
uname -mprsv
# run tests
for shell in ${shells}; do
# check for existance of shell
if [ ! -x ${shell} ]; then
th_warn "unable to run tests with the ${shell} shell"
cat <<EOF
# Running the test suite with ${shell}
SHUNIT_SHELL=${shell} # pass shell onto tests
shell_name=`basename ${shell}`
shell_version=`versions_shellVersion "${shell}"`
echo "shell name: ${shell_name}"
echo "shell version: ${shell_version}"
# execute the tests
for suite in ${tests}; do
suiteName=`expr "${suite}" : "${PREFIX}\(.*\).sh"`
echo "--- Executing the '${suiteName}' test suite ---"
( exec ${shell} ./${suite} 2>&1; )

View File

@ -1,104 +1,112 @@
# $Id$
# vim:et:ft=sh:sts=2:sw=2
# shUnit2 unit test common functions
# Copyright 2008 Kate Ward. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
# Released under the Apache 2.0 license.
# Author: kate.ward@forestent.com (Kate Ward)
# https://github.com/kward/shunit2
# shUnit2 unit test common functions
### ShellCheck (http://www.shellcheck.net/)
# Commands are purposely escaped so they can be mocked outside shUnit2.
# shellcheck disable=SC1001,SC1012
# expr may be antiquated, but it is the only solution in some cases.
# shellcheck disable=SC2003
# $() are not fully portable (POSIX != portable).
# shellcheck disable=SC2006
# treat unset variables as an error when performing parameter expansion
# Treat unset variables as an error when performing parameter expansion.
set -u
# set shwordsplit for zsh
[ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ] && setopt shwordsplit
# Set shwordsplit for zsh.
\[ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ] && setopt shwordsplit
# constants
# Constants.
# path to shUnit2 library. can be overridden by setting SHUNIT_INC
# Path to shUnit2 library. Can be overridden by setting SHUNIT_INC.
TH_SHUNIT=${SHUNIT_INC:-./shunit2}; export TH_SHUNIT
# configure debugging. set the DEBUG environment variable to any
# Configure debugging. Set the DEBUG environment variable to any
# non-empty value to enable debug output, or TRACE to enable trace
# output.
TRACE=${TRACE:+'th_trace '}
[ -n "${TRACE}" ] && DEBUG=1
[ -z "${TRACE}" ] && TRACE=':'
\[ -n "${TRACE}" ] && DEBUG=1
\[ -z "${TRACE}" ] && TRACE=':'
DEBUG=${DEBUG:+'th_debug '}
[ -z "${DEBUG}" ] && DEBUG=':'
\[ -z "${DEBUG}" ] && DEBUG=':'
# variables
# Variables.
# functions
# Functions.
# message functions
th_trace() { echo "${MY_NAME}:TRACE $@" >&2; }
th_debug() { echo "${MY_NAME}:DEBUG $@" >&2; }
th_info() { echo "${MY_NAME}:INFO $@" >&2; }
th_warn() { echo "${MY_NAME}:WARN $@" >&2; }
th_error() { echo "${MY_NAME}:ERROR $@" >&2; }
th_fatal() { echo "${MY_NAME}:FATAL $@" >&2; }
# Logging functions.
th_trace() { echo "${MY_NAME}:TRACE $*" >&2; }
th_debug() { echo "${MY_NAME}:DEBUG $*" >&2; }
th_info() { echo "${MY_NAME}:INFO $*" >&2; }
th_warn() { echo "${MY_NAME}:WARN $*" >&2; }
th_error() { echo "${MY_NAME}:ERROR $*" >&2; }
th_fatal() { echo "${MY_NAME}:FATAL $*" >&2; }
# output subtest name
th_subtest() { echo " $@" >&2; }
# Output subtest name.
th_subtest() { echo " $*" >&2; }
# these files will be cleaned up automatically by shUnit2
th_oneTimeSetUp() {
# These files will be cleaned up automatically by shUnit2.
export stdoutF stderrF returnF expectedF
# generate a random number
# Generate a random number.
th_generateRandom() {
while [ "${tfgr_random}" = "${th_RANDOM}" ]; do
if [ -n "${RANDOM:-}" ]; then
while \[ "${tfgr_random}" = "${th_RANDOM}" ]; do
# shellcheck disable=SC2039
if \[ -n "${RANDOM:-}" ]; then
# $RANDOM works
# shellcheck disable=SC2039
elif [ -r '/dev/urandom' ]; then
elif \[ -r '/dev/urandom' ]; then
tfgr_random=`od -vAn -N4 -tu4 </dev/urandom |sed 's/^[^0-9]*//'`
tfgr_date=`date '+%H%M%S'`
tfgr_random=`expr ${tfgr_date} \* $$`
tfgr_random=`expr "${tfgr_date}" \* $$`
unset tfgr_date
[ "${tfgr_random}" = "${th_RANDOM}" ] && sleep 1
\[ "${tfgr_random}" = "${th_RANDOM}" ] && sleep 1
unset tfgr_random
# this section returns the data section from the specified section of a file. a
# datasection is defined by a [header], one or more lines of data, and then a
# This section returns the data section from the specified section of a file. A
# data section is defined by a [header], one or more lines of data, and then a
# blank line.
th_getDataSect() {
th_sgrep "\\[$1\\]" "$2" |sed '1d'
# this function greps a section from a file. a section is defined as a group of
# lines preceeded and followed by blank lines.
# This function greps a section from a file. a section is defined as a group of
# lines preceded and followed by blank lines..
th_sgrep() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2068
sed -e '/./{H;$!d;}' -e "x;/${th_pattern_}/"'!d;' $@ |sed '1d'
unset th_pattern_
@ -113,15 +121,14 @@ th_sgrep()
# th_rtrn_: integer: the return value of the subtest performed
# th_stdout_: string: filename where stdout was redirected to
# th_stderr_: string: filename where stderr was redirected to
th_assertTrueWithNoOutput() {
assertTrue "${th_test_}; expected return value of zero" ${th_rtrn_}
[ ${th_rtrn_} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${th_stderr_}"
assertTrue "${th_test_}; expected return value of zero" "${th_rtrn_}"
\[ "${th_rtrn_}" -ne "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ] && \cat "${th_stderr_}"
assertFalse "${th_test_}; expected no output to STDOUT" \
"[ -s '${th_stdout_}' ]"
assertFalse "${th_test_}; expected no output to STDERR" \
@ -145,13 +152,13 @@ th_assertFalseWithOutput()
assertFalse "${th_test_}; expected non-zero return value" ${th_rtrn_}
assertFalse "${th_test_}; expected non-zero return value" "${th_rtrn_}"
assertTrue "${th_test_}; expected output to STDOUT" \
"[ -s '${th_stdout_}' ]"
assertFalse "${th_test_}; expected no output to STDERR" \
"[ -s '${th_stderr_}' ]"
[ -s "${th_stdout_}" -a ! -s "${th_stderr_}" ] || \
_th_showOutput ${SHUNIT_FALSE} "${th_stdout_}" "${th_stderr_}"
\[ -s "${th_stdout_}" -a ! -s "${th_stderr_}" ] || \
_th_showOutput "${SHUNIT_FALSE}" "${th_stdout_}" "${th_stderr_}"
unset th_test_ th_rtrn_ th_stdout_ th_stderr_
@ -164,20 +171,19 @@ th_assertFalseWithOutput()
# th_rtrn_: integer: the return value of the subtest performed
# th_stdout_: string: filename where stdout was redirected to
# th_stderr_: string: filename where stderr was redirected to
th_assertFalseWithError() {
assertFalse "${th_test_}; expected non-zero return value" ${th_rtrn_}
assertFalse "${th_test_}; expected non-zero return value" "${th_rtrn_}"
assertFalse "${th_test_}; expected no output to STDOUT" \
"[ -s '${th_stdout_}' ]"
assertTrue "${th_test_}; expected output to STDERR" \
"[ -s '${th_stderr_}' ]"
[ ! -s "${th_stdout_}" -a -s "${th_stderr_}" ] || \
_th_showOutput ${SHUNIT_FALSE} "${th_stdout_}" "${th_stderr_}"
\[ ! -s "${th_stdout_}" -a -s "${th_stderr_}" ] || \
_th_showOutput "${SHUNIT_FALSE}" "${th_stdout_}" "${th_stderr_}"
unset th_test_ th_rtrn_ th_stdout_ th_stderr_
@ -186,34 +192,33 @@ th_assertFalseWithError()
# when a non-zero return value is encountered. To properly catch these values,
# they are either written to disk, or recognized as an error the file is empty.
th_clearReturn() { cp /dev/null "${returnF}"; }
if [ -s "${returnF}" ]; then
th_return=`cat "${returnF}"`
th_queryReturn() {
if \[ -s "${returnF}" ]; then
th_return=`\cat "${returnF}"`
export th_return
# Providing external and internal calls to the showOutput helper function.
th_showOutput() { _th_showOutput $@; }
th_showOutput() { _th_showOutput "$@"; }
_th_showOutput() {
if [ $? -eq ${SHUNIT_FALSE} -a ${_th_return_} != ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ]; then
if [ -n "${_th_stdout_}" -a -s "${_th_stdout_}" ]; then
if \[ $? -eq "${SHUNIT_FALSE}" -a "${_th_return_}" != "${SHUNIT_TRUE}" ]; then
if \[ -n "${_th_stdout_}" -a -s "${_th_stdout_}" ]; then
echo '>>> STDOUT' >&2
cat "${_th_stdout_}" >&2
\cat "${_th_stdout_}" >&2
if [ -n "${_th_stderr_}" -a -s "${_th_stderr_}" ]; then
if \[ -n "${_th_stderr_}" -a -s "${_th_stderr_}" ]; then
echo '>>> STDERR' >&2
cat "${_th_stderr_}" >&2
\cat "${_th_stderr_}" >&2
if [ -n "${_th_stdout_}" -o -n "${_th_stderr_}" ]; then
if \[ -n "${_th_stdout_}" -o -n "${_th_stderr_}" ]; then
echo '<<< end output' >&2
@ -222,7 +227,7 @@ _th_showOutput()
# main
# Main.
${TRACE} 'trace output enabled'

View File

@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
#! /bin/sh
# $Id$
# vim:et:ft=sh:sts=2:sw=2
# Copyright 2008 Kate Ward. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
# Author: kate.ward@forestent.com (Kate Ward)
# shUnit2 unit tests of miscellaneous things
# load test helpers
. ./shunit2_test_helpers
# suite tests
# Note: the test script is prefixed with '#' chars so that shUnit2 does not
# incorrectly interpret the embedded functions as real functions.
sed 's/^#//' >"${unittestF}" <<EOF
## treat unset variables as an error when performing parameter expansion
#set -u
#boom() { x=\$1; } # this function goes boom if no parameters are passed!
# assertEquals 1 1
# boom # No parameter given
# assertEquals 0 \$?
( exec ${SHUNIT_SHELL:-sh} "${unittestF}" >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
assertFalse 'expected a non-zero exit value' $?
grep '^ASSERT:Unknown failure' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue 'assert message was not generated' $?
grep '^Ran [0-9]* test' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue 'test count message was not generated' $?
grep '^FAILED' "${stdoutF}" >/dev/null
assertTrue 'failure message was not generated' $?
( assertEquals 'Some message.' 1 2 >"${stdoutF}" 2>"${stderrF}" )
diff "${stdoutF}" - >/dev/null <<EOF
ASSERT:Some message. expected:<1> but was:<2>
assertEquals ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ${rtrn}
[ ${rtrn} -ne ${SHUNIT_TRUE} ] && cat "${stderrF}" >&2
assertEquals '/abc' `_shunit_prepForSourcing '/abc'`
assertEquals './abc' `_shunit_prepForSourcing './abc'`
assertEquals './abc' `_shunit_prepForSourcing 'abc'`
actual=`_shunit_escapeCharInStr '\' ''`
assertEquals '' "${actual}"
assertEquals 'abc\\' `_shunit_escapeCharInStr '\' 'abc\'`
assertEquals 'abc\\def' `_shunit_escapeCharInStr '\' 'abc\def'`
assertEquals '\\def' `_shunit_escapeCharInStr '\' '\def'`
actual=`_shunit_escapeCharInStr '"' ''`
assertEquals '' "${actual}"
assertEquals 'abc\"' `_shunit_escapeCharInStr '"' 'abc"'`
assertEquals 'abc\"def' `_shunit_escapeCharInStr '"' 'abc"def'`
assertEquals '\"def' `_shunit_escapeCharInStr '"' '"def'`
actual=`_shunit_escapeCharInStr '$' ''`
assertEquals '' "${actual}"
assertEquals 'abc\$' `_shunit_escapeCharInStr '$' 'abc$'`
assertEquals 'abc\$def' `_shunit_escapeCharInStr '$' 'abc$def'`
assertEquals '\$def' `_shunit_escapeCharInStr '$' '$def'`
# actual=`_shunit_escapeCharInStr "'" ''`
# assertEquals '' "${actual}"
# assertEquals "abc\\'" `_shunit_escapeCharInStr "'" "abc'"`
# assertEquals "abc\\'def" `_shunit_escapeCharInStr "'" "abc'def"`
# assertEquals "\\'def" `_shunit_escapeCharInStr "'" "'def"`
# # must put the backtick in a variable so the shell doesn't misinterpret it
# # while inside a backticked sequence (e.g. `echo '`'` would fail).
# backtick='`'
# actual=`_shunit_escapeCharInStr ${backtick} ''`
# assertEquals '' "${actual}"
# assertEquals '\`abc' \
# `_shunit_escapeCharInStr "${backtick}" ${backtick}'abc'`
# assertEquals 'abc\`' \
# `_shunit_escapeCharInStr "${backtick}" 'abc'${backtick}`
# assertEquals 'abc\`def' \
# `_shunit_escapeCharInStr "${backtick}" 'abc'${backtick}'def'`
# make sure our forward slash doesn't upset sed
assertEquals '/' `_shunit_escapeCharInStr '\' '/'`
# some shells escape these differently
#assertEquals '\\a' `_shunit_escapeCharInStr '\' '\a'`
#assertEquals '\\b' `_shunit_escapeCharInStr '\' '\b'`
# Test the various ways of declaring functions.
# Prefixing (then stripping) with comment symbol so these functions aren't
# treated as real functions by shUnit2.
sed 's/^#//' <<EOF >"${f}"
#testABC() { echo 'ABC'; }
#test_def() {
# echo 'def'
#testG3 ()
# echo 'G3'
#function test4() { echo '4'; }
# test5() { echo '5'; }
#some_test_function() { echo 'some func'; }
#func_with_test_vars() {
# testVariable=1234
actual=`_shunit_extractTestFunctions "${f}"`
assertEquals 'testABC test_def testG3 test4 test5' "${actual}"
# suite functions
for f in ${expectedF} ${stdoutF} ${stderrF}; do
cp /dev/null ${f}
# load and run shUnit2
[ -n "${ZSH_VERSION:-}" ] && SHUNIT_PARENT=$0

dev/tests/shunit2/test_runner Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
#! /bin/sh
# vim:et:ft=sh:sts=2:sw=2
# Unit test suite runner.
# Copyright 2008-2017 Kate Ward. All Rights Reserved.
# Released under the Apache 2.0 license.
# Author: kate.ward@forestent.com (Kate Ward)
# https://github.com/kward/shlib
# This script runs all the unit tests that can be found, and generates a nice
# report of the tests.
### ShellCheck (http://www.shellcheck.net/)
# Disable source following.
# shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC1091
# expr may be antiquated, but it is the only solution in some cases.
# shellcheck disable=SC2003
# $() are not fully portable (POSIX != portable).
# shellcheck disable=SC2006
# Return if test_runner already loaded.
[ -z "${RUNNER_LOADED:-}" ] || return 0
RUNNER_ARGV0=`basename "$0"`
RUNNER_SHELLS='/bin/sh ash /bin/bash /bin/dash /bin/ksh /bin/pdksh /bin/zsh'
runner_warn() { echo "runner:WARN $*" >&2; }
runner_error() { echo "runner:ERROR $*" >&2; }
runner_fatal() { echo "runner:FATAL $*" >&2; exit 1; }
runner_usage() {
echo "usage: ${RUNNER_ARGV0} [-e key=val ...] [-s shell(s)] [-t test(s)]"
_runner_tests() { echo ./*${RUNNER_TEST_SUFFIX} |sed 's#./##g'; }
_runner_testName() {
# shellcheck disable=SC1117
_runner_testName_=`expr "${1:-}" : "\(.*\)${RUNNER_TEST_SUFFIX}"`
if [ -n "${_runner_testName_}" ]; then
echo "${_runner_testName_}"
echo 'unknown'
unset _runner_testName_
main() {
# Find and load versions library.
for _runner_dir_ in . ${LIB_DIR:-lib}; do
if [ -r "${_runner_dir_}/versions" ]; then
[ -n "${_runner_lib_dir_}" ] || runner_fatal 'Unable to find versions library.'
. "${_runner_lib_dir_}/versions" || runner_fatal 'Unable to load versions library.'
unset _runner_dir_ _runner_lib_dir_
# Process command line flags.
while getopts 'e:hs:t:' opt; do
case ${opt} in
e) # set an environment variable
key=`expr "${OPTARG}" : '\([^=]*\)='`
val=`expr "${OPTARG}" : '[^=]*=\(.*\)'`
# shellcheck disable=SC2166
if [ -z "${key}" -o -z "${val}" ]; then
exit 1
eval "${key}='${val}'"
eval "export ${key}"
env="${env:+${env} }${key}"
h) runner_usage; exit 0 ;; # help output
s) shells=${OPTARG} ;; # list of shells to run
t) tests=${OPTARG} ;; # list of tests to run
*) runner_usage; exit 1 ;;
shift "`expr ${OPTIND} - 1`"
# Fill shells and/or tests.
[ -z "${tests}" ] && tests=`_runner_tests`
# Error checking.
if [ -z "${tests}" ]; then
runner_error 'no tests found to run; exiting'
exit 1
cat <<EOF
# System data.
$ uname -mprsv
`uname -mprsv`
OS Name: `versions_osName`
OS Version: `versions_osVersion`
### Test run info.
shells: ${shells}
tests: ${tests}
for key in ${env}; do
eval "echo \"${key}=\$${key}\""
# Run tests.
for shell in ${shells}; do
cat <<EOF
# Running the test suite with ${shell}.
# Check for existence of shell.
case ${shell} in
shell_bin=`which busybox |grep -v '^no busybox'`
[ $? -eq "${TRUE}" -a -n "${shell_bin}" ] && shell_present="${TRUE}"
shell_bin="${shell_bin} ash"
[ -x "${shell_bin}" ] && shell_present="${TRUE}"
shell_name=`basename "${shell}"`
if [ "${shell_present}" -eq "${FALSE}" ]; then
runner_warn "unable to run tests with the ${shell_name} shell"
shell_version=`versions_shellVersion "${shell}"`
echo "shell name: ${shell_name}"
echo "shell version: ${shell_version}"
# Execute the tests.
for t in ${tests}; do
echo "--- Executing the '`_runner_testName "${t}"`' test suite. ---"
# ${shell_bin} needs word splitting.
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
( exec ${shell_bin} "./${t}" 2>&1; )
# Execute main() if this is run in standalone mode (i.e. not from a unit test).
[ -z "${SHUNIT_VERSION}" ] && main "$@"